private void Buttons_permissions()
                Rep_General btnGeneral      = new Rep_General();
                DataTable   dtPermittedBtns = new DataTable();
                DataTable   User            = (DataTable)Session["user"];
                string      userId          = User.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString();

                dtPermittedBtns = btnGeneral.Permitted_buttons(int.Parse(userId), "AccountCrdt");
                foreach (LinkButton lnkButton in btnsPanel.Controls.OfType <LinkButton>())
                    //Add button permission
                    //you should give column name 'OptionID=' or it will give you this error "exception: filter expression does not evaluate to a boolean term"
                    string    find      = "OptionID=" + lnkButton.ID.ToString().Replace("B_", "");
                    DataRow[] foundRows = dtPermittedBtns.Select(find);

                    if (foundRows.Length != 0)
                        lnkButton.Enabled = true;
                        //these options we enable it or disable it as needed
                        if (find == "OptionID=18" || find == "OptionID=19" || find == "OptionID=29")
                            lnkButton.Enabled = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string error   = ex.Message;
                string errText = error.Replace("\'", "");

                string AlertMSG = "";
                AlertMSG += errText;
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "key", string.Format("window.alert('{0}');", AlertMSG), true);
        private void Generate_Buttons()
                Rep_General btnGeneral = new Rep_General();

                DataTable dtBtns          = new DataTable();
                DataTable dtPermittedBtns = new DataTable();
                DataTable User            = (DataTable)Session["user"];
                string    userId          = User.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString();

                dtBtns          = btnGeneral.BtnsDataTable();
                dtPermittedBtns = btnGeneral.Permitted_buttons(int.Parse(userId), "AccountContact");

                int i = 0;
                foreach (LinkButton lnkButton in btnsPanel.Controls.OfType <LinkButton>())
                    for (i = i; i < dtBtns.Rows.Count;)
                        //lnkButton.ID = dtBtns.Rows[i]["ID"].ToString();
                        lnkButton.Text    = dtBtns.Rows[i]["Text"].ToString();
                        lnkButton.ToolTip = dtBtns.Rows[i]["Title"].ToString();

                    //Add button permission
                    //you should give column name 'OptionID=' or it will give you this error "exception: filter expression does not evaluate to a boolean term"
                    string    find      = "OptionID=" + lnkButton.ID.ToString().Replace("B_", "");
                    DataRow[] foundRows = dtPermittedBtns.Select(find);

                    if (foundRows.Length != 0)
                        lnkButton.Enabled = true;
                        //these options we enable it or disable it as needed
                        if (find == "OptionID=18" || find == "OptionID=19" || find == "OptionID=29")
                            lnkButton.Enabled = false;

                    //Add triggers to update panel if needed
                    //if (lnkButton.Enabled == true)
                    //    if (lnkButton.ToolTip == "Export" || lnkButton.ToolTip == "Import")
                    //    {
                    //        //Button button = (Button)sender;
                    //        //string buttonId = button.ID;
                    //        //TriggerId = lnkButton.ID;
                    //        ScriptManager.GetCurrent(Page).RegisterPostBackControl(lnkButton);
                    //    }

            catch (Exception ex)
                string error   = ex.Message;
                string errText = error.Replace("\'", "");

                string AlertMSG = "";
                AlertMSG += errText;
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "key", string.Format("window.alert('{0}');", AlertMSG), true);