public void CreateReleaseAmendment_CorrectBasicDetails()
            var release = new Release
                Id               = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Version          = 1,
                Published        = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-10T13:00:00"),
                PublishScheduled = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-09T12:00:00")

            var createdDate = DateTime.Now;
            var createdById = Guid.NewGuid();

            var amendment = release.CreateReleaseAmendment(createdDate, createdById);

            Assert.NotEqual(release.Id, amendment.Id);
            Assert.Equal(2, amendment.Version);
            Assert.Equal(release.Id, amendment.PreviousVersionId);

            Assert.Equal(ReleaseStatus.Draft, amendment.Status);

            Assert.Equal(createdDate, amendment.Created);
            Assert.Equal(createdById, amendment.CreatedById);
        public void CreateReleaseAmendment_ClonesUpdates()
            var release = new Release
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(),

            release.Updates = new List <Update>
                new Update
                    Id        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Reason    = "Update 1 reason",
                    Release   = release,
                    ReleaseId = release.Id
                new Update
                    Id        = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Reason    = "Update 2 reason",
                    Release   = release,
                    ReleaseId = release.Id

            var createdDate = DateTime.Now;
            var createdById = Guid.NewGuid();

            var amendment = release.CreateReleaseAmendment(createdDate, createdById);

            Assert.Equal(2, amendment.Updates.Count);

            var update1 = amendment.Updates[0];

            Assert.NotEqual(release.Updates[0].Id, update1.Id);
            Assert.Equal("Update 1 reason", update1.Reason);
            Assert.Equal(amendment, update1.Release);
            Assert.Equal(amendment.Id, update1.ReleaseId);

            var update2 = amendment.Updates[1];

            Assert.NotEqual(release.Updates[1].Id, update2.Id);
            Assert.Equal("Update 2 reason", update2.Reason);
            Assert.Equal(amendment, update2.Release);
            Assert.Equal(amendment.Id, update2.ReleaseId);
        public void CreateReleaseAmendment_ClonesRelatedInformation()
            var release = new Release
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(),

            release.RelatedInformation = new List <Link>
                new Link
                    Id          = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Description = "Link 1 description",
                    Url         = "Link 1 url"
                new Link
                    Id          = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Description = "Link 2 description",
                    Url         = "Link 2 url"

            var createdDate = DateTime.Now;
            var createdById = Guid.NewGuid();

            var amendment = release.CreateReleaseAmendment(createdDate, createdById);

            Assert.Equal(2, amendment.RelatedInformation.Count);

            var link1 = amendment.RelatedInformation[0];

            Assert.NotEqual(release.RelatedInformation[0].Id, link1.Id);
            Assert.Equal("Link 1 description", link1.Description);
            Assert.Equal("Link 1 url", link1.Url);

            var link2 = amendment.RelatedInformation[1];

            Assert.NotEqual(release.RelatedInformation[1].Id, link2.Id);
            Assert.Equal("Link 2 description", link2.Description);
            Assert.Equal("Link 2 url", link2.Url);
        public void CreateReleaseAmendment_UpdatesFastTrackLinkIds_NullHtmlBlockBody()
            var release = new Release
                Id = Guid.NewGuid()

            var section1Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            var contentBlock = new HtmlBlock
                Id               = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Order            = 1,
                Body             = null,
                ContentSectionId = section1Id

            var dataBlock = new DataBlock
                Id               = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Order            = 2,
                Heading          = "Block 2 heading",
                Name             = "Block 2 name",
                Source           = "Block 2 source",
                ContentSectionId = section1Id

            release.Content = new List <ReleaseContentSection>
                new ReleaseContentSection
                    Release          = release,
                    ReleaseId        = release.Id,
                    ContentSectionId = section1Id,
                    ContentSection   = new ContentSection
                        Id      = section1Id,
                        Heading = "Section 1",
                        Content = new List <ContentBlock>

            release.ContentBlocks = new List <ReleaseContentBlock>
                new ReleaseContentBlock
                    ReleaseId      = release.Id,
                    Release        = release,
                    ContentBlockId = contentBlock.Id,
                    ContentBlock   = contentBlock
                new ReleaseContentBlock
                    ReleaseId      = release.Id,
                    Release        = release,
                    ContentBlockId = dataBlock.Id,
                    ContentBlock   = dataBlock

            var createdDate = DateTime.Now;
            var createdById = Guid.NewGuid();

