 public void GetRandomDictionaryValueTest()
     for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
         int value = RarityEnumDictionary.GetRandomValue();
         Debug.Log($"GetRandomDictionaryValueTest : {value}");
        public void EnumNamesToArrayTest()
            string[] nameArray  = Tools.EnumNamesToArray <RarityEnum>();
            int[]    valueArray = Tools.EnumValuesToArray <RarityEnum>();

            for (int i = 0; i < nameArray.Length; i++)
                // Verify that a string can be converted to an enum and that enum is a key in the RarityEnumDictionary.
                // Verify Key exists.
                Assert.AreEqual(true, RarityEnumDictionary.ContainsKey(nameArray[i].ToEnum <RarityEnum>()));

                // Verify that a string can be converted to an enum and that the dictionary contains a Key equal to the converted enum.
                // Verify Key value is the same.
                Assert.AreEqual(nameArray[i].ToEnum <RarityEnum>(), RarityEnumDictionary.Keys.Cast <RarityEnum>().ToArray()[i]);

                // Verify value is the same.
                Assert.AreEqual(valueArray[i], RarityEnumDictionary[nameArray[i].ToEnum <RarityEnum>()]);