        /// <summary>
        /// Open a Raster Dataset given a folder and a dataset name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="folder">Full path to the folder containing the raster dataset.</param>
        /// <param name="name">Name of the raster dataset to open.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static RasterDataset OpenRasterDataset(string folder, string name)
            // Create a new raster dataset which is set to null
            RasterDataset rasterDatasetToOpen = null;

                // Create a new file system connection path to open raster datasets using the folder path.
                FileSystemConnectionPath connectionPath = new FileSystemConnectionPath(new System.Uri(folder), FileSystemDatastoreType.Raster);
                // Create a new file system data store for the connection path created above.
                FileSystemDatastore dataStore = new FileSystemDatastore(connectionPath);
                // Open the raster dataset.
                rasterDatasetToOpen = dataStore.OpenDataset <RasterDataset>(name);
                // Check if it is not null. If it is show a message box with the appropriate message.
                if (rasterDatasetToOpen == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to open raster dataset: " + name);
            catch (Exception exc)
                // If an exception occurs, show a message box with the appropriate message.
                MessageBox.Show("Exception caught in OpenRasterDataset for raster: " + name + exc.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Write results to a rester.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="raster">DEM raster</param>
        /// <param name="outputDataStore">Output datastore</param>
        /// <param name="result">Elevation map with resuluts</param>
        private void WriteToRaster(Raster raster, FileSystemDatastore outputDataStore, GeoMap result)
            RasterDataset resultRasterDataset = raster.SaveAs(tmpRasterName, outputDataStore, rasterFormat);

            GarbageHelper.Instance.AddGarbage(Path.Combine(outputFolder, tmpRasterName));
            Raster resultRaster = resultRasterDataset.CreateRaster(new int[1] {


            if (!resultRaster.CanEdit())
                MessageBox.Show("Cannot write to raster", "Error", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.OK, System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Error);
            PixelBlock pixelBlock = resultRaster.CreatePixelBlock(resultRaster.GetWidth(), resultRaster.GetHeight());

            resultRaster.Read(0, 0, pixelBlock);
            Array pixel = new double[resultRaster.GetWidth(), resultRaster.GetHeight()];

            pixelBlock.SetPixelData(0, result.Transpose());

            resultRaster.Write(0, 0, pixelBlock);
            resultRaster.SaveAs(SettingsManager.Instance.CurrentSettings.OutputFilename, outputDataStore, rasterFormat);
        public static async Task DisplayRasterWithSymbolAsync(Uri rasterUri, string displayName, string styleCategory, string styleName,
                                                              string fieldName, int transparency, bool isVisible)
            // parse the uri for the folder and file
            string strFileName   = null;
            string strFolderPath = null;

            if (rasterUri.IsFile)
                strFileName   = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(rasterUri.LocalPath);
                strFolderPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(rasterUri.LocalPath);
            // Open the requested raster so we know it exists; return if it doesn't
            await QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                RasterDataset rDataset = null;
                // Opens a file geodatabase. This will open the geodatabase if the folder exists and contains a valid geodatabase.
                using (Geodatabase geodatabase =
                           new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(strFolderPath))))
                    // Use the geodatabase.
                        rDataset = geodatabase.OpenDataset <RasterDataset>(strFileName);
                    catch (GeodatabaseTableException e)
                        Debug.WriteLine("DisplayRasterWithSymbolAsync: Unable to open raster " + strFileName);
                        Debug.WriteLine("DisplayRasterWithSymbolAsync: " + e.Message);
                RasterLayer rasterLayer = null;
                // Create the raster layer on the active map
                await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                    rasterLayer = (RasterLayer)LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(rasterUri, MapView.Active.Map);

