// ----< demonstrates req #3e - view file text >--------------------
        private void DemoGetFileText()
            RepoClientState state = (RepoClientState)this.DataContext;

            state.ServerCommService.Requests.GetFileText("RepoCore", "SoftwareRepository",
                                                         "RepoCore.h", 1, state.ServerConnProps.UserId,
                                                         (GetFileTextResponse fileTextRes) => {
                Console.WriteLine($"\n\n{new String('-', 60)}");
                Console.WriteLine($"  Demonstrating Requirement #3e - Viewing full file text");
                Console.WriteLine($"{new String('-', 60)}\n");
                Console.WriteLine($"    > Fetch for requestId [{fileTextRes.RequestId}] succeeded");
                Console.WriteLine($"    > Below are few lines of text from file RepoCore.h v1\n");
                Console.WriteLine($"    {new String('-', 15)}x{new String('-', 15)}");
                Console.WriteLine($"\n{RepoFile.readFileText("RepoCore.h").Substring(0, 1025)}\n");
                Console.WriteLine($"    {new String('-', 15)}x{new String('-', 15)}");
                Console.WriteLine($"\n  Test Passed\n");
            }, true);
        // ----< actions to be performed when the window is loaded >--------------------
        private void FileTextPopup_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // clears any existing paragraphs from the embedded
            // file text viewer user control

            RepoClientState state    = (RepoClientState)this.DataContext;
            RepoFile        repoFile = state.BrowseProps.SelectedRepoFile;

            // query the repository for the file's text
                                                         repoFile.Namespace, repoFile.Filename, repoFile.Version,
                                                         (GetFileTextResponse fileTextRes) => {
                // invoking through dispatcher because UI elements cannot
                // be set from external thread
                this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
                    // feeds the received file's contents to the file text viewer
                    Paragraph para = new Paragraph();
                    para.Inlines.Add(new Run(RepoFile.readFileText(repoFile.Filename)));
            }, true);