private OrderModel Payments(RegisterViewModel registerViewModel)
            Random randomObj     = new Random();
            string transactionId = randomObj.Next(10000000, 100000000).ToString();

            Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient client  = new Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient("rzp_test_E2Zmqlh9v2Dj8U", "NPTQwUFJV6R36LW2fPir43pG");
            Dictionary <string, object> options = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            options.Add("amount", 249);  // Amount will in paise
            options.Add("receipt", transactionId);
            options.Add("currency", "INR");
            options.Add("payment_capture", "0"); // 1 - automatic  , 2 - manual
                                                 //options.Add("notes", "-- You can put any notes here --");
            Razorpay.Api.Order orderResponse = client.Order.Create(options);
            string             orderId       = orderResponse["id"].ToString();

            // Create order model for return on view
            OrderModel orderModel = new OrderModel
                orderId       = orderResponse.Attributes["id"],
                razorpayKey   = "rzp_test_E2Zmqlh9v2Dj8U",
                amount        = 249,
                currency      = "INR",
                name          = registerViewModel.Business.BusinessOwner.FirstName + registerViewModel.Business.BusinessOwner.LastName,
                email         = registerViewModel.Business.BusinessOwner.Email,
                contactNumber = registerViewModel.Business.BusinessOwner.MobileNumber,
                address       = registerViewModel.Business.Address.AddressLine1 + registerViewModel.Business.Address.City,
                description   = "TownerTown Payments"

            // Return on PaymentPage with Order data
        public ActionResult Complete()
            // Payment data comes in url so we have to get it from url

            // This id is razorpay unique payment id which can be use to get the payment details from razorpay server

            string paymentId = Request.Form["rzp_paymentid"];
            //string paymentId = paymentid;
            // This is orderId
            string orderId = Request.Form["rzp_orderid"];

            Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient client = new Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient("rzp_test_jgSfZxfkVFDQ0t", "lQz5sINmfOOXXKmM6zPT225T");

            Razorpay.Api.Payment payment = client.Payment.Fetch(paymentId);

            // This code is for capture the payment
            Dictionary <string, object> options = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            options.Add("amount", payment.Attributes["amount"]);
            Razorpay.Api.Payment paymentCaptured = payment.Capture(options);
            string amt = paymentCaptured.Attributes["amount"];

            //// Check payment made successfully

            if (paymentCaptured.Attributes["status"] == "captured")
                // Create these action method
        public async Task <string> CompleteOrderProcess(IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor)
                string paymentId = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Form["rzp_paymentid"];

                // This is orderId
                string orderId = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Form["rzp_orderid"];

                Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient client = new Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient("rzp_test_8P7RhnsImxd2OR", "kD8tw7ECYsTTZnx0OyrKI4kh");

                Razorpay.Api.Payment payment = client.Payment.Fetch(paymentId);

                // This code is for capture the payment
                Dictionary <string, object> options = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                options.Add("amount", payment.Attributes["amount"]);
                Razorpay.Api.Payment paymentCaptured = payment.Capture(options);
                string amt = paymentCaptured.Attributes["amount"];
            catch (Exception)
        public ActionResult CreateOrder(PaymentInitiateModel _requestData)
            // Generate random receipt number for order
            Random randomObj     = new Random();
            string transactionId = randomObj.Next(10000000, 100000000).ToString();

            Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient client  = new Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient("rzp_test_jgSfZxfkVFDQ0t", "lQz5sINmfOOXXKmM6zPT225T");
            Dictionary <string, object> options = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            options.Add("amount", _requestData.amount * 100);  // Amount will in paise
            options.Add("receipt", transactionId);
            options.Add("currency", "INR");
            options.Add("payment_capture", "1"); // 1 - automatic  , 0 - manual
                                                 //options.Add("notes", "-- You can put any notes here --");
            Razorpay.Api.Order orderResponse = client.Order.Create(options);
            //string orderId = orderResponse["id"].ToString();