                // Set raster layer transparency and name
                if (rasterLayer != null)
                    // Create and deploy the unique values renderer
                    await MapTools.SetToUniqueValueColorizer(displayName, styleCategory, styleName, fieldName);
        public static async Task <double> GetCellSizeAsync(Uri gdbUri, string rasterName)
            double cellSize = 0.0F;
            await QueuedTask.Run(() => {
                using (Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(gdbUri)))
                    using (RasterDataset rasterDataset = geodatabase.OpenDataset <RasterDataset>(rasterName))
                        RasterBandDefinition bandDefinition = rasterDataset.GetBand(0).GetDefinition();
                        Tuple <double, double> tupleSize    = bandDefinition.GetMeanCellSize();
                        cellSize = (tupleSize.Item1 + tupleSize.Item2) / 2;

        public static Task <Envelope> GetRasterExtent(string path)
            Task <Envelope> task = QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                string directory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
                string fileName  = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(path);
                FileSystemConnectionPath connectionPath = new FileSystemConnectionPath(new System.Uri(directory), FileSystemDatastoreType.Raster);
                FileSystemDatastore dataStore           = new FileSystemDatastore(connectionPath);
                RasterDataset fileRasterDataset         = dataStore.OpenDataset <RasterDataset>(fileName);
                Raster raster = fileRasterDataset.CreateFullRaster();
                Envelope env  = raster.GetExtent();

        private Raster OpenRasterFromDataset(string path, string rasterDatasetFileName)
            Raster raster;
            FileSystemConnectionPath connectionPath =
                new FileSystemConnectionPath(new Uri(path), FileSystemDatastoreType.Raster);

            using (FileSystemDatastore datastore = new FileSystemDatastore(connectionPath))
                using (RasterDataset rasterDataset = datastore.OpenDataset <RasterDataset>(rasterDatasetFileName))
                    // Create a full raster from the raster dataset.
                    raster = rasterDataset.CreateFullRaster();

        public static async Task DisplayRasterAsync(Uri rasterUri, string displayName, int transparency)
            // parse the uri for the folder and file
            string strFileName   = null;
            string strFolderPath = null;

            if (rasterUri.IsFile)
                strFileName   = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(rasterUri.LocalPath);
                strFolderPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(rasterUri.LocalPath);
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                RasterDataset rDataset = null;
                // Opens a file geodatabase. This will open the geodatabase if the folder exists and contains a valid geodatabase.
                using (Geodatabase geodatabase =
                           new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(strFolderPath))))
                    // Use the geodatabase.
                        rDataset = geodatabase.OpenDataset <RasterDataset>(strFileName);
                    catch (GeodatabaseTableException e)
                        Debug.WriteLine("DisplayRasterAsync: Unable to open raster " + strFileName);
                        Debug.WriteLine("DisplayRasterAsync: " + e.Message);
                // Create a new colorizer definition using default constructor.
                StretchColorizerDefinition stretchColorizerDef = new StretchColorizerDefinition();
                RasterLayer rasterLayer = (RasterLayer)LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(rasterUri, MapView.Active.Map);
                if (rasterLayer != null)
        public static async Task <IList <BA_Objects.Interval> > ReadReclassRasterAttribute(Uri gdbUri, string rasterName)
            IList <BA_Objects.Interval> lstInterval = new List <BA_Objects.Interval>();
            await QueuedTask.Run(() => {
                using (Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(gdbUri)))
                    using (RasterDataset rasterDataset = geodatabase.OpenDataset <RasterDataset>(rasterName))
                        RasterBandDefinition bandDefinition = rasterDataset.GetBand(0).GetDefinition();
                        Tuple <double, double> tupleSize    = bandDefinition.GetMeanCellSize();
                        if (Math.Round(tupleSize.Item1, 5) != Math.Round(tupleSize.Item2, 5))
                            ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("The X and Y cell size values are not the same for " + gdbUri.LocalPath + "\\" +
                                                                             rasterName + ". This may cause problems with some BAGIS functions!!", "BAGIS-PRO");
                        double cellSize = (tupleSize.Item1 + tupleSize.Item2) / 2;

