        private void NewReceivedFile_ReceivedFileFinishedEvent(ReceivedFile file)
            file.ReceivedFileFinishedEvent -= NewReceivedFile_ReceivedFileFinishedEvent;

            lock (syncRoot)
                if (receivedFilesDict.ContainsKey(file.SourceInfo))
                    Dictionary <string, ReceivedFile> connReceivedFileDict = receivedFilesDict[file.SourceInfo];
                    ReceivedFile connReceivedFile = connReceivedFileDict[file.Filename];

                    if (!Directory.Exists("plugins"))

                    string onlyFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(connReceivedFile.Filename);
                    string randomGuid   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 5);
                    string saveFilePath = Path.Combine("plugins", onlyFileName + randomGuid + ".dll");

                    lock (receivedFilesDict)

 private void FillFile(ReceivedFile receivedFile)
     Name.Text            = receivedFile.Name;
     OpenFile.Visibility  = ViewStates.Visible;
     ShareFile.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
     IsFolder             = false;
        public void Index(ReceivedFile incomingFiles)
                IPAddress ipAddress = Dns.Resolve(Dns.GetHostName()).AddressList[0];

                IPEndPoint ipEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, 1800);

                Socket listenSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

                IAsyncResult asyncAccept = listenSocket.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(HomeController.acceptCallback), listenSocket);
            catch (Exception ee)
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles an incoming packet of type 'PartialFileData'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="header">Header associated with incoming packet</param>
        /// <param name="connection">The connection associated with incoming packet</param>
        /// <param name="data">The incoming data</param>
        private void IncomingPartialFileData(PacketHeader header, Connection connection, byte[] data)
            // ########################################################################
            // This method requires authentication.
            // If user is not authorized then send UnAuthorized and end method.
            if (!accountManager.Authorized(connection))
                    PacketName.ReUnauthorized.ToString(), 1);

            // ########################################################################

                SendInfo     info = null;
                ReceivedFile file = null;

                //Perform this in a thread safe way
                lock (syncRoot)
                    //Extract the packet sequence number from the header
                    //The header can also user defined parameters
                    long sequenceNumber = header.GetOption(PacketHeaderLongItems.PacketSequenceNumber);

                    if (incomingDataInfoCache.ContainsKey(connection.ConnectionInfo) && incomingDataInfoCache[connection.ConnectionInfo].ContainsKey(sequenceNumber))
                        //We have the associated SendInfo so we can add this data directly to the file
                        info = incomingDataInfoCache[connection.ConnectionInfo][sequenceNumber];

                        //Check to see if we have already received any files from this location
                        if (!receivedFilesDict.ContainsKey(connection.ConnectionInfo))
                            receivedFilesDict.Add(connection.ConnectionInfo, new Dictionary <string, ReceivedFile>());

                        //Check to see if we have already initialised this file
                        if (!receivedFilesDict[connection.ConnectionInfo].ContainsKey(info.Filename))
                            ReceivedFile newReceivedFile = new ReceivedFile(info.Filename, connection.ConnectionInfo, info.TotalBytes);

                            newReceivedFile.ReceivedFileFinishedEvent += NewReceivedFile_ReceivedFileFinishedEvent;
                            receivedFilesDict[connection.ConnectionInfo].Add(info.Filename, newReceivedFile);

                        file = receivedFilesDict[connection.ConnectionInfo][info.Filename];
                        //We do not yet have the associated SendInfo so we just add the data to the cache
                        if (!incomingDataCache.ContainsKey(connection.ConnectionInfo))
                            incomingDataCache.Add(connection.ConnectionInfo, new Dictionary <long, byte[]>());

                        incomingDataCache[connection.ConnectionInfo].Add(sequenceNumber, data);

                //If we have everything we need we can add data to the ReceivedFile
                if (info != null && file != null && !file.IsCompleted)
                    file.AddData(info.BytesStart, 0, data.Length, data);

