        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a batch of commands to the server and processes the results.
        /// </summary>
        private static void SendBatch()
            // Create a new web client that will serve as the connection point to the server.
            WebClient webClient = new WebClient();

            webClient.Timeout = TableLoader.timeout;

            // Call the web services to execute the command batch.

            // Any error during the batch will terminate the execution of the remaining records in the data file.
            if (remoteBatch.HasExceptions)
                // Display each error on the console.
                foreach (RemoteException remoteException in remoteBatch.Exceptions)

                // This will signal the error exit from this loader.
                hasErrors = true;

            // Clearing out the batch indicates that a new header should be created for the next set of commands.
            remoteBatch       = null;
            remoteTransaction = null;
            remoteAssembly    = null;
            remoteType        = null;
        public void GetAssembliesForBindingRedirectReturnsEmptySequenceIfNoBinAssembliesAreFound()
            // Act
            var assemblies = RemoteAssembly.GetAssembliesForBindingRedirect(AppDomain.CurrentDomain, @"x:\site\bin", (_, __) => Enumerable.Empty <IAssembly>());

            // Assert
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a temporary copy of a model portfolio.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelRow">The original model record.</param>
        /// <returns>A batch of commands that will create a copy of the original model.</returns>
        private static ModelBatch CopyModel(ClientMarketData.ModelRow modelRow)
            // Create the batch and fill it in with the assembly and type needed for this function.
            ModelBatch     modelBatch     = new ModelBatch();
            RemoteAssembly remoteAssembly = modelBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Core");
            RemoteType     remoteType     = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.Model");

            // This method will insert a copy of the original model's header.
            RemoteMethod insertModel = remoteType.Methods.Add("Insert");

            insertModel.Parameters.Add("modelId", DataType.Int, Direction.ReturnValue);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("rowVersion", DataType.Long, Direction.Output);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("objectTypeCode", modelRow.ObjectRow.ObjectTypeCode);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("name", String.Format("Copy of {0}", modelRow.ObjectRow.Name));
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("schemeId", modelRow.SchemeId);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("algorithmId", modelRow.AlgorithmId);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("temporary", true);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("description", modelRow.ObjectRow.Description);

            // For a sector model, copy each of the sector level targets into the destination model.
            if (modelRow.ModelTypeCode == ModelType.Sector)
                // The object Type for this operation.
                RemoteType sectorTargetType = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.SectorTarget");

                // Add the position level target to the model.
                foreach (ClientMarketData.SectorTargetRow sectorTargetRow in modelRow.GetSectorTargetRows())
                    RemoteMethod insertSector = sectorTargetType.Methods.Add("Insert");
                    insertSector.Parameters.Add("modelId", insertModel.Parameters["modelId"]);
                    insertSector.Parameters.Add("sectorId", sectorTargetRow.SectorId);
                    insertSector.Parameters.Add("percent", sectorTargetRow.Percent);

            // For a position model, copy each of the position level targets into the destination model.
            if (modelRow.ModelTypeCode == ModelType.Security)
                // The object Type for this operation.
                RemoteType positionTargetType = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.PositionTarget");

                // Add the position level target to the model.
                foreach (ClientMarketData.PositionTargetRow positionTargetRow in modelRow.GetPositionTargetRows())
                    RemoteMethod insertSecurity = positionTargetType.Methods.Add("Insert");
                    insertSecurity.Parameters.Add("modelId", insertModel.Parameters["modelId"]);
                    insertSecurity.Parameters.Add("securityId", positionTargetRow.SecurityId);
                    insertSecurity.Parameters.Add("positionTypeCode", positionTargetRow.PositionTypeCode);
                    insertSecurity.Parameters.Add("percent", positionTargetRow.Percent);

            // Save the reference to the 'modelId' return parameter.
            modelBatch.ModelIdParameter = insertModel.Parameters["modelId"];

            // This batch will create a copy of the original model.
        /// <summary>
        /// Load and execute a command batch.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rootNode">The root node of the Xml Data structure that contains the command.</param>
        private static void LoadCommand(XmlNode rootNode)
            // Read each of the transactions and send them to the server.
            foreach (XmlNode transactionNode in rootNode.SelectNodes("transaction"))
                // Ignore Comment Nodes.
                if (transactionNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment)

                // Each transaction in the batch is handled as a unit.  That is, everything between the start and end <Transaction>
                // tags will be executed or rolled back as a unit.
                remoteBatch       = new RemoteBatch();
                remoteTransaction = remoteBatch.Transactions.Add();
                remoteAssembly    = null;
                remoteType        = null;

                // The <Assembly> tag specifies the name of an assembly where the object and methods are found.
                foreach (XmlNode assemblyNode in transactionNode.SelectNodes("assembly"))
                    LoadAssembly(assemblyNode, 0);

                // Once the entire transaction has been loaded, send it off to the server.

            // If the batch file doesn't contain explicit transactions, then implicit ones are assumed and the processing of the file
            // continues with the 'assembly' nodes.
            XmlNodeList assemblyNodes = rootNode.SelectNodes("assembly");

            if (assemblyNodes.Count != 0)
                // This will tell the 'LoadAssembly' to determine the size of the batch from the number of records processed.
                remoteBatch       = null;
                remoteTransaction = null;
                remoteAssembly    = null;
                remoteType        = null;

                // If an assembly is included outside of a Transaction, then the transaction is implicit and the size of the
                // transaction is the 'batchSize' parameter.
                foreach (XmlNode assemblyNode in assemblyNodes)
                    // Load the assebly node ninto the batch.
                    LoadAssembly(assemblyNode, batchSize);

                    // There will be records in the batch when the above method returns (unless there are exactly as many records
                    // in the batch as the batch size).  This will send the remaining records to the server.
                    if (remoteBatch != null)
        public void RemoteAssemblyReturns1IfValueToBeComparedToIsNull()
            // Arrange
            RemoteAssembly assemblyA = new RemoteAssembly("A", new Version(""), "public-key", "en-us");
            RemoteAssembly assemblyB = null;

            // Act
            var result = assemblyA.CompareTo(assemblyB);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(1, result);
        public void RemoteAssemblyReturns0IfAllValuesAreIdentical()
            // Arrange
            var assemblyA = new RemoteAssembly("A", new Version(""), "public-key", "en-us");
            var assemblyB = new RemoteAssembly("A", new Version(""), "public-key", "en-us");

            // Act
            var result = RemoteAssembly.Compare(assemblyA, assemblyB);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(0, result);
        public void EqualReturnsFalseIfValuesAreNotIdentical()
            // Arrange
            var assemblyA = new RemoteAssembly("A", new Version(""), "public-key", "en-us");
            var assemblyB = new RemoteAssembly("A", new Version(""), "public-key", "en-us");

            // Act
            var result = assemblyA.Equals(assemblyB);

            // Assert
        public static void Add(Restriction restriction, Position position, params object[] argument)
            RemoteAssembly remoteAssembly = CommandBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Core");
            RemoteType     remoteType     = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.Violation");
            RemoteMethod   remoteMethod   = remoteType.Methods.Add("Insert");

            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("restrictionId", restriction.RestrictionId);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("accountId", position.Account.AccountId);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("securityId", position.Security.SecurityId);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("positionTypeCode", (int)position.PositionType);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("description", String.Format(restriction.Description, argument));
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a block order.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="configurationId">Defines which external fields are used to identify an object.</param>
		/// <param name="blotterId">The destination blotter for the trade.</param>
		/// <param name="securityId">The security.</param>
		/// <param name="transactionType">The type of transaction.</param>
		public BlockOrder(Blotter blotter, Security security, TransactionType transactionType)

			// Create a block order on the server.
			RemoteBatch remoteBatch = new RemoteBatch();
			RemoteAssembly remoteAssembly = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Trading");
			RemoteType remoteType = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Trading.BlockOrder");
			RemoteMethod remoteMethod = remoteType.Methods.Add("Insert");
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("blockOrderId", DataType.Int, Direction.ReturnValue);
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("blotterId", blotter.BlotterId);
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("securityId", security.SecurityId);
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("settlementId", security.SettlementId);
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("transactionTypeCode", (int)transactionType);

			// Now that the block order is created, construct the in-memory version of the record.
			int blockOrderId = (int)remoteMethod.Parameters["blockOrderId"].Value;


				// Lock the tables.

