        /* Check if the decoder can decode the image from this camera */
        /* A RawDecoderException will be thrown if the camera isn't supported */
        /* Unknown cameras does NOT generate any specific feedback */
        /* This function must be overridden by actual decoders */
        void decodeUncompressed(ref TiffIFD rawIFD, BitOrder order)
            UInt32 nslices = rawIFD.getEntry(STRIPOFFSETS).count;
            TiffEntry* offsets = rawIFD.getEntry(STRIPOFFSETS);
            TiffEntry* counts = rawIFD.getEntry(STRIPBYTECOUNTS);
            UInt32 yPerSlice = rawIFD.getEntry(ROWSPERSTRIP).getInt();
            UInt32 width = rawIFD.getEntry(IMAGEWIDTH).getInt();
            UInt32 height = rawIFD.getEntry(IMAGELENGTH).getInt();
            UInt32 bitPerPixel = rawIFD.getEntry(BITSPERSAMPLE).getInt();

            vector<RawSlice> slices;
            UInt32 offY = 0;

            for (UInt32 s = 0; s < nslices; s++)
                RawSlice slice;
                slice.offset = offsets.getInt(s);
                slice.count = counts.getInt(s);
                if (offY + yPerSlice > height)
                    slice.h = height - offY;
                    slice.h = yPerSlice;

                offY += yPerSlice;

                if (mFile.isValid(slice.offset, slice.count)) // Only decode if size is valid

            if (0 == slices.size())
                ThrowRDE("RAW Decoder: No valid slices found. File probably truncated.");

            mRaw.dim = iPoint2D(width, offY);
            mRaw.whitePoint = (1 << bitPerPixel) - 1;

            offY = 0;
            for (UInt32 i = 0; i < slices.size(); i++)
                RawSlice slice = slices[i];
                ByteStream in(mFile, slice.offset, slice.count);
                iPoint2D size(width, slice.h);
                iPoint2D pos(0, offY);
            bitPerPixel = (int)((UInt64)((UInt64)slice.count * 8u) / (slice.h * width));
                readUncompressedRaw(in, size, pos, width * bitPerPixel / 8, bitPerPixel, order);
            catch (RawDecoderException &e) {
                if (i > 0)
            } catch (IOException &e) {
        protected void DecodeUncompressed(IFD rawIFD, BitOrder order)
            uint nslices = rawIFD.GetEntry(TagType.STRIPOFFSETS).dataCount;
            Tag  offsets = rawIFD.GetEntry(TagType.STRIPOFFSETS);
            Tag  counts  = rawIFD.GetEntry(TagType.STRIPBYTECOUNTS);

            if (counts.dataCount != offsets.dataCount)
                throw new RawDecoderException("Byte count number does not match strip size: count:" + counts.dataCount + ", strips:" + offsets.dataCount);

            uint   yPerSlice   = rawIFD.GetEntry(TagType.ROWSPERSTRIP).GetUInt(0);
            uint   width       = rawIFD.GetEntry(TagType.IMAGEWIDTH).GetUInt(0);
            uint   height      = rawIFD.GetEntry(TagType.IMAGELENGTH).GetUInt(0);
            ushort bitPerPixel = rawIFD.GetEntry(TagType.BITSPERSAMPLE).GetUShort(0);

            rawImage.fullSize.ColorDepth = bitPerPixel;
            uint            offY   = 0;
            List <RawSlice> slices = new List <RawSlice>();

            for (int s = 0; s < nslices; s++)
                RawSlice slice = new RawSlice()
                    offset  = offsets.GetUInt(s),
                    count   = counts.GetUInt(s),
                    offsetY = offY
                if (offY + yPerSlice > height)
                    slice.h = height - offY;
                    slice.h = yPerSlice;

                offY += yPerSlice;

                if (reader.IsValid(slice.offset, slice.count)) // Only decode if size is valid

            if (0 == slices.Count)
                throw new RawDecoderException("RAW Decoder: No valid slices found. File probably truncated.");

            rawImage.fullSize.dim = new Point2D(width, offY);
            rawImage.whitePoint   = (ushort)((1 << bitPerPixel) - 1);

            offY = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < slices.Count; i++)
                RawSlice slice = slices[i];
                reader.BaseStream.Position = slice.offset;
                bitPerPixel = (ushort)(slice.count * 8u / (slice.h * width));
                RawDecompressor.ReadUncompressedRaw(reader, new Point2D(width, slice.h), new Point2D(0, slice.offsetY), rawImage.fullSize.cpp * width * bitPerPixel / 8, bitPerPixel, order, rawImage);
                offY += slice.h;