private Material ReadMaterial(JSONObject matObject) { string name; Color color = Color.white; bool setColor = false; if (matObject["name"] != null) { name = matObject["name"]; } else if (matObject["mode"] != null) { name = matObject["mode"]; if (matObject["color"] != null) { color = ReadColor(matObject["color"].AsArray); setColor = true; bool overlay = color.a != 1; if (matObject["alpha"] != null) { overlay = matObject["alpha"].AsBool; // new with version 4 } if (overlay) { name += "_overlay"; } } } else { warnings.Add("Error reading material"); return(ReadWorldFile.MissingMaterial(false)); } Material mat = ResourcesDirectory.FindMaterial(name, editor); if (mat == null) { warnings.Add("Unrecognized material: " + name); return(ReadWorldFile.MissingMaterial(false)); } if (setColor) { string colorProp = ResourcesDirectory.MaterialColorProperty(mat); if (colorProp != null) { mat = ResourcesDirectory.InstantiateMaterial(mat); mat.SetColor(colorProp, color); } } return(mat); }
private Material ReadCustomTexture(MessagePackObjectDictionary texDict, Dictionary <string, Material> customTextureNames, bool overlay) { CustomTexture customTex = new CustomTexture( new Material(ReadWorldFile.MissingMaterial(overlay).shader), overlay); ReadPropertiesObject(texDict, customTex); Material mat = customTex.material; if (texDict.ContainsKey(FileKeys.CUSTOM_MATERIAL_NAME)) { = texDict[FileKeys.CUSTOM_MATERIAL_NAME].AsString(); customTextureNames[] = mat; } return(mat); }
private Material ReadMaterial(MessagePackObjectDictionary matDict, bool forceOverlay, Dictionary <string, Material> customTextureNames) { string name; if (matDict.ContainsKey(FileKeys.MATERIAL_NAME)) { name = matDict[FileKeys.MATERIAL_NAME].AsString(); } else if (matDict.ContainsKey(FileKeys.MATERIAL_MODE)) // version 9 and earlier { name = matDict[FileKeys.MATERIAL_MODE].AsString(); // ignore MATERIAL_ALPHA key, it's usually wrong if (matDict.ContainsKey(FileKeys.MATERIAL_COLOR)) { if (ReadColor(matDict[FileKeys.MATERIAL_COLOR]).a < 1) { forceOverlay = true; } } if (forceOverlay) { name += "_overlay"; } } else { warnings.Add("Error reading material"); return(ReadWorldFile.MissingMaterial(forceOverlay)); } Material mat; bool isCustom = customTextureNames != null && customTextureNames.ContainsKey(name); if (isCustom) { mat = customTextureNames[name]; } else { mat = ResourcesDirectory.FindMaterial(name, editor); } if (mat == null) { warnings.Add("Unrecognized material: " + name); return(ReadWorldFile.MissingMaterial(forceOverlay)); } if (!isCustom && matDict.ContainsKey(FileKeys.MATERIAL_COLOR)) { // custom textures can't have colors string colorProp = ResourcesDirectory.MaterialColorProperty(mat); if (colorProp != null) { Color color = ReadColor(matDict[FileKeys.MATERIAL_COLOR]); bool setColor = color != mat.GetColor(colorProp); var colorStyle = ResourcesDirectory.ColorStyle.TINT; if (matDict.ContainsKey(FileKeys.MATERIAL_COLOR_STYLE)) { Enum.TryParse(matDict[FileKeys.MATERIAL_COLOR_STYLE].AsString(), out colorStyle); } bool setStyle = colorStyle == ResourcesDirectory.ColorStyle.PAINT && ResourcesDirectory.GetMaterialColorStyle(mat) != ResourcesDirectory.ColorStyle.PAINT; if (setColor || setStyle) { mat = ResourcesDirectory.InstantiateMaterial(mat); } if (setColor) { mat.SetColor(colorProp, color); } if (setStyle) { ResourcesDirectory.SetMaterialColorStyle(mat, colorStyle); } } } return(mat); }
private void ReadWorld(JSONObject world, VoxelArray voxelArray) { var materials = new List <Material>(); if (world["materials"] != null) { foreach (JSONNode matNode in world["materials"].AsArray) { JSONObject matObject = matNode.AsObject; materials.Add(ReadMaterial(matObject)); } } var substances = new List <Substance>(); if (world["substances"] != null) { foreach (JSONNode subNode in world["substances"].AsArray) { Substance s = new Substance(); ReadEntity(subNode.AsObject, s); substances.Add(s); } } if (world["global"] != null) { ReadPropertiesObject(world["global"].AsObject,; } if (fileWriterVersion <= 2 && world["sky"] != null) { Material sky = materials[world["sky"].AsInt]; if (sky != ReadWorldFile.MissingMaterial(false)) // default skybox is null {; } } if (world["map"] != null) { ReadMap(world["map"].AsObject, voxelArray, materials, substances); } if (fileWriterVersion <= 2 && world["player"] != null) { PlayerObject player = new PlayerObject(); ReadObjectEntity(world["player"].AsObject, player); voxelArray.AddObject(player); } if (world["objects"] != null) { foreach (JSONNode objNode in world["objects"].AsArray) { JSONObject objObject = objNode.AsObject; string typeName = objObject["name"]; var objType = GameScripts.FindTypeWithName(GameScripts.objects, typeName); if (objType == null) { warnings.Add("Unrecognized object type: " + typeName); continue; } ObjectEntity obj = (ObjectEntity)objType.Create(); ReadObjectEntity(objObject, obj); voxelArray.AddObject(obj); } } if (!editor) { // start the game foreach (Substance s in substances) { s.InitEntityGameObject(voxelArray); } foreach (ObjectEntity obj in voxelArray.IterateObjects()) { obj.InitEntityGameObject(voxelArray); } } else // editor { foreach (ObjectEntity obj in voxelArray.IterateObjects()) { obj.InitObjectMarker((VoxelArrayEditor)voxelArray); } } }