        private static void UpdateRef(string refToUpdate, string refToUpdateTo)

            // Get the hash that `refToUpdateTo` points at.
            var hash = Refs.Hash(refToUpdateTo);

            // Abort if `refToUpdateTo` does not point at a hash.
            if (!Objects.Exists(hash))
                throw new Exception(refToUpdateTo + " not a valid SHA1");

            // Abort if `refToUpdate` does not match the syntax of a ref.
            if (!Refs.IsRef(refToUpdate))
                throw new Exception("cannot lock the ref " + refToUpdate);

            // Abort if `hash` points to an object in the `objects` directory
            // that is not a commit.
            if (Objects.Type(Objects.Read(hash)) != "commit")
                var branch = Refs.TerminalRef(refToUpdate);
                throw new Exception(branch + " cannot refer to non-commit object " + hash + "\n");

            // Otherwise, set the contents of the file that the ref represents
            // to `hash`.
            Refs.Write(Refs.TerminalRef(refToUpdate), hash);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a commit object that represents the current
        /// state of the index, writes the commit to the `objects` directory
        /// and points `HEAD` at the commit.
        /// </summary>
        public static string Commit(CommitOptions options)

            // Write a tree object that represents the current state of the
            // index.
            var treeHash = WriteTree();

            var headDesc = Refs.IsHeadDetached() ? "detached HEAD" : Refs.HeadBranchName();

            // If the hash of the new tree is the same as the hash of the tree
            // that the `HEAD` commit points at, abort because there is
            // nothing new to commit.
            if (Refs.Hash("HEAD") != null &&
                treeHash == Objects.TreeHash(Objects.Read(Refs.Hash("HEAD"))))
                throw new Exception("# On " + headDesc + "\nnothing to commit, working directory clean");

            // Abort if the repository is in the merge state and there are
            // unresolved merge conflicts.
            string[] conflictedPaths = Index.ConflictedPaths();
            if (Core.Merge.IsMergeInProgress() && conflictedPaths.Length > 0)
                throw new Exception(
                          string.Join("\n", conflictedPaths.Select(p => "U " + p))
                          + "\ncannot commit because you have unmerged files");

            // Otherwise, do the commit.

            // If the repository is in the merge state, use a pre-written
            // merge commit message.  If the repository is not in the
            // merge state, use the message passed with `-m`.
            var m =
                    ? Files.Read(Path.Combine(Files.GitletPath(), "MERGE_MSG"))
                    : options.m;

            // Write the new commit to the `objects` directory.
            var commitHash = Objects.WriteCommit(treeHash, m, Refs.CommitParentHashes());

            // Point `HEAD` at new commit.
            UpdateRef("HEAD", commitHash);

            // If `MERGE_HEAD` exists, the repository was in the merge
            // state. Remove `MERGE_HEAD` and `MERGE_MSG`to exit the merge
            // state.  Report that the merge is complete.
            if (Core.Merge.IsMergeInProgress())
                File.Delete(Path.Combine(Files.GitletPath(), "MERGE_MSG"));
                return("Merge made by the three-way strategy");

            // Repository was not in the merge state, so just report that
            // the commit is complete.
            return("[" + headDesc + " " + commitHash + "] " + m);
        public static string Log(LogOptions options)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            var commitHash = Refs.Hash("HEAD");

            while (commitHash != null)
                var commit = Objects.Read(commitHash);


                var match = Regex.Match(commit, @"^parent (?<commitHash>[0-9a-fA-F]{40})$", RegexOptions.Multiline);
                commitHash = match.Success ? match.Groups["commitHash"].Value : null;

        public static string Clone(string remotePath, string targetPath, CloneOptions options = null)
            options = options ?? new CloneOptions();

            // Abort if a `remotePath` or `targetPath` not passed.
            if (remotePath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("remotePath");
            if (targetPath == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetPath");

            // Abort if `remotePath` does not exist, or is not a Gitlet
            // repository. !util.remote(remotePath)(files.inRepo))
            if (!Directory.Exists(remotePath) || !Util.Remote <bool>(remotePath)(Files.InRepo))
                throw new Exception("repository " + remotePath + " does not exist");

            // Abort if `targetPath` exists and is not empty.
            targetPath = Files.Absolute(targetPath);
            var targetDir = new DirectoryInfo(targetPath);

            if (targetDir.Exists && targetDir.GetFileSystemInfos().Length > 0)
                throw new Exception(targetPath + " already exists and is not empty");

            // Otherwise, do the clone.
            remotePath = Files.Absolute(remotePath);

            // If `targetPath` doesn't exist, create it.
            if (!targetDir.Exists)

            Util.Remote <object>(targetPath)(() =>
                // Initialize the directory as a Gitlet repository.

