        public ActionResult preregistration(Registration1 r)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var database = new HealthInsuranceDB();
                var s        = new HealthInsuranceDB().Users.Create();

                var cc = database.Users.ToList();

                // cheking to see if phone , username, and email are unique

                foreach (var h in cc)
                    if (h.UserName == r.username)
                        ViewBag.error = " Username already exist";

                // end of cheking for unique

                if (r.username != null)
                    if (r.password != r.repassword)
                    s.UserName = r.username;
                    s.Password = r.password;
                    s.CreID    = 1;

                    var database1 = new HealthInsuranceDB();
                    var user      = database.Users.ToList();
                    int x         = -1;
                    foreach (var item in user)
                        if (item.UserName == s.UserName && item.Password == s.Password)
                            x = item.UserID;

                    TempData["userid"] = x;
            if (TempData["userid"] != null)
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            Registration1 registration1 = db.Registration1.Find(id);

 public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,StudentID,CourseID,TermID")] Registration1 registration1)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         db.Entry(registration1).State = EntityState.Modified;
     ViewBag.CourseID  = new SelectList(db.Courses, "CourseID", "CourseName", registration1.CourseID);
     ViewBag.StudentID = new SelectList(db.Students, "StudentID", "StudentFirstName", registration1.StudentID);
     ViewBag.TermID    = new SelectList(db.StudyTerms, "TermID", "TermName", registration1.TermID);
        // GET: Registration1/Details/5
        public ActionResult Details(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            Registration1 registration1 = db.Registration1.Find(id);

            if (registration1 == null)
        // GET: Registration1/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            Registration1 registration1 = db.Registration1.Find(id);

            if (registration1 == null)
            ViewBag.CourseID  = new SelectList(db.Courses, "CourseID", "CourseName", registration1.CourseID);
            ViewBag.StudentID = new SelectList(db.Students, "StudentID", "StudentFirstName", registration1.StudentID);
            ViewBag.TermID    = new SelectList(db.StudyTerms, "TermID", "TermName", registration1.TermID);
	    public void Insert(DateTime RegDate,string RegName1,string RegName2,string RegCompany,string RegAddr,string RegTel,string RegEmail,bool? RegMailing,string RegWhere,string RegExtra,string RegIp,string RegCountry,string QbookTitle,int? QinDimensions,string QinCurrency,string QinPallet,double? QinLength,double? QinWidth,double? QinDepth,double? QinWeight,double? QinExtent,double? QinPapergsm,bool? QinHardback,int? QcopiesCarton,string QoriginName,string QfinalName,int? QtotCopies,byte[] ResTs)
		    Registration1 item = new Registration1();
            item.RegDate = RegDate;
            item.RegName1 = RegName1;
            item.RegName2 = RegName2;
            item.RegCompany = RegCompany;
            item.RegAddr = RegAddr;
            item.RegTel = RegTel;
            item.RegEmail = RegEmail;
            item.RegMailing = RegMailing;
            item.RegWhere = RegWhere;
            item.RegExtra = RegExtra;
            item.RegIp = RegIp;
            item.RegCountry = RegCountry;
            item.QbookTitle = QbookTitle;
            item.QinDimensions = QinDimensions;
            item.QinCurrency = QinCurrency;
            item.QinPallet = QinPallet;
            item.QinLength = QinLength;
            item.QinWidth = QinWidth;
            item.QinDepth = QinDepth;
            item.QinWeight = QinWeight;
            item.QinExtent = QinExtent;
            item.QinPapergsm = QinPapergsm;
            item.QinHardback = QinHardback;
            item.QcopiesCarton = QcopiesCarton;
            item.QoriginName = QoriginName;
            item.QfinalName = QfinalName;
            item.QtotCopies = QtotCopies;
            item.ResTs = ResTs;
    /// <summary>
    /// get quote on this form simply sends quore info back to publiship, does not trigger web service
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void dxbtnget_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        bool _failed = true;

            if (this.dxcapt1.IsValid)
                //build contact object
                Registration1 _reg = new Registration1();

                _reg.RegDate = DateTime.Now;
                _reg.RegName1 = this.dxtxtname1.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegName2 = this.dxtxtname2.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegCompany = this.dxtxtcompany.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegTel = this.dxtxtphone.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegEmail = this.dxtxtemail.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegExtra = this.dxmemoadd.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegMailing = (bool)this.dxckmailing.Value;
                _reg.RegWhere = this.dxcbowhere.Value.ToString();
                _reg.RegIp = wwi_func.user_RequestingIP();
                _reg.RegCountry = this.dxcboregcountry.Text.ToString(); 

