        /// <summary>
        /// Registers this client with the server to listen for simias events.
        /// </summary>
        public void Register()
            // Don't let registration happen multiple times.
            if (state == ClientState.Initializing)
                // Set the states to registering.
                state          = ClientState.Registering;
                regThreadState = RegThreadState.Initializing;

                // Start a thread which will process the registration request.
                Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(RegistrationService));
                thread.Name         = "IProc Event Client Registration";
                thread.Priority     = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;
                thread.IsBackground = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Thread service routine that registers with the event service and then dies.
        /// </summary>
        private void RegistrationService()
                // Start monitoring the configuration file for changes.
                    // Sit here until we connect.
                    while (socketDisconnected && (state != ClientState.Shutdown))
                        // Connect to the event service and send an initialization message.
                        IPEndPoint host = GetHostAddress();

                        // Make sure that the thread was not told to shutdown.
                        if (state != ClientState.Shutdown)
                                // Connect to the server.
                                socketDisconnected = false;

                                // Get the local end point information
                                localEndPoint = eventSocket.LocalEndPoint as IPEndPoint;

                                // Post the received before the registration message is sent.
                                eventSocket.BeginReceive(receiveBuffer, 0, receiveBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(MessageHandler), null);

                                // Register our client.
                                SendMessage(new IProcEventRegistration(localEndPoint, true).ToBuffer());

                                // Process the queues within the lock so that any new actions or filters
                                // are sent to the server and not just queued and forgotten.
                                lock ( subscribeLock )
                                    // Check to see if any set filter items have been queue.

                                    // Check to see if any set event actions have been queued.

                                    // Set the state as running.
                                    state = ClientState.Running;
                            catch (SocketException e)
                                // See if this is a case of the server not listening on the socket anymore.
                                // It may have gone down hard and left the configuration file with an invalid
                                // socket. Keep watching the file until the socket changes and it can be
                                // connected.
                                if (e.ErrorCode == WSAECONNREFUSED)
                                    // Wait for the configuration file to change before continuing.
                                    throw e;
                    // Don't watch for anymore changes.

                // This thread is going away.
                regThreadState = RegThreadState.Terminated;
            catch (SocketException e)
                ReportError(new ApplicationException("Error registering with the event service.", e));
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes messages from the event server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result">The result of the asynchronous operation.</param>
        private void MessageHandler(IAsyncResult result)
            // Make sure that the client is not shutting down.
            if (state != ClientState.Shutdown)
                    // End the pending read operation.
                    int bytesReceived = eventSocket.EndReceive(result);
                    if (bytesReceived > 0)
                            // Keep track of how much data is in the buffer.
                            bufferLength += bytesReceived;
                            int bytesToProcess = bufferLength;
                            int msgIndex       = 0;

                            // Process as much as is available.
                            while (bytesToProcess > 0)
                                // There needs to be atleast 4 bytes for the message length.
                                if (bytesToProcess >= 4)
                                    // Get the length of the message, add in the prepended length.
                                    int msgLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(receiveBuffer, msgIndex) + 4;

                                    // See if the entire message is represented in the buffer.
                                    if (bytesToProcess >= msgLength)
                                        // Process the message received from the client. Skip the message length.
                                        ProcessMessage(new UTF8Encoding().GetString(receiveBuffer, msgIndex + 4, msgLength - 4));
                                        msgIndex       += msgLength;
                                        bytesToProcess -= msgLength;

                            // Update how much data is left in the buffer.
                            bufferLength = bytesToProcess;

                            // If any data has been processed at the beginning of the buffer, the unprocessed
                            // data needs to be moved to the front.
                            if ((bytesToProcess > 0) && (msgIndex > 0))
                                // Move any existing data up.
                                Buffer.BlockCopy(receiveBuffer, msgIndex, receiveBuffer, 0, bytesToProcess);

                            // Repost the buffer.
                            eventSocket.BeginReceive(receiveBuffer, bufferLength, receiveBuffer.Length - bufferLength, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(MessageHandler), null);
                        catch (SocketException e)
                            throw e;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            ReportError(new ApplicationException("Error processing event message from server.", e));
                        // The server has gone away or has terminated our connection.
                        throw new SocketException(WSAEHOSTDOWN);
                catch (SocketException e)
                    // Check to see if this exception was caused by the registration thread going away.
                    // If it was, just repost the receive.
                    if ((e.ErrorCode == ownerThreadTerminated) && (regThreadState == RegThreadState.Terminated))
                        regThreadState = RegThreadState.TerminationAck;
                        eventSocket.BeginReceive(receiveBuffer, 0, receiveBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(MessageHandler), null);
                        ReportError(new ApplicationException("Error processing event message from server.", e));