/// <summary> /// ''' Disposes of resources used by the profile object - called by IDisposable interface /// ''' </summary> /// ''' <param name="disposing"></param> /// ''' <remarks></remarks> protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!this.disposedValue) { if (disposing) { } if (!(ProfileStore == null)) { ProfileStore.Dispose(); ProfileStore = null; } if (!(TL == null)) { try { TL.LogMessage("Dispose", "Profile Dispose has been Called."); } catch { } // Clean up the logger TL.Enabled = false; TL.Dispose(); TL = null; } } this.disposedValue = true; }
// Clean up debris left over from 4 protected static void CleanUp4() { RegistryAccess RA = new RegistryAccess(); RegistryKey RK = RA.OpenSubKey3264(Registry.LocalMachine, @"SOFTWARE\ASCOM", true, RegistryAccess.RegWow64Options.KEY_WOW64_32KEY); try { RK.DeleteSubKeyTree(@"Telescope Drivers\SS2K.Telescope"); LogMessage("CleanUp4", @"Deleted Registry: Telescope Drivers\SS2K.Telescope"); } catch { } try { RK.DeleteSubKeyTree(@"Focuser Drivers\PCFocus.Focuser"); LogMessage("CleanUp4", @"Deleted Registry: Focuser Drivers\PCFocus.Focuser"); } catch { } RK.Close(); RA.Dispose(); }
static int Main() { try { TL = new TraceLogger("", "UninstallASCOM"); // Create a tracelogger so we can log what happens TL.Enabled = true; LogMessage("Uninstall", "Creating RegistryAccess object"); RegAccess = new RegistryAccess(TL); //Create a RegistryAccess object that will use the UninstallASCOM trace logger to ensure all messages appear in one log file // This has been removed because it destroys the ability to remove 5.5 after use and does NOT restore all the // Platform 5 files resulting in an unexpected automatic repair. Its left here just in case, Please DO NOT RE-ENABLE THIS FEATURE unless have a way round the resulting issues // CreateRestorePoint(); LogMessage("Uninstall", "Removing previous versions of ASCOM...."); //Initial setup bool is64BitProcess = (IntPtr.Size == 8); bool is64BitOperatingSystem = is64BitProcess || InternalCheckIsWow64(); LogMessage("Uninstall", "OS is 64bit: " + is64BitOperatingSystem.ToString() + ", Process is 64bit: " + is64BitProcess.ToString()); string platform4164KeyValue = null; string platform564aKeyValue = null; string platform564bKeyValue = null; string platform564KeyValue = null; string platform5564KeyValue = null; bool found = false; if (is64BitOperatingSystem) // Is a 64bit OS { platform4164KeyValue = Read(uninstallString, platform4164); // Read the 4.1 uninstall string platform5564KeyValue = Read(uninstallString, platform5564); // Read the 5.5 uninstall string platform564aKeyValue = Read(uninstallString, platform564a); // Read the 5.0A uninstall string platform564bKeyValue = Read(uninstallString, platform564b); // Read the 5.0B uninstall string if (platform564bKeyValue != null) // We have a 5.0B value so go with this { platform564KeyValue = platform564bKeyValue; LogMessage("Uninstall", "Found 64bit Platform 5.0B"); } else if (platform564aKeyValue != null) // No 5.0B value so go with 5.0A if it is present { platform564KeyValue = platform564aKeyValue; LogMessage("Uninstall", "Found 64bit Platform 5.0A"); //Now have to fix a missing registry key that fouls up the uninstaller - this was fixed in 5B but prevents 5A from uninstalling on 64bit systems RegistryKey RKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey(@"AppID\{DF2EB077-4D59-4231-9CB4-C61AD4ECB874}"); RKey.SetValue("", "Fixed registry key value"); RKey.Close(); RKey = null; LogMessage("Uninstall", @"Successfully set AppID\{DF2EB077-4D59-4231-9CB4-C61AD4ECB874}"); } StringBuilder Path = new StringBuilder(260); int rc = SHGetSpecialFolderPath(IntPtr.Zero, Path, CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86, 0); AscomDirectory = Path.ToString() + @"\ASCOM"; LogMessage("Uninstall", "64bit Common Files Path: " + AscomDirectory); } else //32 bit OS { AscomDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonProgramFiles) + @"\ASCOM"; LogMessage("Uninstall", "32bit Common Files Path: " + AscomDirectory); } string