            // Minimal test to make sure that a null HtmlBlock body doesn't affect creating a Release amendment
            var amendment = release.CreateReleaseAmendment(createdDate, createdById);

            Assert.Equal(2, amendment.ContentBlocks.Count);

            var releaseBlock1 = amendment.ContentBlocks[0];

            Assert.NotEqual(release.ContentBlocks[0].ContentBlockId, releaseBlock1.ContentBlockId);

            var block1 = Assert.IsType <HtmlBlock>(releaseBlock1.ContentBlock);

            Assert.NotEqual(release.ContentBlocks[0].ContentBlock.Id, block1.Id);
        public void CreateReleaseAmendment_UpdatesFastTrackLinkIds()
            var release = new Release
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(),

            var dataBlock1 = new DataBlock
                Id      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Order   = 1,
                Heading = "Data block 1",
            var dataBlock2 = new DataBlock
                Id      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Order   = 1,
                Heading = "Data block 2",
            var contentBlock1 = new HtmlBlock
                Id    = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Order = 1,
                Body  = $"Content block 1 http://localhost/fast-track/{dataBlock1.Id}"
            var contentBlock2 = new HtmlBlock
                Id    = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Order = 2,
                Body  = $"Content block 2 http://localhost/fast-track/{dataBlock2.Id}/ some other text"
            var contentBlock3 = new HtmlBlock
                Id    = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Order = 1,
                Body  = $"<p>Content block 3 <a href=\"http://localhost/fast-track/{dataBlock1.Id}\">link text</a></p>"
            var contentBlock4 = new HtmlBlock
                Id    = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Order = 2,
                Body  = $@"
                    <p>Content block 4 http://localhost/fast-track/{dataBlock1.Id} http://localhost/fast-track/{dataBlock2.Id}</p>
                    <p><a href=""http://localhost/fast-track/{dataBlock1.Id}"">link 1 text</a></p>
                    <p><a href=""http://localhost/fast-track/{dataBlock2.Id}/"">link 2 text</a></p>

            release.ContentBlocks = new List <ReleaseContentBlock>
                new ReleaseContentBlock
                    ReleaseId      = release.Id,
                    Release        = release,
                    ContentBlockId = dataBlock1.Id,
                    ContentBlock   = dataBlock1
                new ReleaseContentBlock
                    ReleaseId      = release.Id,
                    Release        = release,
                    ContentBlockId = dataBlock2.Id,
                    ContentBlock   = dataBlock2
                new ReleaseContentBlock
                    ReleaseId      = release.Id,
                    Release        = release,
                    ContentBlockId = contentBlock1.Id,
                    ContentBlock   = contentBlock1
                new ReleaseContentBlock
                    ReleaseId      = release.Id,
                    Release        = release,
                    ContentBlockId = contentBlock2.Id,
                    ContentBlock   = contentBlock2
                new ReleaseContentBlock
                    ReleaseId      = release.Id,
                    Release        = release,
                    ContentBlockId = contentBlock3.Id,
                    ContentBlock   = contentBlock3
                new ReleaseContentBlock
                    ReleaseId      = release.Id,
                    Release        = release,
                    ContentBlockId = contentBlock4.Id,
                    ContentBlock   = contentBlock4

            var section1Id = Guid.NewGuid();
            var section2Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            release.Content = new List <ReleaseContentSection>
                new ReleaseContentSection
                    Release          = release,
                    ReleaseId        = release.Id,
                    ContentSectionId = section1Id,
                    ContentSection   = new ContentSection
                        Id      = section1Id,
                        Heading = "Section 1",
                        Content = new List <ContentBlock>
                new ReleaseContentSection
                    Release          = release,
                    ReleaseId        = release.Id,
                    ContentSectionId = section2Id,
                    ContentSection   = new ContentSection
                        Id      = section2Id,
                        Heading = "Section 2",
                        Content = new List <ContentBlock>

            var createdDate = DateTime.Now;
            var createdById = Guid.NewGuid();

            var amendment = release.CreateReleaseAmendment(createdDate, createdById);

            var amendmentDataBlock1 = Assert.IsType <DataBlock>(amendment.ContentBlocks[0].ContentBlock);
            var amendmentDataBlock2 = Assert.IsType <DataBlock>(amendment.ContentBlocks[1].ContentBlock);

