        static void IsReferenceAcceptable(string referenceName, string referenceHintPath, string allowedAssemblies, HashSet <string> flags, bool isBridgeBasedVersion, string nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode, string projectDir, string referencesPaths, string typeForwardingAssemblyPath, out ResultEnum result, out string minimumRequiredCompilerVersionFriendlyNameIfAny)
            minimumRequiredCompilerVersionFriendlyNameIfAny = null;

            // This method will verify that the referenced DLL is itself of type C#/XAML for HTML5, and that the minimum version number is OK.

            // Check if the reference is a file that belongs to "C#/XAML for HTML5":
            if (referenceName.ToLower().Contains(Constants.LOWERCASE_CORE_ASSEMBLY_NAME) ||
                (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceHintPath) && (Path.GetFileName(referenceHintPath)).ToLower().Contains(Constants.LOWERCASE_CORE_ASSEMBLY_NAME)))
                result = ResultEnum.ReferenceIsOK;
            // In the Bridge version, we use the "AllowedAssemblies" below to allow the CSHTML5 assemblies.

            // Check if the reference is among the specially allowed ones:
            string[] allowedAssembliesArray = allowedAssemblies != null?allowedAssemblies.Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) : new string[]
            foreach (var allowedAssembly in allowedAssembliesArray)
                if (referenceName.ToLower() == allowedAssembly.ToLower())
                    result = ResultEnum.ReferenceIsOK;

            // Otherwise, check if the reference was compiled with "C#/XAML for HTML5"
            // and if the user is running the Professional Edition
            // and if the version of the compiler is OK:
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceHintPath))
                // Perform reflection on a separate AppDomain so that the types loaded for reflection can be unloaded when done.
                using (var reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain = new ReflectionOnSeparateAppDomainHandler(typeForwardingAssemblyPath))
                    // In the Bridge.NET version, we use "Assembly.LoadFile" instead of "Assembly.LoadFrom", so we need to convert a Relative path into an Absolute path:
                    if (!Path.IsPathRooted(referenceHintPath))
                        referenceHintPath = Path.Combine(projectDir, referenceHintPath);

                    // Verify that the file was found:
                    if (!File.Exists(referenceHintPath))
                        throw new CompilationExceptionWithOptions("File not found: " + referenceHintPath)
                                  DisplayOnlyTheMessageInTheOutputNothingElse = true

                    // In the Bridge.NET version, we need to preload the CSHTML5 assemblies so that it can find types such as "XmlnsDefinitionAttribute" or "CompilerVersionNumberAttribute":
                    HashSet <string> referencesPathsHasSet = (referencesPaths != null) ? new HashSet <string>(referencesPaths.Split(';')) : new HashSet <string>();
                    referencesPathsHasSet.RemoveWhere(s => !s.ToLower().EndsWith(".dll") || s.Contains("DotNetBrowser") || s.ToLower().EndsWith(@"\bridge.dll"));
                    foreach (string referencedAssembly in AssembliesLoadHelper.EnsureCoreAssemblyIsFirstInList(referencesPathsHasSet)) // Note: we ensure that the Core assembly is loaded first so that types such as "XmlnsDefinitionAttribute" are known when loading the other assemblies.
                        reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.LoadAssembly(referencedAssembly, loadReferencedAssembliesToo: false, isBridgeBasedVersion: isBridgeBasedVersion, isCoreAssembly: false, nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode: nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode, skipReadingAttributesFromAssemblies: false);

                    string assemblySimpleName = reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.LoadAssembly(referenceHintPath, loadReferencedAssembliesToo: false, isBridgeBasedVersion: isBridgeBasedVersion, isCoreAssembly: false, nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode: nameOfAssembliesThatDoNotContainUserCode, skipReadingAttributesFromAssemblies: false);

                    // Check if the reference was compiled with "C#/XAML for HTML5" by reading the "C#/XAML for HTML5" compiler version attributes:

                    string compilerVersionNumber       = reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.GetCSharpXamlForHtml5CompilerVersionNumberOrNull(assemblySimpleName);
                    string compilerVersionFriendlyName = reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.GetCSharpXamlForHtml5CompilerVersionFriendlyNameOrNull(assemblySimpleName);

                    // If at least one of those attributes exists, it means that the assembly was compiled with C#/XAML fot HTML5:
                    bool wasCompiledWithCSharpXamlForHtml5 = (compilerVersionNumber != null || compilerVersionFriendlyName != null);

                    if (wasCompiledWithCSharpXamlForHtml5)
                        // The reference is OK, it was compiled with "C#/XAML for HTML5".

                        // Now check if the "minimum compiler version" (if any) required by the DLL is compatible with the current version:

                        string minimumRequiredCompilerVersionNumberIfAny = reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.GetCSharpXamlForHtml5MinimumRequiredCompilerVersionNumberOrNull(assemblySimpleName);
                        minimumRequiredCompilerVersionFriendlyNameIfAny = reflectionOnSeparateAppDomain.GetCSharpXamlForHtml5MinimumRequiredCompilerVersionFriendlyNameOrNull(assemblySimpleName);

                        if (minimumRequiredCompilerVersionNumberIfAny == null ||
                            compilerVersionNumber == null ||
                            (new Version(minimumRequiredCompilerVersionNumberIfAny) <= new Version(compilerVersionNumber)))
                            // The reference is OK, the version of the "C#/XAML for HTML5" compiler is compatible.

                            // Now check if the user is running the Professional Edition, which is required for referencing non-default DLLs:

                            if (ActivationHelpers.IsFeatureEnabled(Constants.ENTERPRISE_EDITION_FEATURE_ID, flags))
                                // It's OK to proceed, the Enterprise Edition is being used.

                                // Everything is OK:
                                result = ResultEnum.ReferenceIsOK;
                            else if (ActivationHelpers.IsFeatureEnabled(Constants.SL_MIGRATION_EDITION_FEATURE_ID, flags))
                                // It's OK to proceed, the SL Migration Edition is being used.
                                //todo: once (if it happens) sl migration and enterprise editions will be different, add a test like for the professional edition.

                                // Everything is OK:
                                result = ResultEnum.ReferenceIsOK;
                            else if (ActivationHelpers.IsFeatureEnabled(Constants.PROFESSIONAL_EDITION_FEATURE_ID, flags))
                                // It's OK to proceed, the Professional Edition is being used.
                                //todo: actually test what the references tries to use to make sure it limits to the professional edition

                                // Everything is OK:
                                result = ResultEnum.ReferenceIsOK;
                                // Display the activation app and, if we are not in trial mode, stop the compilation and raise the compilation error:
                                result = ResultEnum.ReferenceRequiresToUpgradeToTheProEdition;
                            // Everything is OK:
                            result = ResultEnum.ReferenceIsOK;
                            // A new version of the compiler is required:
                            result = ResultEnum.ReferenceRequiresNewerVersionOfTheCompiler;
                            if (minimumRequiredCompilerVersionFriendlyNameIfAny == null)
                                minimumRequiredCompilerVersionFriendlyNameIfAny = "Build " + minimumRequiredCompilerVersionNumberIfAny;
                        // Otherwise, fail:
                        result = ResultEnum.ReferenceIsNotCompatible;
                // Otherwise, fail:
                result = ResultEnum.ReferenceIsNotCompatible;