platform4132KeyValue = Read(uninstallString, platform4132); string platform5532KeyValue = Read(uninstallString, platform5532); string platform532aKeyValue = Read(uninstallString, platform532a); string platform532bKeyValue = Read(uninstallString, platform532b); string platform532KeyValue = null; if (platform532bKeyValue != null) // We have a 5.0B value so go with this { platform532KeyValue = platform532bKeyValue; LogMessage("Uninstall", "Found 32bit Platform 5,0B"); } else if (platform532aKeyValue != null) // No 5.0B value so go with 5.0A if it is present { platform532KeyValue = platform532aKeyValue; LogMessage("Uninstall", "Found 32bit Platform 5,0A"); } // Backup the profile based on the latest platform installed if ((platform5564KeyValue != null) | (platform5532KeyValue != null)) { RegAccess.BackupProfile("5.5"); } else if ((platform564KeyValue != null) | (platform532KeyValue != null)) { RegAccess.BackupProfile("5"); } else { RegAccess.BackupProfile(""); } //remove 5.5 if (platform5564KeyValue != null) { LogMessage("Uninstall", "64 Removing ASCOM 5.5... " + platform5564KeyValue); found = true; RunProcess(platform5564KeyValue, " /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /LOG"); RemoveAssembly("policy.1.0.ASCOM.DriverAccess"); // Remove left over policy file } else { if (platform5532KeyValue != null) { LogMessage("Uninstall", "32 Removing ASCOM 5.5... " + platform5532KeyValue); found = true; RunProcess(platform5532KeyValue, " /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /LOG"); RemoveAssembly("policy.1.0.ASCOM.DriverAccess"); // Remove left over policy file } } //remove 5.0 if (platform564KeyValue != null) { FixHelper("Helper.dll", 5, 0);// Original helpers should be in place at this point, check and fix if not to prevent Platform 5 uninstaller from failing FixHelper("Helper2.dll", 4, 0); LogMessage("Uninstall", "64 Removing ASCOM 5... " + platform564KeyValue); found = true; RunProcess("MsiExec.exe", SplitKey(platform564KeyValue)); } else { if (platform532KeyValue != null) { FixHelper("Helper.dll", 5, 0); FixHelper("Helper2.dll", 4, 0); LogMessage("Uninstall", "32 Removing ASCOM 5... " + platform532KeyValue); found = true; RunProcess("MsiExec.exe", SplitKey(platform532KeyValue)); } } //Remove 4.1 //remove 5.0 if (platform4164KeyValue != null) { LogMessage("Uninstall", "64 Removing ASCOM 4.1... " + platform4164KeyValue); found = true; string[] vals = platform4164KeyValue.Split(new string[] { " " }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); LogMessage("Uninstall", @"Found uninstall values: """ + vals[0] + @""", """ + vals[1] + @""""); RunProcess(vals[0], @"/S /Z " + vals[1]); CleanUp4(); } else { if (platform4132KeyValue != null) { LogMessage("Uninstall", "32 Removing ASCOM 4.1... " + platform4132KeyValue); found = true; string[] vals = platform4132KeyValue.Split(new string[] { " " }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); LogMessage("Uninstall", @"Found uninstall values: """ + vals[0] + @""", """ + vals[1] + @""""); RunProcess(vals[0], @"/S /Z " + vals[1]); CleanUp4(); } } if (found == true) { CleanUp55(); CleanUp5(); } else { LogMessage("Uninstall", "No previous platforms found"); } LogMessage("Uninstall", "Setting Profile registry ACL"); RegAccess.SetRegistryACL(); // Restore the relevant profile based on the latest platform installed if ((platform5564KeyValue != null) | (platform5532KeyValue != null)) { LogMessage("Uninstall", "Restoring Platform 5.5 Profile"); RegAccess.RestoreProfile("5.5"); } else if ((platform564KeyValue != null) | (platform532KeyValue != null)) { LogMessage("Uninstall", "Restoring Platform 5 Profile"); RegAccess.RestoreProfile("5"); } LogMessage("Uninstall", "Disposing of registry access object"); RegAccess.Dispose(); RegAccess = null; LogMessage("Uninstall", "Completed uninstall process"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogError("Uninstall", ex.ToString()); ReturnCode = 1; } TL.Enabled = false; // Clean up tracelogger TL.Dispose(); TL = null; Pic(); return(ReturnCode); }