		protected void DoSearch()
			string defaultNamespace = Request.QueryString["QuickLinkNamespace"];
			ContentBase cb = TheFederation.ContentBaseForNamespace(defaultNamespace);

			LinkMaker lm = TheLinkMaker;

			RelativeTopicName topic = new RelativeTopicName(Request.Form["QuickLink"]);
			IList hits = cb.AllAbsoluteTopicNamesThatExist(topic);

			string target = null;
			if (hits.Count == 0)
				// No hits, create it in the default namespace
				target = lm.LinkToEditTopic(topic.AsAbsoluteTopicName(defaultNamespace));
			else if (hits.Count == 1)
				// 1 hit; take it!
				NameValueCollection extras = new NameValueCollection();
				extras.Add("DelayRedirect", "1");
				target = lm.LinkToTopic((TopicName)(hits[0]), false, extras);

			// If we have a target, go there
			if (target != null)
				// Response.Write(target);

			// Uh, oh -- we're here because the name is ambiguous
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"" >
        <title id='title'>Topic is ambiguous</title>
        <LINK href='<%= RootUrl(Request) %>wiki.css' type='text/css' rel='stylesheet'>
	<p>The topic name you selected is ambiguous because it already exists in multiple namespaces.  Please select the one you want:
			foreach (AbsoluteTopicName each in hits)
				Response.Write("<li><a href='" + lm.LinkToTopic(each) + "'>" + each.Fullname + "</a></li>");
		protected void DoPage()
			LinkMaker lm = TheLinkMaker;

			string [] topics = ((string)(Request.QueryString["topics"])).Split (new char[] {','});
			string [] fields = ((string)(Request.QueryString["properties"])).Split (new char[] {','});
			foreach (string topic in topics)
				RelativeTopicName rel = new RelativeTopicName(topic);
				AbsoluteTopicName abs;
				IList tops = DefaultContentBase.AllAbsoluteTopicNamesThatExist(rel);
				if (tops.Count == 0)
					abs = rel.AsAbsoluteTopicName(DefaultContentBase.Namespace);		// topic doesn't exist, assume in the wiki's home content base
				else if (tops.Count > 1)
					throw TopicIsAmbiguousException.ForTopic(rel);
				else	// we got just one!
					abs = (AbsoluteTopicName)tops[0];

				foreach (string field in fields)
					string fieldName;
					string fieldClass;
					fieldName = field;
					fieldClass = null;
					if (fieldAndClass.IsMatch(field))
						Match fieldAndClassMatch = fieldAndClass.Match(field);
						fieldName = fieldAndClassMatch.Groups["name"].Value;
						fieldClass = fieldAndClassMatch.Groups["class"].Value;
					string ns = DefaultContentBase.UnambiguousTopicNamespace(abs);
					string fieldValue = TheFederation.GetTopicProperty(abs, fieldName);
					string s1;
					if (fieldName == "_Body")
						s1 = Formatter.FormattedString(abs, fieldValue, OutputFormat.HTML, TheFederation.ContentBaseForNamespace(ns), TheLinkMaker, null);
						s1 = fieldValue;
					// YUCK!  We need to wrap the enclosing <p> (if present) and replace it with the <div>
					s1 = s1.Trim();
					if (s1.StartsWith("<p>"))
						s1 = s1.Substring(3);
					if (s1.EndsWith("</p>"))
						s1 = s1.Substring(0, s1.Length - 4);
					if (fieldClass != null)
						Response.Write(" class='" + fieldClass + "'");
					Response.Write(">" + s1 + "</div>");