        public static double GetUserTimeOffset()
            Remax_Entities db      = new Remax_Entities();
            User           user    = Util.GetCurrentUser();
            double         dOffset = 0;

            if (user != null)
                var country = (from u in db.Users
                               join c in db.Countries on u.Country equals c.Id into uc
                               from u_c in uc.DefaultIfEmpty()
                               join tz in db.CountryTimezones on u_c.Code equals tz.CountryCode into ctz
                               from c_tz in ctz.DefaultIfEmpty()
                               where u.Id == user.Id
                               select new

                if (country != null)
                    decimal?offset = country.Offset as decimal?;
                    if (offset.HasValue)
                        int sign = country.EastWest == "-" ? -1 : 1;
                        offset  = sign * offset;
                        dOffset = (double)offset;

        public static int GetResourcePermission(string resource, ReourceOperations operation)
            int  highest_permission = 0;
            User currentUser        = Util.GetCurrentUser();

            if (currentUser == null)

            Guid?id  = new Guid(currentUser.Id.ToString("D"));
            int  ops = (int)operation;

            using (var db = new Remax_Entities()) {
                var permission = db.sp_ResourcePermission(id, resource, ops).ToList();

                foreach (var p in permission)
                    if (p.Resource_Permission.HasValue && p.Resource_Permission.Value > highest_permission)
                        highest_permission = p.Resource_Permission.HasValue ? p.Resource_Permission.Value : highest_permission;

        public User GetUserByCredentials(string email, string password)
             * SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("Data Source=SQL7004.site4now.net;Initial Catalog=DB_A38003_DEV;User Id=DB_A38003_DEV_admin;Password=yanmarsucks66!;");
             * connection.Open();
             * string strCommand = string.Format("select * from [user] where email = '{0}' and passwordhash = '{1}';",email, password);
             * SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(strCommand, connection);
             * SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command);
             * DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
             * dataAdapter.Fill(dataTable);
             * User user = null;
             * if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 1) {
             *  DataRow dr = dataTable.Rows[0];
             *  user = new User() {
             *      Id = new Guid(dr["Id"].ToString())
             *      , Email = email
             *      , EmailConfirmed = (bool)dr["EmailConfirmed"]
             *      , FullName = dr["FullName"].ToString()
             *  };
             * }
             * connection.Close();

            Remax_Entities entities = new Remax_Entities();
            User           user     = (
                from u in entities.Users
                where u.Email == email
                select u

            if (user != null)
                byte[]       hashBytes = Util.StringToByteArray(user.PasswordHash);
                PasswordHash hash      = new PasswordHash(hashBytes);
                if (!hash.Verify(password))
                    user = null;

        public static User GetCurrentUser()
            using (var db = new Remax_Entities()) {
                User            user           = null;
                var             claimsIdentity = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;
                ClaimsPrincipal currentClaim   = HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Authentication.User;

                //if (currentClaim != null && currentClaim.Claims != null && currentClaim.Claims.Count() > 1)
                if (claimsIdentity != null && claimsIdentity.Claims != null && claimsIdentity.Claims.Count() > 1)
                    var sid = (from c in currentClaim.Claims.AsEnumerable()
                               where c.Type.EndsWith("/sid")
                               select c).FirstOrDefault();

                    Util.MemoryCacher memoryCacher = new Util.MemoryCacher();
                    var user_found_in_memory       = memoryCacher.GetValue(sid.Value) as User;
                    if (user_found_in_memory != null)
                        user = user_found_in_memory;
                        var user_found = (from u in db.Users
                                          where u.Id.ToString() == sid.Value
                                          select u).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (user_found != null)
                            user = user_found;
                            memoryCacher.Add(user.Id.ToString(), user, DateTime.Now.AddHours(8));
                    throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("User login failed. Please login again.");
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> ProcessStagingData()
            Remax_Entities    db             = new Remax_Entities();
            List <Channel>    newChannels    = new List <Channel>();
            List <Monitoring> monitoringList = new List <Monitoring>();
            List <Alert>      alertList      = new List <Alert>();

