// Clears any currently selected object and calls on exit if there is one.
 private void ClearCurrentObject()
     // Check if there's a current object.
     if (currentRaycastObject != null)
         // If so, call OnExit on that object and clear the variable.
         currentRaycastObject = null;
    // Performs the raycast and affects any raycasted objects.
    public void ProcessRaycast()
        // Set the origin of the raycast line renderer.
        raycastLine.SetPosition(0, transform.position);

        // Create a ray to raycast with.
        Ray raycastRay = new Ray(transform.position, transform.forward);

        // Variable to store the result of the raycast.
        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        // Show a debug line in the editor.
        Debug.DrawRay(raycastRay.origin, raycastRay.direction);

        // Do the raycast and store the result in hitInfo.
        if (Physics.Raycast(raycastRay, out hitInfo))
            // If we hit something, update the raycast to end at that object.
            raycastLine.SetPosition(1, hitInfo.point);

            // Store the hit object.
            GameObject hitObj = hitInfo.collider.gameObject;

            // Get the raycast interactable script from the object (if it has one).
            RaycastInteractableObject gazeObj = hitObj.GetComponent <RaycastInteractableObject>();

            // If it does have the interactable script, interact with the object.
            if (gazeObj != null)
                // Update the raycast hit color.

                // If we aren't looking at the same object as last frame, update the past/present objects.
                if (gazeObj != currentRaycastObject)
                    // Clear the previous object.

                    // Set the new object.
                    currentRaycastObject = gazeObj;

                    // Call OnEnter.

                // If we ARE looking at the same object, just call it's OnRaycast() function.
                    // Call the hold function.

            // If we aren't looking at a valid interactable object, clear the previous object.
                // Clear previous object.

        // If we aren't looking at any physics object, clear previous object and update line renderer.
            // Make line renderer stretch out to infinity (kinda).
            raycastLine.SetPosition(1, transform.forward * 1000.0f);

            // Clear any active object, if there is one.

        // Check for user input.