文件: TUA.cs 项目: Dradonhunter11/TUA
        public override void PostSetupContent()
            Mod bossChecklist = ModLoader.GetMod("BossChecklist");

            if (bossChecklist != null)
                bossChecklist.Call("AddBossWithInfo", "Ultra Eye of Cthulhu", 16.0f, (Func <bool>)(() => TUAWorld.EoCDeathCount >= 1), "Use a [i:" + ItemID.SuspiciousLookingEye + "] at night after Moon lord has been defeated");
                bossChecklist.Call("AddBossWithInfo", "Eye of EoADowned - God of Destruction", 16.1f, (Func <bool>)(() => ModContent.GetInstance <TUAWorld>().UltraMode), "Use a [i:" + ItemType("Spawner") + "] after --1sing Ay. 0F C1^lh> in ^1tra and murder it, if you can...");

            Mod achievementLibs = ModLoader.GetMod("AchievementLibs");

            if (achievementLibs != null)
                Func <bool> c = () => TUAWorld.EoADowned;
                achievementLibs.Call("AddAchievementWithoutReward", this, "Once there was an eye that was a god...", "Kill the Eye of Apocalypse - God of Destruction!", "Achievement/EoAKill", c);
                achievementLibs.Call("AddAchievementWithoutReward", this, "The terrible moon tried to kill us", "Use [i:" + ModContent.ItemType <EyeOfPerception>() + "] and succesfully survive all 8 wave of the Apocalypse Moon", "Achievement/EoAKill", (Func <bool>)(() => TUAWorld.ApoMoonDowned));
                achievementLibs.Call("AddAchievementWithoutAction", this,
                                     "Once there was the Eye of Cthulhu... the ultra one", "Kill the Ultra EoC succesfully.",
                                     "Achievement/UltraEoC", new int[] { ModContent.ItemType <EyeOfPerception>() }, new int[] { 1 },
                                     (Func <bool>)(() => TUAWorld.EoCDeathCount >= 1));


            ReflManager <Type> .RemoveItem("TMain");

            ReflManager <Type> .AddItem("TMain", typeof(Main));
文件: TUA.cs 项目: Dradonhunter11/TUA
        static TUA()
            version            = "0.1 dev";;
            tModLoaderVersion2 = "";
            SAVE_PATH          = Main.SavePath;

            raidsUI = new RaidsUI();

            devMode = true;
            devMode = false;

            quote   = new List <string>();
            animate = GetAnimatedTitle();

            gameTime = new GameTime();

            ReflManager <Type> .AddItem("TMain", typeof(Main));

        public override void OnInitialize()
            xButtonTexture = TUA.instance.GetTexture("Texture/X_ui");

            xButton = new UIElement();
            xButton.Width.Set(20f, 0f);
            xButton.Height.Set(22f, 0f);
            xButton.Left.Set(Main.screenWidth / 2f + 300f, 0f);
            xButton.Top.Set(Main.screenHeight / 2f - 125f, 0f);
            xButton.OnClick += (evt, listElem) => UIManager.CloseRaidsUI();

            selectTextPanel = new UITextPanel <TranslationWrapper>
                                  (LocalizationManager.instance.GetRawTranslation("TUA.UI.Select"), 0.5f, true)
                DrawPanel = true,
                TextScale = 0.5f
            selectTextPanel.Width.Set(100f, 0f);
            selectTextPanel.Left.Set(Main.screenWidth / 2f - selectTextPanel.Width.Pixels / 2, 0f);
            selectTextPanel.Top.Set(Main.screenHeight / 2f + 260f, 0f);
            selectTextPanel.OnClick += SetCurrentRaids;

            mainPanel = new CustomizableUIPanel(TUA.instance.GetTexture("Texture/UI/panel"));

            mainPanel.Width.Set(300f, 0);
            mainPanel.Height.Set(350f, 0);
            mainPanel.Left.Set(Main.screenWidth / 2f - 305f, 0f);
            mainPanel.Top.Set(Main.screenHeight / 2f - 100f, 0f);