            // Create order model for return on view
            OrderModel orderModel = new OrderModel
                //orderId = orderResponse.Attributes["id"],
                razorpayKey   = "rzp_test_jgSfZxfkVFDQ0t",
                amount        = _requestData.amount * 100,
                currency      = "INR",
                name          =,
                email         =,
                contactNumber = _requestData.contactNumber,
                address       = _requestData.address,
                description   = "Testing description"

            // Return on PaymentPage with Order data
            return(View("PaymentPage", orderModel));
        public IHttpActionResult verifyOrderRazorpay(string paymentId, string orderId)
            // Payment data comes in url so we have to get it from url

            // This id is razorpay unique payment id which can be use to get the payment details from razorpay server
            string _paymentId = paymentId;

            // This is orderId
            string _orderId = orderId;

            Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient client = new Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient("rzp_test_9wK0kOoAWrR2GV", "Um9kYEyRcQy8TRKGAUwGFLny");

            Razorpay.Api.Payment payment = client.Payment.Fetch(_paymentId);

            // This code is for capture the payment
            Dictionary <string, object> options = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            options.Add("amount", payment.Attributes["amount"]);
            Razorpay.Api.Payment paymentCaptured = payment.Capture(options);
            string amt = paymentCaptured.Attributes["amount"];

            //// Check payment made successfully

            if (paymentCaptured.Attributes["status"] == "captured")
                // Create these action method
                return(Ok("ERROR occured"));
        public IHttpActionResult createOrderRazorpay(Models.orderRazorpay order)
            Random randomObj     = new Random();
            string transactionId = randomObj.Next(10000000, 100000000).ToString();

            Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient client  = new Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient("rzp_test_9wK0kOoAWrR2GV", "Um9kYEyRcQy8TRKGAUwGFLny");
            Dictionary <string, object> options = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            options.Add("amount", order.amount);  // Amount will in paise
            options.Add("receipt", transactionId);
            options.Add("currency", order.currency);
            // options.Add("payment_capture", "0"); // 1 - automatic  , 2 - manual
            //options.Add("notes", "-- You can put any notes here --");
            Razorpay.Api.Order orderResponse = client.Order.Create(options);
            string             retorderId    = orderResponse["id"].ToString();

            Models.orderRazorpay pay = new Models.orderRazorpay
                amount       = order.amount,
                currency     = order.currency,
                name         =,
                email        =,
                mobileNumber = order.mobileNumber,
                address      = order.address,
                orderId      = retorderId
        public ActionResult Now(Models.PaymentInitiateModel requestData)
            string transactionId = Randoms.Pattern("trans-{HEX:15}");

            Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient client = new Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient("rzp_test_DmK2S2Y4ATkGZz", "glz95rTDL8OE4kV3RsUo4UAj");

            Dictionary <string, object> options = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            options.Add("amount", int.Parse(requestData.amount) * 100);
            options.Add("receipt", transactionId);
            options.Add("currency", "INR");
            options.Add("payment_capture", "0");
            //options.Add("notes", "Good to go");

            Razorpay.Api.Order orderResponse = client.Order.Create(options);
            string             orderId       = orderResponse["id"].ToString();

            // Create order model for return on view
            OrderModel orderModel = new OrderModel
                orderId       = orderResponse.Attributes["id"],
                razorpayKey   = "rzp_test_DmK2S2Y4ATkGZz",
                amount        = int.Parse(requestData.amount) * 100,
                currency      = "INR",
                name          =,
                email         =,
                contactNumber =,
                address       = requestData.address,
                description   = "Testing description"

            // Return on PaymentPage with Order data
            return(View("Payment", orderModel));
        public ActionResult Complete()
            // Payment data comes in url so we have to get it from url

            // This id is razorpay unique payment id which can be use to get the payment details from razorpay server

            string paymentId = Request.Form["rzp_paymentid"];
            //string paymentId = paymentid;
            // This is orderId
            string orderId = Request.Form["rzp_orderid"];

            Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient client = new Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient(_keys.SecretKey, _keys.PublishKey);

            Razorpay.Api.Payment payment = client.Payment.Fetch(paymentId);

            // This code is for capture the payment
            Dictionary <string, object> options = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            options.Add("amount", payment.Attributes["amount"]);
            Razorpay.Api.Payment paymentCaptured = payment.Capture(options);
            string amt = paymentCaptured.Attributes["amount"];

