//Gets the receiving urls of each replica, i.e the urls which will send to the each replica
        private void GetUrlsFrom()
            foreach (string operator_id in config.Keys)
                ArrayList array;
                repServices.TryGetValue(operator_id, out array);
                for (int i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
                    RepServices repS    = (RepServices)array[i];
                    RepInfo     ri      = repS.getRepInfoFromRep();
                    ArrayList   getFrom = getFromUrls(ri.OperatorId);
                    ri.ReceiveInfoUrls = getFrom;

            foreach (string operator_id in config.Keys)
                ArrayList array;
                repServices.TryGetValue(operator_id, out array);
                for (int i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
                    RepServices repS = (RepServices)array[i];
                    RepInfo     ri   = repS.getRepInfoFromRep();
        //Gives the repInfo to each replica
        private void StartRepInfo()
            foreach (string operator_id in config.Keys)
                ConfigInfo c;
                config.TryGetValue(operator_id, out c);
                ArrayList   urls = c.Urls;
                string      url;
                RepServices repS;

                ArrayList array;
                repServices.TryGetValue(operator_id, out array);
                for (int i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
                    repS = (RepServices)array[i];
                    url  = (string)urls[i];
                    string  urlOnly = getIPFromUrl(url);
                    RepInfo info    = new RepInfo(c.SourceInput, c.Routing, c.Routing_param, c.Next_routing, c.Next_routing_param, c.Operation,
                                                  c.OperationParam, getUrlsToSend(operator_id),
                                                  getPortFromUrl(url), loggingLvl,
                                                  "tcp://" + GetLocalIPAddress() + ":" + PM_PORT + "/" + PMSERVICE_NAME, urls, url, Semantics, operator_id);