				ClientMarketData.BlockOrderRow blockOrderRow = ClientMarketData.BlockOrder.FindByBlockOrderId(blockOrderId);
				if (blockOrderRow == null)
					throw new Exception(String.Format("BlockOrder {0} doesn't exist", blockOrderId));

				this.blockOrderId = blockOrderRow.BlockOrderId;
				this.security = Security.Make(blockOrderRow.SecurityRowByFKSecurityBlockOrderSecurityId.SecurityId);
				this.settlement = Security.Make(blockOrderRow.SecurityRowByFKSecurityBlockOrderSettlementId.SecurityId);
				this.transactionType = (TransactionType)blockOrderRow.TransactionTypeCode;


				// Release the table locks.
				if (ClientMarketData.BlockOrderLock.IsReaderLockHeld) ClientMarketData.BlockOrderLock.ReleaseReaderLock();
				if (ClientMarketData.ObjectLock.IsReaderLockHeld) ClientMarketData.ObjectLock.ReleaseReaderLock();
				if (ClientMarketData.SecurityLock.IsReaderLockHeld) ClientMarketData.SecurityLock.ReleaseReaderLock();


        public void RemoteAssemblyComparesById()
            // Arrange
            var assemblyA = new RemoteAssembly("A", null, null, null);
            var assemblyB = new Mock <IAssembly>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            assemblyB.SetupGet(b => b.Name).Returns("Z").Verifiable();

            // Act
            var result = RemoteAssembly.Compare(assemblyA, assemblyB.Object);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(-25, result);
		/// <summary>
		/// Executes a block order.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="configurationId">Defines which external fields are used to identify an object.</param>
		/// <param name="brokerId">The destination broker for the order.</param>
		/// <param name="tif">Specifies a time limit on the order.</param>
		/// <param name="quantity">The number of units to be traded.</param>
		/// <param name="pricedAt">Specifies how the order is to be priced.</param>
		/// <param name="limitPrice">A limit price for the order.</param>
		public void Execute(Broker broker, TIF tif, decimal quantity, PricedAt pricedAt, decimal limitPrice)

			RemoteBatch remoteBatch = new RemoteBatch();
			RemoteAssembly remoteAssembly = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Trading");
			RemoteType remoteType = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Trading.BlockOrder");
			RemoteMethod remoteMethod = remoteType.Methods.Add("Execute");
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("blockOrderId", this.blockOrderId);
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("brokerId", broker.BrokerId);
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("timeInForceCode", (int)tif);
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("quantity", quantity);
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("orderTypeCode", (int)pricedAt);
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("price1", limitPrice);

        public void RemoteAssemblyComparesByVersionIfIdsAreIdentical()
            // Arrange
            var assemblyA = new RemoteAssembly("A", new Version(""), null, null);
            var assemblyB = new Mock <IAssembly>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            assemblyB.SetupGet(b => b.Name).Returns("A").Verifiable();
            assemblyB.SetupGet(b => b.Version).Returns(new Version("")).Verifiable();

            // Act
            var result = RemoteAssembly.Compare(assemblyA, assemblyB.Object);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(1, result);
        public Restriction(string restrictionId, Severity severity, Approval approval, string description)
            RemoteBatch    remoteBatch    = new RemoteBatch();
            RemoteAssembly remoteAssembly = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Core");
            RemoteType     remoteType     = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.Restriction");

            RemoteMethod remoteMethod = remoteType.Methods.Add("Insert");

            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("internalRestrictionId", DataType.Int, Direction.ReturnValue);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("severity", (int)severity);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("approval", (int)approval);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("description", description);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("userId0", restrictionId);

        public void RemoteAssemblyComparesByCultureIfIdVersionAndPublicKeyAreIdentical()
            // Arrange
            var assemblyA = new RemoteAssembly("A", new Version(""), "public-key", "en-us");
            var assemblyB = new Mock <IAssembly>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            assemblyB.SetupGet(b => b.Name).Returns("A").Verifiable();
            assemblyB.SetupGet(b => b.Version).Returns(new Version("")).Verifiable();
            assemblyB.SetupGet(b => b.PublicKeyToken).Returns("public-key").Verifiable();
            assemblyB.SetupGet(b => b.Culture).Returns("en-uk").Verifiable();

            // Act
            var result = RemoteAssembly.Compare(assemblyA, assemblyB.Object);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(8, result);
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds an order to a block order.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="configurationId">Defines which external fields are used to identify an object.</param>
		/// <param name="accountId">The destination account for the order.</param>
		/// <param name="tif">Specifies a time limit on the order.</param>
		/// <param name="quantity">The number of units to be traded.</param>
		/// <returns>An internal identifier used to track the order.</returns>
		public int AddOrder(Account account, TIF tif, decimal quantity)

			RemoteBatch remoteBatch = new RemoteBatch();
			RemoteAssembly remoteAssembly = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Trading");
			RemoteType remoteType = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Trading.Order");
			RemoteMethod remoteMethod = remoteType.Methods.Add("Insert");
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("orderId", DataType.Int, Direction.ReturnValue);
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("blockOrderId", this.blockOrderId);
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("accountId", account.AccountId);
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("securityId", this.Security.SecurityId);
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("settlementId", this.Settlement.SecurityId);
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("timeInForceCode", (int)tif);
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("transactionTypeCode", (int)this.transactionType);
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("orderTypeCode", (int)PricedAt.Market);
			remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("quantity", quantity);

			return (int)remoteMethod.Parameters["orderId"].Value;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a batch command to delete a proposed order and it's links.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="remoteBatch"></param>
        /// <param name="remoteTransaction"></param>
        /// <param name="parentProposedOrder"></param>
        public static void Delete(RemoteBatch remoteBatch, RemoteTransaction remoteTransaction,
                                  ClientMarketData.ProposedOrderRow parentProposedOrder)
            // These define the assembly and the types within those assemblies that will be used to create the proposed orders on
            // the middle tier.
            RemoteAssembly remoteAssembly        = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Core");
            RemoteType     proposedOrderType     = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.ProposedOrder");
            RemoteType     proposedOrderTreeType = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.ProposedOrderTree");

            // Proposed orders have a hierarchy.  For example, orders for equities will be linked to
            foreach (ClientMarketData.ProposedOrderTreeRow proposedOrderTree in
                // Create a command to delete the relationship between the parent and child.
                RemoteMethod deleteRelation = proposedOrderTreeType.Methods.Add("Delete");
                deleteRelation.Transaction = remoteTransaction;
                deleteRelation.Parameters.Add("rowVersion", proposedOrderTree.RowVersion);
                deleteRelation.Parameters.Add("parentId", proposedOrderTree.ParentId);
                deleteRelation.Parameters.Add("childId", proposedOrderTree.ChildId);

                // This relatioship will give us access to the child proposed order.
                ClientMarketData.ProposedOrderRow childProposedOrder =

                // Create a command to delete the child proposed order.
                RemoteMethod deleteChild = proposedOrderType.Methods.Add("Delete");
                deleteChild.Transaction = remoteTransaction;
                deleteChild.Parameters.Add("rowVersion", childProposedOrder.RowVersion);
                deleteChild.Parameters.Add("proposedOrderId", childProposedOrder.ProposedOrderId);

            // Create a command to delete the parent proposed order.
            RemoteMethod deleteParent = proposedOrderType.Methods.Add("Delete");

            deleteParent.Transaction = remoteTransaction;
            deleteParent.Parameters.Add("rowVersion", parentProposedOrder.RowVersion);
            deleteParent.Parameters.Add("proposedOrderId", parentProposedOrder.ProposedOrderId);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a temporary, empty model portfolio.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accountRow">An account record.</param>
        /// <returns>A batch of commands that will create the empty model.</returns>
        private static ModelBatch CreateEmptyModel(ClientMarketData.AccountRow accountRow)
            // Create the batch and fill it in with the assembly and type needed for this function.
            ModelBatch     modelBatch     = new ModelBatch();
            RemoteAssembly remoteAssembly = modelBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Core");
            RemoteType     remoteType     = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.Model");

            // This method will insert a generic, empty, security level model.
            RemoteMethod insertModel = remoteType.Methods.Add("Insert");

            insertModel.Parameters.Add("modelId", DataType.Int, Direction.ReturnValue);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("rowVersion", DataType.Long, Direction.Output);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("modelTypeCode", ModelType.Security);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("name", "Untitled");
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("schemeId", accountRow.SchemeId);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("algorithmId", Algorithm.SecurityRebalancer);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("temporary", true);

            // Save the reference to the 'modelId' return parameter.
            modelBatch.ModelIdParameter = insertModel.Parameters["modelId"];

            // This batch will create an empty, position based model.
        public void Remove()
            long rowVersion = long.MinValue;

                // Lock the tables.

