public IActionResult AddMovie(RentMovie movie) { string movieString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(movie); HttpContext.Session.SetString("RentMovieSession", movieString); return(View()); }
public IActionResult Result(int ID, double Qty, string Title, string Genre, int Year, int RunTime, double RentalCost) { RentMovie movie = new RentMovie(ID, Qty, Title, Genre, Year, RunTime, RentalCost); if (ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(movie)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Registration", movie)); } }
public void AddMovieToSession(string key, RentMovie movie, string type) { if (type == "shopping") { shoppingCart = GetSession(key, type); shoppingCart.Add(movie); SetSession(key, shoppingCart, type); } else { Movies = GetSession(key, type); Movies.Add(movie); SetSession(key, Movies, type); } }
public IActionResult AddToCart(RentMovie movie) { List <RentMovie> cartList; string movieCartJSON = HttpContext.Session.GetString("Cart") ?? "FirstTimeDoingThis"; if (movieCartJSON != "FirstTimeDoingThis") { cartList = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <List <RentMovie> >(movieCartJSON); } else { cartList = new List <RentMovie>(); } bool isInCart = false; for (int i = 0; i < cartList.Count; i++) { if (cartList[i].ID == movie.ID) { isInCart = true; ViewData["Message result2"] = "Already in cart!"; break; } } if (isInCart == false) { isCartEmpty = false; cartList.Add(movie); ViewData["Receipt View"] = "Here is your receipt"; } movieCartJSON = JsonSerializer.Serialize(cartList); HttpContext.Session.SetString("Cart", movieCartJSON); return(View(cartList)); }
public IActionResult AddMovieToList() { //getting the new item from the Session RentMovie savedMovie = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <RentMovie>(HttpContext.Session.GetString("RentMovieSession")); //filling the saved list from our List session string movieListJSON = HttpContext.Session.GetString("MovieList") ?? "NOPE"; if (movieListJSON != "NOPE") { savedMovies = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <List <RentMovie> >(movieListJSON); } //Adding the session to the Saved List savedMovies.Add(savedMovie); //resave the List with the new item in it. string movieListJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(savedMovies); HttpContext.Session.SetString("MovieList", movieListJson); return(RedirectToAction("ListMovies")); }
public IActionResult AddToCart(RentMovie movie) { AddMovieToSession(shoppingCartKey, movie, "shopping"); return(RedirectToAction("")); }
public IActionResult Result(RentMovie a) { return(View(a)); }
public IActionResult AddMovie(RentMovie movie) { return(View(movie)); }