        /// <summary>
        ///     Attempts to schedule a write of the specified length into the file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        ///     A valid block address representing the location where the written
        ///     block will be found, or a 'None' address if the file does not
        ///     currently have enough room for this.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     The provided writer will be invoked at some point in the future.
        ///     Thread-safe.
        /// </remarks>
        public BlockAddress TryScheduleWrite(
            uint realm,
            Hash hash,
            int length,
            WithSpan.ReadWrite writer)
            if (length < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Negative length: {length}", nameof(length));
            int  rank;
            long offset;

            lock (_syncRoot)
                offset  = _offset;
                _offset = BlockAddress.Ceiling(offset + BlockHeader.Size + length);

                if (_offset > _file.Length)
                    // Since this file is about to be flushed and closed,
                    // because it's "full enough", we prevent additional writes.
                    _offset = _file.Length;

                rank = _flags.Count;
                _flags.Append(ReadFlag.Triggered(() => PerformWrite(offset, writer)));

            // We touched '_offset' and '_flags' in the critical section, the remaining
            // work on the actual byte span can be done without mutex.

            var     span   = _file.AsMemory(offset, BlockHeader.Size).Span;
            ref var header = ref MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, BlockHeader>(span)[0];
        /// <summary> Construct from a read-only file. </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Used when recovering files written by a previous program
        ///     instance from their locations.
        /// </remarks>
        public BlockFile(IFileMemory file, uint fileId)
            _pinner = new Pinner();
            _file   = file ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(file));
            FileId  = fileId;

            _flags = new AppendList <ReadFlag>();

            var offset = 0L;

            while (offset < _file.Length)
                var     block  = AtOffset(offset);
                ref var header = ref block.Header;

                if (header.Rank != _flags.Count || header.ContentLength < 0 ||
                    header.ContentLength + BlockHeader.Size > _file.Length)
                    // The header of the block appears broken. Do not include
                    // it in the list, and stop scanning (since we don't know
                    // how far to jump ahead).

                var thisOffset = offset;
                _flags.Append(ReadFlag.Triggered(() => VerifyAtOffset(thisOffset)));

                offset += block.RelativeOffsetToNextBlock;
        public void  Update(bool[] deleteFlags)
            DbTransaction t = readFlags.BeginTransaction();

            for (int i = 0; i < Mails.Count; ++i)
                if (deleteFlags[i])
                    ReadFlag r = new ReadFlag();
                    r.PaymentId = ((Mail)mails[i]).id;
        public void SetAsmSim(AsmSimulator asmSimulator, int lineNumber, bool isExpanded)
            this._asmSimulator = asmSimulator;
            this._lineNumber   = lineNumber;

            bool empty = true;

            if (this._asmSimulator.Enabled & Settings.Default.AsmSim_Show_Register_In_Instruction_Tooltip)
                this._itemsOnPage = new List <TextBox>();

                this.AsmSimGridExpander.IsExpanded     = isExpanded;
                this.AsmSimGridExpanderNumeration.Text = Settings.Default.AsmSim_Show_Register_In_Instruction_Tooltip_Numeration;

                var(ReadReg, WriteReg, ReadFlag, WriteFlag, MemRead, MemWrite) = this._asmSimulator.Get_Usage(lineNumber);
                var readReg  = new HashSet <Rn>(ReadReg);
                var writeReg = new HashSet <Rn>(WriteReg);

                int row = 2;

                foreach (Rn reg in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Rn)))
                    bool b1 = readReg.Contains(reg);
                    bool b2 = writeReg.Contains(reg);
                    if (b1 || b2)
                        empty = false;
                        if (b1)
                            this.Generate(reg, true, row);
                        if (b2)
                            this.Generate(reg, false, row);

                foreach (Flags flag in FlagTools.GetFlags(ReadFlag | WriteFlag))
                    if (flag == Flags.NONE)
                    bool b1 = ReadFlag.HasFlag(flag);
                    bool b2 = WriteFlag.HasFlag(flag);
                    if (b1 || b2)
                        empty = false;
                        if (b1)
                            this.Generate(flag, true, row);
                        if (b2)
                            this.Generate(flag, false, row);

            this.AsmSimGridExpander.Visibility = (empty) ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible;
            this.AsmSimGridBorder.Visibility   = (empty) ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible;

            this.AsmSimGridExpanderNumeration.SelectionChanged += (sender, i) =>
                string         numerationStr = ((sender as ComboBox).SelectedItem as ComboBoxItem).Content.ToString();
                NumerationEnum numeration    = AsmSourceTools.ParseNumeration(numerationStr);
                if (numeration == NumerationEnum.UNKNOWN)
                    AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_WARNING("SetAsmSim:smSimGridExpanderNumeration.SelectionChanged: unknown numerationStr=" + numerationStr);
                //AsmDudeToolsStatic.Output_INFO("AsmSimGridExpanderNumeration:SelectionChanged: numeration="+ numeration);

                foreach (var textBox in this._itemsOnPage)
                    var info = textBox.Tag as ButtonInfo;

                    string content = (info.reg == Rn.NOREG)
                        ? this._asmSimulator.Get_Flag_Value_If_Already_Computed(info.flag, this._lineNumber, info.before)
                        : this._asmSimulator.Get_Register_Value_If_Already_Computed(info.reg, this._lineNumber, info.before, numeration);

                    if (content != null)
                        textBox.Text = info.reg.ToString() + " = " + content;
 public void Update(bool[] deleteFlags)
     DbTransaction t = readFlags.BeginTransaction();
     for (int i=0; i<Mails.Count; ++i)
         if (deleteFlags[i])
             ReadFlag r = new ReadFlag();
             r.PaymentId = ((Mail)mails[i]).id;