                // Prevent duplicates.
                ClientMarketData.ViolationRow violationRow = ClientMarketData.Violation.FindByViolationId(this.violationId);
                if (violationRow == null)

                rowVersion = violationRow.RowVersion;
                // Release the table locks.
                if (ClientMarketData.ViolationLock.IsReaderLockHeld)

            RemoteAssembly remoteAssembly = CommandBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Core");
            RemoteType     remoteType     = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.Violation");
            RemoteMethod   remoteMethod   = remoteType.Methods.Add("Delete");

            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("violationId", this.violationId);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("rowVersion", rowVersion);
        /// <summary>
        /// Load up an assembly section of a batch.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assemblyNode"></param>
        private static void LoadAssembly(XmlNode assemblyNode, int batchSize)
            // Ignore Comment Nodes.
            if (assemblyNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment)

            // Add an Assembly specifier to the batch.  This essentially describes the DLL where the methods are found.
            string assemblyName = assemblyNode.Attributes["name"].Value;

            // Each assembly can have one or more Objects (or Types) which can be instantiated.  The batch command
            // processing can call static methods belonging to the instantiated object.
            foreach (XmlNode typeNode in assemblyNode.SelectNodes("type"))
                // Ignore Comment Nodes.
                if (typeNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment)

                // Loading the database involves creating a batch of commands and sending them off as a transaction.
                // This gives the server a chance to pipeline a large chunk of processing, without completely locking
                // up the server for the entire set of data.  This will construct a header for the command batch which
                // gives information about which assembly contains the class that is used to load the data.
                string typeName = typeNode.Attributes["name"].Value;

                // Attach each method and it's parameters to the command batch.
                foreach (XmlNode methodNode in typeNode.SelectNodes("method"))
                    // Ignore Comment Nodes.
                    if (methodNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment)

                    // The 'remoteBatch' will be cleared after it is sent to the server.  Make sure a batch exists before adding
                    // methods and parameters to it.
                    if (remoteBatch == null)
                        // Loading the database involves creating a batch of commands and sending them off as a transaction.  This
                        // gives the server a chance to pipeline a large chunk of processing, without completely locking up the
                        // server for the entire set of data.  This will create a batch for the next bunch of commands.
                        remoteBatch       = new RemoteBatch();
                        remoteTransaction = remoteBatch.Transactions.Add();

                        // This counts the number of records placed in the batch.
                        batchCounter = 0;

                    if (remoteAssembly == null || remoteAssembly.Name != assemblyName)
                        remoteAssembly = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add(assemblyName);

                    if (remoteType == null || remoteType.Name != typeName)
                        remoteType = remoteAssembly.Types.Add(typeName);

                    // Each method is part of the transaction defined by the tagged outline structure of the input
                    // file.
                    RemoteMethod remoteMethod = remoteType.Methods.Add(methodNode.Attributes["name"].Value);
                    remoteMethod.Transaction = remoteTransaction;

                    // Load each of the parameters into the method structure.
                    foreach (XmlNode parameterNode in methodNode.ChildNodes)
                        // Ignore Comment Nodes.
                        if (parameterNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment)

                        // Add the next parameter to the method.
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add(parameterNode.Name, parameterNode.InnerText);

                    // One more record for the grand total, one more record for the number in the current batch.

                    // This will check to see if it's time to send the batch.  A batch is sent when the 'batchSize' has been
                    // reached, or if the last record has just been converted into a command.
                    if (batchSize != 0 && recordCounter % batchSize == 0)
        public void Initialize(Account account, Security security, TransactionType transactionType, TIF tif,
                               PricedAt pricedAt, decimal quantity, object price1, object price2)
            // Create a block order on the server.
            RemoteBatch    remoteBatch    = new RemoteBatch();
            RemoteAssembly remoteAssembly = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Trading");
            RemoteType     remoteType     = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Trading.Order");
            RemoteMethod   remoteMethod   = remoteType.Methods.Add("Insert");

            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("orderId", DataType.Int, Direction.ReturnValue);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("accountId", account.AccountId);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("securityId", security.SecurityId);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("settlementId", security.SettlementId);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("transactionTypeCode", (int)transactionType);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("timeInForceCode", (int)tif);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("orderTypeCode", (int)pricedAt);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("quantity", quantity);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("price1", price1 == null ? (object)DBNull.Value : price1);
            remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("price2", price2 == null ? (object)DBNull.Value : price2);

            // Now that the block order is created, construct the in-memory version of the record.
            int orderId = (int)remoteMethod.Parameters["orderId"].Value;

                // Lock the tables.

                ClientMarketData.OrderRow orderRow = ClientMarketData.Order.FindByOrderId(orderId);
                if (orderRow == null)
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Order {0} doesn't exist", orderId));

                // Release the table locks.
                if (ClientMarketData.AccountLock.IsReaderLockHeld)
                if (ClientMarketData.OrderLock.IsReaderLockHeld)
                if (ClientMarketData.ObjectLock.IsReaderLockHeld)
                if (ClientMarketData.SecurityLock.IsReaderLockHeld)
        static int Main(string[] args)
            // If this flag is set during the processing of the file, the program will exit with an error code.
            bool hasErrors = false;

                // Defaults
                batchSize     = 100;
                assemblyName  = "Service.External";
                nameSpaceName = "Shadows.WebService.External";

                // The command line parser is driven by different states that are triggered by the flags read.  Unless a flag has been
                // read, the command line parser assumes that it's reading the file name from the command line.
                argumentState = ArgumentState.FileName;

                // Parse the command line for arguments.
                foreach (string argument in args)
                    // Decode the current argument into a state change (or some other action).
                    if (argument == "-a")
                        argumentState = ArgumentState.Assembly; continue;
                    if (argument == "-b")
                        argumentState = ArgumentState.BatchSize; continue;
                    if (argument == "-n")
                        argumentState = ArgumentState.NameSpace; continue;
                    if (argument == "-i")
                        argumentState = ArgumentState.FileName; continue;

                    // The parsing state will determine which variable is read next.
                    switch (argumentState)
                    case ArgumentState.Assembly: assemblyName = argument; break;

                    case ArgumentState.BatchSize: batchSize = Convert.ToInt32(argument); break;

                    case ArgumentState.FileName: fileName = argument; break;

                    case ArgumentState.NameSpace: nameSpaceName = argument; break;

                    // The default state is to look for the input file name on the command line.
                    argumentState = ArgumentState.FileName;

                // Throw a usage message back at the user if no file name was given.
                if (fileName == null)
                    throw new Exception("Usage: Loader.Algorithm -i <FileName>");

                // Open up the file containing all the broker.
                BrokerReader brokerReader = new BrokerReader(fileName);

                // Create a new web client that will serve as the connection point to the server.
                WebClient webClient = new WebClient();

