        public void GetValue()
            var readState = new RecordReadState();
            var type      = new SqlBit(readState, CompressionContext.NoCompression);

            // No bytes read - length is one
            Assert.AreEqual(1, type.FixedLength);

            // Load byte and check length is 0
            Assert.AreEqual(0, type.FixedLength);

            Assert.IsFalse((bool)type.GetValue(new byte[0]));
            Assert.IsTrue((bool)type.GetValue(new byte[0]));
            Assert.IsFalse((bool)type.GetValue(new byte[0]));
            Assert.IsFalse((bool)type.GetValue(new byte[0]));
            Assert.IsTrue((bool)type.GetValue(new byte[0]));
            Assert.IsFalse((bool)type.GetValue(new byte[0]));
            Assert.IsTrue((bool)type.GetValue(new byte[0]));

            // One bit left - length should still be 0
            Assert.AreEqual(0, type.FixedLength);

            Assert.IsTrue((bool)type.GetValue(new byte[0]));

            // All bits consumed - length should be 1
            Assert.AreEqual(1, type.FixedLength);
        public void General()
            var state = new RecordReadState();

            // No bits available

            state.LoadBitByte(0xD2);             // 11010010

            // Bits available

            // Reading bit values

            // One bit left


            // Bits exhausted, ready for next byte
        internal override IEnumerable <Row> GetEntities(DataExtractorHelper schema)
            foreach (var record in page.Records)
                var dataRow   = schema.NewRow();
                var readState = new RecordReadState(schema.Columns.Count(x => x.UnderlyingType == ColumnType.Bit));

                int columnIndex = 0;
                foreach (DataColumn col in dataRow.Columns)
                    var sqlType = SqlTypeFactory.Create(col, readState, new CompressionContext(CompressionLevel.Row, true));

                    IVariableLengthDataProxy dataProxy = record.GetPhysicalColumnBytes(columnIndex);

                    if (dataProxy == null)
                        dataRow[col] = null;
                        dataRow[col] = sqlType.GetValue(dataProxy.GetBytes().ToArray());


                yield return(dataRow);
        internal IEnumerable <Row> GetEntities(Row schema, CompressionContext compression)
            for (int i = 0; i < Records.Length; i++)
                var record = Records[i];

                short fixedOffset         = 0;
                short variableColumnIndex = 0;
                int   columnIndex         = 0;
                var   readState           = new RecordReadState();
                var   dataRow             = schema.NewRow();

                foreach (DataColumn col in dataRow.Columns)
                    var    sqlType     = SqlTypeFactory.Create(col, readState, compression);
                    object columnValue = null;

                    if (sqlType.IsVariableLength)
                        if (!record.HasNullBitmap || !record.NullBitmap[columnIndex])
                            // If a nullable varlength column does not have a value, it may be not even appear in the varlength column array if it's at the tail
                            if (record.VariableLengthColumnData.Count <= variableColumnIndex)
                                columnValue = sqlType.GetValue(new byte[] { });
                                columnValue = sqlType.GetValue(record.VariableLengthColumnData[variableColumnIndex].GetBytes().ToArray());

                        // Must cache type FixedLength as it may change after getting a value (e.g. SqlBit)
                        short fixedLength = sqlType.FixedLength.Value;

                        if (!record.HasNullBitmap || !record.NullBitmap[columnIndex])
                            columnValue = sqlType.GetValue(record.FixedLengthData.Skip(fixedOffset).Take(fixedLength).ToArray());

                        fixedOffset += fixedLength;

                    dataRow[col] = columnValue;

                yield return(dataRow);
        internal override IEnumerable <Row> GetEntities(DataExtractorHelper schema)
            foreach (var record in page.Records)
                // Don't process forwarded blob fragments as they should only be processed from the referenced record
                if (_recordsToSkip.Contains(record.Type) || record.IsGhostForwardedRecord)

                short fixedOffset         = 0;
                short variableColumnIndex = 0;
                var   dataRow             = schema.NewRow();
                var   readState           = new RecordReadState(schema.BitColumnsCount);
                var   bitColumnBytes      = new byte[0];

                foreach (var col in schema.Columns)
                    var    sqlType     = SqlTypeFactory.Create(col, readState, compression);
                    object columnValue = null;