                        Raster raster = rasterDataset.CreateDefaultRaster();
                        using (Table rasterTable = raster.GetAttributeTable())
                            TableDefinition definition = rasterTable.GetDefinition();
                            int idxName       = definition.FindField(Constants.FIELD_NAME);
                            int idxLowerBound = definition.FindField(Constants.FIELD_LBOUND);
                            int idxUpperBound = definition.FindField(Constants.FIELD_UBOUND);
                            int idxCount      = definition.FindField(Constants.FIELD_COUNT);
                            using (RowCursor cursor = rasterTable.Search())
                                while (cursor.MoveNext())
                                    BA_Objects.Interval interval = new BA_Objects.Interval();
                                    Row row        = cursor.Current;
                                    interval.Value = row[Constants.FIELD_VALUE];
                                    if (idxName > 0)
                                        interval.Name = Convert.ToString(row[idxName]);
                                        interval.Name = Constants.VALUE_UNKNOWN;
                                    if (idxUpperBound > 0)
                                        interval.UpperBound = Convert.ToDouble(row[idxUpperBound]);
                                    if (idxLowerBound > 0)
                                        interval.LowerBound = Convert.ToDouble(row[idxLowerBound]);
                                    if (idxCount > 0)
                                        interval.Area = cellSize *Convert.ToInt32(row[idxCount]);

        public static async Task <TableStatisticsResult> GetRasterStats(Uri rasterUri, string field)
            // parse the uri for the folder and file
            string strFileName   = null;
            string strFolderPath = null;

            if (rasterUri.IsFile)
                strFileName   = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(rasterUri.LocalPath);
                strFolderPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(rasterUri.LocalPath);

            RasterDataset rDataset = null;
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                // Opens a file geodatabase. This will open the geodatabase if the folder exists and contains a valid geodatabase.
                using (Geodatabase geodatabase =
                           new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(strFolderPath))))
                    // Use the geodatabase.
                        rDataset = geodatabase.OpenDataset <RasterDataset>(strFileName);
                    catch (GeodatabaseTableException e)
                                                                  "Unable to open raster " + strFileName);
                                                                  "Exception: " + e.Message);

            TableStatisticsResult tableStatisticsResult = null;

            if (rDataset != null)
                await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                    Raster raster = rDataset.CreateRaster(new int[] { 0 });
                    if (raster != null)
                        var table = raster.GetAttributeTable();
                        if (table != null)
                            Field statField = table.GetDefinition().GetFields().First(x => x.Name.Equals(field));

                            StatisticsDescription statisticsDescription = new StatisticsDescription(statField, new List <StatisticsFunction>()
                                StatisticsFunction.Min, StatisticsFunction.Max
                            TableStatisticsDescription tableStatisticsDescription = new TableStatisticsDescription(new List <StatisticsDescription>()
                            IReadOnlyList <TableStatisticsResult> statResult = table.CalculateStatistics(tableStatisticsDescription);
                            tableStatisticsResult = statResult[0];
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to identify rendered and source dataset pixel values for one or more
        /// raster, mosaic and image service layers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapPoint">Map point to identify pixel values.</param>
        public static async void CustomRasterIdentify(MapPoint mapPoint)
            // Create a new list of popup pages.
            var popupContents = new List <PopupContent>();
            // Create an empty string that will represent what goes into a popup page.
            string identifiedVal = "";
            // Create the popup pages to show.
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                // Check if there is an active map view.
                if (MapView.Active != null)
                    // Get the active map view.
                    var mapView = MapView.Active;
                    // Get the list of selected layers.
                    IReadOnlyList <Layer> selectedLayerList = MapView.Active.GetSelectedLayers();
                    if (selectedLayerList.Count == 0)
                        // If no layers are selected fill the popup page with the appropriate message.
                        // Note: you can use html tags to format the text.
                        identifiedVal += "<p>No Layers selected. Please select one or more Raster, Mosaic or Image Service layers.</p>";
                        // Add the popup page to the list of pages.
                        popupContents.Add(new PopupContent(identifiedVal, "Custom Raster Identify"));
                        // Iterate over the list of selected layers.
                        foreach (Layer currentSelectedLayer in selectedLayerList)
                            #region Get a basic raster layer from the selected layer.
                            BasicRasterLayer currentRasterLayer = null;
                            if (currentSelectedLayer is MosaicLayer)
                                // If the current selected layer is a mosaic layer,
                                MosaicLayer mosaicLayer = currentSelectedLayer as MosaicLayer;
                                // Get the image sub-layer from the mosaic layer. This is a basic raster layer.
                                currentRasterLayer = mosaicLayer.GetImageLayer() as BasicRasterLayer;
                            else if (currentSelectedLayer is BasicRasterLayer)
                                // If the current selected layer is a raster layer or image service layer,
                                // both are already basic raster layers.
                                currentRasterLayer = currentSelectedLayer as BasicRasterLayer;
                                // If the current selected layer is neither a mosaic nor a raster or image service layer,
                                // fill the popup page with the appropriate message.
                                identifiedVal += "<p>Selected layer is not a raster layer. Please select one or more Raster, Mosaic or Image Service layers.</p>";
                                // Add the popup page to the list of pages.
                                popupContents.Add(new PopupContent(identifiedVal, "Custom Raster Identify for: " + currentSelectedLayer.Name));