            #region --------------------------- Checking service user & root account ---------------------------

            User serviceUser = (from u in db.Users
                                where (string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.FullName) ? "" : u.FullName).ToLower() == "service"
                                select u).FirstOrDefault();
            if (serviceUser != null)
                db.ServiceUser = serviceUser;
                logger.DebugFormat("Service user not found : Create \"Service\" user.");

            Account rootAccount = (from a in db.Accounts
                                   where (string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.AccountID) ? "" : a.AccountID).ToLower() == "root"
                                   select a).FirstOrDefault();
            if (rootAccount != null)
                db.RootAccount = rootAccount;
                logger.DebugFormat("Root account not found : Create new account with account ID \"Root\".");


            logger.InfoFormat("Process Staging Data start at {0}", DateTime.Now);

                #region --------------------------- Vessel & Engine Creation ---------------------------

                // Vessel check and create
                var vesselsCheck = from m in db.Monitorings
                                   where !(m.Processed.HasValue ? m.Processed.Value : false)
                                   group m.IMO_No by m.IMO_No into g
                                   select new

                foreach (var imo in vesselsCheck.ToList())
                    var found = (from v in db.Vessels
                                 where v.IMO_No == imo.Key
                                 select v).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (found == null)
                        logger.DebugFormat("Creating new Vessel : {0}", imo.Key);

                        Vessel v = new Vessel {
                            IMO_No     = imo.Key,
                            VesselName = "No Name",
                            OwnerID    = db.RootAccount.Id,
                            OperatorID = db.RootAccount.Id

                        db.Entry(v).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added;
                        int rowAffected = await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                        if (rowAffected == 1)
                            logger.DebugFormat("New Vessel created : {0}", imo.Key);

                // Engine check and create
                var enginesCheck = from m in db.Monitorings
                                   where !(m.Processed.HasValue ? m.Processed.Value : false)
                                   group m by new { IMO_No = m.IMO_No, SerialNo = m.SerialNo } into g
                    select new

                foreach (var eng in enginesCheck.ToList())
                    var vesselFound = (from v in db.Vessels
                                       where v.IMO_No == eng.Key.IMO_No
                                       select v).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (vesselFound != null)
                        var engineFound = (from e in db.Engines
                                           join v in db.Vessels on e.VesselID equals v.Id into ev
                                           from e_v in ev.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                           where new { e_v.Id, e.SerialNo } == new { vesselFound.Id, eng.Key.SerialNo }
                                           select e).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (engineFound == null)
                            logger.DebugFormat("Creating new Engine : {0}", new { vesselFound.Id, eng.Key.SerialNo });

                            Engine e = new Engine
                                VesselID = vesselFound.Id,
                                SerialNo = eng.Key.SerialNo

                            db.Entry(e).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added;
                            int rowAffected = await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                            if (rowAffected == 1)
                                logger.DebugFormat("New Engine created : Vessel {0}, Serial No {1}", eng.Key.IMO_No, eng.Key.SerialNo);

                #region --------------------------- Data Extraction (Monitoring and Alert Settings) ---------------------------
                var monitoring = from m in db.Monitorings

                                 join v in db.Vessels on m.IMO_No equals v.IMO_No into mv
                                 from m_v in mv.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                 join e in db.Engines on m.SerialNo equals e.SerialNo into me
                                 from m_e in me.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                 join ml in db.Models on(m_e.EngineModelID.HasValue?m_e.EngineModelID : Guid.Empty) equals ml.Id into mml
                                 from m_ml in mml.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                 join c in db.Channels on
                                 new { m.ChannelNo, ID = (m_ml != null && m_ml.Id != null) ? m_ml.Id : Guid.Empty } equals
                new { c.ChannelNo, ID = c.ModelID.HasValue ? c.ModelID.Value : Guid.Empty }
                into mch
                from m_ch in mch.DefaultIfEmpty()

