        public void CanCopyImmutableThrows(ReferenceHandling?referenceHandling)
            var expected  = "Cannot copy the members of an immutable object";
            var exception = referenceHandling != null
                ? Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => this.VerifyMethod <Immutable>(referenceHandling.Value))
                : Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(this.VerifyMethod <Immutable>);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, exception.Message);
        public void CanCopyEnumerableOfIntsThrows(ReferenceHandling?referenceHandling)
            var expected  = "Can only copy the members of collections implementing IList or IDictionary";
            var exception = referenceHandling != null
            ? Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => this.VerifyMethod <IEnumerable <int> >(referenceHandling.Value))
            : Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(this.VerifyMethod <IEnumerable <int> >);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, exception.Message);
        public void CanCopyImmutable(ReferenceHandling?referenceHandling)
            var expected  = "Cannot copy the members of an immutable object";
            var x         = new Immutable(1);
            var y         = new Immutable(1);
            var exception = referenceHandling != null
                ? Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => this.CopyMethod(x, y, referenceHandling.Value))
                : Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => this.CopyMethod(x, y));

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, exception.Message);
 public void CanCopyListOfComplexTypeThrows(ReferenceHandling?referenceHandling)
     if (referenceHandling != null)
         Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => this.VerifyMethod <List <ComplexType> >(referenceHandling.Value));
         Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(this.VerifyMethod <List <ComplexType> >);
        public void CanCopyEnumerableOfIntsThrows(ReferenceHandling?referenceHandling)
            var expected = "Can only copy the members of collections implementing IList or IDictionary";

            var x         = Enumerable.Repeat(1, 2);
            var y         = Enumerable.Repeat(1, 2);
            var exception = referenceHandling != null
                ? Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => this.CopyMethod(x, y, referenceHandling.Value))
                : Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => this.CopyMethod(x, y));

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, exception.Message);
        public void WithReadonlyIntHappyPath(int xv, int yv, ReferenceHandling?referenceHandling, bool expected)
            var x = new WithReadonlyProperty <int>(xv);
            var y = new WithReadonlyProperty <int>(yv);

            if (referenceHandling == null)
                var result = this.EqualMethod(x, y);
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
                var result = this.EqualMethod(x, y, referenceHandling.Value);
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
        public void WithComplexThrows(ReferenceHandling?referenceHandling)
            var expected = this is FieldValues.Throws
                   ? "Copy.FieldValues(x, y) failed.\r\n" +
                           "The field WithComplexProperty.<ComplexType>k__BackingField of type ComplexType is not supported.\r\n" +
                           "Solve the problem by any of:\r\n" +
                           "* Make ComplexType immutable or use an immutable type.\r\n" +
                           "  - For immutable types the following must hold:\r\n" +
                           "    - Must be a sealed class or a struct.\r\n" +
                           "    - All fields and properties must be readonly.\r\n" +
                           "    - All field and property types must be immutable.\r\n" +
                           "    - All indexers must be readonly.\r\n" +
                           "    - Event fields are ignored.\r\n" +
                           "* Use FieldsSettings and specify how copying is performed:\r\n" +
                           "  - ReferenceHandling.Structural means that a the entire graph is traversed and immutable property values are copied.\r\n" +
                           "    - For structural Activator.CreateInstance is used to create instances so a parameterless constructor may be needed, can be private.\r\n" +
                           "  - ReferenceHandling.References means that references are copied.\r\n" +
                           "  - Exclude a combination of the following:\r\n" +
                           "    - The field WithComplexProperty.<ComplexType>k__BackingField.\r\n" +
                           "    - The type ComplexType.\r\n"

                   : "Copy.PropertyValues(x, y) failed.\r\n" +
                           "The property WithComplexProperty.ComplexType of type ComplexType is not supported.\r\n" +
                           "Solve the problem by any of:\r\n" +
                           "* Make ComplexType immutable or use an immutable type.\r\n" +
                           "  - For immutable types the following must hold:\r\n" +
                           "    - Must be a sealed class or a struct.\r\n" +
                           "    - All fields and properties must be readonly.\r\n" +
                           "    - All field and property types must be immutable.\r\n" +
                           "    - All indexers must be readonly.\r\n" +
                           "    - Event fields are ignored.\r\n" +
                           "* Use PropertiesSettings and specify how copying is performed:\r\n" +
                           "  - ReferenceHandling.Structural means that a the entire graph is traversed and immutable property values are copied.\r\n" +
                           "    - For structural Activator.CreateInstance is used to create instances so a parameterless constructor may be needed, can be private.\r\n" +
                           "  - ReferenceHandling.References means that references are copied.\r\n" +
                           "  - Exclude a combination of the following:\r\n" +
                           "    - The property WithComplexProperty.ComplexType.\r\n" +
                           "    - The type ComplexType.\r\n";
            var source = new WithComplexProperty();
            var target = new WithComplexProperty();

            var exception = referenceHandling == null
                ? Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => this.CopyMethod(source, target))
                : Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => this.CopyMethod(source, target, referenceHandling.Value));

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, exception.Message);
        public void WithImmutableStructural(ReferenceHandling?referenceHandling)
            var source = new With <Immutable>(new Immutable(1));
            var target = new With <Immutable>(new Immutable(2));

            if (referenceHandling == null)
                this.CopyMethod(source, target);
                this.CopyMethod(source, target, referenceHandling.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, source.Value.Value);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, target.Value.Value);
            Assert.AreSame(source.Value, target.Value);
        public void IgnoresMember(int xv, int yv, ReferenceHandling?referenceHandling, bool expected)
            var x        = new WithSimpleProperties(xv, null, "3", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var y        = new WithSimpleProperties(yv, 2, "3", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var excluded = this is FieldValues.Classes
                               ? "nullableIntValue"
                               : nameof(WithSimpleProperties.NullableIntValue);

            if (referenceHandling == null)
                var result = this.EqualMethod(x, y, excludedMembers: excluded);
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
                var result = this.EqualMethod(x, y, referenceHandling.Value, excluded);
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
        public void WithReadonlyIntHappyPath(int xv, int yv, ReferenceHandling?referenceHandling, string expected)
            expected = expected?.Replace(
                this is FieldValues.Classes
                    ? "<Value>k__BackingField"
                    : "Value");
            var x = new WithReadonlyProperty <int>(xv);
            var y = new WithReadonlyProperty <int>(yv);

            if (referenceHandling == null)
                var result = this.DiffMethod(x, y);
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, result.ToString(string.Empty, " "));
                var result = this.DiffMethod(x, y, referenceHandling.Value);
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, result.ToString(string.Empty, " "));