    public SuperspectiveRaycast GetRaycastHits()
        Vector2 screenPos = PixelPositionOfReticle();

        Ray ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay(screenPos);

        return(RaycastUtils.Raycast(ray.origin, ray.direction, interactionDistance, layerMask));
    public SuperspectiveRaycast GetAnyDistanceRaycastHits()
        Vector2 reticlePos = Reticle.instance.thisTransformPos;
        Vector2 screenPos  = Vector2.Scale(
            new Vector2(SuperspectiveScreen.currentWidth, SuperspectiveScreen.currentHeight)

        Ray ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay(screenPos);

        return(RaycastUtils.Raycast(ray.origin, ray.direction, float.MaxValue, layerMask));
    public void Update(Vector2 dimensions, Direction facingDir)
        const float EPSILON = 0.1f;         //the extra amount to cast -> higher values make snapping more noticeable but provide more reliability and better adhesion to moving platforms.

        var position = transform.position.ToV2();

        float heightOffset = dimensions.y / 3;                                                     //gives our cast more room to detect the ground (guards cases where we overshoot cuz we are falling quickly)
        float castLength   = dimensions.x * Mathf.Tan(MAX_SLOPE_RADIANS) + heightOffset + EPSILON; //detect slopes of up to the maxDetectionAngle
        var   xOffset      = dimensions.x / 2f;

        var centerPoint = position;
        var leftPoint   = new Vector2(position.x - xOffset, position.y);
        var rightPoint  = new Vector2(position.x + xOffset, position.y);

        var centerRay = new Ray2D(position + Vector2.up * heightOffset, Vector2.down);
        var leftRay   = new Ray2D(leftPoint + Vector2.up * heightOffset, Vector2.down);
        var rightRay  = new Ray2D(rightPoint + Vector2.up * heightOffset, Vector2.down);

        CastInfo centerCast = RaycastUtils.Raycast(centerRay, castLength, GameUtils.Layers.GroundMask);
        CastInfo leftCast   = RaycastUtils.Raycast(leftRay, castLength, GameUtils.Layers.GroundMask);
        CastInfo rightCast  = RaycastUtils.Raycast(rightRay, castLength, GameUtils.Layers.GroundMask);

        CastInfo castInfo = centerCast.didHit ? centerCast : (leftCast.didHit ? leftCast : rightCast);

        SetGroundedInfo(castInfo, heightOffset + EPSILON, facingDir);


        if (followMovingObjects)
            ///Cover the case of moving platforms!
            if (IsGrounded && castInfo.didHit)
                position.y         = castInfo.hitInfo.point.y;
                transform.position = position.ToV3();
            ///TODO -> still need handling for horizontal movement of platforms; that is a bit more
            ///		involved though so ill leave it for now until some level design decisions are sorted

        ///bottom positions on collider
        DebugUtils.DrawSquare(centerPoint, 0.035f, Color.yellow);
        DebugUtils.DrawSquare(leftPoint, 0.035f, Color.yellow);
        DebugUtils.DrawSquare(rightPoint, 0.035f, Color.yellow);

        if (centerCast.didHit)
            DebugUtils.DrawSquare(centerCast.hitInfo.point, 0.05f, Color.blue);
        if (leftCast.didHit && rightCast.didHit)
            DebugUtils.DrawConnection(leftCast.hitInfo.point, rightCast.hitInfo.point, Color.blue, Color.blue, 0.05f);
        else if (leftCast.didHit)
            DebugUtils.DrawSquare(leftCast.hitInfo.point, 0.05f, Color.blue);
        else if (rightCast.didHit)
            DebugUtils.DrawSquare(rightCast.hitInfo.point, 0.05f, Color.blue);

        DebugUtils.DrawArrow(centerRay.origin, centerRay.GetPoint(castLength), Color.red, 0.1f);
        DebugUtils.DrawArrow(leftRay.origin, leftRay.GetPoint(castLength), Color.red, 0.1f);
        DebugUtils.DrawArrow(rightRay.origin, rightRay.GetPoint(castLength), Color.red, 0.1f);

        DebugUtils.DrawArrow(position, position + GroundSlope * xOffset * 1.5f, Color.green, 0.1f);

        if (castInfo.didHit)
            DebugUtils.DrawSquare(castInfo.hitInfo.point, 0.1f, Color.magenta);