public override void Read(IntRecord record, PageCursor cursor, RecordLoad mode, int recordSize) { for (int i = 0; i < outerInstance.intsPerRecord; i++) { record.Value = cursor.Int; } record.InUse = true; MaybeSetCursorError(cursor, record.Id); }
public override void Read(DynamicRecord record, PageCursor cursor, RecordLoad mode, int recordSize) { /* * First 4b * [x , ][ , ][ , ][ , ] 0: start record, 1: linked record * [ x, ][ , ][ , ][ , ] inUse * [ ,xxxx][ , ][ , ][ , ] high next block bits * [ , ][xxxx,xxxx][xxxx,xxxx][xxxx,xxxx] nr of bytes in the data field in this record * */ long firstInteger = cursor.Int & 0xFFFFFFFFL; bool isStartRecord = (firstInteger & 0x80000000) == 0; bool inUse = (firstInteger & 0x10000000) != 0; if (mode.shouldLoad(inUse)) { int dataSize = recordSize - RecordHeaderSize; int nrOfBytes = ( int )(firstInteger & 0xFFFFFF); if (nrOfBytes > recordSize) { // We must have performed an inconsistent read, // because this many bytes cannot possibly fit in a record! cursor.CursorException = PayloadTooBigErrorMessage(record, recordSize, nrOfBytes); return; } /* * Pointer to next block 4b (low bits of the pointer) */ long nextBlock = cursor.Int & 0xFFFFFFFFL; long nextModifier = (firstInteger & 0xF000000L) << 8; long longNextBlock = BaseRecordFormat.longFromIntAndMod(nextBlock, nextModifier); record.Initialize(inUse, isStartRecord, longNextBlock, -1, nrOfBytes); if (longNextBlock != Record.NO_NEXT_BLOCK.intValue() && nrOfBytes < dataSize || nrOfBytes > dataSize) { cursor.CursorException = IllegalBlockSizeMessage(record, dataSize); return; } ReadData(record, cursor); } else { record.InUse = inUse; } }
public override void Read(MetaDataRecord record, PageCursor cursor, RecordLoad mode, int recordSize) { int id = record.IntId; Position[] values = Position.values(); if (id >= values.Length) { record.Initialize(false, FIELD_NOT_PRESENT); return; } Position position = values[id]; int offset = * recordSize; cursor.Offset = offset; bool inUse = cursor.Byte == Record.IN_USE.byteValue(); long value = inUse ? cursor.Long : FIELD_NOT_PRESENT; record.Initialize(inUse, value); }
public override void Read(DynamicRecord record, PageCursor cursor, RecordLoad mode, int recordSize) { sbyte headerByte = cursor.Byte; bool inUse = IsInUse(headerByte); if (mode.shouldLoad(inUse)) { int length = cursor.Short | cursor.Byte << 16; if (length > recordSize | length < 0) { cursor.CursorException = PayloadLengthErrorMessage(record, recordSize, length); return; } long next = cursor.Long; bool isStartRecord = (headerByte & START_RECORD_BIT) != 0; record.Initialize(inUse, isStartRecord, next, -1, length); readData(record, cursor); } else { record.InUse = inUse; } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: public void read(RECORD record, cursor, mode, int recordSize) throws public override void Read(RECORD record, PageCursor cursor, RecordLoad mode, int recordSize) {, cursor, mode, recordSize); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: public java.util.List<R> getRecords(long firstId, mode) throws InvalidRecordException public override IList <R> GetRecords(long firstId, RecordLoad mode) { return(Actual.getRecords(firstId, mode)); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: public void nextRecordByCursor(R target, mode, cursor) throws InvalidRecordException public override void NextRecordByCursor(R target, RecordLoad mode, PageCursor cursor) { Actual.nextRecordByCursor(target, mode, cursor); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: public void getRecordByCursor(long id, R target, mode, cursor) throws InvalidRecordException public override void GetRecordByCursor(long id, R target, RecordLoad mode, PageCursor cursor) { Actual.getRecordByCursor(id, target, mode, cursor); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: //ORIGINAL LINE: public R getRecord(long id, R target, mode) throws InvalidRecordException public override R GetRecord(long id, R target, RecordLoad mode) { return(Actual.getRecord(id, target, mode)); }