                            #region Get the pixel value for the rendered raster.
                            // Add the label for the rendered pixel value.
                            identifiedVal += "<b>Rendered Pixel value: </b>";
                            // Get the raster from the current selected raster layer.
                            Raster raster = currentRasterLayer.GetRaster();
                            // If the map spatial reference is different from the spatial reference of the raster,
                            // set the map spatial reference on the raster. This will ensure the map points are
                            // correctly reprojected to image points.
                            if (mapView.Map.SpatialReference.Name != raster.GetSpatialReference().Name)

                            // Convert the map point to be identified into an image point.
                            Tuple <int, int> imagePoint = raster.MapToPixel(mapPoint.X, mapPoint.Y);
                            if ((int)imagePoint.Item1 < 0 || (int)imagePoint.Item1 > raster.GetWidth() ||
                                (int)imagePoint.Item2 < 0 || (int)imagePoint.Item2 > raster.GetHeight())
                                // If the point is outside the image, fill the pixel value with the appropriate message.
                                identifiedVal += "Point is not within image. \n";
                                // If the point is within the image. Iterate over the bands in the raster.
                                for (int band = 0; band < raster.GetBandCount(); band++)
                                    // Get the pixel value based on the band, column and row and add the
                                    // formatted pixel value to the popup page.
                                    if (band == 0)
                                        identifiedVal += raster.GetPixelValue(band, (int)imagePoint.Item1, (int)imagePoint.Item2).ToString();
                                        identifiedVal += ", " + raster.GetPixelValue(band, (int)imagePoint.Item1, (int)imagePoint.Item2).ToString();
                                identifiedVal += ".";
                            // Add the rendered pixel value to the popup page contents.
                            string htmlContent = "<p>" + identifiedVal + "</p>";

                            #region Get the pixel value for the source raster dataset.
                            // Add the label for the source dataset pixel value.
                            identifiedVal = "<b>Dataset Pixel value: </b>";
                            // Get the basic raster dataset from the raster.
                            BasicRasterDataset basicRasterDataset = raster.GetRasterDataset();
                            if (!(basicRasterDataset is RasterDataset))
                                // If the dataset is not a raster dataset, fill the pixel value with the appropriate message.
                                identifiedVal += "Selected layer is not a Raster Layer. Please select one or more Raster, Mosaic or Image Service layers.";
                                htmlContent   += "<p>" + identifiedVal + "</p>";
                                popupContents.Add(new PopupContent(htmlContent, "Custom Raster Identify for " + currentSelectedLayer.Name));
                            // Get the raster dataset.
                            RasterDataset rasterDataset = basicRasterDataset as RasterDataset;
                            // Create a full raster from the raster dataset.
                            raster = rasterDataset.CreateFullRaster();
                            // If the map spatial reference is different from the spatial reference of the raster,
                            // Set the map spatial reference on the raster. This will ensure the map points are
                            // correctly reprojected to image points.
                            if (mapView.Map.SpatialReference.Name != raster.GetSpatialReference().Name)

