        public void CalculateType()
            // Sanity check
            if (SecondAlleleString.IndexOf(',') >= 0 || SecondAlleleString.IndexOf('/') >= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Variants with multiple ALTs are not allowed (ALT: '" + SecondAlleleString + "')");

            // Remove leading char (we still have some test cases using old TXT format)
            if (ReferenceAlleleString == "*")
                ReferenceAlleleString = "";

            // Possibly some old formatting with +, -, and =
            if (SecondAlleleString.StartsWith("+"))
                // Insertion
                SecondAlleleString = ReferenceAlleleString + SecondAlleleString.Substring(1);
            else if (SecondAlleleString.StartsWith("-"))
                // Deletion
                ReferenceAlleleString = SecondAlleleString.Substring(1);
                SecondAlleleString    = "";
            else if (SecondAlleleString.StartsWith("="))
                // Mixed variant
                SecondAlleleString = SecondAlleleString.Substring(1);

            // Calculate variant type
            if (ReferenceAlleleString == SecondAlleleString)
                VarType = VariantType.INTERVAL;
            else if (ReferenceAlleleString.Length == 1 && SecondAlleleString.Length == 1)
                VarType = VariantType.SNV;
            else if (ReferenceAlleleString.Length == SecondAlleleString.Length)
                VarType = VariantType.MNV;
            else if (ReferenceAlleleString.Length < SecondAlleleString.Length && SecondAlleleString.StartsWith(ReferenceAlleleString))
                VarType = VariantType.INS;
            else if (ReferenceAlleleString.Length > SecondAlleleString.Length && ReferenceAlleleString.StartsWith(SecondAlleleString))
                VarType = VariantType.DEL;
                VarType = VariantType.MIXED;

            // Start and end position
            //  - Start is always the leftmost base
            //	- End is always the rightmost affected base in the ReferenceAlleleStringerence genome
            if (VarType == VariantType.INS || VarType == VariantType.SNV)
                // These changes only affect one position in the reference genome
                OneBasedEnd = OneBasedStart;
            else // if (isDel() || isMnp()) {
                // Update 'end' position
                if (ReferenceAlleleString.Length > 1)
                    OneBasedEnd = OneBasedStart + ReferenceAlleleString.Length - 1;