            descriptionPanel = new CustomizableUIPanel(TUA.instance.GetTexture("Texture/UI/panel"));
            descriptionPanel.Width.Set(300f, 0);
            descriptionPanel.Height.Set(350f, 0);
            descriptionPanel.Left.Set(Main.screenWidth / 2f + 5f, 0f);
            descriptionPanel.Top.Set(Main.screenHeight / 2f - 100f, 0f);

            raidsDescription = new UIScrollingText();
            raidsDescription.Top.Set(2f, 0f);
            raidsDescription.Left.Set(5, 0f);
            raidsDescription.Height.Set(330f, 0f);
            raidsDescription.Width.Set(250f, 0f);
            raidsDescription.SetText("No raids are currently selected");

            scrollbar = new UIScrollbar();
            scrollbar.Height.Set(-5f, 1f);
            scrollbar.Top.Set(5, 0);
            scrollbar.SetView(100f, 100f);
            scrollbar.HAlign = 1f;

            raidsList = new UIList();
            raidsList.Top.Set(10f, 0f);
            raidsList.Left.Set(-5f, 0f);
            raidsList.Height.Set(300f, 0);
            raidsList.Width.Set(250f, 0f);



            #region Get Description In Shitcode Way
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            switch (currentlySelectedRaids.RaidsType)
            case RaidsID.TheGreatHellRide:
                builder.AppendLine("The Great Hell Ride");
                builder.AppendLine("Have you heard the legend of the great hell ride?");
                builder.AppendLine("From what I've heard, it's a lot of fun and at the end you have to fight a giant wall!");
                builder.AppendLine("Sadly, I've not ever seen the infamous wall and I'll probably never get to, but you can do something about that.");
                builder.AppendLine("- The Guide");

            case RaidsID.TheWrathOfTheWasteland:
                builder.AppendLine("The Wrath of the Wasteland");
                builder.AppendLine("An earthquale just came from the core of the Wasteland, the heart might be angry again.");
                builder.AppendLine("Your goal is calm down the Heart of the Wasteland and make sure it doesn't wake up again.");
                builder.AppendLine("But first, you'll need to run some errands as you need specific stuff to calm it down");
                builder.AppendLine("- The Guide and the Infinity Traveler");

            case RaidsID.TheEyeOfDestruction:
                builder.AppendLine("The Hunt Beyond the Void");
                builder.AppendLine("A long time ago, I fought this god. He was one of the most powerful one I ever fought mainly because it could control the element of the void.");
                builder.AppendLine("This eye, also known as the eye of apocalypse, got out of his sleep after you killed the Ultra eye of Cthulhu.");
                builder.AppendLine("If he does what he did 1000 years ago, the world might be destroyed... Check the moon, because that's your biggest concern for now");
                builder.AppendLine("- The Infinity Traveler");

            case RaidsID.None:
                builder.AppendLine("There are no active raids currently!");

            // Type no longer matters, the order of which panels are added here does
            ReflManager <RaidsPanel> .AddItem(PTI("None"),
                                              new RaidsPanel(RaidsID.None, () => RaidsWorld.currentRaid == RaidsID.None));

            ReflManager <RaidsPanel> .AddItem(PTI("WoF"),
                                              new RaidsPanel(RaidsID.TheGreatHellRide, () => !Main.hardMode && TUAWorld.Wasteland));

            ReflManager <RaidsPanel> .AddItem(PTI("HotW"),
                                              // since ^^ will be checked first, there is no need to check !TUAWorld.Wasteland
                                              new RaidsPanel(RaidsID.TheWrathOfTheWasteland, () => !Main.hardMode));

            ReflManager <RaidsPanel> .AddItem(PTI("EoA"),
                                              new RaidsPanel(RaidsID.TheEyeOfDestruction, () => TUAWorld.ApoMoonDowned && !TUAWorld.EoADowned));

            string PTI(string name) => "RaidsPanel_" + name;