        QueryMatchID RegisterFromSetArgs(SetQueryArgs args)
            var matchId = QueryMatchID.Generate();
            // for these low-level tests, we don't need member indices / relation data pairs filled in.
            var memberIndices     = new int[args.relations.children.Count];
            var relationDataPairs = new RelationDataPair[args.relations.Count];

            m_Data.Register(matchId, memberIndices, relationDataPairs, args);
        /// <summary>
        /// Translate the global relation member indices into "local" indices.
        /// A global index refers to the member's index in the parallel collections that hold all data.
        /// A local index refers to the index when all group members are represented
        /// in a collection that has length equal to count of group members.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="groupMemberIndices">All member indices in the group</param>
        /// <param name="globalPairs">The relation index pairs for the global collections</param>
        /// <param name="localPairs">The output local relation pairs</param>
        internal static void MapGlobalToLocalRelationPairs(int[] groupMemberIndices,
                                                           RelationDataPair[] globalPairs, RelationDataPair[] localPairs)
            for (var i = 0; i < groupMemberIndices.Length; i++)
                k_IndexTranslations.Add(groupMemberIndices[i], i);

            for (var i = 0; i < globalPairs.Length; i++)
                var inputPair   = globalPairs[i];
                var translated1 = k_IndexTranslations[inputPair.Child1];
                var translated2 = k_IndexTranslations[inputPair.Child2];
                localPairs[i] = new RelationDataPair(translated1, translated2);
        public int Register(QueryMatchID id, int[] members, RelationDataPair[] pairs, SetQueryArgs args)
            var index = GetInsertionIndex();

            QueryMatchIds[index] = id;
            SetQueryArgs[index]  = args;
            MemberIndices[index] = members;

            UsedByMatch[index]  = Pools.DataIdHashSets.Get();
            SetMatchData[index] = new SetMatchData()
                dataAssignments = new Dictionary <IMRObject, int>(),
                exclusivities   = new Dictionary <IMRObject, Exclusivity>()

            CachedTraits[index]    = new RelationTraitCache(args.relations);
            Relations[index]       = args.relations;
            RelationRatings[index] = Pools.RelationRatings.Get().Initialize(args.relations);

            RelationIndexPairs[index] = pairs;
            var localPairs = new RelationDataPair[pairs.Length];

            MapGlobalToLocalRelationPairs(members, pairs, localPairs);
            LocalRelationIndexPairs[index] = localPairs;

            QueryResults[index]        = new SetQueryResult(id);
            TimeOuts[index]            = args.commonQueryData.timeOut;
            ReAcquireOnLoss[index]     = args.commonQueryData.reacquireOnLoss;
            Priorities[index]          = args.commonQueryData.priority;
            UpdateMatchInterval[index] = args.commonQueryData.updateMatchInterval;
            LastUpdateCheckTime[index] = 0f;
            AcquireHandlers[index]     = args.onAcquire;
            UpdateHandlers[index]      = args.onMatchUpdate;
            LossHandlers[index]        = args.onLoss;
            TimeoutHandlers[index]     = args.onTimeout;
            // SearchData will be initialized after the initial add

            MatchIdToIndex.Add(id, index);
        public void TryMatchAll()
            var dataSet    = new RelationRatingTestData.SingleMatchUsingSameTrait();
            var testObject = m_SetQueryTestObject;
            var relations  = TestUtils.GetRelations(testObject);

            var traitCache = new RelationTraitCache(relations);

            Assert.True(traitCache.TryGetType(out List <RelationTraitCache.ChildTraits <float> > floatTraits));
            traitCache.TryGetType(out List <RelationTraitCache.ChildTraits <Pose> > poseTraits);
            floatTraits[0] = new RelationTraitCache.ChildTraits <float>(dataSet.FloatTraitValues);
            // start with one of our trait values being empty of data, so we can test a failure case
            poseTraits[0] = new RelationTraitCache.ChildTraits <Pose>(new Dictionary <int, Pose>());

            var relationRatings    = new RelationRatingsData(relations);
            var memberRatingsArray = RandomRatingsArray(relations.children.Count);
            var relationIndexPairs = new RelationDataPair[relations.Count];

            for (var i = 0; i < relations.Count; i++)
                // for the purposes of this test, we just want to see that the lower-level
                // abstraction that works on a per-type basis works for all types,
                // so it doesn't matter if the index pair data is accurate
                relationIndexPairs[i] = new RelationDataPair(i, i == relations.Count - 1 ? 0 : i + 1);

            // because our pose relation has no trait data, it should fail and cause the whole result to be false
            Assert.False(RelationRatingTransform.TryMatchAll(relations, traitCache, relationRatings,
                                                             memberRatingsArray, relationIndexPairs));

            // assign usable data to the trait that had no values before, and then re-try - now it should succeed
            poseTraits[0] = new RelationTraitCache.ChildTraits <Pose>(dataSet.PoseTraitValues);

            Assert.True(RelationRatingTransform.TryMatchAll(relations, traitCache, relationRatings,
                                                            memberRatingsArray, relationIndexPairs));

            // The default set test prefab has a float and pose relation on it, so we expect 2
            Assert.AreEqual(2, relationRatings.Count);

            VerifyRelationRatings(relationRatings[0], floatTraits[0]);
            VerifyRelationRatings(relationRatings[1], poseTraits[0]);
        public void Modify(int index, int[] members, RelationDataPair[] pairs, SetQueryArgs args)
                          $"{index} is not valid to modify!");

            SetQueryArgs[index]  = args;
            MemberIndices[index] = members;

            CachedTraits[index] = new RelationTraitCache(args.relations);
            Relations[index]    = args.relations;

            RelationIndexPairs[index] = pairs;
            var localPairs = new RelationDataPair[pairs.Length];

            MapGlobalToLocalRelationPairs(members, pairs, localPairs);
            LocalRelationIndexPairs[index] = localPairs;

            TimeOuts[index]            = args.commonQueryData.timeOut;
            ReAcquireOnLoss[index]     = args.commonQueryData.reacquireOnLoss;
            Priorities[index]          = args.commonQueryData.priority;
            UpdateMatchInterval[index] = args.commonQueryData.updateMatchInterval;
            LastUpdateCheckTime[index] = 0f;
            AcquireHandlers[index]     = args.onAcquire;
            UpdateHandlers[index]      = args.onMatchUpdate;
            LossHandlers[index]        = args.onLoss;
            TimeoutHandlers[index]     = args.onTimeout;

            if (UpdatingIndices.Contains(index))

            if (!AcquiringIndices.Contains(index))
        public void MapGlobalToLocalMemberIndices()
            var globalIndices       = new [] { 2, 3, 4 };
            var globalRelationPairs = new []
                new RelationDataPair(2, 3), new RelationDataPair(4, 2), new RelationDataPair(3, 4),
            var expectedLocalPairs = new []
                new RelationDataPair(0, 1), new RelationDataPair(2, 0), new RelationDataPair(1, 2),

            const int pairCount        = 3;
            var       actualLocalPairs = new RelationDataPair[pairCount];

            ParallelGroupData.MapGlobalToLocalRelationPairs(globalIndices, globalRelationPairs, actualLocalPairs);

            for (var i = 0; i < pairCount; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedLocalPairs[i], actualLocalPairs[i]);