public void RepairTableWontRepairRowsWithHigherViewIdWhenIgnoreHigherViewIdRowsFlagIsSet()
            TableOperation operation;
            TableResult    result;
            CustomerEntity customer;

            // - View has 2 replicas ?
            View view = this.configurationWrapper.GetWriteView();

            Assert.IsTrue(view.Chain.Count == 2, "expects 2 replicas only!");

            // - Remove the Head, [None]->[RW]
            RemoveHeadFromView(view.Name, 600, this.configurationService);

            // 1 - Insert entries in old viewId
            var rtable = new ReplicatedTable(this.repTable.TableName, this.configurationService);

            string firstName = "FirstName";
            string lastName  = "LastName";

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                customer = new CustomerEntity(firstName + i, lastName + i);

                operation = TableOperation.Insert(customer);

            // 2 - Increase viewId => so we can create rows with higher viewId
            //   - Update entry #5 and #8 in new viewId
            ReplicatedTableConfiguration    config;
            ReplicatedTableQuorumReadResult readStatus = this.configurationService.RetrieveConfiguration(out config);

            Assert.IsTrue(readStatus.Code == ReplicatedTableQuorumReadCode.Success);
            ReplicatedTableConfigurationStore viewConfg = config.GetView(view.Name);

            viewConfg.ViewId += 100;

            foreach (int entryId in new int[] { 5, 8 })
                operation = TableOperation.Retrieve <CustomerEntity>(firstName + entryId, lastName + entryId);
                result    = rtable.Execute(operation);

                Assert.IsTrue(result != null && result.HttpStatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.OK && (CustomerEntity)result.Result != null, "Retrieve customer failed");

                customer       = (CustomerEntity)result.Result;
                customer.Email = "*****@*****.**";

                operation = TableOperation.Replace(customer);
                result    = rtable.Execute(operation);

                Assert.IsTrue(result != null && result.HttpStatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.NoContent, "Update customer failed");

            // 3 - Restore previous viewId, and,
            //   - Set 'IgnoreHigherViewIdRows' flag so we ignore rows with higher viewIds
            readStatus = this.configurationService.RetrieveConfiguration(out config);
            Assert.IsTrue(readStatus.Code == ReplicatedTableQuorumReadCode.Success);
            viewConfg         = config.GetView(view.Name);
            viewConfg.ViewId -= 100;

                // Check Retrieve of row #5 and #8 returns NotFound
                foreach (int entryId in new int[] { 5, 8 })
                    operation = TableOperation.Retrieve <CustomerEntity>(firstName + entryId, lastName + entryId);
                    var retrievedResult = rtable.Execute(operation);

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(null, retrievedResult, "retrievedResult = null");
                    Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound, retrievedResult.HttpStatusCode, "retrievedResult.HttpStatusCode mismatch");
            catch (ReplicatedTableStaleViewException)
                Assert.Fail("Retrieve() is expected to NotFound the row, but got RTableStaleViewException !");

            // 4 - Now insert a Head [WO]->[RW]
            //   - Then, call RepairTable ...
            InsertHeadInView(view.Name, 600, this.configurationService);
            ReconfigurationStatus status = rtable.RepairTable(0, null);

            Assert.AreEqual(status, ReconfigurationStatus.PARTIAL_FAILURE, "rows with higher viewId should not be repaired");

            // 5 - Check rows with higher viewId still NotFound, even after repair ...
                // Check Retrieve of row #5 and #8 returns NotFound
                foreach (int entryId in new int[] { 5, 8 })
                    operation = TableOperation.Retrieve <CustomerEntity>(firstName + entryId, lastName + entryId);
                    var retrievedResult = rtable.Execute(operation);

                    Assert.AreNotEqual(null, retrievedResult, "retrievedResult = null");
                    Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound, retrievedResult.HttpStatusCode, "retrievedResult.HttpStatusCode mismatch");
            catch (ReplicatedTableStaleViewException)
                Assert.Fail("Retrieve() is expected to NotFound the row, but got RTableStaleViewException !");