                    // Sparse columns needs to retrieve their values from the sparse vector, contained in the very last
                    // variable length column in the record.
                    if (col.IsSparse)
                        // We may encounter records that don't have any sparse vectors, for instance if no sparse columns have values
                        if (record.SparseVector != null)
                            // Column ID's are stored as ints in general. In the sparse vector though, they're stored as shorts.
                            if (record.SparseVector.ColumnValues.ContainsKey((short)col.ColumnID))
                                columnValue = sqlType.GetValue(record.SparseVector.ColumnValues[(short)col.ColumnID]);
                        var nonSparseIndex = schema.NonSparseIndexes[col.Name];
                        // Before we even try to parse the column & make a null bitmap lookup, ensure that it's present in the record.
                        // There may be columns > record.NumberOfColumns caused by nullable columns added to the schema after the record was written.
                        if (nonSparseIndex < record.NumberOfColumns && col.UnderlyingType != ColumnType.Computed)
                            if (sqlType.IsVariableLength)
                                // If there's either no null bitmap, or the null bitmap defines the column as non-null.
                                if (!record.HasNullBitmap || !record.NullBitmap[nonSparseIndex])
                                    // If the current variable length column index exceeds the number of stored
                                    // variable length columns, the value is empty by definition (that is, 0 bytes, but not null).
                                    if (variableColumnIndex < record.NumberOfVariableLengthColumns)
                                        var data = record.VariableLengthColumnData[variableColumnIndex].GetBytes()?.ToArray();
                                        columnValue = sqlType.GetValue(data ?? new byte[0]);
                                        columnValue = sqlType.GetValue(new byte[0]);

                                // Must cache type FixedLength as it may change after getting a value (e.g. SqlBit)
                                var fixedLength = sqlType.FixedLength.Value;

                                if ((!record.HasNullBitmap || !record.NullBitmap[nonSparseIndex]) && col.UnderlyingType != ColumnType.Bit)
                                    var valueBytes = record.FixedLengthData.Skip(fixedOffset).Take(fixedLength).ToArray();

                                    // We may run out of fixed length bytes. In certain conditions a null integer may have been added without
                                    // there being a null bitmap. In such a case, we detect the null condition by there not being enough fixed
                                    // length bytes to process.
                                    if (valueBytes.Length > 0)
                                        columnValue = sqlType.GetValue(valueBytes);
                                else if (col.UnderlyingType == ColumnType.Bit && !schema.IsDroppedColumn(col))
                                    if (readState.IsFirstBit)
                                        bitColumnBytes = record.FixedLengthData.Skip(fixedOffset).Take(fixedLength).ToArray();

                                    var value = sqlType.GetValue(bitColumnBytes);
                                    columnValue = !record.HasNullBitmap || !record.NullBitmap[nonSparseIndex] ? value : null;

                                fixedOffset += fixedLength;
                        else if (col.UnderlyingType == ColumnType.Computed)
                            columnValue = sqlType.GetValue(null);
                        else if (!col.IsNullable)
                            columnValue = schema.GetDefaultValue(col, sqlType);

                    if (!schema.IsDroppedColumn(col))
                        dataRow[col] = columnValue;

                yield return(dataRow);
        internal override IEnumerable<Row> GetEntities(Row schema)
            foreach (var record in page.Records)
                // Don't process forwarded blob fragments as they should only be processed from the referenced record
                if (record.Type == RecordType.BlobFragment)

                short fixedOffset = 0;
                short variableColumnIndex = 0;
                short nonSparseColumnIndex = 0;
                var readState = new RecordReadState();
                var dataRow = schema.NewRow();

                foreach (DataColumn col in dataRow.Columns)
                    var sqlType = SqlTypeFactory.Create(col, readState, compression);
                    object columnValue = null;

