 public Connect4IA() : base()
     //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER NOTE: The following call to the 'RectangularArrays' helper class reproduces the rectangular array initialization that is automatic in Java:
     //ORIGINAL LINE: this.grid = new int[GRID_SIZE][GRID_SIZE];
     this.grid = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @RepeatedTest(2) void stressTest() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        internal virtual void StressTest()
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER NOTE: The following call to the 'RectangularArrays' helper class reproduces the rectangular array initialization that is automatic in Java:
//ORIGINAL LINE: int[][] data = new int[10][10];
            int[][]       data     = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(10, 10);
            AtomicBoolean stop     = new AtomicBoolean();
            AtomicInteger writerId = new AtomicInteger();
        private static nPuzzle readProblemFile(string fileName)         // this allow only one puzzle to be specified in a problem file
                //create file reading objects
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName);
                StreamReader puzzle = new StreamReader(reader);
                nPuzzle      result;

                string puzzleDimension = puzzle.ReadLine();
                //split the string by letter "x"
                string[] bothDimensions = puzzleDimension.Split("x", true);

                //work out the "physical" size of the puzzle
                //here we only deal with NxN puzzles, so the puzzle size is taken to be the first number
                int puzzleSize = int.Parse(bothDimensions[0]);

//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER NOTE: The following call to the 'RectangularArrays' helper class reproduces the rectangular array initialization that is automatic in Java:
//ORIGINAL LINE: int[][] startPuzzleGrid = new int[puzzleSize][puzzleSize];
                int[][] startPuzzleGrid = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(puzzleSize, puzzleSize);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER NOTE: The following call to the 'RectangularArrays' helper class reproduces the rectangular array initialization that is automatic in Java:
//ORIGINAL LINE: int[][] goalPuzzleGrid = new int[puzzleSize][puzzleSize];
                int[][] goalPuzzleGrid = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(puzzleSize, puzzleSize);

                //fill in the start state
                string startStateString = puzzle.ReadLine();
                startPuzzleGrid = ParseStateString(startStateString, startPuzzleGrid, puzzleSize);

                //fill in the end state
                string goalStateString = puzzle.ReadLine();
                goalPuzzleGrid = ParseStateString(goalStateString, goalPuzzleGrid, puzzleSize);

                //create the nPuzzle object...
                result = new nPuzzle(startPuzzleGrid, goalPuzzleGrid);

            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                //The file didn't exist, show an error
                Console.WriteLine("Error: File \"" + fileName + "\" not found.");
                Console.WriteLine("Please check the path to the file.");
            catch (IOException)
                //There was an IO error, show and error message
                Console.WriteLine("Error in reading \"" + fileName + "\". Try closing it and programs that may be accessing it.");
                Console.WriteLine("If you're accessing this file over a network, try making a local copy.");

            //this code should be unreachable. This statement is simply to satisfy Eclipse.
        public virtual int[][] List()
            int[][] list = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(productMap.Values.Count, 2);
            int     i    = 0;

            foreach (int code in productMap.Keys)
                list[i][0] = code;
                list[i][1] = productMap[code].Amount();
 private int[][] cloneArray(int[][] cloneMe)
     //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER NOTE: The following call to the 'RectangularArrays' helper class reproduces the rectangular array initialization that is automatic in Java:
     //ORIGINAL LINE: int[][] result = new int[cloneMe.Length][cloneMe[0].Length];
     int[][] result = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(cloneMe.Length, cloneMe[0].Length);
     for (int i = 0; i < cloneMe.Length; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < cloneMe[i].Length; j++)
             result[i][j] = cloneMe[i][j];
        public virtual int[][] List()
            int[][] result = new int[0][2];
            int     lines  = client.ReadInt();

            result = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(lines, 2);
            for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++)
                result[i][0] = client.ReadInt();
                result[i][1] = client.ReadInt();
        //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: This Java 'import static' statement cannot be converted to C#:
        //	import static helpers.Printer.*;

        /// <summary>
        /// Given an image represented by an NxN matrix, where each pixel in
        /// the image is 4 bytes, write a method to rotate the image by 90
        /// degrees. Can you do this in place?
        /// </summary>
        // With extra space.
        internal static int[][] rotate(int[][] matrix)
            int n = matrix.Length;