                    //Perform a little clean-up
                    file = null;
                    data = null;
                else if (info == null ^ file == null)
                    throw new Exception("Either both are null or both are set. Info is " + (info == null ? "null." : "set.") + " File is " + (file == null ? "null." : "set.") + " File is " + (file.IsCompleted ? "completed." : "not completed."));
            catch (Exception ex)
                //If an exception occurs we write to the log window and also create an error file
                //   AddLineToLog("Exception - " + ex.ToString());
                //     LogTools.LogException(ex, "IncomingPartialFileDataError");
        /// <summary>
        /// Connect to a NBSP Master Server and Download Data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="MasterServerDNS">Specify the DNS Name for the Master Server on the NOAAPORT Broadcast System</param>
        /// <param name="FileReceivedCallback">Specify the callback to use when a file is successfully received from NOAAPORT</param>
        public static void OpenConnection(string MasterServerDNS, ReceivedFile FileReceivedCallback)
            // Specify the TCP Client
            TcpClient nbsp = new TcpClient();

            // Connect to a Tier Server
            nbsp.Client.Connect(MasterServerDNS, 2210);

            if (nbsp.Connected)
                Console.WriteLine("[NBSPClient] Success! Connecting as NBS1 Slave!");

            // Connect to NOAAPORT
            NetworkStream ns = nbsp.GetStream();

                    // Advertise to the NBSP Server we are a NBS1 Slave Server
                    byte[] strProtocol = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("NBS1");
                    for (int i = 0; i < strProtocol.Length; i++)

                    // Tell user if we are connected to a NBSP Server as NBS1 Slave
                    Console.WriteLine("[NBSPClient] Connected as NBS1 Slave Server!");

                    // Track bytes and loops
                    int bytes = 0;

                    // Read the header for each NOAAPORT Broadcast
                    // through the NBSP system.
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[66];
                    bytes = ns.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                    // Keep track of the bytes we are reading for each
                    // NOAAPORT product
                    int p = 0;

                    // Check the NBSP Server's Data Identifier.
                    long data_id = unpack_uint32(buffer, 0);

                    // Check to make sure NBSP Server provided us with a correct NOAAPORT
                    // product. NBSP provides data identifier of 1
                    if (data_id == 1)
                        // Increase here. We don't need these 12 bytes.
                        p += 12;

                        // Determine the Sequence Number of Products
                        long seq_number = unpack_uint32(buffer, p);
                        p += 4;

                        // Determine the NOAAPORT Product Type
                        byte product_type = buffer[p];

                        // Determine the NOAAPORT Product Category
                        byte product_category = buffer[p];

                        // Determine the NOAAPORT product code
                        byte product_code = buffer[p];

                        // Determine which NOAAPORT Channel this product is from
                        // Example Channel 1 is mostly dedicated to text based products
                        // from the National Weather Service
                        byte np_channel_index = buffer[p];

                        // Get the filename NOAAPORT wishes to use from the server
                        string strFileName = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, p, 37);
                        p += 37;

                        // Determine if the product is compressed from the NOAAPORT Stream
                        byte f_zip = buffer[p];

                        // Read which block we currently are on from the NOAAPORT Stream
                        uint num_block = unpack_uint16(buffer, p);
                        p += 2;

                        // Read the current block number (how many blocks make up this product)
                        uint block_number = unpack_uint16(buffer, p);
                        p += 2;

                        // Read the NOAAPORT Block Size
                        long block_size = unpack_uint32(buffer, p);
                        p += 4;

                        // Read the data from the network stream
                        if ((int)block_size > 0)
                            int data_bytes = 0;

                            // Get the data specified to this product from NOAAPORT
                            MemoryStream ms_data = new MemoryStream();
                            for (int i = 0; i < (int)block_size; i++)
                                byte[] data_buffer = new byte[1];
                                int    c_bytes     = ns.Read(data_buffer, 0, 1);
                                ms_data.Write(data_buffer, 0, c_bytes);

                            // Received the file. Get a string and provide it to the consumer.
                            byte[] dataReceived = ms_data.ToArray();
                            FileReceivedCallback(strFileName, dataReceived);
                } while (true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Received an exception. Give details.
                Console.WriteLine("[NBSPClient] Error " + ex.Message);
                // Close the NBSP Client if we error to not keep the server hung

            // Specify the connection has been closed.
            if (!nbsp.Connected)
                Console.WriteLine("[NBSPClient] Connection Closed!");
 private void DataAdapter_OpenFileRequested(object sender, ReceivedFile e)
     LaunchHelper.OpenFile(this, Path.Combine(e.StorePath, e.Name));
 private void DataAdapter_ShareFileRequested(object sender, ReceivedFile e)
     ShareHelper.ShareFile(this, new Java.IO.File(Path.Combine(e.StorePath, e.Name)));