                // Loading the database involves creating a batch of commands and sending them off as a transaction.  This gives
                // the server a chance to pipeline a large chunk of processing, without completely locking up the server for the
                // entire set of data.  This will construct a header for the command batch which gives information about which
                // assembly contains the class that is used to load the data.
                RemoteBatch       remoteBatch       = new RemoteBatch();
                RemoteTransaction remoteTransaction = remoteBatch.Transactions.Add();
                RemoteAssembly    remoteAssembly    = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add(assemblyName);
                RemoteType        remoteType        = remoteAssembly.Types.Add(string.Format("{0}.{1}", nameSpaceName, "Broker"));

                // Read the file until an EOF is reached.
                while (true)
                    // This counter keeps track of the number of records sent.  When the batch is full, it's sent to the server to be
                    // executed as a single transaction.
                    int batchCounter = 0;

                    // Read the next broker from the input stream.  A 'null' is returned when we've read past the end of file.
                    Broker broker = brokerReader.ReadBroker();
                    if (broker != null)
                        // Construct a call to the 'Load' method to populate the broker record.
                        RemoteMethod remoteMethod = remoteType.Methods.Add("Load");
                        remoteMethod.Transaction = remoteTransaction;
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("brokerId", broker.Symbol);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("name", broker.Name);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("symbol", broker.Symbol);

                    // This will check to see if it's time to send the batch.  A batch is sent when the 'batchSize' has been
                    // reached, or if the last record has just been converted into a command.
                    if (++batchCounter % batchSize == 0 || broker == null)
                        // Call the web services to execute the command batch.

                        // Any error during the batch will terminate the execution of the remaining records in the data file.
                        if (remoteBatch.HasExceptions)
                            // Display each error on the console.
                            foreach (RemoteMethod remoteMethod in remoteBatch.Methods)
                                foreach (RemoteException remoteException in remoteMethod.Exceptions)
                                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", remoteMethod.Parameters["brokerId"].Value,

                            // This will signal the error exit from this loader.
                            hasErrors = true;

                        // If the end of file was reached, break out of the loop and exit the application.
                        if (broker == null)

                        // After each batch has been send, check to see if there are additional records to be send.  If so,
                        // regenerate the remote batch and set up the header.
                        remoteBatch       = new RemoteBatch();
                        remoteTransaction = remoteBatch.Transactions.Add();
                        remoteAssembly    = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add(assemblyName);
                        remoteType        = remoteAssembly.Types.Add(string.Format("{0}.{1}", nameSpaceName, "Broker"));
            catch (Exception exception)
                // Show the system error and exit with an error.
                hasErrors = true;

            // Any errors will cause an abnormal exit.
            if (hasErrors)

            // Write a status message when a the file is loaded successfully.
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} Data: Brokers, Loaded", DateTime.Now.ToString("u")));

            // If we reached here, the file was imported without issue.
        private static void Update(RemoteBatch remoteBatch, RemoteTransaction remoteTransaction,
                                   ClientMarketData.ProposedOrderRow parentProposedOrder, decimal quantityInstruction)
            // These define the assembly and the types within those assemblies that will be used to create the proposed orders on
            // the middle tier.
            RemoteAssembly remoteAssembly    = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Core");
            RemoteType     proposedOrderType = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.ProposedOrder");

            ClientMarketData.AccountRow  accountRow  = parentProposedOrder.AccountRow;
            ClientMarketData.SecurityRow securityRow = parentProposedOrder.SecurityRowByFKSecurityProposedOrderSecurityId;

            // This will turn the signed quantity into an absolute quantity and a transaction code (e.g. -1000 is turned into a
            // SELL of 1000 shares).
            decimal parentQuantity = Math.Abs(quantityInstruction);

            int parentTransactionTypeCode = TransactionType.Calculate(securityRow.SecurityTypeCode,
                                                                      parentProposedOrder.PositionTypeCode, quantityInstruction);

            // The time in force first comes from the user preferences, next, account settings and finally defaults to a day
            // orders.
            int timeInForceCode = !ClientPreferences.IsTimeInForceCodeNull() ? ClientPreferences.TimeInForceCode :
                                  !accountRow.IsTimeInForceCodeNull() ? accountRow.TimeInForceCode : TimeInForce.DAY;

            // The destination blotter comes first from the user preferences, second from the account preferences, and finally uses
            // the auto-routing logic.
            int blotterId = !ClientPreferences.IsBlotterIdNull() ? ClientPreferences.BlotterId :
                            !accountRow.IsBlotterIdNull() ? accountRow.BlotterId :
                            TradingSupport.AutoRoute(securityRow, parentQuantity);

            // Create a command to update the proposed order.
            RemoteMethod updateParent = proposedOrderType.Methods.Add("Update");

            updateParent.Transaction = remoteTransaction;
            updateParent.Parameters.Add("rowVersion", parentProposedOrder.RowVersion);
            updateParent.Parameters.Add("proposedOrderId", parentProposedOrder.ProposedOrderId);
            updateParent.Parameters.Add("accountId", parentProposedOrder.AccountId);
            updateParent.Parameters.Add("securityId", parentProposedOrder.SecurityId);
            updateParent.Parameters.Add("settlementId", parentProposedOrder.SettlementId);
            updateParent.Parameters.Add("blotterId", blotterId);
            updateParent.Parameters.Add("positionTypeCode", parentProposedOrder.PositionTypeCode);
            updateParent.Parameters.Add("transactionTypeCode", parentTransactionTypeCode);
            updateParent.Parameters.Add("timeInForceCode", timeInForceCode);
            updateParent.Parameters.Add("orderTypeCode", OrderType.Market);
            updateParent.Parameters.Add("quantity", parentQuantity);

            foreach (ClientMarketData.ProposedOrderTreeRow proposedOrderTree in
                ClientMarketData.ProposedOrderRow childProposedOrder =

                // If this is the settlement part of the order, then adjust the quantity.
                if (childProposedOrder.SecurityId == parentProposedOrder.SettlementId)
                    // The settlement security is needed for the calculation of the cash impact of this trade.
                    ClientMarketData.CurrencyRow currencyRow =

                    decimal marketValue = parentQuantity * securityRow.QuantityFactor *
                                          Price.Security(currencyRow, securityRow) * securityRow.PriceFactor *

                    decimal childQuantity = Math.Abs(marketValue);

                    int childTransactionTypeCode = TransactionType.Calculate(securityRow.SecurityTypeCode,
                                                                             parentProposedOrder.PositionTypeCode, marketValue);

                    // Create a command to update the proposed order.
                    RemoteMethod updateChild = proposedOrderType.Methods.Add("Update");
                    updateChild.Transaction = remoteTransaction;
                    updateChild.Parameters.Add("rowVersion", childProposedOrder.RowVersion);
                    updateChild.Parameters.Add("proposedOrderId", childProposedOrder.ProposedOrderId);
                    updateChild.Parameters.Add("accountId", childProposedOrder.AccountId);
                    updateChild.Parameters.Add("securityId", childProposedOrder.SecurityId);
                    updateChild.Parameters.Add("settlementId", childProposedOrder.SettlementId);
                    updateChild.Parameters.Add("blotterId", blotterId);
                    updateChild.Parameters.Add("positionTypeCode", parentProposedOrder.PositionTypeCode);
                    updateChild.Parameters.Add("transactionTypeCode", childTransactionTypeCode);
                    updateChild.Parameters.Add("timeInForceCode", timeInForceCode);
                    updateChild.Parameters.Add("orderTypeCode", OrderType.Market);
                    updateChild.Parameters.Add("quantity", childQuantity);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a temporary model based on the current position level targets.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accountRow">An account used as a basis for the targets.</param>
        /// <param name="schemeRow">The scheme used to select sector targets.</param>
        /// <returns>A batch of commands that will create a model containing the current position weights of the account.</returns>
        private static ModelBatch CreatePositionSelfModel(ClientMarketData.AccountRow accountRow, ClientMarketData.SchemeRow schemeRow)
            // Create the batch and fill it in with the assembly and type needed for this function.
            ModelBatch        modelBatch        = new ModelBatch();
            RemoteTransaction remoteTransaction = modelBatch.Transactions.Add();
            RemoteAssembly    remoteAssembly    = modelBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Core");
            RemoteType        remoteType        = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.Model");

