private void employeeGrid_RecordValueChanged(object sender, RecordValueChangedEventArgs e) { DataRowView drv = e.Record.GetData() as DataRowView; XmlNode node = DatabaseWorker.FindEmployeeNode(temp); node["Name"].InnerText = drv[0].ToString(); node["Job"].InnerText = drv[1].ToString(); node["Address"].InnerText = drv[2].ToString(); node["Phone"].InnerText = drv[3].ToString(); xmlDoc.Save("fec.xmldb"); UpdateEmployeeGrid(); }
/// <summary> /// Whenever the value of a cell is edited, update the database entry and the corresponding DataSet value. /// Update the grid to reflect these changes. /// </summary> private void DatabaseGrid_RecordValueChanged(object sender, RecordValueChangedEventArgs e) { try { // Object that holds the values of the record that the edited cell belongs to. DataRowView drv = e.Record.GetData() as DataRowView; // If the cell's record belongs to the Employee table. if (e.Record.ParentChildTable.Name == "Employees") { // Queue a 'Edit Employee' task to the Thread pool. ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state => { // Increments the job counter in a thread-safe manner. Interlocked.Increment(ref jobCount); string[] updatedValues = { drv[1].ToString(), drv[2].ToString(), drv[3].ToString(), drv[4].ToString() }; // Edit the database employee entry. DatabaseWorker.EditEmployee(Convert.ToInt32(drv[0]), updatedValues[0], updatedValues[1], updatedValues[2], updatedValues[3]); // Get the index of the grid entry. int index = databaseGrid.GetTable("Employees").UnsortedRecords.IndexOf(e.Record); // Set the 'Name' field in the employee schedule entry that has the same index. databaseGrid.GetTable("Employee Schedule").UnsortedRecords[index].SetValue("Name", drv[1].ToString()); // Decrements the job counter in a thread-safe manner. Interlocked.Decrement(ref jobCount); } ); } // If the cell's record belongs to the Employee Schedule table else if (e.Record.ParentChildTable.Name == "Employee Schedule") { string[] updatedScheduleValues = new string[7]; // Get updated schedule values. for (int i = 2; i < 9; i++) { updatedScheduleValues[i - 2] = drv[i].ToString(); } // Queue a 'Edit Employee Schedule' task to the thread pool. ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state => { // Increments the job counter in a thread-safe manner. Interlocked.Increment(ref jobCount); DatabaseWorker.EditEmployeeSchedule(Convert.ToInt32(drv[0]), updatedScheduleValues); // Decrements the job counter in a thread-safe manner. Interlocked.Decrement(ref jobCount); } ); } // If the cell's record belongs to the Customer table else if (e.Record.ParentChildTable.Name == "Customers") { // Queue a 'Edit Customer' task to the thread pool. ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state => { // Increments the job counter in a thread-safe manner. Interlocked.Increment(ref jobCount); string[] updatedValues = { drv[1].ToString(), drv[2].ToString(), drv[3].ToString() }; // Edit the customer database entry. DatabaseWorker.EditCustomer(Convert.ToInt32(drv[0]), updatedValues[0], updatedValues[1], updatedValues[2]); // Get the index of the grid entry. int index = databaseGrid.GetTable("Customers").UnsortedRecords.IndexOf(e.Record); // Set the 'Name' field in the customer attendance entry that has the same index. databaseGrid.GetTable("Customer Attendance").UnsortedRecords[index].SetValue("Name", drv[1].ToString()); // Decrements the job counter in a thread-safe manner. Interlocked.Decrement(ref jobCount); } ); } // If the cell's record belongs to the Customer Attendance table. else if (e.Record.ParentChildTable.Name == "Customer Attendance") { string[] updatedAttendanceValues = new string[7]; for (int i = 2; i < 9; i++) { updatedAttendanceValues[i - 2] = drv[i].ToString(); } // Queue a 'Edit Customer Attendance' task to the thread pool ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state => { // Increments the job counter in a thread-safe manner. Interlocked.Increment(ref jobCount); DatabaseWorker.EditCustomerAttendance(Convert.ToInt32(drv[0]), updatedAttendanceValues); // Decrements the job counter in a thread-safe manner. Interlocked.Decrement(ref jobCount); } ); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBoxAdv.Show(this, "Error editing value.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
/// <summary> /// **************** TODO: COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION ***************** /// /// Whenever the value of a cell is edited, update the database entry and the corresponding DataSet value. /// Updat the grid to reflect these changes. /// </summary> private void databaseGrid_RecordValueChanged(object sender, RecordValueChangedEventArgs e) { // Object that holds the values of the record that the edited cell belongs to. DataRowView drv = e.Record.GetData() as DataRowView; // If the cell's record belongs to the Employee table if (e.Record.ParentChildTable.Name == "Employees") { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state => { DatabaseWorker.EditEmployee(Convert.ToInt32(drv[0]), drv[1].ToString(), drv[2].ToString(), drv[3].ToString(), drv[4].ToString()); string[] updatedEmployeeValues = DatabaseWorker.GetEmployeeEntryNoId(Convert.ToInt32(drv[0])); int index = databaseGrid.GetTable("Employees").UnsortedRecords.IndexOf(e.Record); e.Record.UpdateValues(updatedEmployeeValues); databaseGrid.GetTable("Employee Schedule").UnsortedRecords[index].SetValue("Name", drv[1].ToString()); } ); } // If the cell's record belongs to the Employee Schedule table else if (e.Record.ParentChildTable.Name == "Employee Schedule") { string[] scheduleValues = new string[7]; for (int i = 2; i < 9; i++) { scheduleValues[i - 2] = drv[i].ToString(); } ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state => { DatabaseWorker.EditEmployeeSchedule(Convert.ToInt32(drv[0]), scheduleValues); string[] updatedScheduleValues = DatabaseWorker.GetEmployeeScheduleEntry(Convert.ToInt32(drv[0])); e.Record.UpdateValues(updatedScheduleValues); } ); } // If the cell's record belongs to the Customer table else if (e.Record.ParentChildTable.Name == "Customers") { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state => { DatabaseWorker.EditCustomer(Convert.ToInt32(drv[0]), drv[1].ToString(), drv[2].ToString(), drv[3].ToString()); string[] updatedCustomerValues = DatabaseWorker.GetCustomerEntryNoId(Convert.ToInt32(drv[0])); int index = databaseGrid.GetTable("Customers").UnsortedRecords.IndexOf(e.Record); e.Record.UpdateValues(updatedCustomerValues); databaseGrid.GetTable("Customer Attendance").UnsortedRecords[index].SetValue("Name", drv[1].ToString()); } ); } // If the cell's record belongs the Customer Attendance table. else if (e.Record.ParentChildTable.Name == "Customer Attendance") { string[] attendanceValues = new string[7]; for (int i = 2; i < 9; i++) { attendanceValues[i - 2] = drv[i].ToString(); } ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state => { DatabaseWorker.EditCustomerAttendance(Convert.ToInt32(drv[0]), attendanceValues); string[] updatedAttendanceValues = DatabaseWorker.GetCustomerAttendanceEntry(Convert.ToInt32(drv[0])); e.Record.UpdateValues(updatedAttendanceValues); } ); } }