//Get the shortest Reeds-Shepp path and display it
    private void DisplayShortestPath(Transform startCarTrans, Transform goalCarTrans)
        Vector3 startPos = startCarTrans.position;

        float startHeading = startCarTrans.eulerAngles.y * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

        Vector3 goalPos = goalCarTrans.position;

        float goalHeading = goalCarTrans.eulerAngles.y * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

        float turningRadius = SimController.current.GetActiveCarData().carData.turningRadius;

        //Get the shortest Reeds-Shepp path
        List <RSCar> shortestPath = ReedsShepp.GetShortestPath(
            startPos, startHeading, goalPos, goalHeading, turningRadius, wpDistance: 1f, generateOneWp: false);

        //If we found a path
        if (shortestPath != null && shortestPath.Count > 1)
            //Display the path with line renderers
    private void SmoothThisPath(Map map)
        //Generate the Reeds-Shepp path with some turning radius
        //Get the shortest path
        Vector3 startPos = startTrans.position;
        Vector3 endPos   = endTrans.position;

        float startRot = startTrans.rotation.eulerAngles.y * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
        float endRot   = endTrans.rotation.eulerAngles.y * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

        //Make sure the start and end are within the map
        if (!(map.IsPosWithinGrid(startPos) && map.IsPosWithinGrid(endPos)))

        //Get the shortest path
        List <RSCar> shortestPath = ReedsShepp.GetShortestPath(startPos, startRot, endPos, endRot, 12f, 1f, generateOneWp: false);

        //Make it unsmooth to easier see the difference

        for (int i = 1; i < shortestPath.Count - 1; i++)
            Vector3 p = shortestPath[i].pos;

            float dist = 0.4f;

            p.x += Random.Range(-dist, dist);
            p.z += Random.Range(-dist, dist);

            shortestPath[i].pos = p;

        //To Node data formart
        List <Node> nodes = new List <Node>();

        for (int i = 1; i < shortestPath.Count - 1; i++)
            Node    previousNode = null;
            Vector3 pos          = shortestPath[i].pos;
            float   heading      = shortestPath[i].HeadingInRad;
            bool    isReversing  = shortestPath[i].gear == RSCar.Gear.Back ? true : false;

            Node node = new Node(previousNode, pos, heading, isReversing);


        //Smooth the path and push it away from obstacles
        List <Node> smoothPath = ModifyPath.SmoothPath(nodes, map, false, isDebugOn: true);

        DisplayPath(nodes, Color.white);
        DisplayPathNodes(nodes, Color.black);

        DisplayPath(smoothPath, Color.blue);
        //DisplayPathNodes(smoothPath, Color.black);
        // Get all children to a node
        private static List <Node> GetChildrenToNode(Node currentNode, Map map, Cell[,] cellData, CarData carData, Car endCar, Car startTrailer)
            List <Node> childNodes = new List <Node>();

            //To be able to expand we need the simulated vehicle's heading and position
            float heading = currentNode.heading;

            //Expand both forward and reverse
            for (int i = 0; i < driveDistances.Length; i++)
                float driveDistance = driveDistances[i];

                //Expand all steering angles
                for (int j = 0; j < steeringAngles.Length; j++)
                    //Steering angle
                    float alpha = steeringAngles[j];

                    //Turning angle
                    float beta = (driveDistance / carData.WheelBase) * Mathf.Tan(alpha);

                    //Simulate the car driving forward by using a mathematical car model
                    Vector3 newRearWheelPos = VehicleSimulationModels.CalculateNewPosition(heading, beta, driveDistance, currentNode.rearWheelPos);

                    float newHeading = VehicleSimulationModels.CalculateNewHeading(heading, beta);

                    //In which cell did we end up?
                    IntVector2 cellPos = map.ConvertWorldToCell(newRearWheelPos);

                    //Because we are doing obstacle detection later, we have to check if this pos is within the map
                    if (!map.IsCellWithinGrid(cellPos))

                    //Generate a new child node
                    Node childNode = new Node(
                        previousNode: currentNode,
                        rearWheelPos: newRearWheelPos,
                        heading: newHeading,
                        isReversing: driveDistance < 0f ? true : false);

                    float heuristics = HeuristicsToReachGoal(cellData, cellPos, childNode, endCar, carData);

                        gCost: CostToReachNode(childNode, map, cellData),
                        hCost: heuristics);

                    //Calculate the new heading of the trailer if we have a trailer
                    if (startTrailer != null)
                        //Whats the new trailer heading at this childNode
                        float thetaOld            = currentNode.TrailerHeadingInRadians;
                        float thetaOldDragVehicle = currentNode.HeadingInRadians;
                        float D = driveDistance;
                        float d = startTrailer.carData.WheelBase;
                        float newTrailerHeading = VehicleSimulationModels.CalculateNewTrailerHeading(thetaOld, thetaOldDragVehicle, D, d);

                        childNode.TrailerHeadingInRadians = newTrailerHeading;

                        //The trailer sux when reversing so add an extra cost
                        if (childNode.isReversing)
                            childNode.gCost += Parameters.trailerReverseCost;


            //Expand Reeds-Shepp curve and add it as child node if we are "close" to the goal we want to reach
            int timeBefore = Environment.TickCount;

            //Dont do it every node because is expensive
            IntVector2 goalCell = map.ConvertWorldToCell(endCar.rearWheelPos);

            float distanceToEnd = cellData[goalCell.x, goalCell.z].distanceToTarget;

            //The probability should increase the close to the end we are
            float testProbability = Mathf.Clamp01((maxReedsSheppDist - distanceToEnd) / maxReedsSheppDist) * 0.2f;

            float probability = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 1f);

            if ((distanceToEnd < maxReedsSheppDist && probability < testProbability) || (distanceToEnd < 40f && probability < 0.005f))
                List <RSCar> shortestPath = ReedsShepp.GetShortestPath(
                    generateOneWp: true);

                if (shortestPath != null && shortestPath.Count > 1)
                    //The first node in this list is where we currently are so we will use the second node
                    //But we might need to use several Reeds-Shepp nodes because if the path is going from
                    //forward to reverse, we cant ignore the change in direction, so we add a node before the
                    //length which should be the driving distance

                    //But the easiest is just to add the second node
                    RSCar carToAdd = shortestPath[1];

                    bool isReversing = carToAdd.gear == RSCar.Gear.Back ? true : false;

                    IntVector2 cellPos = map.ConvertWorldToCell(carToAdd.pos);

                    //Because we are doing obstacle detection later, we have to check if this pos is within the map
                    if (map.IsCellWithinGrid(cellPos))
                        Node childNode = new Node(
                            previousNode: currentNode,
                            rearWheelPos: carToAdd.pos,
                            heading: carToAdd.HeadingInRad,
                            isReversing: isReversing);

                        float heuristics = HeuristicsToReachGoal(cellData, cellPos, childNode, endCar, carData);

                            gCost: CostToReachNode(childNode, map, cellData),
                            hCost: heuristics);


                        //Debug.Log("Added RS node");

            timer_ReedsSheppNode += Environment.TickCount - timeBefore;