                            // Convert the map point to be identified to an image point.
                            imagePoint = raster.MapToPixel(mapPoint.X, mapPoint.Y);
                            if ((int)imagePoint.Item1 < 0 || (int)imagePoint.Item1 > raster.GetWidth() ||
                                (int)imagePoint.Item2 < 0 || (int)imagePoint.Item2 > raster.GetHeight())
                                // If the point is outside the image, fill the pixel value with the appropriate message.
                                identifiedVal += "Point is not within image. \n";
                                // If the point is within the image. Iterate over the bands in the raster.
                                for (int band = 0; band < raster.GetBandCount(); band++)
                                    // Get the pixel value based on the band, column and row and add the
                                    // formatted pixel value to the popup page.
                                    if (band == 0)
                                        identifiedVal += raster.GetPixelValue(band, (int)imagePoint.Item1, (int)imagePoint.Item2).ToString();
                                        identifiedVal += ", " + raster.GetPixelValue(band, (int)imagePoint.Item1, (int)imagePoint.Item2).ToString();
                                identifiedVal += ".";
                            // Add the source dataset pixel value to the popup page contents.
                            htmlContent += "<p>" + identifiedVal + "</p>";

                            // Add the popup page to the list of pages.
                            popupContents.Add(new PopupContent(htmlContent, "Custom Raster Identify for " + currentSelectedLayer.Name));
                            // Reset
                            identifiedVal = "";

            // Show custom popup with the list of popup pages created above.
        /// <summary>
        /// Mask raster pixels based on the rectangle given and save the output in the
        /// current project folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geometry">Rectangle to use to mask raster pixels.</param>
        public static async void MaskRaster(Geometry geometry)
                // Check if there is an active map view.
                if (MapView.Active != null)
                    // Get the active map view.
                    var mapView = MapView.Active;
                    // Get the list of selected layers.
                    IReadOnlyList <Layer> selectedLayerList = mapView.GetSelectedLayers();
                    if (selectedLayerList.Count == 0)
                        // If no layers are selected show a message box with the appropriate message.
                        MessageBox.Show("No Layers selected. Please select one Raster layer.");
                        // Get the most recently selected layer.
                        Layer firstSelectedLayer = mapView.GetSelectedLayers().First();
                        if (firstSelectedLayer is RasterLayer)
                            // Working with rasters requires the MCT.
                            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                                #region Get the raster dataset from the currently selected layer
                                // Get the raster layer from the selected layer.
                                RasterLayer currentRasterLayer = firstSelectedLayer as RasterLayer;
                                // Get the raster from the current selected raster layer.
                                Raster inputRaster = currentRasterLayer.GetRaster();
                                // Get the basic raster dataset from the raster.
                                BasicRasterDataset basicRasterDataset = inputRaster.GetRasterDataset();
                                if (!(basicRasterDataset is RasterDataset))
                                    // If the dataset is not a raster dataset, show a message box with the appropriate message.
                                    MessageBox.Show("No Raster Layers selected. Please select one Raster layer.");
                                // Get the input raster dataset from the basic raster dataset.
                                RasterDataset rasterDataset = basicRasterDataset as RasterDataset;

                                #region Save a copy of the raster dataset in the project folder and open it
                                // Create a full raster from the input raster dataset.
                                inputRaster = rasterDataset.CreateFullRaster();
                                // Setup the paths and name of the output file and folder inside the project folder.
                                string ouputFolderName = "MaskedOuput";
                                string outputFolder    = Path.Combine(Project.Current.HomeFolderPath, ouputFolderName);;
                                string outputName      = "MaskedRaster.tif";
                                // Delete the output directory if it exists and create it.
                                // Note: You will need write access to the project directory for this sample to work.
                                if (Directory.Exists(outputFolder))
                                    Directory.Delete(outputFolder, true);

