    public List <IllegalMove> CalculateIllegalMoves()
        List <IllegalMove> illegalPoints = new List <IllegalMove>();

        bool[,] potentialMovesAlreadyChecked = new bool[15, 15]; //dynamic programming implementation

        foreach (Stone stone in StonesToCheckAround)
            //check the adjacent 8 positions around each stone on board to find potential illegal moves (instead of the entire board)
            int startingX = Math.Max(0, stone.point.X - 2);
            int endingX   = Math.Min(GameConfiguration.BOARD_SIZE - 1, stone.point.X + 2);
            int startingY = Math.Max(0, stone.point.Y - 2);
            int endingY   = Math.Min(GameConfiguration.BOARD_SIZE - 1, stone.point.Y + 2);

            for (int x = startingX; x <= endingX; x++)
                for (int y = startingY; y <= endingY; y++)
                    CurrentPointBeingChecked = Point.At(x, y);

                    if (potentialMovesAlreadyChecked[x, y])
                        continue; //already reached this point through a neighbour

                    if (RenjuBoard.GetPointOnBoardOccupancyState(CurrentPointBeingChecked) == OccupancyState.Black ||
                        RenjuBoard.GetPointOnBoardOccupancyState(CurrentPointBeingChecked) == OccupancyState.White)
                        continue; //can't move to an occupied position

                    if (MoveProducesFiveToWin(CurrentPointBeingChecked, OccupancyState.Black))
                        //stop checking; if it's a winning move, it's automatically allowed (make sure this move doesn't product overline though)
                    else if (MoveProducesOverline(CurrentPointBeingChecked))
                        illegalPoints.Add(new IllegalMove(CurrentPointBeingChecked, IllegalMoveReason.Overline));
                    else if (CountOpenThrees(CurrentPointBeingChecked) >= 2)
                        illegalPoints.Add(new IllegalMove(CurrentPointBeingChecked, IllegalMoveReason.Double3));
                    else if (CountOpenFours(CurrentPointBeingChecked) >= 2)
                        illegalPoints.Add(new IllegalMove(CurrentPointBeingChecked, IllegalMoveReason.Double4));
                        //unoccupied position AND not illegal move
                        potentialMovesAlreadyChecked[x, y] = true;