            //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER NOTE: The following call to the 'RectangularArrays' helper class reproduces the rectangular array initialization that is automatic in Java:
            //ORIGINAL LINE: int[][] ret = new int[n][n];
            int[][] ret = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(n, n);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
                    ret[i][j] = matrix[n - 1 - j][i];
        public static int[][] listMinuteChunks(int numberOfChunks)
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final int[][] minuteChunks = new int[numberOfChunks][2];
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER NOTE: The following call to the 'RectangularArrays' helper class reproduces the rectangular array initialization that is automatic in Java:
//ORIGINAL LINE: int[][] minuteChunks = new int[numberOfChunks][2];
            int[][] minuteChunks = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(numberOfChunks, 2);
            int     chunkLength  = 60 / numberOfChunks;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChunks; i++)
                minuteChunks[i][0] = chunkLength * i;
                minuteChunks[i][1] = chunkLength * (i + 1) - 1;
            minuteChunks[numberOfChunks - 1][1] = 59;
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        //Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
        var input = Console.ReadLine().Split();
        int n = int.Parse(input[0]), m = int.Parse(input[1]);

        int[][] G = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(n, n);
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
            input = Console.ReadLine().Split();
            int a = int.Parse(input[0]), b = int.Parse(input[1]);
            G[a][b] = i + 1;
            G[b][a] = i + 1;
        if ((m & 1) == 1)
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            int[] partner = new int[m];
            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                partner[i] = -1;
            pairUp(partner, G);
            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                if (i > partner[i])
                    Console.WriteLine(i + " " + partner[i]);
 internal virtual void initpic(int w, int h)
     this.picture = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(h, w);
    //Function to add item into warehouse
    public static void addItem(int length, int width, int height)
        //The cordinates of the corner of the best fit
        int[] bestFit = { -1, -1, -1 };
        //The best surface area fit = how much wall/other package can the new touch?
        int bestSAFit = -1;

        //For rotation, store the order of the length, width, and height
        int[] bestOrientation = { -1, -1, -1 };

        //Create the rotations using the length, width, and height
        int[][] orientations = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(6, 3);

        orientations[0][0] = length;
        orientations[0][1] = width;
        orientations[0][2] = height;

        orientations[1][0] = length;
        orientations[1][1] = height;
        orientations[1][2] = width;

        orientations[2][0] = width;
        orientations[2][1] = length;
        orientations[2][2] = height;

        orientations[3][0] = width;
        orientations[3][1] = height;
        orientations[3][2] = length;

        orientations[4][0] = height;
        orientations[4][1] = width;
        orientations[4][2] = length;

        orientations[5][0] = height;
        orientations[5][1] = length;
        orientations[5][2] = width;

        //Checks if any of the slots are open
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                    if (warehouse[i][j][k] == true)
                        //std::cout << "Checking if item fits..." << std::endl;
                        //for rotation, check with different orders of length, width, and height
                        //would need to keep track of rotation, somehow

                        //Goes through each orientation
                        for (int o = 0; o < 6; o++)
                            bool fits = checkForSpace(orientations[o][0], orientations[o][1], orientations[o][2], i, j, k);
                            if (fits == true)
                                //check neighboring spaces for heuristic
                                int newSA = checkSAHeuristic(orientations[o][0], orientations[o][1], orientations[o][2], i, j, k);

                                //Updates if a new best surface area fit is found
                                if (newSA > bestSAFit)
                                    Console.Write("New bestSAFit");
                                    bestFit[0] = i;
                                    bestFit[1] = j;
                                    bestFit[2] = k;

                                    bestSAFit = newSA;

                                    bestOrientation[0] = orientations[o][0];
                                    bestOrientation[1] = orientations[o][1];
                                    bestOrientation[2] = orientations[o][2];

        //choose best fit, fill spaces
        if (bestFit[0] != -1 && bestFit[1] != -1 && bestFit[2] != -1)
            fillSpaces(bestOrientation[0], bestOrientation[1], bestOrientation[2], bestFit[0], bestFit[1], bestFit[2]);
            Console.Write("The new item does not fit");

        Console.Write("best sa fit ");
        //Add item dimensions (in the rotation the item was places), coordinate, and name to list.
        public void Writemasks(String inputfile, String outputfile, int choice)
            int          i3, i2, i1, n, m, j, k;
            imagehandler img = new imagehandler();

            img.loadbitmap(inputfile, 0);
            byte[][] f      = img.returnrawpixels();
            int      width  = (f[0]).Length;
            int      height = f.Length;

            int[][] newframe = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(height, width);
            for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
                for (int i4 = 0; i4 < width; i4++)
                    newframe[i][i4] = f[i][i4] & 0xFF;
            int mask = newframe[height - 1][0];