            //// Check payment made successfully

            if (paymentCaptured.Attributes["status"] == "captured")
                string id           = User.FindFirst("id").Value;
                var    dataset      = _unitOfWork.StudentModel.FeeDetailFunction(id);
                var    paymentParam = new DynamicParameters();
                paymentParam.Add("inUserId", id);
                //var dataset = _unitOfWork.SPCall.List<FeeDetails>(SD.FeeDetails, paymentParam);

                foreach (var data in dataset)
                    string emailbody = GetBody("feepayment", data.Name, " ", " ", " ", data.Month.ToString(), data.FeeCharge.ToString());
                    EmailConfig.SendMail(data.Email, "Welcome", emailbody);

                    /* = data.Name;
                     * = data.Email;
                     * payment.contactNumber = "9931159589";
                     * payment.address = "Ranchi";
                     * payment.amount = data.FeeCharge;
                     * payment.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(claimvalue);*/
                    // payment.User = user;
                // Create these action method
                // string emailbody = GetBody("feepayment", FirstName, Email, Password);
                //EmailConfig.SendMail(Email, "Welcome", emailbody);
                //_unitOfWork.SPCall.List<FeeDetails>(SD.UpdateFeeDate, paymentParam);
        public async Task <ActionResult <Order> > Post(Order order)
            string eMail = string.Empty;

            using (Utility util = new Utility())
                eMail = util.GetEmailclaim(User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity);

            if (order.Id > 0)
                order.UpdatedBy = eMail;
                await _repository.UpdateAsync <Order>(order);
                order.CreatedBy = eMail;
                order.OrderUNId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                await _repository.AddAsync <Order>(order);

                if (order.IsCreditAllowed != "true")
                    int totalCharges = (int)Math.Ceiling(order.TotalCharges);

                    var options = new Dictionary <string, object>
                        { "amount", totalCharges *100 }, // since it is paise mode
                        { "currency", "INR" },
                        { "receipt", order.OrderUNId },
                        { "payment_capture", true }
                    _razorpayClient = new Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient(rzrKey, rzrSecret);
                    var rzOrder   = _razorpayClient.Order.Create(options);
                    var orderId   = rzOrder["id"].ToString();
                    var orderJson = rzOrder.Attributes.ToString();
                    order.RzOrderId = orderId;
                    order.RzrKey    = rzrKey;
                    await _repository.UpdateAsync <Order>(order);

                    // return Ok(orderJson);
                //email id
                //Phone no

        public ActionResult Complete()
            // Payment data comes in url so we have to get it from url

            // This id is razorpay unique payment id which can be use to get the payment details from razorpay server
            string paymentId = Request.Form["rzp_paymentid"];

            // This is orderId
            string orderId = Request.Form["rzp_orderid"];

            Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient client = new Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient("rzp_test_E2Zmqlh9v2Dj8U", "NPTQwUFJV6R36LW2fPir43pG");

            Razorpay.Api.Payment payment = client.Payment.Fetch(paymentId);

            // This code is for capture the payment
            Dictionary <string, object> options = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            options.Add("amount", payment.Attributes["amount"]);
            Razorpay.Api.Payment paymentCaptured = payment.Capture(options);
            string amt = paymentCaptured.Attributes["amount"];

            //// Check payment made successfully
            int      userId   = _session.GetInt32("UserID").Value;
            Business business = _businessService.GetBusinessByUserID(userId);

            business.Payment.TransactionNumber = paymentId;
            //_businessService.UpdateBusiness("PaymentID", paymentId, userId);

            if (paymentCaptured.Attributes["status"] == "captured")
                _businessService.UpdateBusiness("Payment", "SUCCESSFULL", userId);
                // Create these action method
                ViewBag.Message = "Payment Successfull.Thanks for registering with TownerTown.";
                _businessService.UpdateBusiness("Payment", "FAILED", userId);
                ViewBag.Message = "Sorry Payment Failed.Please try again later";
                return(RedirectToAction("LogIn", "Home"));
        public Task <MerchantOrder> ProcessMerchantOrder(PaymentRequest payRequest)
                // Generate random receipt number for order
                Random randomObj     = new Random();
                string transactionId = randomObj.Next(10000000, 100000000).ToString();

                Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient client  = new Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient("rzp_test_8P7RhnsImxd2OR", "kD8tw7ECYsTTZnx0OyrKI4kh");
                Dictionary <string, object> options = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                options.Add("amount", payRequest.Amount * 100);
                options.Add("receipt", transactionId);
                options.Add("currency", "INR");
                options.Add("payment_capture", "0"); // 1 - automatic  , 0 - manual
                //options.Add("Notes", "Test Payment of Merchant");

                Razorpay.Api.Order orderResponse = client.Order.Create(options);
                string             orderId       = orderResponse["id"].ToString();

                MerchantOrder order = new MerchantOrder
                    OrderId     = orderResponse.Attributes["id"],
                    RazorpayKey = "rzp_test_8P7RhnsImxd2OR",
                    Amount      = payRequest.Amount * 100,
                    Currency    = "INR",
                    Name        = payRequest.Name,
                    Email       = payRequest.Email,
                    PhoneNumber = payRequest.PhoneNumber,
                    Address     = payRequest.Address,
                    Description = "Order by Merchant"
            catch (Exception ex)
        public IActionResult RegisterFormFilled(RegisterViewModel registerViewModel)
            //registerViewModel.Business.Category.CategoryName = registerViewModel.SearchViewModel.selectedCategory;
            if (ValidateBusiness(registerViewModel.Business))
                if (registerViewModel.uploadImagesFormFile != null)
                    List <FilePath> imagesFilesPath = new List <FilePath>();
                    foreach (var imageFormFile in registerViewModel.uploadImagesFormFile)
                        var uniqueFileName = GetUniqueFileName(imageFormFile.FileName);
                        var uploads        = Path.Combine(hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "uploads");
                        var filePath       = Path.Combine(uploads, uniqueFileName);
                        imageFormFile.CopyTo(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create));
                        FilePath newImageFile = new FilePath();
                        //newImageFile.Path = filePath;
                        newImageFile.Path = "~/uploads/" + imageFormFile.FileName;
                    registerViewModel.Business.Images = imagesFilesPath;

                    //to do : Save uniqueFileName  to your db table
                //registerViewModel.Business.Timings = new Timings { Monday = new DayToTimeMapping { StartTime = "10:23", EndTime = "9:00", Closed = false} };
                //if (_businessService.AddNewBusiness(registerViewModel.Business) != null)
                ////if (true)
                //return Json(new { success = true, responseText = "You have been successfully registered with Search India. Please Log_in to view your profile" });
                    Random randomObj     = new Random();
                    string transactionId = randomObj.Next(10000000, 100000000).ToString();

                    Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient client  = new Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient("rzp_test_E2Zmqlh9v2Dj8U", "NPTQwUFJV6R36LW2fPir43pG");
                    Dictionary <string, object> options = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    options.Add("amount", 249);      // Amount will in paise
                    options.Add("receipt", transactionId);
                    options.Add("currency", "INR");
                    options.Add("payment_capture", "0");     // 1 - automatic  , 2 - manual
                                                             //options.Add("notes", "-- You can put any notes here --");
                    Razorpay.Api.Order orderResponse = client.Order.Create(options);
                    string             orderId       = orderResponse["id"].ToString();

                    // Create order model for return on view
                    OrderModel orderModel = new OrderModel
                        orderId       = orderResponse.Attributes["id"],
                        razorpayKey   = "rzp_test_E2Zmqlh9v2Dj8U",
                        amount        = 249,
                        currency      = "INR",
                        name          = registerViewModel.Business.BusinessOwner.FirstName + registerViewModel.Business.BusinessOwner.LastName,
                        email         = registerViewModel.Business.BusinessOwner.Email,
                        contactNumber = registerViewModel.Business.BusinessOwner.MobileNumber,
                        address       = registerViewModel.Business.Address.AddressLine1 + registerViewModel.Business.Address.City,
                        description   = "TownerTown Payments"

