        /// <summary>
        /// This is used to handle the expansion of the yearly frequency
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dates">The collection in which to put the dates</param>
        /// <remarks>The spec is rather vague about how all the rules should interact so I'm making some best
        /// guesses here based on the examples in the spec itself although not all combinations are shown.
        /// </remarks>
        private void ExpandYearly(RecurDateTimeCollection dates)
            RecurDateTimeCollection rdtcMonth = null, rdtcMoDay = null, rdtcWeek = null, rdtcYrDay = null,
                rdtcDay = null;
            bool isExpanded = false;

            // We'll expand each rule individually and combine the results before applying the time expansions.
            // The application of the BYMONTHDAY and BYDAY rules varies based on whatever other rule parts are
            // present as well.
            if(byMonth.Count != 0)
                // Expand by month
                isExpanded = true;
                rdtcMonth = new RecurDateTimeCollection(dates);
                freqRules.ByMonth(this, rdtcMonth);

                // If BYMONTHDAY and BYDAY are both specified, we need to expand by month day and then filter by
                // day.  If we expand by day alone, note that we do so only in the months specified in the
                // BYMONTH rule.
                if(byMonthDay.Count != 0 && byDay.Count != 0)
                    Expand.ByMonthDay(this, rdtcMonth);
                    Filter.ByDay(this, rdtcMonth);
                    if(Expand.ByMonthDay(this, rdtcMonth) != 0)
                        Expand.ByDayInMonths(this, rdtcMonth);
                if(byMonthDay.Count != 0)
                    // Expand by month day if specified without any by month rule part
                    isExpanded = true;
                    rdtcMoDay = new RecurDateTimeCollection(dates);
                    freqRules.ByMonthDay(this, rdtcMoDay);

                // As long as by week number isn't specified either, we'll expand the by day rule here too
                if(byWeekNo.Count == 0)
                    isExpanded = true;
                    rdtcDay = new RecurDateTimeCollection(dates);
                    freqRules.ByDay(this, rdtcDay);

            if(byWeekNo.Count != 0)
                // Expand by week number
                isExpanded = true;
                rdtcWeek = new RecurDateTimeCollection(dates);
                freqRules.ByWeekNo(this, rdtcWeek);

                // Expand by days of the week in those weeks
                Expand.ByDayInWeeks(this, rdtcWeek);

            if(byYearDay.Count != 0)
                // Expand by year day
                isExpanded = true;
                rdtcYrDay = new RecurDateTimeCollection(dates);
                freqRules.ByYearDay(this, rdtcYrDay);

            // Combine the various expansions.  If nothing was done, leave the original date in the collection.

                if(rdtcMonth != null && rdtcMonth.Count != 0)

                if(rdtcMoDay != null && rdtcMoDay.Count != 0)

                if(rdtcWeek != null && rdtcWeek.Count != 0)

                if(rdtcYrDay != null && rdtcYrDay.Count != 0)

                if(rdtcDay != null && rdtcDay.Count != 0)

            // In any case, the time parts are easy.  They always expand the instances if there's anything there.
            if(dates.Count != 0)
                Expand.ByHour(this, dates);
                Expand.ByMinute(this, dates);
                Expand.BySecond(this, dates);