public bool HandleCost(Sim sim) { if (sim != null && sim.SimDescription.ChildOrAbove && mDoorCost > 0) { if (GoHere.Settings.mGlobalIgnoreDoorCostFilterOption.Count > 0) { if (FilterHelper.DoesSimMatchFilters(sim.SimDescription.SimDescriptionId, GoHere.Settings.mGlobalIgnoreDoorCostFilterOption, false)) { return(false); } } Household owningHousehold = sim.LotCurrent.Household; if (owningHousehold == null) { List <PropertyData> list = RealEstateManager.AllPropertiesFromAllHouseholds(); for (int k = 0; k < list.Count; k++) { if (((list[k] != null) && (sim.LotCurrent.LotId == list[k].LotId)) && ((list[k].Owner != null) && (list[k].Owner.OwningHousehold != null))) { owningHousehold = list[k].Owner.OwningHousehold; break; } } } if (sim.Household == null || (sim.Household != null && owningHousehold != sim.Household)) { if (sim.FamilyFunds > mDoorCost) { sim.ModifyFunds(-mDoorCost); } else { sim.UnpaidBills += mDoorCost; } if (owningHousehold != null) { owningHousehold.ModifyFamilyFunds(mDoorCost); } return(true); } } return(false); }
public static List <Lot> GetPurchaseableLots(StoryProgressionObject manager, Household buyer) { Dictionary <ulong, bool> owned = new Dictionary <ulong, bool>(); foreach (PropertyData data in RealEstateManager.AllPropertiesFromAllHouseholds()) { owned[data.LotId] = true; } List <Lot> list = new List <Lot>(); foreach (Lot lot in LotManager.AllLots) { if (lot.IsWorldLot) { continue; } if (lot.Household == buyer) { continue; } if (lot.LotType != LotType.Residential) { continue; } if (!IsRentable(manager, lot)) { continue; } if (owned.ContainsKey(lot.LotId)) { continue; } if (buyer.FamilyFunds < GetPurchaseLotCost(lot)) { continue; } list.Add(lot); } return(list); }
private new void OnSelection(UIBinInfo lotInfo) { if (lotInfo.HouseholdId == ulong.MaxValue) { if ((mInfo != null) && (mFrom != InfoSource.Unknown)) { LotValidity lotValidity = mModel.GetLotValidity(lotInfo.LotId); // EA Standard does not distinguish between vacation and private lots, messing up [StoryProgression] rental systems foreach (PropertyData data in RealEstateManager.AllPropertiesFromAllHouseholds()) { if (data.PropertyType == RealEstatePropertyType.VacationHome) { continue; } if (data.LotId == lotInfo.LotId) { Simulator.AddObject(new OneShotFunctionWithParams(WarnLotGeneric, lotInfo)); return; } } mModel.CenterCamera(lotInfo.LotId); if (mInfo.LotId != ulong.MaxValue) { bool allow = false; if (lotValidity == LotValidity.Valid) { allow = true; } else if ((Mover.Settings.mAllowGreaterThanEight) && (!mModel.LotContentsWillFit(mInfo, lotInfo.LotId))) { allow = true; } if (allow) { mPlacing = true; EditTownController.Instance.ShowUI(false); UIManager.DarkenBackground(true); Sims3.UI.Responder.Instance.DisableQuit(); Simulator.AddObject(new OneShotFunctionWithParams(PlaceLotTask, lotInfo)); } else if (!mModel.LotContentsWillFit(mInfo, lotInfo.LotId)) { Simulator.AddObject(new OneShotFunctionWithParams(WarnTooBig, lotInfo)); } else { Simulator.AddObject(new OneShotFunctionWithParams(WarnLotGeneric, lotInfo)); } } else if (mInfo.HouseholdId != ulong.MaxValue) { if (lotValidity == LotValidity.Unavailable) { if ((!Mover.Settings.mFreeRealEstate) && (mInfo.HouseholdFunds < lotInfo.LotWorth)) { Simulator.AddObject(new OneShotFunctionWithParams(WarnInsufficientFunds, lotInfo)); return; } } if (lotValidity != LotValidity.Invalid) { mPlacing = true; Simulator.AddObject(new OneShotFunctionWithParams(ConfirmPurchaseTaskEx, lotInfo)); return; } } } } else if (mInfo.LotId == ulong.MaxValue) { if (mFrom == InfoSource.Clipboard) { mModel.CenterCamera(lotInfo.LotId); GameEntryMovingModelEx.MergeHouseholds(EditTownController.Instance, mInfo, lotInfo); } else { mModel.CenterCamera(lotInfo.LotId); Simulator.AddObject(new OneShotFunctionWithParams(PlaceHouseholdTaskEx, lotInfo)); } } }