                //quote info
                int _dims = wwi_func.vint(this.dxhfpricer.Get("dims").ToString());
                string _curr = this.dxhfpricer.Get("crnc").ToString();
                string _pall = this.dxhfpricer.Get("pall").ToString();
                _reg.QinCurrency = _curr;
                _reg.QinDimensions = _dims;
                _reg.QinPallet = _pall;
                _reg.QoriginName = this.dxcborigin.Text.ToString();
                _reg.QfinalName = this.dxcbfinal.Text.ToString();
                _reg.QtotCopies = wwi_func.vint(this.dxtxtcopies.Text.ToString());
                switch (_dims)
                    case 1:
                            _reg.QbookTitle = this.dxtxttitle.Text.ToString();
                            _reg.QinLength = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtlength.Text.ToString());
                            _reg.QinWidth = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtwidth.Text.ToString());
                            _reg.QinDepth = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtdepth.Text.ToString());
                            _reg.QinWeight = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtweight.Text.ToString());
                            _reg.QinExtent = 0;
                            _reg.QinPapergsm = 0;
                            _reg.QinHardback = false;
                            _reg.QcopiesCarton = wwi_func.vint(this.dxtcarton.Text.ToString());
                    case 2:
                            _reg.QbookTitle = this.dxtxtcarttitle.Text.ToString();
                            _reg.QinLength = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtside1.Text.ToString());
                            _reg.QinWidth = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtside2.Text.ToString());
                            _reg.QinDepth = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtcartdepth.Text.ToString());
                            _reg.QinWeight = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtcartweight.Text.ToString());
                            _reg.QinExtent = 0;
                            _reg.QinPapergsm = 0;
                            _reg.QinHardback = false;
                            _reg.QcopiesCarton = wwi_func.vint(this.dxtxtcartcopy.Text.ToString());
                    case 3:
                            _reg.QbookTitle = this.dxtxttitle3.Text.ToString();
                            _reg.QinLength = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtblock1.Text.ToString());
                            _reg.QinWidth = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtblock2.Text.ToString());
                            _reg.QinDepth = 0;
                            _reg.QinWeight = 0;
                            _reg.QinExtent = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtextent.Text.ToString());
                            _reg.QinPapergsm = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxspinpaper.Text.ToString());
                            _reg.QinHardback = (bool)this.dxckcover.Checked;
                            _reg.QcopiesCarton = wwi_func.vint(this.dxtxtcartcopy.Text.ToString());
                //Int32 _newid = (Int32)_reg.GetPrimaryKeyValue();
                //successful save notify publiship
                string _tr = "<tr><td bgcolor=\"#e8edff\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"230px\">" + "{0}" + "</td><td width=\"350px\">" + "{1}" + "</td></tr>";

                string _msg1 = String.Format(_tr, "Name", _reg.RegName1.ToString() + ' ' + _reg.RegName2.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Company", _reg.RegCompany.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Country", _reg.RegCountry.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Phone", _reg.RegTel.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Email", _reg.RegEmail.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Comments", _reg.RegExtra.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Currency", _reg.QinCurrency.ToString());

                string _msg2 = "<p>Your quote request has been received, and we will be in touch soon to discuss your requirements.</p><p>For your own reference, here is the information you sent us:</p>";

                string _quote = String.Format(_tr, "Input type", _reg.QinDimensions == 1 ? "Book dimensions" : _reg.QinDimensions == 2 ? "Carton dimesnions" : "Paper type and extent") +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Title or description", _reg.QbookTitle.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, _dims == 1 ? "Length (mm)" : _dims == 2 ? "Longest side (mm)" : "Block (longest)", _reg.QinLength.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, _dims == 1 ? "Width (mm)" : _dims == 2 ? "Next side (mm)" : "Block (other side)", _reg.QinWidth.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, _dims != 3 ? "Depth (mm)" : "Extent (pages)", _dims != 3 ? _reg.QinDepth.ToString() : _reg.QinExtent.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, _dims == 1 ? "Weight (grams)" : _dims == 2 ? "Weight (kg)" : "Paper type gsm", _dims != 3 ? _reg.QinWeight.ToString() : _reg.QinPapergsm.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, _dims != 3 ? "Copies per carton" : "Hardback", _dims != 3 ? _reg.QcopiesCarton.ToString() : _reg.QinHardback == true ? "Yes" : "No") +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Origin", _reg.QoriginName.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Final destination", _reg.QfinalName.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Total copies", _reg.QtotCopies.ToString());

