        private static void TestGeometricMedian()
            // square with centre at (1, 1)
            // List<Point> points = new List<Point>();
            //points.Add(new Point(0, 0));
            //points.Add(new Point(0, 2));
            //points.Add(new Point(2, 2));
            //points.Add(new Point(2, 0));

            // line with centre at 3, 3
            List <Point> points = new List <Point>();

            points.Add(new Point(1, 1));
            points.Add(new Point(2, 2));
            points.Add(new Point(3, 3));
            points.Add(new Point(4, 4));
            points.Add(new Point(5, 5));

            // Bunch of points.
            //List<Point> points = new Point[1000];
            //for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
            //    points.Add(new Point(i*2, i*3));

            RawToFixationConverter converter = new RawToFixationConverter(null);
            Point median = converter.GeometricMedian(points);

            Console.WriteLine("Median was: X:" + median.x + " Y:" + median.y);
        private static void TestConverter()
             * // line with centre at 3, 3
             * List<GazePoint> gazePoints = new List<GazePoint>();
             * gazePoints.Add(new GazePoint(1, 1, 1));
             * gazePoints.Add(new GazePoint(0.8f, 0.8f, 2));
             * gazePoints.Add(new GazePoint(0.9f, 0.9f, 3));
             * gazePoints.Add(new GazePoint(1.1f, 1.1f, 4));
             * gazePoints.Add(new GazePoint(10, 10, 5));
             * gazePoints.Add(new GazePoint(9.8f, 9.8f, 6));
             * gazePoints.Add(new GazePoint(9.9f, 9.9f, 7));
             * gazePoints.Add(new GazePoint(11, 11, 8));
             * gazePoints.Add(new GazePoint(30, 30, 9));
             * gazePoints.Add(new GazePoint(31f, 31f, 10));
             * gazePoints.Add(new GazePoint(29f, 29f, 11));
             * gazePoints.Add(new GazePoint(25f, 25f, 12));
             * gazePoints.Add(new GazePoint(50, 50, 13));
             * gazePoints.Add(new GazePoint(51f, 51f, 14));
             * gazePoints.Add(new GazePoint(49f, 49f, 15));
             * gazePoints.Add(new GazePoint(50.5f, 50.5f, 16));

            System.IO.FileStream stream     = new System.IO.FileStream("gazePoints.xml", System.IO.FileMode.Open);
            List <GazePoint>     gazePoints = serialiser.Deserialize(stream) as List <GazePoint>;

            RawToFixationConverter converter = new RawToFixationConverter(gazePoints);
            List <Fixation>        fixations = converter.CalculateFixations(4, 5, 25, 0);
        private void showTimeButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            double totalTime = 0;

            string outputMessage = "";

            // Foreach data file loaded we need to get the gazepoints and then convert them to fixations, then we can slice them.
            foreach (Data dataFile in dataFileList.Items)
                string filename = dataFile.fileName;

                System.IO.FileStream readFileStream = new System.IO.FileStream(filename, System.IO.FileMode.Open);
                this.gazePoints = this.serialiser.Deserialize(readFileStream) as List <GazePoint>;

                RawToFixationConverter converter = new RawToFixationConverter(gazePoints);
                List <Fixation>        fixations = converter.CalculateFixations((int)windowSize, (float)peakThreshold, (float)radius, 15000); // Clip 15 seconds of data on either side when generating the data.

                double fileTime = fixations[fixations.Count - 1].endTime - fixations[0].startTime;
                totalTime += fileTime;

                outputMessage += String.Format("{0} was {1} seconds long.\n", filename, fileTime / 1000);

            outputMessage += String.Format("Total time: {0} minutes.\n", (totalTime / 1000) / 60);
        // Need to return an array of List<Fixation>, and then calculate all features for each
        // element (slice) of the fixations.

        // We can either slice by: number of fixations or time period

         * private List<Slice> SliceFixations(List<Fixation> allFixations, int numberOfFixations) {
         *  // go through the array, keeping tracking of teh current count and adding each fixation to the current slide
         *  // when reach numberOfFixations, add current slice to array, then start a new slice
         *  List<Slice> slices = new List<Slice>();
         *  List<Fixation> currentSliceFixations = new List<Fixation>();
         *  RawToFixationConverter converter = new RawToFixationConverter();
         *  int count = 0;
         *  foreach(Fixation fixation in allFixations) {
         *      count++;
         *      currentSliceFixations.Add(fixation);
         *      if(count >= numberOfFixations) {
         *          Slice slice = new Slice();
         *          slice.fixations = currentSliceFixations;
         *          slice.saccades = converter.GenerateSaccades(currentSliceFixations);
         *          slices.Add(slice);
         *          currentSliceFixations = new List<Fixation>();
         *      }
         *  }
         *  return slices;
         * }

        // number of slices = total time for fixations in ms / (timePeriod / 2)
        private List <Slice> SliceFixations(List <Fixation> allFixations, double timePeriod, double step)
            List <Slice>           slices    = new List <Slice>();
            RawToFixationConverter converter = new RawToFixationConverter();

            double windowStep = step; // This is window step size.

