/// <summary>
        /// Calculates the KpiValue for each Kpi and saves them to the Redis DB using the Redis API for the given
        /// RedisSensorValuesRows. Makes use of the KpiCalculatorFactory in order to get the appropriate KpiCalculator.
        /// The DateOfImport and shipId parameters are used for the creation of the Redis keys for each KpiValue.
        /// </summary>
        public void Handle(List <RedisSensorValuesRow> importedRows, long shipId, DateTime DateOfImport)
            List <RedisKpiValue> KpiValuesToSave = new List <RedisKpiValue>();

            using (var ctx = new PrototypeContext())
                foreach (var kpi in ctx.Kpis)
                    var calculatorForKpi = _kpiCalculatorFactory.GetCalculator(shipId, kpi);

                    var calculatedKpiValue = calculatorForKpi.Calculate(importedRows, DateOfImport);

            RedisDatabaseApi.Create <RedisKpiValue>(KpiValuesToSave);
 private void SaveSensorValues(List <RedisSensorValuesRow> rows)
     RedisDatabaseApi.Create <RedisSensorValuesRow>(rows);