                join ct in db.ChartTypes on m_ch.ChartTypeID equals ct.Id into mct
                from m_ct in mct.DefaultIfEmpty()

                where !(m.Processed.HasValue ? m.Processed.Value : false)

                select new
                    Id                  = m.Id,
                    IMONo               = m.IMO_No,
                    VesselId            = m_v.Id,
                    VesselName          = m_v.VesselName,
                    SerialNo            = m.SerialNo,
                    EngineID            = m_e.Id != null ? m_e.Id : Guid.Empty,
                    EngineModelID       = m_e.EngineModelID != null ? m_e.EngineModelID : Guid.Empty,
                    ModelName           = m_ml.Name,
                    ChannelNo           = m.ChannelNo,
                    ChannelID           = m_ch.Id != null ? m_ch.Id : Guid.Empty,
                    ChannelName         = m_ch.Name,
                    ChannelDocURL       = m_ch.DocumentURL,
                    DisplayUnit         = m.Unit,
                    IncomingChannelName = m.ChannelDescription,

                    ChartType = m_ct.Name,
                    Processed = m.Processed,
                    Value     = m.Value
                var conditions = from o in db.OptionSets
                                 join og in db.OptionSetGroups on o.GroupId equals og.Id
                                 where og.Name == "condition"
                                 select o;

                var alertLevels = from o in db.OptionSets
                                  join og in db.OptionSetGroups on o.GroupId equals og.Id
                                  where og.Name == "alertlevel"
                                  select o;

                var alertSettings = from s in db.AlertSettings
                                    select s;


                #region --------------------------- Processing data and Creating Alerts ---------------------------

                // Do not remove ToList() in below line, it will trigger "There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first."
                logger.DebugFormat("Total line to process : {0}", monitoring.ToList().Count());
                foreach (var m in monitoring.ToList())
                    var  monitor = db.Monitorings.Where(mo => mo.Id == m.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    bool error   = false;

                    if (monitor != null)
                        #region --------------------------- Processing monitoring data ---------------------------

                        monitor.ProcessedError = string.Empty;
                        if (m.VesselName == null)
                            monitor.ProcessedError += "IMO number not found.";
                        if (m.EngineID == null || m.EngineID == Guid.Empty)
                            monitor.ProcessedError += "Engine not found. ";
                        if (m.EngineModelID == null || m.EngineModelID == Guid.Empty)
                            monitor.ProcessedError += "Engine model not found. ";

                        monitor.ProcessedError = monitor.ProcessedError.Trim();

                        error = (m.VesselName == null ||
                                 m.EngineID == null || m.EngineID == Guid.Empty ||
                                 m.EngineModelID == null || m.EngineModelID == Guid.Empty

                        if (!error)
                            monitor.Processed = true;



                        #region --------------------------- Checking and Adding Alerts  ---------------------------

                        var foundAlert = alertSettings.Where(s => s.EngineModelID == m.EngineModelID && s.ChannelID == m.ChannelID).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (foundAlert != null)
                            string strAVal = foundAlert.Value;
                            string strMVal = m.Value;

                            decimal aVal = decimal.MinValue;
                            decimal mVal = decimal.MinValue;

                            decimal.TryParse(strAVal, out aVal);
                            decimal.TryParse(strMVal, out mVal);

                            bool isAlertValIsNumber = aVal != decimal.MinValue;
                            bool isNeed2Alert       = false;

                            switch (foundAlert.Condition)
                            case 1:     //Equal to
                                if (isAlertValIsNumber)
                                    isNeed2Alert = (mVal == aVal);                         //number equal
                                    isNeed2Alert = (strMVal.Trim().ToLower() == strAVal.Trim().ToLower());      //string equal

                            case 2:     //Not equal to
                                if (isAlertValIsNumber)
                                    isNeed2Alert = (mVal != aVal);                         //number not equal
                                    isNeed2Alert = (strMVal.Trim().ToLower() != strAVal.Trim().ToLower());      //string not equal

