/// <summary>
        ///  Regression learner for XGBoost
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maximumTreeDepth">Maximum tree depth for base learners. (default is 3)</param>
        /// <param name="learningRate">Boosting learning rate (xgb's "eta"). 0 indicates no limit. (default is 0.1)</param>
        /// <param name="estimators">Number of estimators to fit. (default is 100)</param>
        /// <param name="silent">Whether to print messages while running boosting. (default is false)</param>
        /// <param name="objective">Specify the learning task and the corresponding learning objective. (default is LinearRegression)</param>
        /// <param name="boosterType"> which booster to use, can be gbtree, gblinear or dart.
        /// gbtree and dart use tree based model while gblinear uses linear function (default is gbtree)</param>
        /// <param name="treeMethod">The tree construction algorithm used in XGBoost. See reference paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.02754. (default is auto)</param>
        /// <param name="samplerType">Type of sampling algorithm for DART. (default is uniform)</param>
        /// <param name="normalizeType">Type of normalization algorithm for DART. (default is tree)</param>
        /// <param name="dropoutRate">Dropout rate for DART (a fraction of previous trees to drop during the dropout). (default is 0.0)</param>
        /// <param name="oneDrop">When this is true, at least one tree is always dropped during the dropout.
        /// Allows Binomial-plus-one or epsilon-dropout from the original DART paper. (default is false)</param>
        /// <param name="skipDrop">Probability of skipping the dropout procedure during a boosting iteration. (default is 0.0)
        /// If a dropout is skipped, new trees are added in the same manner as gbtree.
        /// Note that non-zero skip_drop has higher priority than rate_drop or one_drop.</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfThreads">Number of parallel threads used to run xgboost. -1 means use all thread avialable. (default is -1)</param>
        /// <param name="gamma">Minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf node of the tree. (default is 0) </param>
        /// <param name="minChildWeight">Minimum sum of instance weight(hessian) needed in a child. (default is 1)</param>
        /// <param name="maxDeltaStep">Maximum delta step we allow each tree's weight estimation to be. (default is 0)</param>
        /// <param name="subSample">Subsample ratio of the training instance. (default is 1)</param>
        /// <param name="colSampleByTree">Subsample ratio of columns when constructing each tree. (defualt is 1)</param>
        /// <param name="colSampleByLevel">Subsample ratio of columns for each split, in each level. (defualt is 1)</param>
        /// <param name="l1Regularization">L1 regularization term on weights. Also known as RegAlpha. (default is 0)</param>
        /// <param name="l2Reguralization">L2 regularization term on weights. Also known as regLambda. (default is 1)</param>
        /// <param name="scalePosWeight">Balancing of positive and negative weights. (default is 1)</param>
        /// <param name="baseScore">The initial prediction score of all instances, global bias. (default is 0.5)</param>
        /// <param name="seed">Random number seed. (defaukt is 0)</param>
        /// <param name="missing">Value in the data which needs to be present as a missing value. (default is NaN)</param>
        public RegressionXGBoostLearner(int maximumTreeDepth          = 3, double learningRate = 0.1, int estimators = 100,
                                        bool silent                   = true,
                                        RegressionObjective objective = RegressionObjective.LinearRegression,
                                        BoosterType boosterType       = BoosterType.GBTree,
                                        TreeMethod treeMethod         = TreeMethod.Auto,
                                        SamplerType samplerType       = SamplerType.Uniform,
                                        NormalizeType normalizeType   = NormalizeType.Tree,
                                        double dropoutRate            = 0.0,
                                        bool oneDrop                  = false,
                                        double skipDrop               = 0.0,
                                        int numberOfThreads           = -1, double gamma    = 0, int minChildWeight     = 1,
                                        int maxDeltaStep              = 0, double subSample = 1, double colSampleByTree = 1,
                                        double colSampleByLevel       = 1, double l1Regularization = 0, double l2Reguralization = 1,
                                        double scalePosWeight         = 1, double baseScore        = 0.5, int seed = 0,
                                        double missing                = double.NaN)
            ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(maximumTreeDepth), maximumTreeDepth, 0);
            ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThanOrHigherThan(nameof(learningRate), learningRate, 0, 1.0);
            ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(estimators), estimators, 1);
            ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(numberOfThreads), numberOfThreads, -1);
            ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(gamma), gamma, 0);
            ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(minChildWeight), minChildWeight, 0);
            ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(maxDeltaStep), maxDeltaStep, 0);
            ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThanOrHigherThan(nameof(subSample), subSample, 0, 1.0);
            ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThanOrHigherThan(nameof(colSampleByTree), colSampleByTree, 0, 1.0);
            ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThanOrHigherThan(nameof(colSampleByLevel), colSampleByLevel, 0, 1.0);
            ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(l1Regularization), l1Regularization, 0);
            ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(l2Reguralization), l2Reguralization, 0);
            ArgumentChecks.ThrowOnArgumentLessThan(nameof(scalePosWeight), scalePosWeight, 0);

            m_parameters[ParameterNames.MaxDepth]     = maximumTreeDepth;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.LearningRate] = (float)learningRate;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.Estimators]   = estimators;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.Silent]       = silent;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.objective]    = objective.ToXGBoostString();

            m_parameters[ParameterNames.Threads]          = numberOfThreads;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.Gamma]            = (float)gamma;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.MinChildWeight]   = minChildWeight;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.MaxDeltaStep]     = maxDeltaStep;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.SubSample]        = (float)subSample;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.ColSampleByTree]  = (float)colSampleByTree;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.ColSampleByLevel] = (float)colSampleByLevel;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.RegAlpha]         = (float)l1Regularization;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.RegLambda]        = (float)l2Reguralization;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.ScalePosWeight]   = (float)scalePosWeight;

            m_parameters[ParameterNames.BaseScore]       = (float)baseScore;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.Seed]            = seed;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.Missing]         = (float)missing;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.ExistingBooster] = null;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.Booster]         = boosterType.ToXGBoostString();
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.TreeMethod]      = treeMethod.ToXGBoostString();

            m_parameters[ParameterNames.SampleType]    = samplerType.ToXGBoostString();
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.NormalizeType] = normalizeType.ToXGBoostString();
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.RateDrop]      = (float)dropoutRate;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.OneDrop]       = oneDrop ? 1 : 0;
            m_parameters[ParameterNames.SkipDrop]      = (float)skipDrop;
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert regression objective to the xgboost parameter string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objective"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string ToXGBoostString(this RegressionObjective objective)
            switch (objective)
            case RegressionObjective.LinearRegression:

            case RegressionObjective.LogisticRegression:

            case RegressionObjective.GPULinear:

            case RegressionObjective.GPULogistic:

            case RegressionObjective.CountPoisson:

            case RegressionObjective.SurvivalCox:

            case RegressionObjective.RankPairwise:

            case RegressionObjective.GammaRegression:

            case RegressionObjective.TweedieRegression:

                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown objective: " + objective);