                //email to publiship
                string _emailed = "";
                string[] _to = { "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" }; //"*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                _emailed = MailHelper.gen_email(_to, true, "Registration and Quote " + _reg.RegCompany.ToString(), "<table cellpadding=\"5px\" style=\"border-color: #669\">" +  _msg1 +  _quote +  "</table>", "");
                //anckowledgement to visitor
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_reg.RegEmail.ToString()))
                    string[] _ak = { _reg.RegEmail.ToString() };
                    _emailed = MailHelper.gen_email(_ak, true, "Thank you for your quote request", _msg2 + "<table cellpadding=\"5px\" style=\"border-color: #669\">" + _quote + "</table><p>Regards</p><p>The Publiship Team</p>", "");
                _failed = false;

        catch (Exception ex)
            string _err = ex.Message.ToString();
                this.dxbtnquote0.ClientVisible = true;
                this.dxbtnback0.ClientVisible = true;
                this.dxbtnext0.ClientVisible = false;
                this.pnlmsg1.Visible = true;
                this.pnlmsg2.Visible = false;
                this.dxbtnquote0.ClientVisible = false;
                this.dxbtnback0.ClientVisible = false;
                this.dxbtnext0.ClientVisible = false;
                this.pnlmsg2.Visible = true;
                this.pnlmsg1.Visible = false;

            this.dxpagepricer.ActiveTabIndex = 2;
    /// <summary>
    /// get quote on this form simply sends quore info back to publiship, does not trigger web service
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void dxbtnget_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        bool _failed = true;

            if (this.dxcapt1.IsValid)
                //build contact object
                Registration1 _reg = new Registration1();

                _reg.RegDate    = DateTime.Now;
                _reg.RegName1   = this.dxtxtname1.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegName2   = this.dxtxtname2.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegCompany = this.dxtxtcompany.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegTel     = this.dxtxtphone.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegEmail   = this.dxtxtemail.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegExtra   = this.dxmemoadd.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegMailing = (bool)this.dxckmailing.Value;
                _reg.RegWhere   = this.dxcbowhere.Value.ToString();
                _reg.RegIp      = wwi_func.user_RequestingIP();
                _reg.RegCountry = this.dxcboregcountry.Text.ToString();

                //quote info
                int    _dims = wwi_func.vint(this.dxhfpricer.Get("dims").ToString());
                string _curr = this.dxhfpricer.Get("crnc").ToString();
                string _pall = this.dxhfpricer.Get("pall").ToString();

                _reg.QinCurrency   = _curr;
                _reg.QinDimensions = _dims;
                _reg.QinPallet     = _pall;
                _reg.QoriginName   = this.dxcborigin.Text.ToString();
                _reg.QfinalName    = this.dxcbfinal.Text.ToString();
                _reg.QtotCopies    = wwi_func.vint(this.dxtxtcopies.Text.ToString());

                switch (_dims)
                case 1:
                    _reg.QbookTitle    = this.dxtxttitle.Text.ToString();
                    _reg.QinLength     = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtlength.Text.ToString());
                    _reg.QinWidth      = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtwidth.Text.ToString());
                    _reg.QinDepth      = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtdepth.Text.ToString());
                    _reg.QinWeight     = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtweight.Text.ToString());
                    _reg.QinExtent     = 0;
                    _reg.QinPapergsm   = 0;
                    _reg.QinHardback   = false;
                    _reg.QcopiesCarton = wwi_func.vint(this.dxtcarton.Text.ToString());

                case 2:
                    _reg.QbookTitle    = this.dxtxtcarttitle.Text.ToString();
                    _reg.QinLength     = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtside1.Text.ToString());
                    _reg.QinWidth      = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtside2.Text.ToString());
                    _reg.QinDepth      = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtcartdepth.Text.ToString());
                    _reg.QinWeight     = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtcartweight.Text.ToString());
                    _reg.QinExtent     = 0;
                    _reg.QinPapergsm   = 0;
                    _reg.QinHardback   = false;
                    _reg.QcopiesCarton = wwi_func.vint(this.dxtxtcartcopy.Text.ToString());