                            case 3:     //Greater than
                                if (isAlertValIsNumber)
                                    isNeed2Alert = (mVal > aVal);                         //number not equal

                            case 4:     //Less than
                                if (isAlertValIsNumber)
                                    isNeed2Alert = (mVal < aVal);                         //number not equal

                            case 5:     //Greater than or equal to
                                if (isAlertValIsNumber)
                                    isNeed2Alert = (mVal >= aVal);                         //number not equal

                            case 6:     //Less than or equal to
                                if (isAlertValIsNumber)
                                    isNeed2Alert = (mVal <= aVal);                         //number not equal

                                isNeed2Alert = false;

                            if (isNeed2Alert)
                                logger.InfoFormat("Alert found: [AlertID:{0}] [MonintoringID:{1}]", foundAlert.Id, m.Id);

                                EmailTemplate emailTemplate = (from t in db.EmailTemplates
                                                               where t.Name.ToLower() == EMAIL_ALERT_TEMPLATE_NAME
                                                               select t).FirstOrDefault();

                                IQueryable <Vessel> vessels = from v in db.Vessels
                                                              where v.IMO_No == m.IMONo
                                                              select v;

                                Vessel vesselFound = vessels.Include("OperatorAccount").Include("OwnerAccount").FirstOrDefault();

                                if (emailTemplate != null && vesselFound != null)
                                    logger.InfoFormat("Alert creating.");

                                    string emails = string.Empty;
                                    if (vesselFound.OwnerAccount != null && vesselFound.OwnerAccount.Email != null)
                                        if (IsValidEmail(vesselFound.OwnerAccount.Email))
                                            emails += vesselFound.OwnerAccount.Email + ";";
                                    if (vesselFound.OperatorAccount != null && vesselFound.OperatorAccount.Email != null)
                                        if (IsValidEmail(vesselFound.OperatorAccount.Email))
                                            emails += vesselFound.OperatorAccount.Email + ";";

                                    string msg          = emailTemplate.Template;
                                    string osCondition  = conditions.Where(c => c.Value == foundAlert.Condition).Select(c => c.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                                    string osAlertLevel = alertLevels.Where(al => al.Value == foundAlert.AlertLevel).Select(al => al.Name).FirstOrDefault();

                                    string strDocURL = string.Empty;
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.ChannelDocURL))
                                        strDocURL = string.Format("<a href='{0}' target='_new'>Click here to open troubleshooting document</a>", m.ChannelDocURL);

                                    msg = msg.Replace("[[Vessel.IMO_No]]", m.IMONo)
                                          .Replace("[[Engine.SerialNo]]", m.SerialNo)
                                          .Replace("[[Channel.Name]]", m.ChannelName)
                                          .Replace("[[AlertSetting.Condition]]", osCondition != null? osCondition.ToLower() : "")
                                          .Replace("[[AlertSetting.Value]]", foundAlert.Value)
                                          .Replace("[[AlertSetting.AlertLevel]]", osAlertLevel)
                                          .Replace("[[AlertSetting.Message]]", foundAlert.Message)
                                          .Replace("[[Channel.DocumentURL]]", strDocURL);

                                    Alert a = new Alert()
                                        MonitoringId      = m.Id,
                                        VesselId          = m.VesselId,
                                        IMO_No            = m.IMONo,
                                        VesselName        = m.VesselName,
                                        EngineId          = m.EngineID,
                                        SerialNo          = m.SerialNo,
                                        ModelId           = m.EngineModelID,
                                        ModelName         = m.ModelName,
                                        ChannelId         = m.ChannelID,
                                        ChannelName       = m.ChannelName,
                                        Value             = m.Value,
                                        DisplayUnit       = m.DisplayUnit,
                                        AlertSettingId    = foundAlert.Id,
                                        Condition         = foundAlert.Condition,
                                        ConditionValue    = osCondition,
                                        AlertValue        = foundAlert.Value,
                                        AlertLevel        = foundAlert.AlertLevel,
                                        AlertLevelValue   = osAlertLevel,
                                        Recipients        = emails,
                                        Subject           = string.Format("Alert for {0} - {1}", m.IMONo, m.SerialNo),
                                        AlertMessage      = foundAlert.Message,
                                        AlertEmailMessage = msg,
                                        DocumentURL       = m.ChannelDocURL,
                                        AlertTime         = DateTime.UtcNow