            // Create the temporary, position model based on the scheme used by the original account.
            RemoteMethod insertModel = remoteType.Methods.Add("Insert");

            insertModel.Parameters.Add("modelId", DataType.Int, Direction.ReturnValue);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("rowVersion", DataType.Long, Direction.Output);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("modelTypeCode", ModelType.Security);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("name", "Untitled");
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("schemeId", schemeRow.SchemeId);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("algorithmId", Algorithm.SecurityRebalancer);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("temporary", true);

            // The 'Self Security' model uses the market value of all the positions, regardless of account or sub-account, when
            // calculating the denominator for the percentages.
            decimal accountMarketValue = MarketValue.Calculate(accountRow.CurrencyRow, accountRow,
                                                               MarketValueFlags.EntirePosition | MarketValueFlags.IncludeChildAccounts);

            // If the account market value is zero, we can't do much more to create a model.
            if (accountMarketValue != 0.0M)
                // Create a new outline for the model to follow.  This will collect the tax lots, proposed orders orders and
                // allocations into positions that can be used for calculating percentages.
                Common.Appraisal appraisal = new Common.Appraisal(accountRow, true);

                // Run through each of the positions, starting with the security.
                foreach (AppraisalSet.SecurityRow driverSecurity in appraisal.Security)
                    // This is a position is the destination for the market value calculation.
                    ClientMarketData.SecurityRow securityRow =

                    // The object Type for this operation.
                    RemoteType positionTargetType = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.PositionTarget");

                    // Run through each of the positions in the appraisal calculating the market value of each position. The ratio
                    // of this market value to the account's market value is the model percentage.
                    foreach (AppraisalSet.PositionRow positionRow in driverSecurity.GetPositionRows())
                        // Calculate the market value of the given position.
                        decimal securityMarketValue = MarketValue.Calculate(accountRow.CurrencyRow, accountRow,
                                                                            securityRow, positionRow.PositionTypeCode,
                                                                            MarketValueFlags.EntirePosition | MarketValueFlags.EntirePosition);

                        // Add the position level target to the model.
                        RemoteMethod insertPosition = positionTargetType.Methods.Add("Insert");
                        insertPosition.Parameters.Add("modelId", insertModel.Parameters["modelId"]);
                        insertPosition.Parameters.Add("securityId", securityRow.SecurityId);
                        insertPosition.Parameters.Add("positionTypeCode", positionRow.PositionTypeCode);
                        insertPosition.Parameters.Add("percent", securityMarketValue / accountMarketValue);

            // Save the reference to the 'modelId' return parameter.
            modelBatch.ModelIdParameter = insertModel.Parameters["modelId"];

            // This batch will create a temporary model based on the position totals of the original account.
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a temporary model based on the current sector level targets.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accountRow">An account used as a basis for the targets.</param>
        /// <param name="schemeRow">The scheme used to select sector targets.</param>
        /// <returns>A batch of commands that will create a model containing the current sector weights of the account.</returns>
        private static ModelBatch CreateSectorSelfModel(ClientMarketData.AccountRow accountRow, ClientMarketData.SchemeRow schemeRow)
            // This command batch will create a temporary model and populate it with the current position level percentages as the
            // target values.
            ModelBatch        modelBatch        = new ModelBatch();
            RemoteTransaction remoteTransaction = modelBatch.Transactions.Add();
            RemoteAssembly    remoteAssembly    = modelBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Core");
            RemoteType        remoteType        = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.Model");

            // Create the temporary model.
            RemoteMethod insertModel = remoteType.Methods.Add("Insert");

            insertModel.Parameters.Add("modelId", DataType.Int, Direction.ReturnValue);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("rowVersion", DataType.Long, Direction.Output);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("modelTypeCode", ModelType.Sector);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("name", "Untitled");
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("schemeId", schemeRow.SchemeId);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("algorithmId", Algorithm.SectorMergeRebalancer);
            insertModel.Parameters.Add("temporary", true);

            // The 'Self Sector' uses the market value of all the account and sub-account.
            decimal accountMarketValue = MarketValue.Calculate(accountRow.CurrencyRow, accountRow,
                                                               MarketValueFlags.EntirePosition | MarketValueFlags.IncludeChildAccounts);

            // No need to construct a model if the account market value is zero.
            if (accountMarketValue != 0.0M)
                // Create a new outline for the model to follow.  This will collect the tax lots, proposed orders, orders
                // and allocations into industry classification sectors.
                Common.Appraisal appraisal = new Common.Appraisal(accountRow, schemeRow, true);

                // The object Type for this operation.
                RemoteType sectorTargetType = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.SectorTarget");

                // Now that we have an outline to follow, we are going to run through each of the sectors, calculate the market
                // value, and create an entry in the temporary model for that sector and it's current weight of the overall market
                // value.
                foreach (AppraisalSet.SchemeRow driverScheme in appraisal.Scheme)
                    foreach (AppraisalSet.ObjectTreeRow driverTree in
                        foreach (AppraisalSet.SectorRow driverSector in
                            // This sector is the destination for the market value calculation.
                            ClientMarketData.SectorRow sectorRow = ClientMarketData.Sector.FindBySectorId(driverSector.SectorId);

                            // Calculate the market value of all the securities held by all the accounts in the current sector.
                            decimal sectorMarketValue = MarketValue.Calculate(accountRow.CurrencyRow, accountRow, sectorRow,
                                                                              MarketValueFlags.EntirePosition | MarketValueFlags.IncludeChildAccounts);

                            // Add the position level target to the model.
                            RemoteMethod insertSector = sectorTargetType.Methods.Add("Insert");
                            insertSector.Parameters.Add("modelId", insertModel.Parameters["modelId"]);
                            insertSector.Parameters.Add("sectorId", sectorRow.SectorId);
                            insertSector.Parameters.Add("percent", sectorMarketValue / accountMarketValue);

            // Save the reference to the 'modelId' return parameter.
            modelBatch.ModelIdParameter = insertModel.Parameters["modelId"];

            // This batch will create a temporary model based on the sector totals of the original account.
        public static void Distribute(int blockOrderId)
            // This batch will be filled in with the allocations.
            RemoteBatch remoteBatch = null;

                // Lock all the tables that we'll reference while building a blotter document.

                // Find the block order that is to be allocated.
                ClientMarketData.BlockOrderRow blockOrderRow = ClientMarketData.BlockOrder.FindByBlockOrderId(blockOrderId);
                if (blockOrderRow == null)
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Block Id {0} doesn't exist", blockOrderId));

                // Aggregate the total quantity ordered.  This becomes the demoninator for the pro-rata calculation.
                decimal orderedQuantity = 0.0M;
                foreach (ClientMarketData.OrderRow orderRow in blockOrderRow.GetOrderRows())
                    orderedQuantity += orderRow.Quantity;

                // These values will total up all the executions posted against this block order.  The pro-rata
                // allocation will divide all the executions up against the ratio of the quantity ordered against the
                // total quantity ordered.  The price is an average price of all the executions.
                decimal  executedQuantity        = 0.0M;
                decimal  executedPrice           = 0.0M;
                decimal  executedCommission      = 0.0M;
                decimal  executedAccruedInterest = 0.0M;
                decimal  executedUserFee0        = 0.0M;
                decimal  executedUserFee1        = 0.0M;
                decimal  executedUserFee2        = 0.0M;
                decimal  executedUserFee3        = 0.0M;
                DateTime tradeDate      = DateTime.MinValue;
                DateTime settlementDate = DateTime.MinValue;

                // Total up all the executions against this block.
                foreach (ClientMarketData.ExecutionRow executionRow in blockOrderRow.GetExecutionRows())
                    executedQuantity        += executionRow.Quantity;
                    executedPrice           += executionRow.Price * executionRow.Quantity;
                    executedCommission      += executionRow.Commission;
                    executedAccruedInterest += executionRow.AccruedInterest;
                    executedUserFee0        += executionRow.UserFee0;
                    executedUserFee1        += executionRow.UserFee1;
                    executedUserFee2        += executionRow.UserFee2;
                    executedUserFee3        += executionRow.UserFee3;
                    tradeDate      = executionRow.TradeDate;
                    settlementDate = executionRow.SettlementDate;

