    private void CalculateWheelRotationFromSpeed(RaycastWheel w, Vector3 wsPos)
        Quaternion wsWheelRot       = transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(0f, w.yRad * Mathf.Rad2Deg, 0f);
        Vector3    wsWheelForward   = wsWheelRot * Vector3.forward;
        Vector3    velocityQueryPos = w.isGrounded ? w.hit.point : wsPos;
        Vector3    pointVelocity    = rb.GetPointVelocity(velocityQueryPos);

        float longitudinalSpeed = Vector3.Dot(pointVelocity, wsWheelForward);

        float wheelLengthInMeters = 2 * Mathf.PI * w.radius;

        // revolutions per second
        float rps = longitudinalSpeed / wheelLengthInMeters;

        float deltaRot = Mathf.PI * 2f * rps * Time.deltaTime;

        w.visualRotationRad += deltaRot;
    void Initialize()
        // Cache Vehicle Input
        input = GetComponent <VehicleInput>();
        // Cache a reference to our car's transform
        carTransform = transform;
        // cache the rigidbody for our car
        carRigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        // cache the mass of our vehicle
        carMass = GetComponent <Rigidbody>().mass;
        // call to set up our wheels array
        // we set a COG here and lower the center of mass to a
        //negative value in Y axis to prevent car from flipping over
        carRigidbody.centerOfMass = new Vector3(0f, -1.0f, -0f);
        frontLeftRayCast          = frontLeftWheel.GetComponentInParent <RaycastWheel>();
        frontRightRayCast         = frontRightWheel.GetComponentInParent <RaycastWheel>();
        rearLeftRayCast           = rearLeftWheel.GetComponentInParent <RaycastWheel>();
        rearRightRayCast          = rearRightWheel.GetComponentInParent <RaycastWheel>();
        gravityDirection          = -transform.up;

        lastSafePos = carTransform.position;

        rc = FindObjectOfType <RaceManager>();

        if (GetComponent <VehicleInput>())
            //Sets ai spline to find/follow hotspotspline
            if (rc != null && rc.orderedSplines.Length != 0)
                _aiSplineScript  = rc.orderedSplines[activeSpline].GetComponent <SplinePlus>();
                _branchesAtStart = new Dictionary <int, Branch>(_aiSplineScript.SPData.DictBranches);
                InvokeRepeating("findNearest", 0, 2);
    private void ComputeWheelForce(Axle a, RaycastWheel w, Vector3 wsPos, Vector3 wsDown, float fixedDeltaTime)
        w.LocalWheelRotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, w.yRad * Mathf.Rad2Deg, 0f));
        Quaternion wsWheelRot = transform.rotation * w.LocalWheelRotation;

        Debug.DrawLine(wsPos, wsWheelRot * Vector3.right * 10f * Mathf.Sign(steeringInput) + wsPos, Color.yellow);


        Vector3 wsAxleLeft = wsWheelRot * Vector3.left;

        ray.direction = wsDown;

        ray.origin = wsPos + wsAxleLeft * a.wheelWidth;
        RaycastHit hit1 = new RaycastHit();
        bool       b1   = Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit1, w.MaxDistance);

        ray.origin = wsPos - wsAxleLeft * a.wheelWidth;
        RaycastHit hit2 = new RaycastHit();
        bool       b2   = Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit2, w.MaxDistance);

        bool b0 = Physics.Raycast(ray, out w.hit, w.MaxDistance);

        if (!b0 || !b1 || !b2)


        w.isGrounded = true;

        Vector3 suspensionForce = w.CalculateSuspensionForce(wsDown, w.hit.distance, w.hit.normal, fixedDeltaTime);

        rb.AddForceAtPosition(suspensionForce, w.hit.point);

        Debug.DrawRay(wsPos, w.hit.distance * wsDown, Color.magenta);

        Vector3 contact_up      = w.hit.normal;
        Vector3 contact_right   = (hit1.point - hit2.point).normalized;
        Vector3 contact_forward = Vector3.Cross(contact_up, contact_right);

        Vector3 wheelVelocity = rb.GetPointVelocity(w.hit.point);

        Vector3 rvel          = Vector3.Dot(wheelVelocity, contact_right) * contact_right;
        Vector3 fvel          = Vector3.Dot(wheelVelocity, contact_forward) * contact_forward;
        Vector3 slideVelocity = (rvel + fvel) * 0.5f;

        Vector3 slidingForce = (slideVelocity * rb.mass / fixedDeltaTime) / wheelsCount;

        Vector3 frictionForce = -slidingForce;

        Vector3 longitudinalForce = Vector3.Dot(frictionForce, contact_forward) * contact_forward;

        frictionForce -= longitudinalForce;

        rb.AddForceAtPosition(frictionForce, w.hit.point);

        float currentSpeed = _currentSpeedKmH;
        bool  brake        = false;

        if (currentSpeed < 0f && accelerationInput < 0f)
            brake = true;

        float forceMagnitude = Mathf.Sign(accelerationInput) * accelerationCurve.Evaluate(Mathf.Abs(accelerationInput)); //CalcAccelForceMagnitude();

        if (!brake && currentSpeed < capSpeed && Mathf.Abs(forceMagnitude) > 0.01f)
            Vector3 forcePoint  = w.hit.point;
            Vector3 engineForce = contact_forward * forceMagnitude / wheelsCount / fixedDeltaTime;

            rb.AddForceAtPosition(engineForce, forcePoint);

            if (isDebugMode)
                Debug.DrawRay(forcePoint, engineForce, Color.green);