                                    // Add to alert collection and update to database later
                                else if (emailTemplate == null)
                                    logger.DebugFormat("Email template {0} not found", EMAIL_ALERT_TEMPLATE_NAME);
                                else if (vesselFound == null)
                                    logger.DebugFormat("Vessel not found");


                    #region ---------------------- Adding new channels -----------------------
                    // No channel name found but have incoming channel name and no error e.g engine serial no. not found
                    if (m.ChannelName == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.IncomingChannelName) && !error) // Consider new channel for related engine model
                        Channel c = new Channel()
                            ChannelNo   = m.ChannelNo,
                            Name        = m.IncomingChannelName,
                            ModelID     = m.EngineModelID,
                            DisplayUnit = m.DisplayUnit,
                            //Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            //CreatedBy = Guid.Empty,
                            //CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
                            //ModifiedBy = Guid.Empty,
                            //ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now

                        if (c.Name.Contains("Port"))
                            c.Side = 1;
                        else if (c.Name.Contains("Starboard") || c.Name.Contains("STBD"))
                            c.Side = 2;

                        var checkChannelDB = db.Channels.Where(
                            ch => ch.ChannelNo.ToLower() == (string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ChannelNo) ? "" : c.ChannelNo.ToLower()) &&
                            ch.ModelID == m.EngineModelID

                        var checkChannelMemory = newChannels.Where(
                            ch => ch.ChannelNo.ToLower() == (string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ChannelNo) ? "" : c.ChannelNo.ToLower()) &&
                            ch.ModelID == m.EngineModelID

                        if (checkChannelDB == null && checkChannelMemory == null)


                int recordAffected = 0;

                #region ------------------------ Creating new channels ------------------------
                logger.DebugFormat("Total new Channels to be created : {0}", newChannels.ToList().Count());
                foreach (var c in newChannels)
                    db.Entry(c).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added;
                recordAffected = await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                logger.DebugFormat("Total new Channels created : {0}", recordAffected);

                #region ------------------------ Updating monitoring values ------------------------

                logger.DebugFormat("Total values to be processed : {0}", monitoringList.ToList().Count());
                foreach (var m in monitoringList)
                    if (m.Id == null)
                        db.Entry(m).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added;
                        db.Entry(m).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
                recordAffected = await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                logger.DebugFormat("Total values processed : {0}", recordAffected);


                #region ------------------------ Creating alerts and sending emails------------------------
                logger.DebugFormat("Total alerts to be created : {0}", monitoringList.ToList().Count());
                foreach (var alert in alertList)
                    #region ----------------------- Send alert email -----------------------
                    string emailHost = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailHost"];
                    string emailPort = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailPort"];
                    string emailSSL  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailSSL"];
                    string emailAddr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailAddress"];
                    string emailName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailName"];
                    string emailPwd  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailPwd"];

                    var    fromAddress  = new MailAddress(emailAddr, emailName);
                    string fromPassword = emailPwd;

                    var smtp = new SmtpClient
                        Host                  = emailHost,
                        Port                  = int.Parse(emailPort),
                        EnableSsl             = bool.Parse(emailSSL),
                        DeliveryMethod        = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
                        UseDefaultCredentials = false,
                        Credentials           = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, fromPassword)

                    using (var message = new MailMessage()
                        From = fromAddress,
                        Subject = alert.Subject,
                        Body = alert.AlertEmailMessage,
                        IsBodyHtml = true
                        string[] toRecipient = alert.Recipients.Split(new char[] { ';', ',' });
                        foreach (var r in toRecipient)
                            if (IsValidEmail(r))
                                message.To.Add(new MailAddress(r));