public static void RestockDisplay(CraftersConsignmentDisplay display, out Common.StringBuilder debug) { debug = new Common.StringBuilder("Display: " + display.CatalogName + Common.NewLine + "ObjectID:" + display.ObjectId); if (qualites.Count == 0) { InitLists(); } List <int> slotsToSkipForWeddingCakeSetupOnChiller = new List <int> { 23, 25 }; List <int> slotsToSkipForWeddingCakeSetupOnRack = new List <int> { 0, 2, 4 }; List <int> slotsForWeddingCakesChiller = new List <int> { 21, 22, 24 }; List <int> slotsForWeddingCakesOnRack = new List <int> { 1, 3 }; // wedding cake slots are included in these so they get stocked... if the cakes are disabled, they will be skipped properly List <int> slotsForElegantStockingOnRack = new List <int> { 1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 26 }; List <int> slotsForElegantStockingOnChiller = new List <int> { 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24 }; Recipe randomRestockRecipe = null; if (display.LotCurrent != null) { debug += Common.NewLine + "LotCurrent: " + display.LotCurrent.Name; } if (!display.InWorld) { debug += Common.NewLine + "Display not in world"; return; } if (Cupcake.Settings.IsDisplayExempt(display.ObjectId)) { debug += Common.NewLine + "Display has auto restock disabled"; return; } bool random = false; if (!Cupcake.Settings.HasSettings(display.ObjectId)) { debug += Common.NewLine + "Display has no user defined settings."; random = true; } if (!Cupcake.Settings.mAffectActive && random) { if (display.LotCurrent == null) { debug += Common.NewLine + "LotCurrent null"; return; } if (display.LotCurrent.LotId == Household.ActiveHousehold.LotId) { debug += Common.NewLine + "On active household lot"; return; } List <PropertyData> list = RealEstateManager.AllPropertiesFromAllHouseholds(); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i] != null && display.LotCurrent.LotId == list[i].LotId && list[i].Owner != null && list[i].Owner.OwningHousehold == Household.ActiveHousehold) { debug += Common.NewLine + "On owned lot"; return; } } } DisplayHelper.DisplayTypes displayType; Dictionary <int, Slot> slots = DisplayHelper.GetEmptyOrFoodSlots(display, out displayType); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Slot> slot in slots) { debug += Common.NewLine + "Slot: " + slot.Key; if (displayType == DisplayHelper.DisplayTypes.Chiller) { if (!Cupcake.Settings.SlotHasSettings(display.ObjectId, slot.Key)) { if (slot.Key > 20 && !Cupcake.Settings.mStockWeddingCakes) { debug += Common.NewLine + "Wedding cakes disabled, skipping top shelf"; continue; } if (Cupcake.Settings.mStockWeddingCakes && slotsToSkipForWeddingCakeSetupOnChiller.Contains(slot.Key)) { debug += Common.NewLine + "Skipping slots for presentable wedding cake setup"; continue; } if (Cupcake.Settings.mElegantRestock && !slotsForElegantStockingOnChiller.Contains(slot.Key)) { debug += Common.NewLine + "Skipping slot for elegant restocking"; continue; } } } if (displayType == DisplayHelper.DisplayTypes.Rack) { if (!Cupcake.Settings.SlotHasSettings(display.ObjectId, slot.Key)) { if (Cupcake.Settings.mStockWeddingCakes && slotsToSkipForWeddingCakeSetupOnRack.Contains(slot.Key)) { debug += Common.NewLine + "Skipping slots for presentable wedding cake setup"; continue; } if (Cupcake.Settings.mElegantRestock && !slotsForElegantStockingOnRack.Contains(slot.Key)) { debug += Common.NewLine + "Skipping slot for elegant restocking"; continue; } } } GameObject