                // Calculate the average price.
                decimal averagePrice = Math.Round((executedQuantity > 0.0M) ? executedPrice / executedQuantity : 0.0M, 2);

                // These values are used to keep track of how much has been allocated.  Because of the nature of a
                // pro-rata allocation, there will be an odd remainder after the allocation is finished.  We will
                // arbitrarily pick the last order in the block order and give it the remainer of the order.  To do that,
                // totals have to be kept of all the allocations that have been created before the last one.
                decimal allocatedQuantity        = 0.0M;
                decimal allocatedCommission      = 0.0M;
                decimal allocatedAccruedInterest = 0.0M;
                decimal allocatedUserFee0        = 0.0M;
                decimal allocatedUserFee1        = 0.0M;
                decimal allocatedUserFee2        = 0.0M;
                decimal allocatedUserFee3        = 0.0M;

                // Put all the allocations in a single batch.
                remoteBatch = new RemoteBatch();
                RemoteAssembly remoteAssembly = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Core");
                RemoteType     remoteType     = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.Allocation");

                // Allocate the order back to the original accounts.  Because odd values can be generated when dividing by the
                // pro-rata value, the last order will get the remaining portions of the execution.
                int orderCounter = blockOrderRow.GetOrderRows().Length;
                foreach (ClientMarketData.OrderRow orderRow in blockOrderRow.GetOrderRows())
                    decimal quantity;
                    decimal commission;
                    decimal accruedInterest;
                    decimal userFee0;
                    decimal userFee1;
                    decimal userFee2;
                    decimal userFee3;

                    // The last account in the order is arbitrarily given the remaining parts of the execution.
                    if (--orderCounter == 0)
                        quantity        = executedQuantity - allocatedQuantity;
                        commission      = executedCommission - allocatedCommission;
                        accruedInterest = executedAccruedInterest = allocatedAccruedInterest;
                        userFee0        = executedUserFee0 - allocatedUserFee0;
                        userFee1        = executedUserFee1 - allocatedUserFee1;
                        userFee2        = executedUserFee2 - allocatedUserFee2;
                        userFee3        = executedUserFee3 - allocatedUserFee3;
                        // Calcuation the proportion of the trade destined for the current order.  The proportion is
                        // based on the amount of the original order against the block total.
                        quantity        = Math.Round(executedQuantity * orderRow.Quantity / orderedQuantity, 0);
                        commission      = Math.Round(executedCommission * orderRow.Quantity / orderedQuantity, 2);
                        accruedInterest = Math.Round(executedAccruedInterest * orderRow.Quantity / orderedQuantity, 2);
                        userFee0        = Math.Round(executedUserFee0 * orderRow.Quantity / orderedQuantity, 2);
                        userFee1        = Math.Round(executedUserFee1 * orderRow.Quantity / orderedQuantity, 2);
                        userFee2        = Math.Round(executedUserFee2 * orderRow.Quantity / orderedQuantity, 2);
                        userFee3        = Math.Round(executedUserFee3 * orderRow.Quantity / orderedQuantity, 2);

                    // Keep a running total of the amount allocated so far.  This will be used to calculate the last order's
                    // portion when the loop has finished.
                    allocatedQuantity        += quantity;
                    allocatedCommission      += commission;
                    allocatedAccruedInterest += accruedInterest;
                    allocatedUserFee0        += userFee0;
                    allocatedUserFee1        += userFee1;
                    allocatedUserFee2        += userFee2;
                    allocatedUserFee3        += userFee3;

                    // If the allocation has a positive quantity to register, then post it to the server.
                    if (quantity > 0.0M)
                        // Call the web service to add the new execution.
                        RemoteMethod remoteMethod = remoteType.Methods.Add("Insert");
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("blockOrderId", orderRow.BlockOrderId);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("accountId", orderRow.AccountId);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("securityId", orderRow.SecurityId);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("settlementId", orderRow.SettlementId);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("positionTypeCode", orderRow.PositionTypeCode);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("transactionTypeCode", orderRow.TransactionTypeCode);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("quantity", quantity);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("price", averagePrice);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("commission", commission);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("accruedInterest", accruedInterest);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("userFee0", userFee0);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("userFee1", userFee1);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("userFee2", userFee2);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("userFee3", userFee3);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("tradeDate", tradeDate);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("settlementDate", settlementDate);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("createdTime", DateTime.Now);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("createdLoginId", ClientPreferences.LoginId);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("modifiedTime", DateTime.Now);
                        remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("modifiedLoginId", ClientPreferences.LoginId);
            catch (Exception exception)
                // This signals that the batch isn't valid and shouldn't be sent.
                remoteBatch = null;

                // This will catch all remaining exceptions.
                // Release the locks obtained to produce the blotter report.
                if (ClientMarketData.AllocationLock.IsReaderLockHeld)
                if (ClientMarketData.BlockOrderLock.IsReaderLockHeld)
                if (ClientMarketData.ExecutionLock.IsReaderLockHeld)
                if (ClientMarketData.OrderLock.IsReaderLockHeld)

            // Once the locks are release, the batch can be sent to the server.
            if (remoteBatch != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a command in a RemoteBatch structure to insert a proposed order.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="remoteBatch"></param>
        /// <param name="remoteTransaction"></param>
        /// <param name="accountRow"></param>
        /// <param name="securityRow"></param>
        /// <param name="positionTypeCode"></param>
        /// <param name="quantityInstruction"></param>
        private static void Insert(RemoteBatch remoteBatch, RemoteTransaction remoteTransaction,
                                   ClientMarketData.AccountRow accountRow, ClientMarketData.SecurityRow securityRow, int positionTypeCode,
                                   decimal quantityInstruction)
            // These define the assembly and the types within those assemblies that will be used to create the proposed orders on
            // the middle tier.
            RemoteAssembly remoteAssembly        = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Core");
            RemoteType     proposedOrderType     = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.ProposedOrder");
            RemoteType     proposedOrderTreeType = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.ProposedOrderTree");

            // Find the default settlement for this order.
            int settlementId = Shadows.Quasar.Common.Security.GetDefaultSettlementId(securityRow);

            // As a convention between the rebalancing section and the order generation, the parentQuantity passed into this method
            // is a signed value where the negative values are treated as 'Sell' instructions and the positive values meaning
            // 'Buy'. This will adjust the parentQuantity so the trading methods can deal with an unsigned value, which is more
            // natural for trading.
            decimal parentQuantity = Math.Abs(quantityInstruction);

            // This will turn the signed parentQuantity into an absolute parentQuantity and a transaction code (e.g. -1000 is
            // turned into a SELL of 1000 shares).
            int parentTransactionTypeCode = TransactionType.Calculate(securityRow.SecurityTypeCode, positionTypeCode, quantityInstruction);

            // The time in force first comes from the user preferences, next, account settings and finally defaults to a day
            // orders.
            int timeInForceCode = !ClientPreferences.IsTimeInForceCodeNull() ?
                                  ClientPreferences.TimeInForceCode : !accountRow.IsTimeInForceCodeNull() ? accountRow.TimeInForceCode :

            // The destination blotter comes first from the user preferences, second from the account preferences, and finally uses
            // the auto-routing logic.
            int parentBlotterId = ClientPreferences.IsBlotterIdNull() ? (accountRow.IsBlotterIdNull() ?
                                                                         TradingSupport.AutoRoute(securityRow, parentQuantity) : accountRow.BlotterId) : ClientPreferences.BlotterId;

