protected override void HandleChooser()
            // YAGNI: may eventually need to make configurable how it comes up with the list of candidates.
            // Currently this is used only for properties of a ghost notebook record.
            var candidateList = (ICmPossibilityList)ReferenceTargetServices.RnGenericRecReferenceTargetOwner(m_cache, m_flid);
            var candidates    = candidateList == null ? null : candidateList.PossibilitiesOS.Cast <ICmObject>();
            // YAGNI: see ReferenceLauncher implementation of this method for a possible approach to
            // making the choice of writing system configurable.
            var labels = ObjectLabel.CreateObjectLabels(m_cache, candidates,
                                                        m_displayNameProperty, "analysis vernacular");
            var chooser = new SimpleListChooser(m_persistProvider,
                                                new ICmObject[0],


            chooser.SetObjectAndFlid(0, m_flid);
            if (Slice.ConfigurationNode != null)
                // Review JohnT: can any of this be made relevant without an object?
                //    // Handle the default case ("owner") for text parameters.

                //    // This (old approach) works only if
                //    // all of the list items are owned by the same object as the first one in the
                //    // list.  (Later elements can be owned by elements owned by that first owner,
                //    // if you know what I mean.)
                //    //if (candidates.Count != 0)
                //    //    chooser.TextParamHvo = m_cache.GetOwnerOfObject((int)candidates[0]);
                //    // JohnT: this approach depends on a new FDO method.
                //    ICmObject referenceTargetOwner = m_obj.ReferenceTargetOwner(m_flid);
                //    if (referenceTargetOwner != null)
                //        chooser.TextParamHvo = referenceTargetOwner.Hvo;
                //    chooser.SetHelpTopic(Slice.GetChooserHelpTopicID());
                chooser.InitializeExtras(Slice.ConfigurationNode, Mediator);
            var res = chooser.ShowDialog(FindForm());

            if (DialogResult.Cancel == res)

            if (chooser.HandleAnyJump())

            if (chooser.ChosenObjects != null && chooser.ChosenObjects.Count() > 0)
                UndoableUnitOfWorkHelper.Do(string.Format(DetailControlsStrings.ksUndoSet, m_fieldName),
                                            string.Format(DetailControlsStrings.ksRedoSet, m_fieldName), m_obj,
                                            () =>
                    // YAGNI: creating the real object may eventually need to be configurable,
                    // perhaps by indicating in the configuration node what class of object to create
                    // and so forth, or perhaps by just putting a "doWhat" attribute on the configuration node
                    // and making a switch here to control what is done. For now this slice is only used
                    // in one situation, where we need to create a notebook record, associate the current object
                    // with it, and add the values to it.
                    IRnGenericRec notebookRec;
                    DataTree.NotebookRecordRefersToThisText(m_obj as IText, out notebookRec);
                    var recHvo   = notebookRec.Hvo;
                    var values   = (from obj in chooser.ChosenObjects select obj.Hvo).ToArray();
                    var listFlid = m_flid;
                    if (m_flid == RnGenericRecTags.kflidParticipants)
                        var defaultRoledParticipant = notebookRec.MakeDefaultRoledParticipant();
                        recHvo   = defaultRoledParticipant.Hvo;
                        listFlid = RnRoledParticTags.kflidParticipants;
                    m_cache.DomainDataByFlid.Replace(recHvo, listFlid, 0, 0, values, values.Length);
                    // We don't do anything about updating the display because creating the real object
                    // will typically destroy this slice altogether and replace it with a real one.
                // Structure has changed drastically, start over.
                var index    = Slice.IndexInContainer;
                var dataTree = Slice.ContainingDataTree;
                dataTree.RefreshList(false);                 // Slice will be destroyed!!
                if (index <= dataTree.Slices.Count - 1)
                    dataTree.CurrentSlice = dataTree.FieldAt(index);
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the object which, for the indicated property of the recipient, the user is
 /// most likely to want to edit if the ReferenceTargetCandidates do not include the
 /// target he wants.
 /// The canonical example, supported by the default implementation of
 /// ReferenceTargetCandidates, is a possibility list, where the targets are the items.
 /// Subclasses which have reference properties edited by the simple list chooser
 /// should generally override either this or ReferenceTargetCandidates or both.
 /// The implementations of the two should naturally be consistent.
 /// </summary>
 public override ICmObject ReferenceTargetOwner(int flid)
     return(ReferenceTargetServices.RnGenericRecReferenceTargetOwner(m_cache, flid));