                                // Create a new file system connection path to open raster datasets using the output folder path.
                                FileSystemConnectionPath outputConnectionPath = new FileSystemConnectionPath(
                                    new System.Uri(outputFolder), FileSystemDatastoreType.Raster);
                                // Create a new file system data store for the connection path created above.
                                FileSystemDatastore outputFileSytemDataStore = new FileSystemDatastore(outputConnectionPath);
                                // Create a new raster storage definition.
                                RasterStorageDef rasterStorageDef = new RasterStorageDef();
                                // Set the pyramid level to 0 meaning no pyramids will be calculated. This is required
                                // because we are going to change the pixels after we save the raster dataset and if the
                                // pyramids are calculated prior to that, the pyramids will be incorrect and will have to
                                // be recalculated.
                                // Save a copy of the raster using the file system data store and the raster storage definition.
                                inputRaster.SaveAs(outputName, outputFileSytemDataStore, "TIFF", rasterStorageDef);

                                // Open the raster dataset you just saved.
                                rasterDataset = OpenRasterDataset(outputFolder, outputName);
                                // Create a full raster from it so we can modify pixels.
                                Raster outputRaster = rasterDataset.CreateFullRaster();

                                #region Get the Min/Max Row/Column to mask
                                // If the map spatial reference is different from the spatial reference of the input raster,
                                // set the map spatial reference on the input raster. This will ensure the map points are
                                // correctly reprojected to image points.
                                if (mapView.Map.SpatialReference.Name != inputRaster.GetSpatialReference().Name)

                                // Use the MapToPixel method of the input raster to get the row and column values for the
                                // points of the rectangle.
                                Tuple <int, int> tlcTuple = inputRaster.MapToPixel(geometry.Extent.XMin, geometry.Extent.YMin);
                                Tuple <int, int> lrcTuple = inputRaster.MapToPixel(geometry.Extent.XMax, geometry.Extent.YMax);

                                int minCol = (int)tlcTuple.Item1;
                                int minRow = (int)tlcTuple.Item2;
                                int maxCol = (int)lrcTuple.Item1;
                                int maxRow = (int)lrcTuple.Item2;

                                // Ensure the min's are less than the max's.
                                if (maxCol < minCol)
                                    int temp = maxCol;
                                    maxCol   = minCol;
                                    minCol   = temp;

                                if (maxRow < minRow)
                                    int temp = maxRow;
                                    maxRow   = minRow;
                                    minRow   = temp;
                                // Ensure the mins and maxs are within the raster.
                                minCol = (minCol < 0) ? 0 : minCol;
                                minRow = (minRow < 0) ? 0 : minRow;
                                maxCol = (maxCol > outputRaster.GetWidth()) ? outputRaster.GetWidth() : maxCol;
                                maxRow = (maxRow > outputRaster.GetHeight()) ? outputRaster.GetHeight() : maxRow;

                                #region Mask pixels based on the rectangle drawn by the user
                                // Calculate the width and height of the pixel block to create.
                                int pbWidth  = maxCol - minCol;
                                int pbHeight = maxRow - minRow;
                                // Check to see if the output raster can be edited.
                                if (!outputRaster.CanEdit())
                                    // If not, show a message box with the appropriate message.
                                    MessageBox.Show("Cannot edit raster :(");
                                // Create a new pixel block from the output raster of the height and width calculated above.
                                PixelBlock currentPixelBlock = outputRaster.CreatePixelBlock(pbWidth, pbHeight);
                                // Iterate over the bands of the output raster.
                                for (int plane = 0; plane < currentPixelBlock.GetPlaneCount(); plane++)
                                    // For each band, clear the pixel block.
                                    //Array noDataMask = currentPixelBlock.GetNoDataMask(plane, true);
                                    //for (int i = 0; i < noDataMask.GetLength(0); i++)
                                    //    noDataMask.SetValue(Convert.ToByte(0), i);
                                    //currentPixelBlock.SetNoDataMask(plane, noDataMask);
                                // Write the cleared pixel block to the output raster dataset.
                                outputRaster.Write(minCol, minRow, currentPixelBlock);
                                // Refresh the properties of the output raster dataset.