                // Set up `remotePath` as a remote called "origin".
                Gitlet.Remote("add", "origin", Files.Relative(Files.CurrentPath, remotePath));

                // Get the hash of the commit that master is pointing at on
                // the remote repository.
                var remoteHeadHash = Util.Remote <string>(remotePath)(() => Refs.Hash("master"));

                // If the remote repo has any commits, that hash will exist.
                // The new repository records the commit that the passed
                // `branch` is at on the remote.  It then sets master on the
                // new repository to point at that commit.
                if (remoteHeadHash != null)
                    Gitlet.Fetch("origin", "master");
                    Core.Merge.WriteFastForwardMerge(null, remoteHeadHash);


            // Report the result of the clone.
            return("Cloning into " + targetPath);
        public static string Merge(string @ref)

            // Get the `receiverHash`, the hash of the commit that the
            // current branch is on.
            var receiverHash = Refs.Hash("HEAD");

            // Get the `giverHash`, the hash for the commit to merge into the
            // receiver commit.
            var giverHash = Refs.Hash(@ref);

            // Abort if head is detached.  Merging into a detached head is not
            // supported.
            if (Refs.IsHeadDetached())
                throw new Exception("unsupported");

            // Abort if `ref` did not resolve to a hash, or if that hash is
            // not for a commit object.
            if (giverHash == null || Objects.Type(Objects.Read(giverHash)) != "commit")
                throw new Exception(@ref + ": expected commit type");

            // Do not merge if the current branch - the receiver - already has
            // the giver's changes.  This is the case if the receiver and
            // giver are the same commit, or if the giver is an ancestor of
            // the receiver.
            if (Objects.IsUpToDate(receiverHash, giverHash))
                return("Already up-to-date");

            // Get a list of files changed in the working copy.  Get a list
            // of the files that are different in the receiver and giver. If
            // any files appear in both lists then abort.
            var paths = Diff.ChangedFilesCommitWouldOverwrite(giverHash);

            if (paths.Length > 0)
                throw new Exception("local changes would be lost\n" + string.Join("\n", paths) + "\n");

            // If the receiver is an ancestor of the giver, a fast forward
            // is performed.  This is possible because there is already a
            // commit that incorporates all of the giver's changes into the
            // receiver.
            if (Core.Merge.CanFastForward(receiverHash, giverHash))
                // Fast forwarding means making the current branch reflect the
                // commit that `giverHash` points at.  The branch is pointed
                // at `giverHash`.  The index is set to match the contents of
                // the commit that `giverHash` points at.  The working copy is
                // set to match the contents of that commit.
                Core.Merge.WriteFastForwardMerge(receiverHash, giverHash);

            // If the receiver is not an ancestor of the giver, a merge
            // commit must be created.

            // The repository is put into the merge state.  The
            // `MERGE_HEAD` file is written and its contents set to
            // `giverHash`.  The `MERGE_MSG` file is written and its
            // contents set to a boilerplate merge commit message.  A
            // merge diff is created that will turn the contents of
            // receiver into the contents of giver.  This contains the
            // path of every file that is different and whether it was
            // added, removed or modified, or is in conflict.  Added files
            // are added to the index and working copy.  Removed files are
            // removed from the index and working copy.  Modified files
            // are modified in the index and working copy.  Files that are
            // in conflict are written to the working copy to include the
            // receiver and giver versions.  Both the receiver and giver
            // versions are written to the index.
            Core.Merge.WriteNonFastForwardMerge(receiverHash, giverHash, @ref);

            // If there are any conflicted files, a message is shown to
            // say that the user must sort them out before the merge can
            // be completed.
            if (Core.Merge.HasConflicts(receiverHash, giverHash))
                return("Automatic merge failed. Fix conflicts and commit the result.");

            return(Gitlet.Commit(new CommitOptions()));
        /// <summary>
        /// records the commit that `branch` is at on `remote`.
        // It does not change the local branch.
        /// </summary>
        public static string Fetch(string remote, string branch)

            // Abort if a `remote` or `branch` not passed.
            if (remote == null || branch == null)
                throw new Exception("unsupported");

            // Abort if `remote` not recorded in config file.
            if (!Config.Read().Remotes.ContainsKey(remote))
                throw new Exception(remote + " does not appear to be a git repository");

            // Get the location of the remote.
            var remoteUrl = Files.Absolute(Config.Read().Remotes[remote].Url);

            // Turn the unqualified branch name into a qualified remote ref
            // eg `[branch] -> refs/remotes/[remote]/[branch]`
            var remoteRef = Refs.ToRemoteRef(remote, branch);

            // Go to the remote repository and get the hash of the commit
            // that `branch` is on.
            var newHash = Util.Remote <string>(remoteUrl)(() => Refs.Hash(branch));

            // Abort if `branch` did not exist on the remote.
            if (newHash == null)
                throw new Exception("couldn't find remote ref " + branch);

            // Otherwise, perform the fetch.

            // Note down the hash of the commit this repository currently
            // thinks the remote branch is on.
            var oldHash = Refs.Hash(remoteRef);

            // Get all the objects in the remote `objects` directory and
            // write them.  to the local `objects` directory.  (This is an
            // inefficient way of getting all the objects required to
            // recreate locally the commit the remote branch is on.)
            var remoteObjects = Util.Remote <string[]>(remoteUrl)(Objects.AllObjects);

            foreach (var remoteObject in remoteObjects)

            // Set the contents of the file at
            // `.gitlet/refs/remotes/[remote]/[branch]` to `newHash`, the
            // hash of the commit that the remote branch is on.
            Gitlet.UpdateRef(remoteRef, newHash);

            // Record the hash of the commit that the remote branch is on
            // in `FETCH_HEAD`.  (The user can call `gitlet merge
            // FETCH_HEAD` to merge the remote version of the branch into
            // their local branch.  For more details, see
            // [gitlet.merge()](#section-93).)
            Refs.Write("FETCH_HEAD", newHash + " branch " + branch + " of " + remoteUrl);

            // Report the result of the fetch.
                     "From {0}\nCount {1}\n{2} -> {3}/{2}{4}\n",
                     Core.Merge.IsAForceFetch(oldHash, newHash) ? " (forced)" : ""));