            // increment some counter by halfTimePeriod until it is < length of all fixations - a single time period

            Fixation finalFixation = allFixations.Last();

            for (double start = 0; start < finalFixation.endTime - timePeriod; start += windowStep)
                double windowStart = start;
                double windowEnd   = start + timePeriod;

                // Get the fixations within this window
                List <Fixation> fixationsInWindow = GetFixationsInTimePeriod(windowStart, windowEnd, allFixations);

                // As long as there was at least 3 fixation in that window
                if (fixationsInWindow.Count > 3)
                    // Create a new slice with those fixations.
                    Slice slice = new Slice();
                    slice.fixations = fixationsInWindow;
                    slice.saccades  = converter.GenerateSaccades(fixationsInWindow);

        // Fixations
        private void DrawFixations()
            RawToFixationConverter converter = new RawToFixationConverter(gazePoints);

            List <Fixation> fixations = converter.CalculateFixations(currentWindowSize, (float)peakThreshold, (float)radius, 0); // don't clip any gazepoints when simply drawing
            List <Saccade>  saccades  = converter.GenerateSaccades(fixations);

            calculatedSaccades  = saccades;
            calculatedFixations = fixations;

            foreach (Fixation fixation in fixations)
                double lengthOfFixation = fixation.endTime - fixation.startTime;
                double seconds          = lengthOfFixation / 1000;

                System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush brush = VSLocationBrushes[fixation.location];
                DrawCircle(fixation.x, fixation.y, brush, fixationCircleSize, CircleType.FixationCircle);
                DrawLabel(seconds.ToString(), fixation.x + fixationCircleSize, fixation.y, brush);
        private void generateButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog();
            saveFileDialog.DefaultExt = ".csv";

            Nullable <bool> result = saveFileDialog.ShowDialog();

            // Get the selected file name and display in a TextBox
            if (result == true)
                // Want to generate instances for all of the selected slice times.

                foreach (int sliceTime in GetSliceLengths())
                    // Get the name the user gave the file.
                    string saveFileName = saveFileDialog.FileName;
                    bool   includeNames = true;

                    // Add the slice time to the end of the filename. (We generate as many files as the needed with <saveFileName>_sliceTime.csv as the filename)
                    string instancesFilename = saveFileName.Insert(saveFileName.Length - 4, String.Format("_instances_{0}s", sliceTime));

                     * string testFileName = saveFileName.Insert(saveFileName.Length - 4, String.Format("_test_{0}s", sliceTime));
                     * Console.WriteLine(sliceTime);
                     * Console.WriteLine(testFileName);

                    // Setup the file stream writers.
                    System.IO.FileStream trainFileStream = new System.IO.FileStream(instancesFilename, System.IO.FileMode.Append);
                    StreamWriter         trainFileWriter = new StreamWriter(trainFileStream);

                    // Setup the file stream writers.

                     * System.IO.FileStream testFileStream = new System.IO.FileStream(testFileName, System.IO.FileMode.Append);
                     * StreamWriter testfileWriter = new StreamWriter(testFileStream);

                    // Write the column names to the top
                    if (includeNames)
                        WriteColumnNames(trainFileWriter, extractors);
                        //WriteColumnNames(testfileWriter, extractors);

                    // We have the fileName to save the instances to, generate all the instances and then save them to the file at this location.

                    // Foreach data file loaded we need to get the gazepoints and then convert them to fixations, then we can slice them.
                    foreach (Data dataFile in dataFileList.Items)
                        string filename = dataFile.fileName;

                        System.IO.FileStream readFileStream = new System.IO.FileStream(filename, System.IO.FileMode.Open);
                        this.gazePoints = this.serialiser.Deserialize(readFileStream) as List <GazePoint>;

                        RawToFixationConverter converter = new RawToFixationConverter(gazePoints);
                        List <Fixation>        fixations = converter.CalculateFixations((int)windowSize, (float)peakThreshold, (float)radius, 15000); // Clip 15 seconds of data on either side when generating the data.

                        //int seed = 0;
                        //double testPercentage = 0.3;

                        List <Slice> slices = SliceFixations(fixations, sliceTime * 1000, 1000); // convert sliceTime to milliseconds, set a window step size of 1000, therefore minimum window size is 1000.
                        //Tuple<List<Slice>, List<Slice>> trainTest = SplitSlicesIntoTrainAndTest(slices, seed, testPercentage);

                        //List<Slice> trainSlices = trainTest.Item1;
                        //List<Slice> testSlices = trainTest.Item2;

                        WriteInstacesForSlicesToFile(slices, sliceTime, trainFileWriter, dataFile.className);
                        //WriteInstacesForSlicesToFile(testSlices, sliceTime, testfileWriter, dataFile.className);