containedObject = display.GetContainedObject(slot.Value) as GameObject; if (containedObject == null) { Dictionary <string, List <Quality> > settings = Cupcake.Settings.GetDisplaySettingsForSlot(display.ObjectId, slot.Key); Recipe recipe = null; IFoodContainer container = null; Quality quality = Quality.Perfect; if (random && !Cupcake.Settings.mDisableRandomAutoRestock && (!Cupcake.Settings.mOneRecipePerDisplayOnRandom || (Cupcake.Settings.mOneRecipePerDisplayOnRandom && randomRestockRecipe == null))) { debug += Common.NewLine + "Random"; if (Cupcake.Settings.mRandomRestockSettings.Count > 0) { if (Cupcake.Settings.Debugging) { debug += Common.NewLine + "Choices:"; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Quality> > val in Cupcake.Settings.mRandomRestockSettings) { debug += Common.NewLine + val.Key; foreach (Quality val2 in val.Value) { debug += Common.NewLine + val2.ToString(); } } } if (Recipe.NameToRecipeHash.Count > 0) { string pick = RandomUtil.GetRandomObjectFromList <string>(new List <string>(Cupcake.Settings.mRandomRestockSettings.Keys)); if (Recipe.NameToRecipeHash.ContainsKey(pick)) { recipe = Recipe.NameToRecipeHash[pick]; debug += Common.NewLine + "Fetching random recipe..."; debug += Common.NewLine + "Pick: " + recipe.Key; quality = RandomUtil.GetRandomObjectFromList <Quality>(Cupcake.Settings.mRandomRestockSettings[pick]); debug += Common.NewLine + "Fetching random quality..."; debug += Common.NewLine + "Pick: " + quality.ToString(); } else { debug += Common.NewLine + "Failed to find defined recipe"; continue; } } } else { if (goodies.Count > 0) { recipe = RandomUtil.GetRandomObjectFromList <Recipe>(goodies); debug += Common.NewLine + "Fetching random bakery recipe..."; debug += Common.NewLine + "Pick: " + recipe.SpecificNameKey; debug += Common.NewLine + "Quality: Always Perfect"; } } randomRestockRecipe = recipe; } if (random && Cupcake.Settings.mOneRecipePerDisplayOnRandom && randomRestockRecipe != null) { debug += Common.NewLine + "OneRecipePerDisplayOnRandom = true" + Common.NewLine + "Last Recipe: " + randomRestockRecipe.GenericName; recipe = randomRestockRecipe; } if (settings != null) { debug += Common.NewLine + "Reading user settings..."; if (Cupcake.Settings.Debugging) { debug += Common.NewLine + "Choices:"; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Quality> > val in settings) { debug += Common.NewLine + val.Key; foreach (Quality val2 in val.Value) { debug += Common.NewLine + val2.ToString(); } } } string pick = ""; if (settings.Count > 0) { List <string> tempList = new List <string>(); tempList.AddRange(settings.Keys); pick = RandomUtil.GetRandomObjectFromList <string>(tempList); if (Recipe.NameToRecipeHash.ContainsKey(pick)) { recipe = Recipe.NameToRecipeHash[pick]; debug += Common.NewLine + "Fetching random recipe..."; debug += Common.NewLine + "Pick: " + recipe.Key; } else { debug += Common.NewLine + "Failed to find defined recipe: " + pick; continue; } } else { debug += Common.NewLine + "Settings for slot was 0 count."; continue; } quality = RandomUtil.GetRandomObjectFromList <Quality>(Cupcake.Settings.mDisplayRestockSettings[display.ObjectId][slot.Key][pick]); debug += Common.NewLine + "Fetching random quality..."; debug += Common.NewLine + "Pick: " + quality.ToString(); } bool tryCake = false; if (random && Cupcake.Settings.mStockWeddingCakes && !Cupcake.Settings.SlotHasSettings(display.ObjectId, slot.Key)) { List <string> cakes = new List <string> { "BSBakeWeddingCake", "WeddingCakeSliceDOT07" }; tryCake = true; if (GameUtils.IsInstalled(ProductVersion.EP4)) { cakes.Add("Wedding Cake Slice"); } if ((displayType == DisplayHelper.DisplayTypes.Chiller && slotsForWeddingCakesChiller.Contains(slot.Key)) || (displayType == DisplayHelper.DisplayTypes.Rack && slotsForWeddingCakesOnRack.Contains(slot.Key))) { debug += Common.NewLine + "Wedding cake slot"; recipe = null; while (recipe == null) { string pick = RandomUtil.GetRandomObjectFromList <string>(cakes); if (!Recipe.NameToRecipeHash.TryGetValue(pick, out recipe)) { // for folks with out of date mods if (pick == "BSBakeWeddingCake") { break; } } } } } if (recipe != null) { if (quality == Quality.Any) { // EA standard apparently doesn't handle this correctly... quality = RandomUtil.GetRandomObjectFromList <Quality>(qualites); } // Catalog recipes IGameObject cake = null; if (recipe.Key == "WeddingCakeSliceDOT07") { debug += Common.NewLine + "Attempt at Monte Vista cake"; cake = GlobalFunctions.CreateObjectOutOfWorld("foodServeCakeWeddingDOT07", ~ProductVersion.Undefined); if (cake is FailureObject) { cake = GlobalFunctions.CreateObjectOutOfWorld("foodServeCakeWeddingDOT07", ProductVersion.BaseGame); } } else if (recipe.Key == "Wedding Cake Slice") { debug += Common.NewLine + "Attempt at Generations cake"; cake = GlobalFunctions.CreateObjectOutOfWorld("foodServeCakeWeddingTraditional", ProductVersion.EP4); if (cake is FailureObject) { cake = GlobalFunctions.CreateObjectOutOfWorld("foodServeCakeWeddingTraditional", ProductVersion.BaseGame); } } else if (((tryCake && cake is FailureObject) || recipe.Key == "BSBakeWeddingCake")) { debug += Common.NewLine + "Attempt at Store Wedding cake"; cake = GlobalFunctions.CreateObjectOutOfWorld("foodServeCakeWeddingBakery", ~ProductVersion.Undefined); if (cake is FailureObject) { cake = GlobalFunctions.CreateObjectOutOfWorld("foodServeCakeWeddingBakery", ProductVersion.BaseGame); } } else if (recipe.Key == "BSBakeBirthdayCake") { debug += Common.NewLine + "Attempt at Store Birthday cake"; cake = GlobalFunctions.CreateObjectOutOfWorld("FoodBirthdayCakeBakery", ~ProductVersion.Undefined); if (cake is FailureObject) { cake = GlobalFunctions.CreateObjectOutOfWorld("FoodBirthdayCakeBakery", ProductVersion.BaseGame); } } else { container = recipe.CreateFinishedFood(recipe.CanMakeGroupServing ? Recipe.MealQuantity.Group : Recipe.MealQuantity.Single, quality); } if (cake != null) { if (cake is FailureObject) { debug += Common.NewLine + "Cake was FailureObject"; try { cake.Destroy(); } catch { } continue; } debug += Common.NewLine + "Cake success"; DisplayHelper.ParentToSlot(cake as GameObject, slot.Value, display); cake.AddToWorld(); InitInteractions(cake as GameObject); } if (container != null) { if (container is FailureObject) { debug += Common.NewLine + "Container was FailureObject"; try { container.Destroy(); } catch { } continue; } DisplayHelper.ParentToSlot(container as GameObject, slot.Value, display); container.SetGeometryState(recipe.SingleServingContainer); // this is how EA sets it, don't ask container.AddToWorld(); ServingContainer container2 = container as ServingContainer; if (container2 != null) { int[] numArray = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 30, 0x2d, 60, 0x4b, 100, 0x65 }; container2.CookingProcess.FoodPoints = numArray[(int)quality]; container2.CookingProcess.FoodState = FoodCookState.Cooked; container2.FoodCookStateChanged(container2.CookingProcess.FoodState); } InitInteractions(container as GameObject); debug += Common.NewLine + "Success: " + recipe.GenericName + Common.NewLine + quality.ToString(); } } } else { debug += Common.NewLine + "Slot contained object: " + containedObject.CatalogName; } } display.AddInteractionsToChildObjects(); }