                        await smtp.SendMailAsync(message);

                        alert.Notified = true;

                    db.Entry(alert).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Added;
                recordAffected = await db.SaveChangesAsync();

                logger.DebugFormat("Total alert created : {0}", recordAffected);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    logger.Error(ex.InnerException.Message, ex.InnerException);
                    logger.Error(ex.Message, ex);


            logger.InfoFormat("Process Staging Data end at {0}", DateTime.Now);
        protected async Task <FileProcessSummary> ProcessSingleFile(string fileNamePath)
            FileProcessSummary summary = new FileProcessSummary();

            string[] lines          = File.ReadAllLines(fileNamePath);
            bool     hasError       = false;
            long     totalLine      = lines.Length;
            int      recordAffected = 0;

            if (totalLine > 0)
                string   headerLine = lines[0];
                string[] header     = headerLine.Split(new char[] { ',' });

                if (header.Length != 7)
                    throw new FileProcessingException(Consts.INTEGRATION_FILE_HEADER_LENGTH, FileProcessingException.ErrorType.File);

                summary.ErrorList = new List <string>();

                summary.Total     = lines.Length - 1;
                summary.StartTime = DateTime.Now;

                List <Monitoring> monitoringList = new List <Monitoring>();

                for (long i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                    long   currentLine = i;
                    string line        = lines[i];

                    Regex CSVParser = new Regex(",(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*(?![^\"]*\"))");

                    string[] raw = CSVParser.Split(line);
                    //string[] raw = line.Split(new char[] { ',' });

                        Monitoring monitor = new Monitoring();

                        // IMO Number
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(raw[0]))
                            monitor.IMO_No = RemoveDoubleQuotes(raw[0]);
                        // Engine Serial No.
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(raw[1]))
                            monitor.SerialNo = RemoveDoubleQuotes(raw[1]);
                        // Channel No
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(raw[2]))
                            monitor.ChannelNo = RemoveDoubleQuotes(raw[2]);
                        // Channel Description
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(raw[3]))
                            monitor.ChannelDescription = RemoveDoubleQuotes(raw[3]);
                        // TimeStamp
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(raw[4]))
                            monitor.TimeStamp = DateTime.Parse(raw[4]).ToUniversalTime();
                        // Data Values
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(raw[5]))
                            monitor.Value = RemoveDoubleQuotes(raw[5]);
                        // Unit of Measurement
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(raw[6]))
                            monitor.Unit = RemoveDoubleQuotes(raw[6]);

                        // System Info
                        //monitor.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
                        //monitor.CreatedBy = Guid.Empty;
                        //monitor.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;
                        //monitor.ModifiedBy = Guid.Empty;
                        //monitor.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now;

                        monitor.DataRecord        = line;
                        monitor.FileName          = Path.GetFileName(fileNamePath);
                        monitor.TimeStampOriginal = raw[4];

                        summary.Success = summary.Success++;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        summary.ErrorList.Add(string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", line, i.ToString(), ex.Message));
                        hasError = true;
                summary.EndTime = DateTime.Now;

                Remax_Entities remax_Entities = new Remax_Entities();

                recordAffected = 0; // Do not remove this
                User serviceUser = (from u in remax_Entities.Users
                                    where (string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.FullName) ? "" : u.FullName).ToLower() == "service"
                                    select u).FirstOrDefault();

                remax_Entities.ServiceUser = serviceUser;

                    recordAffected = await remax_Entities.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    hasError = true;
                    logger.Error(ex.Message, ex);

                    summary.Failure += (summary.Total - summary.Failure) - recordAffected;

            summary.DatabaseInsert        = recordAffected;
            summary.Success               = recordAffected;
            summary.SuccessfullyProcessed = !hasError;
 public AuthRepository()
     _ctx = new Remax_Entities();