                    Payment payment = new Payment();
                    registerViewModel.Business.Payment                   = payment;
                    registerViewModel.Business.Payment.address           =;
                    registerViewModel.Business.Payment.orderId           = orderModel.orderId;
                    registerViewModel.Business.Payment.PayedOn           = DateTime.Now;
                    registerViewModel.Business.Payment.PaymentStatus     = PaymentStatus.INPROGRESS;
                    registerViewModel.Business.Payment.Amount            = orderModel.amount;
                    registerViewModel.Business.Payment.contactNumber     = orderModel.contactNumber;
                    registerViewModel.Business.Payment.currency          = orderModel.currency;
                    registerViewModel.Business.Payment.description       = orderModel.description;
                    registerViewModel.Business.Payment.razorpayKey       = orderModel.razorpayKey;
                    registerViewModel.Business.Payment.TransactionNumber = "value";

                    Business business = _businessService.AddNewBusiness(registerViewModel.Business);
                    if (business != null)
                        _session.SetInt32("UserID", business.BusinessOwner.ID);
                        return(View("Payments", orderModel));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //throw (e);
                    string message = string.Format("<b>Message:</b> {0}<br /><br />", ex.Message);
                    message += string.Format("<b>StackTrace:</b> {0}<br /><br />", ex.StackTrace.Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty));
                    message += string.Format("<b>Source:</b> {0}<br /><br />", ex.Source.Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty));
                    message += string.Format("<b>TargetSite:</b> {0}", ex.TargetSite.ToString().Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty));
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, message);
                    ViewBag.Message = message;

                //return Json(new { success = false, responseText = "OOOpppsss....Something went wrong, the registration cannot be saved at this movement please contact customer support." });
            //return Json(new { success = false, responseText = "Validation doesn't match. Please check validation error message for more details" });
        public async Task <ActionResult <Order> > ConfirmPayment([FromBody] ConfirmPaymentPayload confirmPayment)
            var attributes = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "razorpay_order_id", confirmPayment.razorpay_order_id },
                { "razorpay_payment_id", confirmPayment.razorpay_payment_id },
                { "razorpay_signature", confirmPayment.razorpay_signature }

                // Razorpay.Api.Utils.ValidatePaymentSignature(attributes);

                var    cobinedValues = confirmPayment.cart_order_id + "|" + confirmPayment.razorpay_payment_id;
                string hashHMACHex   = cobinedValues.HmacSha256Digest(rzrKey);

                //if (hashHMACHex == confirmPayment.razorpay_signature)

                _razorpayClient = new Razorpay.Api.RazorpayClient(rzrKey, rzrSecret);

                /*Later this will be on PRod*/
                // utils.verifyPaymentSignature(attributes);
                // OR

                //var payload =confirmPayment.razorpay_order_id + '|' + confirmPayment.razorpay_payment_id;

                //Razorpay.Api.Utils.verifyWebhookSignature(payload, confirmPayment.razorpay_signature, rzrKey);

                var order        = _razorpayClient.Order.Fetch(confirmPayment.razorpay_order_id);
                var payment      = _razorpayClient.Payment.Fetch(confirmPayment.razorpay_payment_id);
                var currentOrder = _repository.FindSingle <Order>(x => x.OrderUNId == confirmPayment.cart_order_id, new string[] { "VesselCharge" });
                if (payment["status"] == "captured" && order["status"] == "paid")
                    if (currentOrder != null)
                        currentOrder.RzPaymentId       = confirmPayment.razorpay_payment_id;
                        currentOrder.RzSignature       = confirmPayment.razorpay_signature;
                        currentOrder.TransactionStatus = "Sucesss";
                    //   return Ok("Payment Successful");
                    if (currentOrder != null)
                        currentOrder.RzPaymentId       = null;
                        currentOrder.RzSignature       = null;
                        currentOrder.TransactionStatus = "Failed";
                    await _repository.UpdateAsync <Order>(currentOrder);

            catch (Exception ex)
                return(NotFound(new ApiResponse(500, ex.Message)));