            Assert.NotEqual(dataBlock1.Id, amendmentDataBlock1.Id);
            Assert.NotEqual(dataBlock2.Id, amendmentDataBlock2.Id);

            var section1 = amendment.Content[0].ContentSection;

            var amendmentContentBlock1 = Assert.IsType <HtmlBlock>(section1.Content[0]);
            var amendmentContentBlock2 = Assert.IsType <HtmlBlock>(section1.Content[1]);

                $"Content block 1 http://localhost/fast-track/{amendmentDataBlock1.Id}",
                $"Content block 2 http://localhost/fast-track/{amendmentDataBlock2.Id}/ some other text",

            var section2 = amendment.Content[1].ContentSection;

            var amendmentContentBlock3 = Assert.IsType <HtmlBlock>(section2.Content[0]);
            var amendmentContentBlock4 = Assert.IsType <HtmlBlock>(section2.Content[1]);

                $"<p>Content block 3 <a href=\"http://localhost/fast-track/{amendmentDataBlock1.Id}\">link text</a></p>",
                    <p>Content block 4 http://localhost/fast-track/{amendmentDataBlock1.Id} http://localhost/fast-track/{amendmentDataBlock2.Id}</p>
                    <p><a href=""http://localhost/fast-track/{amendmentDataBlock1.Id}"">link 1 text</a></p>
                    <p><a href=""http://localhost/fast-track/{amendmentDataBlock2.Id}/"">link 2 text</a></p>
        public void CreateReleaseAmendment_ClonesContentBlocks_SameAsBlocksInContent()
            var release = new Release
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(),

            var section1Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            var contentBlock = new HtmlBlock
                Id               = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Order            = 1,
                Body             = "Block 1 body",
                ContentSectionId = section1Id,
            var dataBlock = new DataBlock
                Id               = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Order            = 2,
                Heading          = "Block 2 heading",
                Name             = "Block 2 name",
                Source           = "Block 2 source",
                ContentSectionId = section1Id,

            release.Content = new List <ReleaseContentSection>
                new ReleaseContentSection
                    Release          = release,
                    ReleaseId        = release.Id,
                    ContentSectionId = section1Id,
                    ContentSection   = new ContentSection
                        Id      = section1Id,
                        Heading = "Section 1",
                        Content = new List <ContentBlock>

            release.ContentBlocks = new List <ReleaseContentBlock>
                new ReleaseContentBlock
                    ReleaseId      = release.Id,
                    Release        = release,
                    ContentBlockId = contentBlock.Id,
                    ContentBlock   = contentBlock
                new ReleaseContentBlock
                    ReleaseId      = release.Id,
                    Release        = release,
                    ContentBlockId = dataBlock.Id,
                    ContentBlock   = dataBlock

            var createdDate = DateTime.Now;
            var createdById = Guid.NewGuid();

            var amendment = release.CreateReleaseAmendment(createdDate, createdById);

            Assert.Equal(2, amendment.ContentBlocks.Count);

            var releaseBlock1 = amendment.ContentBlocks[0];

            Assert.Equal(amendment, releaseBlock1.Release);
            Assert.Equal(amendment.Id, releaseBlock1.ReleaseId);
            Assert.NotEqual(release.ContentBlocks[0].ContentBlockId, releaseBlock1.ContentBlockId);

            var block1 = Assert.IsType <HtmlBlock>(releaseBlock1.ContentBlock);

            Assert.NotEqual(release.ContentBlocks[0].ContentBlock.Id, block1.Id);
            Assert.Equal(1, block1.Order);
            Assert.Equal("Block 1 body", block1.Body);

            var contentSection1Block1 = Assert.IsType <HtmlBlock>(amendment.Content[0].ContentSection.Content[0]);

            Assert.Equal(block1, contentSection1Block1);

            var releaseBlock2 = amendment.ContentBlocks[1];