                                // Create a new layer from the masked raster dataset and add it to the map.
                                LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(new Uri(Path.Combine(outputFolder, outputName)),
                                // Disable the layer representing the original raster dataset.
                            // If the selected layer is not a raster layer show a message box with the appropriate message.
                            MessageBox.Show("No Raster layers selected. Please select one Raster layer.");
            catch (Exception exc)
                MessageBox.Show("Exception caught in MaskRaster: " + exc.Message);
        public async void RasterDatasetSnippets()
                #region Open raster dataset in a folder.
                // Create a FileSystemConnectionPath using the folder path.
                FileSystemConnectionPath connectionPath = new FileSystemConnectionPath(new System.Uri(@"C:\Temp"), FileSystemDatastoreType.Raster);
                // Create a new FileSystemDatastore using the FileSystemConnectionPath.
                FileSystemDatastore dataStore = new FileSystemDatastore(connectionPath);
                // Open the raster dataset.
                RasterDataset fileRasterDataset = dataStore.OpenDataset <RasterDataset>("Sample.tif");

                #region Open raster dataset in a geodatabase.
                // Create a FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath using the path to the gdb. Note: This can be a path to a .sde file.
                FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath geodatabaseConnectionPath = new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(@"C:\Temp\rasters.gdb"));
                // Create a new Geodatabase object using the FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath.
                Geodatabase geodatabase = new Geodatabase(geodatabaseConnectionPath);
                // Open the raster dataset.
                RasterDataset gdbRasterDataset = geodatabase.OpenDataset <RasterDataset>("sample");

                RasterDataset rasterDataset = fileRasterDataset;
                #region Get the raster dataset definition from a raster dataset.
                await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                    RasterDatasetDefinition rasterDatasetDefinition = rasterDataset.GetDefinition();


                    #region Access rows in a raster attribute table.
                    var raster = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType <RasterLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
                    if (raster != null)
                        await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                            var rasterTbl = raster.GetRaster().GetAttributeTable();
                            var cursor    = rasterTbl.Search();
                            while (cursor.MoveNext())
                                var row = cursor.Current;

                    #region Create a raster cursor to iterate through the raster data.
                    await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                        // Create a full raster from the raster dataset.
                        ArcGIS.Core.Data.Raster.Raster raster = rasterDataset.CreateFullRaster();

                        // Calculate size of pixel blocks to process. Use 1000 or height/width of the raster, whichever is smaller.
                        int pixelBlockHeight = raster.GetHeight() > 1000 ? 1000 : raster.GetHeight();
                        int pixelBlockWidth  = raster.GetWidth() > 1000 ? 1000 : raster.GetWidth();

                        // Create the raster cursor using the height and width calculated.
                        RasterCursor rasterCursor = raster.CreateCursor(pixelBlockWidth, pixelBlockHeight);

                        // Use a do-while loop to iterate through the pixel blocks of the raster using the raster cursor.
                            // Get the current pixel block from the cursor.
                            using (PixelBlock currentPixelBlock = rasterCursor.Current)
                                // Do something with the pixel block...

                            // Once you are done, move to the next pixel block.
                        }         while (rasterCursor.MoveNext());


                    #region Read and Write pixels from and to a raster dataset using pixel blocks.
                    await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                        // Create a full raster from the raster dataset.
                        ArcGIS.Core.Data.Raster.Raster raster = rasterDataset.CreateFullRaster();

                        // Calculate size of pixel block to create. Use 128 or height/width of the raster, whichever is smaller.
                        int pixelBlockHeight = raster.GetHeight() > 128 ? 128 : raster.GetHeight();
                        int pixelBlockWidth  = raster.GetWidth() > 128 ? 128 : raster.GetWidth();

                        // Create a new (blank) pixel block.
                        PixelBlock currentPixelBlock = raster.CreatePixelBlock(pixelBlockWidth, pixelBlockHeight);

                        // Read pixel values from the raster dataset into the pixel block starting from the given top left corner.
                        raster.Read(0, 0, currentPixelBlock);

                        // Do something with the pixel block...