            // Create a command to delete the relationship between the parent and child.
            RemoteMethod insertParent = proposedOrderType.Methods.Add("Insert");

            insertParent.Transaction = remoteTransaction;
            insertParent.Parameters.Add("proposedOrderId", DataType.Int, Direction.ReturnValue);
            insertParent.Parameters.Add("blotterId", parentBlotterId);
            insertParent.Parameters.Add("accountId", accountRow.AccountId);
            insertParent.Parameters.Add("securityId", securityRow.SecurityId);
            insertParent.Parameters.Add("settlementId", settlementId);
            insertParent.Parameters.Add("positionTypeCode", positionTypeCode);
            insertParent.Parameters.Add("transactionTypeCode", parentTransactionTypeCode);
            insertParent.Parameters.Add("timeInForceCode", timeInForceCode);
            insertParent.Parameters.Add("orderTypeCode", OrderType.Market);
            insertParent.Parameters.Add("quantity", parentQuantity);

            // Now it's time to create an order for the settlement currency.
            if (securityRow.SecurityTypeCode == SecurityType.Equity || securityRow.SecurityTypeCode == SecurityType.Debt)
                // The underlying currency is needed for the market value calculations.
                ClientMarketData.CurrencyRow currencyRow = MarketData.Currency.FindByCurrencyId(settlementId);

                decimal marketValue = parentQuantity * securityRow.QuantityFactor * Price.Security(currencyRow, securityRow)
                                      * securityRow.PriceFactor * TransactionType.GetCashSign(parentTransactionTypeCode);

                // The stragegy for handling the settlement currency changes is to calculate the old market value, calculate the
                // new market value, and add the difference to the running total for the settlement currency of this security. The
                // new market value is the impact of the trade that was just entered.
                int childTransactionTypeCode = TransactionType.Calculate(securityRow.SecurityTypeCode, positionTypeCode,
                decimal childQuantity = Math.Abs(marketValue);

                // The destination blotter comes first from the user preferences, second from the account preferences, and finally
                // uses the auto-routing logic.
                int childBlotterId = ClientPreferences.IsBlotterIdNull() ? (accountRow.IsBlotterIdNull() ?
                                                                            TradingSupport.AutoRoute(currencyRow.SecurityRow, childQuantity) : accountRow.BlotterId) :

                // Fill in the rest of the fields and the defaulted fields for this order. Create a command to delete the
                // relationship between the parent and child.
                RemoteMethod insertChild = proposedOrderType.Methods.Add("Insert");
                insertChild.Transaction = remoteTransaction;
                insertChild.Parameters.Add("proposedOrderId", DataType.Int, Direction.ReturnValue);
                insertChild.Parameters.Add("blotterId", childBlotterId);
                insertChild.Parameters.Add("accountId", accountRow.AccountId);
                insertChild.Parameters.Add("securityId", settlementId);
                insertChild.Parameters.Add("settlementId", settlementId);
                insertChild.Parameters.Add("transactionTypeCode", childTransactionTypeCode);
                insertChild.Parameters.Add("positionTypeCode", positionTypeCode);
                insertChild.Parameters.Add("timeInForceCode", timeInForceCode);
                insertChild.Parameters.Add("orderTypeCode", OrderType.Market);
                insertChild.Parameters.Add("quantity", childQuantity);

                RemoteMethod insertRelation = proposedOrderTreeType.Methods.Add("Insert");
                insertRelation.Transaction = remoteTransaction;
                insertRelation.Parameters.Add("parentId", insertParent.Parameters["proposedOrderId"]);
                insertRelation.Parameters.Add("childId", insertChild.Parameters["proposedOrderId"]);
        static int Main(string[] args)
            // If this flag is set during the processing of the file, the program will exit with an error code.
            bool hasErrors = false;

                // Defaults
                assemblyName              = "Service.External";
                namespaceName             = "Shadows.WebService.External";
                externalConfigurationCode = "DEFAULT";
                argumentState             = ArgumentState.FileName;

                // Parse the command line for arguments.
                foreach (string argument in args)
                    // Decode the current argument into a state.
                    if (argument == "-c")
                        argumentState = ArgumentState.ConfigurationCode; continue;
                    if (argument == "-i")
                        argumentState = ArgumentState.FileName; continue;
                    if (argument == "-id")
                        argumentState = ArgumentState.StylesheetId; continue;
                    if (argument == "-t")
                        argumentState = ArgumentState.StylesheetTypeCode; continue;

                    // The parsing state will determine which variable is read next.
                    switch (argumentState)
                    // Read the command line argument into the proper variable based on the parsing state.
                    case ArgumentState.ConfigurationCode: externalConfigurationCode = argument; break;

                    case ArgumentState.StylesheetTypeCode: stylesheetTypeCode = argument; break;

                    case ArgumentState.FileName: fileName = argument; break;

                    case ArgumentState.Name: name = argument; break;

                    case ArgumentState.StylesheetId: StylesheetId = argument; break;

                    // The default state for the parser is to look for a file name.
                    argumentState = ArgumentState.FileName;

                // If no file name was specified, we return an error.
                if (fileName == null)
                    throw new Exception("Usage: Loader.Stylesheet -i <FileName>");

                // Load up an XML document with the contents of the file specified on the command line.
                XmlDocument stylesheet = new XmlDocument();

                // The XML document has several nodes that need to be read -- and then removed -- that contain attributes of the
                // stylesheet.  These nodes can be found easily using the XSL Path functions which need a namespace manager to sort
                // out the tag prefixes.
                XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(stylesheet.NameTable);
                namespaceManager.AddNamespace("xsl", "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform");
                namespaceManager.AddNamespace("sss", "urn:schemas-shadows-com:shadows:stylesheet");

                // The spreadhseet source has several nodes which contain information about how the data in the XML document should
                // be loaded into the server, such as the stylesheet identifier, the name and the stylesheet style.  They are found
                // at this node.  After these information nodes have been read, they are removed from the stylesheet source.
                XmlNode stylesheetNode = stylesheet.SelectSingleNode("xsl:stylesheet", namespaceManager);
                if (stylesheetNode == null)
                    throw new Exception("Syntax Error: missing stylesheet declaration.");

                // Find the StylesheetId node.
                XmlNode StylesheetIdNode = stylesheetNode.SelectSingleNode("sss:stylesheetId", namespaceManager);
                if (StylesheetIdNode == null)
                    throw new Exception("Syntax Error: missing StylesheetId declaration.");

                // Find the StylesheetStyle node.
                XmlNode stylesheetTypeCodeNode = stylesheetNode.SelectSingleNode("sss:stylesheetTypeCode", namespaceManager);
                if (stylesheetTypeCodeNode == null)
                    throw new Exception("Syntax Error: missing StylesheetStyle declaration.");

                // Find the name node.
                XmlNode nameNode = stylesheetNode.SelectSingleNode("sss:name", namespaceManager);
                if (nameNode == null)
                    throw new Exception("Syntax Error: missing name declaration.");

                // Extract the data from the XML nodes.
                StylesheetId       = StylesheetIdNode.InnerText;
                stylesheetTypeCode = stylesheetTypeCodeNode.InnerText;
                name = nameNode.InnerText;

                // Remove the stylesheet nodes from the XSL spreadsheet before loading it into the server.

                // Create a command to load the stylesheet from the data loaded from the file.
                RemoteBatch    remoteBatch    = new RemoteBatch();
                RemoteAssembly remoteAssembly = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add(assemblyName);
                RemoteType     remoteType     = remoteAssembly.Types.Add(string.Format("{0}.{1}", namespaceName, "Stylesheet"));
                RemoteMethod   remoteMethod   = remoteType.Methods.Add("Load");
                remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("StylesheetId", StylesheetId);
                remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("stylesheetTypeCode", stylesheetTypeCode);
                remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("name", name);
                remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("text", stylesheet.InnerXml);

                // Create a new web client that will serve as the connection point to the server and call the web services to
                // execute the command batch.
                WebClient webClient = new WebClient();

                // Display the each of the exceptions and set a global flag that shows that there was an exception to the normal
                // execution.
                if (remoteBatch.HasExceptions)
                    foreach (RemoteException exception in remoteBatch.Exceptions)
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}: {1}", remoteMethod.Parameters["StylesheetId"].Value, exception.Message));
                    hasErrors = true;
            catch (Exception exception)
                // Show the system error and exit with an error.
                hasErrors = true;

            // Any errors will cause an abnormal exit.
            if (hasErrors)

            // Display the template that was loaded and exit with a successful code.
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} Stylesheet: {1}, Loaded", DateTime.Now.ToString("u"), name));
        private void DragDropHandler(params object[] arguments)
            ObjectNode toNode    = (ObjectNode)arguments[0];
            ObjectNode fromNode  = (ObjectNode)arguments[1];
            ObjectNode childNode = (ObjectNode)arguments[2];

            // Make sure the user has selected a valid source and destination for the operation.  It's illegal to move the node
            //		1.  To the root of the tree
            //		2.  From the root of the tree
            if (toNode == null || fromNode == null)

            // Don't allow for circular references.
                // Lock the tables needed for this operation.