                case 3:
                    _reg.QbookTitle    = this.dxtxttitle3.Text.ToString();
                    _reg.QinLength     = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtblock1.Text.ToString());
                    _reg.QinWidth      = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtblock2.Text.ToString());
                    _reg.QinDepth      = 0;
                    _reg.QinWeight     = 0;
                    _reg.QinExtent     = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxtxtextent.Text.ToString());
                    _reg.QinPapergsm   = wwi_func.vdouble(this.dxspinpaper.Text.ToString());
                    _reg.QinHardback   = (bool)this.dxckcover.Checked;
                    _reg.QcopiesCarton = wwi_func.vint(this.dxtxtcartcopy.Text.ToString());
                //Int32 _newid = (Int32)_reg.GetPrimaryKeyValue();
                //successful save notify publiship

                string _tr = "<tr><td bgcolor=\"#e8edff\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"230px\">" + "{0}" + "</td><td width=\"350px\">" + "{1}" + "</td></tr>";

                string _msg1 = String.Format(_tr, "Name", _reg.RegName1.ToString() + ' ' + _reg.RegName2.ToString()) +
                               String.Format(_tr, "Company", _reg.RegCompany.ToString()) +
                               String.Format(_tr, "Country", _reg.RegCountry.ToString()) +
                               String.Format(_tr, "Phone", _reg.RegTel.ToString()) +
                               String.Format(_tr, "Email", _reg.RegEmail.ToString()) +
                               String.Format(_tr, "Comments", _reg.RegExtra.ToString()) +
                               String.Format(_tr, "Currency", _reg.QinCurrency.ToString());

                string _msg2 = "<p>Your quote request has been received, and we will be in touch soon to discuss your requirements.</p><p>For your own reference, here is the information you sent us:</p>";

                string _quote = String.Format(_tr, "Input type", _reg.QinDimensions == 1 ? "Book dimensions" : _reg.QinDimensions == 2 ? "Carton dimesnions" : "Paper type and extent") +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Title or description", _reg.QbookTitle.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, _dims == 1 ? "Length (mm)" : _dims == 2 ? "Longest side (mm)" : "Block (longest)", _reg.QinLength.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, _dims == 1 ? "Width (mm)" : _dims == 2 ? "Next side (mm)" : "Block (other side)", _reg.QinWidth.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, _dims != 3 ? "Depth (mm)" : "Extent (pages)", _dims != 3 ? _reg.QinDepth.ToString() : _reg.QinExtent.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, _dims == 1 ? "Weight (grams)" : _dims == 2 ? "Weight (kg)" : "Paper type gsm", _dims != 3 ? _reg.QinWeight.ToString() : _reg.QinPapergsm.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, _dims != 3 ? "Copies per carton" : "Hardback", _dims != 3 ? _reg.QcopiesCarton.ToString() : _reg.QinHardback == true ? "Yes" : "No") +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Origin", _reg.QoriginName.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Final destination", _reg.QfinalName.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Total copies", _reg.QtotCopies.ToString());

                //email to publiship
                string   _emailed = "";
                string[] _to      = { "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" }; //"*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                _emailed = MailHelper.gen_email(_to, true, "Registration and Quote " + _reg.RegCompany.ToString(), "<table cellpadding=\"5px\" style=\"border-color: #669\">" + _msg1 + _quote + "</table>", "");
                //anckowledgement to visitor
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_reg.RegEmail.ToString()))
                    string[] _ak = { _reg.RegEmail.ToString() };
                    _emailed = MailHelper.gen_email(_ak, true, "Thank you for your quote request", _msg2 + "<table cellpadding=\"5px\" style=\"border-color: #669\">" + _quote + "</table><p>Regards</p><p>The Publiship Team</p>", "");
                _failed = false;
        catch (Exception ex)
            string _err = ex.Message.ToString();
            if (_failed)
                this.dxbtnquote0.ClientVisible = true;
                this.dxbtnback0.ClientVisible  = true;
                this.dxbtnext0.ClientVisible   = false;
                this.pnlmsg1.Visible           = true;
                this.pnlmsg2.Visible           = false;
                this.dxbtnquote0.ClientVisible = false;
                this.dxbtnback0.ClientVisible  = false;
                this.dxbtnext0.ClientVisible   = false;
                this.pnlmsg2.Visible           = true;
                this.pnlmsg1.Visible           = false;

            this.dxpagepricer.ActiveTabIndex = 2;
    protected void dxbtnsend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.dxcapt1.IsValid)
                //build contact object
                Registration1 _reg = new Registration1();