            Assert.Equal(amendment, releaseBlock2.Release);
            Assert.Equal(amendment.Id, releaseBlock2.ReleaseId);
            Assert.NotEqual(release.ContentBlocks[1].ContentBlockId, releaseBlock2.ContentBlockId);

            var block2 = Assert.IsType <DataBlock>(releaseBlock2.ContentBlock);

            Assert.NotEqual(release.ContentBlocks[1].ContentBlock.Id, block2.Id);
            Assert.Equal(2, block2.Order);
            Assert.Equal("Block 2 heading", block2.Heading);
            Assert.Equal("Block 2 name", block2.Name);
            Assert.Equal("Block 2 source", block2.Source);

            var contentSection1Block2 = Assert.IsType <DataBlock>(amendment.Content[0].ContentSection.Content[1]);

            Assert.Equal(block2, contentSection1Block2);
        public void CreateReleaseAmendment_ClonesContentBlocks()
            var release = new Release
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(),

            var block1Id = Guid.NewGuid();
            var block2Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            release.ContentBlocks = new List <ReleaseContentBlock>
                new ReleaseContentBlock
                    ReleaseId      = release.Id,
                    Release        = release,
                    ContentBlockId = block1Id,
                    ContentBlock   = new HtmlBlock
                        Id    = block1Id,
                        Order = 1,
                        Body  = "Block 1 body"
                new ReleaseContentBlock
                    ReleaseId      = release.Id,
                    Release        = release,
                    ContentBlockId = block2Id,
                    ContentBlock   = new DataBlock
                        Id      = block2Id,
                        Order   = 2,
                        Heading = "Block 2 heading",
                        Name    = "Block 2 name",
                        Source  = "Block 2 source"

            var createdDate = DateTime.Now;
            var createdById = Guid.NewGuid();

            var amendment = release.CreateReleaseAmendment(createdDate, createdById);

            Assert.Equal(2, amendment.ContentBlocks.Count);

            var releaseBlock1 = amendment.ContentBlocks[0];

            Assert.Equal(amendment, releaseBlock1.Release);
            Assert.Equal(amendment.Id, releaseBlock1.ReleaseId);
            Assert.NotEqual(release.ContentBlocks[0].ContentBlockId, releaseBlock1.ContentBlockId);

            var block1 = Assert.IsType <HtmlBlock>(releaseBlock1.ContentBlock);

            Assert.NotEqual(release.ContentBlocks[0].ContentBlock.Id, block1.Id);
            Assert.Equal(1, block1.Order);
            Assert.Equal("Block 1 body", block1.Body);

            var releaseBlock2 = amendment.ContentBlocks[1];

            Assert.Equal(amendment, releaseBlock2.Release);
            Assert.Equal(amendment.Id, releaseBlock2.ReleaseId);
            Assert.NotEqual(release.ContentBlocks[1].ContentBlockId, releaseBlock2.ContentBlockId);

            var block2 = Assert.IsType <DataBlock>(releaseBlock2.ContentBlock);

            Assert.NotEqual(release.ContentBlocks[1].ContentBlock.Id, block2.Id);
            Assert.Equal(2, block2.Order);
            Assert.Equal("Block 2 heading", block2.Heading);
            Assert.Equal("Block 2 name", block2.Name);
            Assert.Equal("Block 2 source", block2.Source);
        public void CreateReleaseAmendment_ClonesContent_RemovesComments()
            var release = new Release
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(),

            var section1Id = Guid.NewGuid();
            var section2Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            release.Content = new List <ReleaseContentSection>
                new ReleaseContentSection
                    Release          = release,
                    ReleaseId        = release.Id,
                    ContentSectionId = section1Id,
                    ContentSection   = new ContentSection
                        Id      = section1Id,
                        Heading = "Section 1",
                        Content = new List <ContentBlock>
                            new HtmlBlock
                                Id       = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                Order    = 1,
                                Body     = "Block 1 body",
                                Comments = new List <Comment>
                                    new Comment
                                        Content = "Comment 1"
                new ReleaseContentSection
                    Release          = release,
                    ReleaseId        = release.Id,
                    ContentSectionId = section2Id,
                    ContentSection   = new ContentSection
                        Id      = section2Id,
                        Heading = "Section 2",
                        Content = new List <ContentBlock>
                            new HtmlBlock
                                Id       = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                Order    = 1,
                                Body     = "Block 2",
                                Comments = new List <Comment>
                                    new Comment
                                        Content = "Comment 1"

            var createdDate = DateTime.Now;
            var createdById = Guid.NewGuid();

            var amendment = release.CreateReleaseAmendment(createdDate, createdById);