                // It's critical that circular references aren't created, either by accident or design.  First, find the object
                // record associated with the destination node.
                ClientMarketData.ObjectRow parentRow = ClientMarketData.Object.FindByObjectId(toNode.ObjectId);
                if (parentRow == null)
                    throw new Exception("This object has been deleted");

                // This is the object that is being dragged.  Find the row
                ClientMarketData.ObjectRow childRow = ClientMarketData.Object.FindByObjectId(childNode.ObjectId);
                if (childRow == null)
                    throw new Exception("This object has been deleted");

                if (Shadows.Quasar.Common.Relationship.IsChildObject(childRow, parentRow))
                    MessageBox.Show(this.TopLevelControl, "This would create a circular references.", "Quasar Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            catch (Exception exception)
                // Write the error and stack trace out to the debug listener
                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}, {1}", exception.Message, exception.StackTrace));
                // Release table locks.
                if (ClientMarketData.ObjectLock.IsReaderLockHeld)

            // Any commands created below will be constructed in this object and sent to the server for execution.
            RemoteBatch remoteBatch = new RemoteBatch();

            // Change the default model of an account.  When the destination is an account group, account or sub account and the
            // source is a model, a command will be constructed to change the default model.
            if (toNode.ObjectTypeCode == ObjectType.Account && dragNode.ObjectTypeCode == ObjectType.Model)
                    // Lock the tables needed for this operation.

                    // Find the account used, throw an error if it's been deleted.
                    ClientMarketData.AccountRow accountRow;
                    if ((accountRow = ClientMarketData.Account.FindByAccountId(toNode.ObjectId)) == null)
                        throw new Exception("This account has been deleted");

                    // Construct a command to change the default model associated with the account.
                    RemoteAssembly remoteAssembly = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Core");
                    RemoteType     remoteType     = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.Account");
                    RemoteMethod   remoteMethod   = remoteType.Methods.Add("Update");
                    remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("rowVersion", accountRow.RowVersion);
                    remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("accountId", accountRow.AccountId);
                    remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("modelId", dragNode.ObjectId);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    // Write the error and stack trace out to the debug listener
                    Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}, {1}", exception.Message, exception.StackTrace));
                    // Release table locks.
                    if (ClientMarketData.AccountLock.IsReaderLockHeld)
                // If we made it here, the drag-and-drop is interpreted as a command to move a child from one parent to another.
                    // Lock the tables needed for this operation.

                    // Extract the primary identifiers from the user interface nodes.
                    int fromId  = fromNode.ObjectId;
                    int toId    = toNode.ObjectId;
                    int childId = dragNode.ObjectId;

                    // Find the object in the data model and make sure it still exists.
                    ClientMarketData.ObjectTreeRow objectTreeRow = ClientMarketData.ObjectTree.FindByParentIdChildId(fromNode.ObjectId, dragNode.ObjectId);
                    if (objectTreeRow == null)
                        throw new Exception("This relationship has been deleted by someone else.");

                    // Moving a child object from one parent to another must be accomplished as a transaction.  Otherwise, an
                    // orhpan object will be created if the operation fails midway through.
                    RemoteTransaction remoteTransaction = remoteBatch.Transactions.Add();
                    RemoteAssembly    remoteAssembly    = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Core");
                    RemoteType        remoteType        = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.ObjectTree");

                    // Construct a command delete the old parent relation.
                    RemoteMethod deleteObjectTree = remoteType.Methods.Add("Delete");
                    deleteObjectTree.Transaction = remoteTransaction;
                    deleteObjectTree.Parameters.Add("rowVersion", objectTreeRow.RowVersion);
                    deleteObjectTree.Parameters.Add("parentId", fromId);
                    deleteObjectTree.Parameters.Add("childId", childId);

                    // Construct a command insert a new parent relation.
                    RemoteMethod insertObjectTree = remoteType.Methods.Add("Insert");
                    insertObjectTree.Transaction = remoteTransaction;
                    insertObjectTree.Parameters.Add("parentId", toId);
                    insertObjectTree.Parameters.Add("childId", childId);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    // Write the error and stack trace out to the debug listener
                    Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}, {1}", exception.Message, exception.StackTrace));
                    // Release table locks.
                    if (ClientMarketData.ObjectTreeLock.IsReaderLockHeld)

            // If the command batch was built successfully, then execute it.
            if (remoteBatch != null)
                    // Call the web server to rename the object on the database.  Note that this method must be called when there are
                    // no locks to prevent deadlocking.  That is why it appears in it's own 'try/catch' block.
                catch (BatchException batchException)
                    // Display each error in the batch.
                    foreach (RemoteException remoteException in batchException.Exceptions)
                        MessageBox.Show(remoteException.Message, "Quasar Error");
        /// <summary>
        /// Event handler for changing the name of a label.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The window control that generated the 'LabelEdit' event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">Event Parameters used to control the actions taken by the event handler.</param>
        private void treeView_AfterLabelEdit(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.NodeLabelEditEventArgs e)
            // The TreeView has a bug in it: if you leave the edit mode without typing anything, the returned text of the control
            // will be an empty string. Since we don't want to bother the server or the user with this nonsense, we'll filter out
            // the possiblity here.
            if (e.Label == null)
                e.CancelEdit = true;

            // Extract the object's properties from the node.
            ObjectNode objectNode = (ObjectNode)e.Node;

            // This command batch is constructed below and sent to the server for execution.
            RemoteBatch remoteBatch = new RemoteBatch();

            // This will insure that table locks are cleaned up.
                // Lock the table

                // Find the object in the data model and make sure it still exists.
                ClientMarketData.ObjectRow objectRow = ClientMarketData.Object.FindByObjectId(objectNode.ObjectId);
                if (objectRow == null)
                    throw new Exception("This object has been deleted.");

                // Construct a command to rename the object.
                RemoteAssembly remoteAssembly = remoteBatch.Assemblies.Add("Service.Core");
                RemoteType     remoteType     = remoteAssembly.Types.Add("Shadows.WebService.Core.Object");
                RemoteMethod   remoteMethod   = remoteType.Methods.Add("Update");
                remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("rowVersion", objectRow.RowVersion);
                remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("objectId", objectRow.ObjectId);
                remoteMethod.Parameters.Add("name", e.Label);
            catch (Exception exception)
                // Write the error and stack trace out to the debug listener
                Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}, {1}", exception.Message, exception.StackTrace));

                // Cancel the tree operation if we can't execute the command.  The text in the tree control will revert to the
                // previous value.
                e.CancelEdit = true;
                // Release table locks.
                if (ClientMarketData.ObjectLock.IsReaderLockHeld)

            // If the command batch was built successfully, then execute it.  If any part of it should fail, cancel the edit and
            // display the server errors.
            if (remoteBatch != null)
                    // Call the web server to rename the object on the database.  Note that this method must be called when there are
                    // no locks to prevent deadlocking.  That is why it appears in it's own 'try/catch' block.
                catch (BatchException batchException)
                    // Undo the editing action.  This will restore the name of the object to what it was before the operation.
                    e.CancelEdit = true;

                    // Display each error in the batch.
                    foreach (RemoteException remoteException in batchException.Exceptions)
                        MessageBox.Show(remoteException.Message, "Quasar Error");