                _reg.RegDate = DateTime.Now;
                _reg.RegName1 = this.dxtxtname1.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegName2 = this.dxtxtname2.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegCompany = this.dxtxtcompany.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegTel = this.dxtxtphone.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegEmail = this.dxtxtemail.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegExtra = this.dxmemoadd.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegMailing = (bool)this.dxckmailing.Value;
                _reg.RegWhere = this.dxcbowhere.Value.ToString();
                _reg.RegIp = wwi_func.user_RequestingIP();
                _reg.RegCountry = this.dxcbocountry.Text.ToString();

                //successful save notify publiship
                string[] _to = { "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" }; //"*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                string _subject = "Registration (discount) " + _reg.RegCompany.ToString(); 

                string _tr = "<tr><td bgcolor=\"#e8edff\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"230px\">" + "{0}" + "</td><td width=\"350px\">" + "{1}" + "</td></tr>";

                string _msg = "<table cellpadding=\"5px\" style=\"border-color: #669\">" +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Name", _reg.RegName1.ToString() + ' ' + _reg.RegName2.ToString()) + 
                                String.Format(_tr, "Company", _reg.RegCompany.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Country", _reg.RegCountry.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Phone", _reg.RegTel.ToString())  +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Email", _reg.RegEmail.ToString()) +
                                String.Format(_tr, "Comments", _reg.RegExtra.ToString()) +

                string _emailed = ""; 
                _emailed = MailHelper.gen_email(_to, true, _subject, _msg, "");
                //anckowledgement to visitor
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_reg.RegEmail.ToString()))
                    string[] _ak = { _reg.RegEmail.ToString() };
                    _emailed = MailHelper.gen_email(_ak, true, "Thank you registering with Publiship", "<p>We will be in touch soon to discuss your requirements</p><p>Regards</p><p>The Publiship Team</p>", "");
                //finally confirm to user
                this.pnlmsg2.Visible = true;
                this.pnlmsg1.Visible = false;
        catch (Exception ex)
            string _err = ex.Message.ToString();
            this.pnlmsg1.Visible = true;
            this.pnlmsg2.Visible = false;
            this.dxbtnsend.ClientEnabled  = true;
    protected void dxbtnsend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.dxcapt1.IsValid)
                //build contact object
                Registration1 _reg = new Registration1();

                _reg.RegDate    = DateTime.Now;
                _reg.RegName1   = this.dxtxtname1.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegName2   = this.dxtxtname2.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegCompany = this.dxtxtcompany.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegTel     = this.dxtxtphone.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegEmail   = this.dxtxtemail.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegExtra   = this.dxmemoadd.Text.ToString();
                _reg.RegMailing = (bool)this.dxckmailing.Value;
                _reg.RegWhere   = this.dxcbowhere.Value.ToString();
                _reg.RegIp      = wwi_func.user_RequestingIP();
                _reg.RegCountry = this.dxcbocountry.Text.ToString();


                //successful save notify publiship
                string[] _to      = { "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**" }; //"*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"
                string   _subject = "Registration (discount) " + _reg.RegCompany.ToString();

                string _tr = "<tr><td bgcolor=\"#e8edff\" valign=\"middle\" width=\"230px\">" + "{0}" + "</td><td width=\"350px\">" + "{1}" + "</td></tr>";

                string _msg = "<table cellpadding=\"5px\" style=\"border-color: #669\">" +
                              String.Format(_tr, "Name", _reg.RegName1.ToString() + ' ' + _reg.RegName2.ToString()) +
                              String.Format(_tr, "Company", _reg.RegCompany.ToString()) +
                              String.Format(_tr, "Country", _reg.RegCountry.ToString()) +
                              String.Format(_tr, "Phone", _reg.RegTel.ToString()) +
                              String.Format(_tr, "Email", _reg.RegEmail.ToString()) +
                              String.Format(_tr, "Comments", _reg.RegExtra.ToString()) +

                string _emailed = "";

                _emailed = MailHelper.gen_email(_to, true, _subject, _msg, "");
                //anckowledgement to visitor
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_reg.RegEmail.ToString()))
                    string[] _ak = { _reg.RegEmail.ToString() };
                    _emailed = MailHelper.gen_email(_ak, true, "Thank you registering with Publiship", "<p>We will be in touch soon to discuss your requirements</p><p>Regards</p><p>The Publiship Team</p>", "");
                //finally confirm to user
                this.pnlmsg2.Visible = true;
                this.pnlmsg1.Visible = false;
        catch (Exception ex)
            string _err = ex.Message.ToString();
            this.pnlmsg1.Visible         = true;
            this.pnlmsg2.Visible         = false;
            this.dxbtnsend.ClientEnabled = true;