                    // Sparse columns needs to retrieve their values from the sparse vector, contained in the very last
                    // variable length column in the record.
                    if (col.IsSparse)
                        // We may encounter records that don't have any sparse vectors, for instance if no sparse columns have values
                        if (record.SparseVector != null)
                            // Column ID's are stored as ints in general. In the sparse vector though, they're stored as shorts.
                            if (record.SparseVector.ColumnValues.ContainsKey((short)col.ColumnID))
                                columnValue = sqlType.GetValue(record.SparseVector.ColumnValues[(short)col.ColumnID]);
                        // Before we even try to parse the column & make a null bitmap lookup, ensure that it's present in the record.
                        // There may be columns > record.NumberOfColumns caused by nullable columns added to the schema after the record was written.
                        if (nonSparseColumnIndex < record.NumberOfColumns)
                            if (sqlType.IsVariableLength)
                                // If there's either no null bitmap, or the null bitmap defines the column as non-null.
                                if (!record.HasNullBitmap || !record.NullBitmap[nonSparseColumnIndex])
                                    // If the current variable length column index exceeds the number of stored
                                    // variable length columns, the value is empty by definition (that is, 0 bytes, but not null).
                                    if (variableColumnIndex < record.NumberOfVariableLengthColumns)
                                        columnValue = sqlType.GetValue(record.VariableLengthColumnData[variableColumnIndex].GetBytes().ToArray());
                                        columnValue = sqlType.GetValue(new byte[0]);

                                // Must cache type FixedLength as it may change after getting a value (e.g. SqlBit)
                                short fixedLength = sqlType.FixedLength.Value;

                                if (!record.HasNullBitmap || !record.NullBitmap[nonSparseColumnIndex])
                                    byte[] valueBytes = record.FixedLengthData.Skip(fixedOffset).Take(fixedLength).ToArray();

                                    // We may run out of fixed length bytes. In certain conditions a null integer may have been added without
                                    // there being a null bitmap. In such a case, we detect the null condition by there not being enough fixed
                                    // length bytes to process.
                                    if (valueBytes.Length > 0)
                                        columnValue = sqlType.GetValue(valueBytes);

                                fixedOffset += fixedLength;

                            // Sparse columns don't have an entry in the null bitmap, thus we should only increment it if the current
                            // column was not a sparse column.

                    dataRow[col] = columnValue;

                yield return dataRow;
 public SqlBit(RecordReadState readState, CompressionContext compression)
     : base(compression)
     this._readState = readState;
        public static ISqlType Create(DataColumn column, RecordReadState readState, CompressionContext compression)
            switch (column.UnderlyingType)
            case ColumnType.Binary:
                return(new SqlBinary((short)column.VariableFixedLength, compression));

            case ColumnType.BigInt:
                return(new SqlBigInt(compression));

            case ColumnType.Bit:
                return(new SqlBit(readState, compression));

            case ColumnType.Char:
                return(new SqlChar((short)column.VariableFixedLength, column.Encoding ?? DefaultEncoding, compression));

            case ColumnType.DateTime:
                return(new SqlDateTime(compression));

            case ColumnType.Float:
                return(new SqlFloat(column.Precision, compression));

            case ColumnType.Decimal:
                return(new SqlDecimal(column.Precision, column.Scale, compression));

            case ColumnType.Image:
                return(new SqlImage(compression));

            case ColumnType.Int:
                return(new SqlInt(compression));

            case ColumnType.Money:
                return(new SqlMoney(compression));

            case ColumnType.NChar:
                return(new SqlNChar((short)column.VariableFixedLength, compression));

            case ColumnType.NText:
                return(new SqlNText(compression));

            case ColumnType.NVarchar:
                return(new SqlNVarchar(compression));

            case ColumnType.RID:
                return(new SqlRID(compression));

            case ColumnType.SmallDatetime:
                return(new SqlSmallDateTime(compression));

            case ColumnType.Date:
                return(new SqlDate(compression));

            case ColumnType.DateTimeOffset:
                return(new SqlDateTimeOffset(column.Scale, compression));