            switch (choice)
            case 1:
                for (i3 = 0; i3 < height; i3++)
                    for (int i4 = 0; i4 < width; i4++)
                        if (newframe[i3][i4] == mask)
                            newframe[i3][i4] = this.outputmask;
                            newframe[i3][i4] = 255;

            case 2:
                for (i3 = 0; i3 < height; i3++)
                    int i4;
                    for (i4 = 0; i4 < width - 1; i4++)
                        if (newframe[i3][i4] == mask && newframe[i3][i4 + 1] != mask && i4 + 1 != width - 1)
                            newframe[i3][i4] = -2;

                    for (i4 = width - 1; i4 > 0; i4--)
                        if (newframe[i3][i4] == mask && newframe[i3][i4 - 1] != mask && i4 + 1 != width - 1)
                            newframe[i3][i4] = -2;
                for (i2 = 0; i2 < width; i2++)
                    int i4;
                    for (i4 = 0; i4 <= height - 2; i4++)
                        if (newframe[i4][i2] == mask && newframe[i4 + 1][i2] != mask && newframe[i4 + 1][i2] != -2)
                            newframe[i4][i2] = -2;
                    for (i4 = height - 1; i4 > 0; i4--)
                        if (newframe[i4][i2] == mask && newframe[i4 - 1][i2] != mask && newframe[i4 - 1][i2] != -2)
                            newframe[i4][i2] = -2;
                for (i1 = 0; i1 < height; i1++)
                    for (int i4 = 0; i4 < width; i4++)
                        if (newframe[i1][i4] != -2)
                            newframe[i1][i4] = this.outputmask;

            case 3:
                for (i1 = 0; i1 < height; i1++)
                    for (int i4 = 0; i4 < width; i4++)
                        if (newframe[i1][i4] < 16 || newframe[i1][i4] > 23)
                            newframe[i1][i4] = this.outputmask;

            case 4:
                for (i1 = 0; i1 < height; i1++)
                    for (int i4 = 0; i4 < width; i4++)
                        if (newframe[i1][i4] == 131)
                            newframe[i1][i4] = 131;
                            newframe[i1][i4] = this.outputmask;

            case 5:
                for (i1 = 0; i1 < height; i1++)
                    int i4;
                    for (i4 = 0; i4 < width - 1; i4++)
                        if (newframe[i1][i4] == mask && newframe[i1][i4 + 1] != mask && i4 + 1 != width - 1)
                            newframe[i1][i4] = -2;
                    for (i4 = width - 1; i4 > 0; i4--)
                        if (newframe[i1][i4] == mask && newframe[i1][i4 - 1] != mask && i4 + 1 != width - 1)
                            newframe[i1][i4] = -2;
                for (n = 0; n < width; n++)
                    int i4;
                    for (i4 = 0; i4 <= height - 2; i4++)
                        if (newframe[i4][n] == mask && newframe[i4 + 1][n] != mask && newframe[i4 + 1][n] != -2)
                            newframe[i4][n] = -2;

                    for (i4 = height - 2; i4 > 0; i4--)
                        if (newframe[i4][n] == mask && newframe[i4 - 1][n] != mask && newframe[i4 - 1][n] != -2)
                            newframe[i4][n] = -2;
                for (m = 0; m < height; m++)
                    int i4;
                    for (i4 = 0; i4 < width - 1; i4++)
                        if (newframe[m][i4] == mask && newframe[m][i4 + 1] != mask && i4 + 1 != width - 1)
                            newframe[m][i4] = -3;
                    for (i4 = width - 1; i4 > 0; i4--)
                        if (newframe[m][i4] == mask && newframe[m][i4 - 1] != mask && i4 + 1 != width - 1)
                            newframe[m][i4] = -3;
                for (j = 0; j < width; j++)
                    int i4;
                    for (i4 = 0; i4 <= height - 2; i4++)
                        if (newframe[i4][j] == mask && newframe[i4 + 1][j] != mask && newframe[i4 + 1][j] != -3)
                            newframe[i4][j] = -3;

                    for (i4 = height - 2; i4 > 0; i4--)
                        if (newframe[i4][j] == mask && newframe[i4 - 1][j] != mask && newframe[i4 - 1][j] != -3)
                            newframe[i4][j] = -3;
                for (k = 0; k < height; k++)
                    for (int i4 = 0; i4 < width; i4++)
                        if (newframe[k][i4] != -3)
                            newframe[k][i4] = this.outputmask;

                Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized command");
            Aokbitmap b = new Aokbitmap(this.outputmask, this.outline1, this.outline2, this.shadow);

            b.Write(outputfile, newframe, f[0].Length, f.Length);
        public virtual void getframe(int num, string path, string filename, bool msk, bool o1, bool o2, bool pl, bool sh)
            imagehandler img = new imagehandler();

            img.loadbitmap(path.ToString() + filename, 0);
            byte[][] f      = img.returnrawpixels();
            int      width  = (f[0]).Length;
            int      height = f.Length;

            int[][] newframe = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(height, width);
            for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                    newframe[i][j] = f[i][j] & 0xFF;

            if (msk)
                string str = this.maskfile;
                if (File.Exists(str))
                    img.loadbitmap(str, 0);
                f = img.returnrawpixels();
                //replace black pixel by transparent pixel
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < width; k++)
                        int pixel = f[j][k] & 0xFF;
                        if (pixel == 0)
                            newframe[j][k] = -1;
                        //var test = newframe[1584][32];
            if (o1)
                string str = path.ToString() + "U" + filename.Substring(1);
                img.loadbitmap(str, 0);
                f = img.returnrawpixels();

                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < width; k++)
                        int pixel = f[j][k] & 0xFF;
                        if (pixel != 0)
                            newframe[j][k] = -2;
            if (o2)
                string str = path.ToString() + "O" + filename.Substring(1);
                img.loadbitmap(str, 0);
                f = img.returnrawpixels();

                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < width; k++)
                        int pixel = f[j][k] & 0xFF;
                        if (pixel != 0)
                            newframe[j][k] = -3;
            if (pl)
                string str = path.ToString() + "P" + filename.Substring(1);
                img.loadbitmap(str, 0);
                f = img.returnrawpixels();

                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < width; k++)
                        int pixel = f[j][k] & 0xFF;
                        if (pixel != 0)
                            newframe[j][k] = pixel;

                this.plcolorused = true;

            if (sh)
                string str = path.ToString() + "H" + filename.Substring(1);
                img.loadbitmap(str, 0);
                f = img.returnrawpixels();
                Console.WriteLine("Entering shadow stuff");

                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < width; k++)
                        int pixel = f[j][k] & 0xFF;
                        if (pixel != 0)
                            newframe[j][k] = -4;
            if (this.frames == null)
                this.frames = new frame[num + 1];
            this.frames[num]           = new frame();
            (this.frames[num]).width   = width;
            (this.frames[num]).height  = height;
            (this.frames[num]).picture = newframe;

            if (this.cvtused)
        public static int findMaxPoints(int[][] A)
            // To store points collected by Person P1
            // when he/she begins journy from start and
            // from end.
            int[][] P1S = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(4 + 1, 4 + 1);
            int[][] P1E = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(4 + 1, 4 + 1);

            // To store points collected by Person P2
            // when he/she begins journey from start and
            // from end.
            int[][] P2S = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(4 + 1, 4 + 1);
            int[][] P2E = RectangularArrays.RectangularIntArray(4 + 1, 4 + 1);

            // Table for P1's journey from
            // start to meeting cell
            for (int i = 1; i <= DefineConstants.N; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j <= DefineConstants.M; j++)
                    P1S[i][j] = Math.Max(P1S[i - 1][j], P1S[i][j - 1]) + A[i - 1][j - 1];

            // Table for P1's journey from
            // end to meet cell
            for (int i = DefineConstants.N; i >= 1; i--)
                for (int j = DefineConstants.M; j >= 1; j--)
                    P1E[i][j] = Math.Max(P1E[i + 1][j], P1E[i][j + 1]) + A[i - 1][j - 1];

            // Table for P2's journey from start to meeting cell
            for (int i = DefineConstants.N; i >= 1; i--)
                for (int j = 1; j <= DefineConstants.M; j++)
                    P2S[i][j] = Math.Max(P2S[i + 1][j], P2S[i][j - 1]) + A[i - 1][j - 1];

            // Table for P2's journey from end to meeting cell
            for (int i = 1; i <= DefineConstants.N; i++)
                for (int j = DefineConstants.M; j >= 1; j--)
                    P2E[i][j] = Math.Max(P2E[i - 1][j], P2E[i][j + 1]) + A[i - 1][j - 1];

            // Now iterate over all meeting positions (i,j)
            int ans = 0;

            for (int i = 2; i < DefineConstants.N; i++)
                for (int j = 2; j < DefineConstants.M; j++)
                    int op1 = P1S[i][j - 1] + P1E[i][j + 1] + P2S[i + 1][j] + P2E[i - 1][j];
                    int op2 = P1S[i - 1][j] + P1E[i + 1][j] + P2S[i][j - 1] + P2E[i][j + 1];
                    ans = Math.Max(ans, Math.Max(op1, op2));