                        // Write the pixel block to the raster dataset starting from the given top left corner.
                        raster.Write(0, 0, currentPixelBlock);


                    // Create a full raster from the raster dataset.
                    ArcGIS.Core.Data.Raster.Raster raster = rasterDataset.CreateFullRaster();

                    // Calculate size of pixel block to create. Use 128 or height/width of the raster, whichever is smaller.
                    int pixelBlockHeight = raster.GetHeight() > 128 ? 128 : raster.GetHeight();
                    int pixelBlockWidth  = raster.GetWidth() > 128 ? 128 : raster.GetWidth();

                    // Create a new (blank) pixel block.
                    PixelBlock currentPixelBlock = raster.CreatePixelBlock(pixelBlockWidth, pixelBlockHeight);

                    #region Process pixels using a pixel block
                    await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                        // Read pixel values from the raster dataset into the pixel block starting from the given top left corner.
                        raster.Read(0, 0, currentPixelBlock);

                        // For each plane (band) in the pixel block
                        for (int plane = 0; plane < currentPixelBlock.GetPlaneCount(); plane++)
                            // Get a copy of the array of pixels from the pixel block corresponding to the current plane.
                            Array sourcePixels = currentPixelBlock.GetPixelData(plane, true);
                            // Get the height and width of the pixel block.
                            int pBHeight = currentPixelBlock.GetHeight();
                            int pBWidth  = currentPixelBlock.GetWidth();

                            // Iterate through the pixels in the array.
                            for (int i = 0; i < pBHeight; i++)
                                for (int j = 0; j < pBWidth; j++)
                                    // Get the NoData mask value to see if the pixel is a valid pixel.
                                    if (Convert.ToByte(currentPixelBlock.GetNoDataMaskValue(plane, j, i)) == 1)
                                        // Get the pixel value from the array and process it (add 5 to the value).
                                        // Note: This is assuming the pixel type is Unisigned 8bit.
                                        int pixelValue = Convert.ToInt16(sourcePixels.GetValue(j, i)) + 5;
                                        // Make sure the pixel value does not go above the range of the pixel type.
                                        pixelValue = pixelValue > 254 ? 254 : pixelValue;
                                        // Set the new pixel value to the array.
                                        // Note: This is assuming the pixel type is Unisigned 8bit.
                                        sourcePixels.SetValue(Convert.ToByte(pixelValue), j, i);
                            // Set the modified array of pixels back to the pixel block.
                            currentPixelBlock.SetPixelData(plane, sourcePixels);
                        // Write the pixel block to the raster dataset starting from the given top left corner.
                        raster.Write(0, 0, currentPixelBlock);

                    #region Calculate Raster statistics
                    //If a raster dataset has statistics, you can create a raster layer and get these statistics by accessing the colorizer.
                    await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                        //Accessing the raster layer
                        var lyr = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType <BasicRasterLayer>().FirstOrDefault();
                        //Getting the colorizer
                        var colorizer = lyr.GetColorizer() as CIMRasterStretchColorizer;
                        //Accessing the statistics
                        var stats = colorizer.StretchStats;
                        var max   = stats.max;
                        var min   = stats.min;

            catch (Exception)
 public OpenTopographyElement(Helper.WGS84 coordinates, RasterDataset dataset = RasterDataset.SRTMGL1, OutputFormat outputFormat = OutputFormat.GTiff)
     this.coordinates  = coordinates;
     this.dataset      = dataset;
     this.outputFormat = outputFormat;