            case ColumnType.DateTime2:
                return(new SqlDateTime2(column.Scale, compression));

            case ColumnType.Time:
                return(new SqlTime(column.Scale, compression));

            case ColumnType.SmallInt:
                return(new SqlSmallInt(compression));

            case ColumnType.SmallMoney:
                return(new SqlSmallMoney(compression));

            case ColumnType.Text:
                return(new SqlText(compression));

            case ColumnType.TinyInt:
                return(new SqlTinyInt(compression));

            case ColumnType.UniqueIdentifier:
                return(new SqlUniqueIdentifier(compression));

            case ColumnType.Uniquifier:
                return(new SqlUniquifier(compression));

            case ColumnType.VarBinary:
                return(new SqlVarBinary(compression));

            case ColumnType.Varchar:
                return(new SqlVarchar(compression, column.Encoding ?? DefaultEncoding));

            case ColumnType.Variant:
                return(new SqlVariant(compression));

            case ColumnType.Computed:
                return(new SqlComputed(compression));

            throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported type: " + column);
        internal override IEnumerable <Row> GetEntities(Row schema)
            foreach (var record in page.Records)
                // Don't process forwarded blob fragments as they should only be processed from the referenced record
                if (record.Type == RecordType.BlobFragment)

                short fixedOffset          = 0;
                short variableColumnIndex  = 0;
                short nonSparseColumnIndex = 0;
                var   readState            = new RecordReadState();
                var   dataRow = schema.NewRow();

                foreach (DataColumn col in dataRow.Columns)
                    var    sqlType     = SqlTypeFactory.Create(col, readState, compression);
                    object columnValue = null;

                    // Sparse columns needs to retrieve their values from the sparse vector, contained in the very last
                    // variable length column in the record.
                    if (col.IsSparse)
                        // We may encounter records that don't have any sparse vectors, for instance if no sparse columns have values
                        if (record.SparseVector != null)
                            // Column ID's are stored as ints in general. In the sparse vector though, they're stored as shorts.
                            if (record.SparseVector.ColumnValues.ContainsKey((short)col.ColumnID))
                                columnValue = sqlType.GetValue(record.SparseVector.ColumnValues[(short)col.ColumnID]);
                        // Before we even try to parse the column & make a null bitmap lookup, ensure that it's present in the record.
                        // There may be columns > record.NumberOfColumns caused by nullable columns added to the schema after the record was written.
                        if (nonSparseColumnIndex < record.NumberOfColumns)
                            if (sqlType.IsVariableLength)
                                // If there's either no null bitmap, or the null bitmap defines the column as non-null.
                                if (!record.HasNullBitmap || !record.NullBitmap[nonSparseColumnIndex])
                                    // If the current variable length column index exceeds the number of stored
                                    // variable length columns, the value is empty by definition (that is, 0 bytes, but not null).
                                    if (variableColumnIndex < record.NumberOfVariableLengthColumns)
                                        columnValue = sqlType.GetValue(record.VariableLengthColumnData[variableColumnIndex].GetBytes().ToArray());
                                        columnValue = sqlType.GetValue(new byte[0]);

                                // Must cache type FixedLength as it may change after getting a value (e.g. SqlBit)
                                short fixedLength = sqlType.FixedLength.Value;

                                if (!record.HasNullBitmap || !record.NullBitmap[nonSparseColumnIndex])
                                    byte[] valueBytes = record.FixedLengthData.Skip(fixedOffset).Take(fixedLength).ToArray();

                                    // We may run out of fixed length bytes. In certain conditions a null integer may have been added without
                                    // there being a null bitmap. In such a case, we detect the null condition by there not being enough fixed
                                    // length bytes to process.
                                    if (valueBytes.Length > 0)
                                        columnValue = sqlType.GetValue(valueBytes);

                                fixedOffset += fixedLength;

                            // Sparse columns don't have an entry in the null bitmap, thus we should only increment it if the current
                            // column was not a sparse column.

                    dataRow[col] = columnValue;

                yield return(dataRow);