            Assert.Equal(2, amendment.Content.Count);

            var section1 = amendment.Content[0];
            var section2 = amendment.Content[1];

            var block1 = Assert.IsType <HtmlBlock>(section1.ContentSection.Content[0]);


            var block2 = Assert.IsType <HtmlBlock>(section2.ContentSection.Content[0]);

        public void CreateReleaseAmendment_ClonesContent()
            var release = new Release
                Id = Guid.NewGuid(),

            var section1Id = Guid.NewGuid();
            var section2Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            release.Content = new List <ReleaseContentSection>
                new ReleaseContentSection
                    Release          = release,
                    ReleaseId        = release.Id,
                    ContentSectionId = section1Id,
                    ContentSection   = new ContentSection
                        Id      = section1Id,
                        Heading = "Section 1",
                        Content = new List <ContentBlock>
                            new HtmlBlock
                                Id    = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                Order = 1,
                                Body  = "Block 1 body"
                            new DataBlock
                                Id      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                Order   = 2,
                                Heading = "Block 2 heading",
                                Name    = "Block 2 name",
                                Source  = "Block 2 source"
                new ReleaseContentSection
                    Release          = release,
                    ReleaseId        = release.Id,
                    ContentSectionId = section2Id,
                    ContentSection   = new ContentSection
                        Id      = section2Id,
                        Heading = "Section 2",
                        Content = new List <ContentBlock>
                            new HtmlBlock
                                Id    = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                Order = 1,
                                Body  = "Block 3 body"

            var createdDate = DateTime.Now;
            var createdById = Guid.NewGuid();

            var amendment = release.CreateReleaseAmendment(createdDate, createdById);

            Assert.Equal(2, amendment.Content.Count);

            var section1 = amendment.Content[0];

            Assert.Equal(amendment, section1.Release);
            Assert.Equal(amendment.Id, section1.ReleaseId);

            Assert.NotEqual(release.Content[0].ContentSectionId, section1.ContentSectionId);
            Assert.NotEqual(release.Content[0].ContentSection.Id, section1.ContentSection.Id);
            Assert.Equal("Section 1", section1.ContentSection.Heading);

            Assert.Equal(2, section1.ContentSection.Content.Count);

            var block1 = Assert.IsType <HtmlBlock>(section1.ContentSection.Content[0]);

            Assert.NotEqual(release.Content[0].ContentSection.Content[0].Id, block1.Id);
            Assert.Equal(1, block1.Order);
            Assert.Equal("Block 1 body", block1.Body);

            var block2 = Assert.IsType <DataBlock>(section1.ContentSection.Content[1]);

            Assert.NotEqual(release.Content[0].ContentSection.Content[1].Id, block2.Id);
            Assert.Equal(2, block2.Order);
            Assert.Equal("Block 2 heading", block2.Heading);
            Assert.Equal("Block 2 name", block2.Name);
            Assert.Equal("Block 2 source", block2.Source);

            var section2 = amendment.Content[1];

            Assert.Equal(amendment, section2.Release);
            Assert.Equal(amendment.Id, section2.ReleaseId);

            Assert.NotEqual(release.Content[1].ContentSectionId, section2.ContentSectionId);
            Assert.NotEqual(release.Content[1].ContentSection.Id, section2.ContentSection.Id);
            Assert.Equal("Section 2", section2.ContentSection.Heading);


            var block3 = Assert.IsType <HtmlBlock>(section2.ContentSection.Content[0]);

            Assert.NotEqual(release.Content[1].ContentSection.Content[0].Id, block3.Id);
            Assert.Equal(1, block3.Order);
            Assert.Equal("Block 3 body", block3.Body);