        private void exportPRGToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using var x    = new PrgStartAddressDialog();
            x.StartAddress = 832;

            if (x.ShowDialog(this) != DialogResult.OK)

            var location = x.StartAddress;
            var memory   = new Memory();
            var range    = new RangeLocation((Address)location, 504);

            foreach (var sprite in Sprites)
                memory.SetBytes(range, sprite.GetBytes());
                location += 63;

                using var s = new SaveFileDialog();
                s.Title     = @"Export PRG";
                s.Filter    = @"PRG files (*.prg)|*.prg|All files (*.*)|*.*";

                if (s.ShowDialog(this) != DialogResult.OK)

                memory.SaveRange(s.FileName, range);
            catch (Exception exception)
                MessageDisplayer.Fail(exception.Message, "Export failed");
        // Create range of specific text unit size
        internal void CreateTextUnitRange(out TextPatternRange range, TextUnit unit, int expectedCount, TargetRangeType targetRangeType, RangeLocation rangeLocation, CheckType checkType)
            int actualCount = 0;
            TextPatternRange documentRange = Pattern_DocumentRange(CheckType.Verification);

            if (IsEmptyRange(documentRange, checkType))
                ThrowMe(checkType, ParseType(targetRangeType) + " requires non-empty range");

            // Create empty range    
            CreateEmptyRange(out range, rangeLocation, checkType);

            // Expand range to match 
            Range_MoveEndpointByUnit(range, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, unit, expectedCount, ref actualCount, null, checkType);

            // If we did a move endPoint, did expected count = actual count?
            if (expectedCount != actualCount)
                ThrowMe(checkType, "MoveEndpointByUnit(" + ParseType(unit) + "," + expectedCount + ") returned " +
                        actualCount + ", unable to create range of type " + Parse(targetRangeType));
                Comment("Created range size " + expectedCount + " " + Parse(unit) + " units");
        // Create a TextPatternRange that is a subset of the existing TextPattern.DocumentRange
        internal void CreateSubRange(out TextPatternRange subRange, RangeLocation rangeLocation, out int startOffset, out int endOffset, CheckType checkType)
            TextPatternRange documentRange  = Pattern_DocumentRange(CheckType.Verification);
            int              trailingCount  = TextLibrary.CountTrailingCRLF(m_le, Pattern_DocumentRange(checkType));
            int              stringLength   = Range_GetText(documentRange).Length - trailingCount;
            int              subRangeLength = (stringLength / 3) - (stringLength/12) + 1;  // should 1 less than 1/4. Note that +1 is very important, -1 causes overlaping sub-ranges!!!

            Comment("Creating sub-range at " + Parse(rangeLocation));

            // sanity check: we must have a string length >= 8
            if (stringLength < 8)
                ThrowMe(checkType, "CreateSubRange(" + ParseType(rangeLocation) + ") expected TextPattern.DocumentRange of length 8 or greater, actual length = " + stringLength);

            // Is it impossible to create sub-range???
            while( (subRangeLength > 0) && ((subRangeLength*4)>stringLength) )
                subRangeLength--;  // this is very small string lengths.

            // sanity check: If our sub range is too small, we're hosed. Technically, we shouldn't have gotten this far because of earlier checks
            if( subRangeLength == 0)
                ThrowMe( checkType, "Unable to create subRange, length of document is likely too small. Should be >= 6, actual length = " + stringLength  );

            Comment("String length          = " + stringLength);
            Comment("Maximum sub-range size = " + subRangeLength);

            // initialize vars
            startOffset = 0;
            endOffset = 0;

            // Find upper / lower bounds
            switch (rangeLocation)
                case RangeLocation.Start:  // Range 0...{1/8 to 1/4} of document
                    // range from 0 to {7/12...9/12}
                    startOffset = 0;
                    endOffset -= (subRangeLength * 3 ) + (int)Helpers.RandomValue(0, subRangeLength/2);     // e.g. -1 * (3/4 + Random(0...1/8))
                case RangeLocation.Middle:  // Range =  ~1/4...~3/4
                    startOffset = subRangeLength + (int) Helpers.RandomValue(0, (subRangeLength));          // e.g. 1/4 + Random(0..1/4)
                    endOffset -= subRangeLength + (int) Helpers.RandomValue(0, (subRangeLength));           // e.g. -1 * (1/4 + Random(0..1/4))
                case RangeLocation.End:     // Range = ~3/4...7/8 of document
                    // Range from {7/12...9/12} to stringLength
                    startOffset = (subRangeLength * 3) + (int) Helpers.RandomValue(0, (subRangeLength/2));  // e.g. 3/4 + Random(0..1/8)
                    endOffset = 0;

            // Sanity check... can't be greater than length. 
            // Can't be equal to length (we'd have an empty range then--not what we wanted)
            if ((startOffset + (-1 * endOffset)) >= stringLength)
                Comment("StartOffset      = " + startOffset);
                Comment("EndOffset        = " + endOffset);
                ThrowMe(checkType, "startOffset + (-1*endOffset) cannot be greater than length of document");

            // Another sanity check, end can't be equal to greater than start (must before start
            if( startOffset >= (stringLength + endOffset))
                Comment("StartOffset      = " + startOffset);
                Comment("EndOffset        = " + endOffset);
                ThrowMe(checkType, "Test case problem:  startoffset (" + startOffset + ") cannot be <= [stringLength + endOffset(" + (stringLength + endOffset) + ")], must have at non-zero length range(!)");

            // create sub-range
            subRange = null;
            Range_Clone(documentRange, ref subRange, null, checkType);
            if( startOffset != 0 )
                Range_MoveEndpointByUnit(subRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, startOffset, ref startOffset, null, checkType);
            if( endOffset != 0 )
                Range_MoveEndpointByUnit(subRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Character, endOffset, ref endOffset, null, checkType);

            // Give results
            string s = Range_GetText(subRange);
            Comment("Created sub-range from " + startOffset + " to " + (_actualText.Length + endOffset) + " (characters)" );
            Comment("Sub-range length = " + s.Length);
            Comment("Sub-range        = '" + TrimText(s, 512) + "'");
        // Overload for CreateSubRange
        internal void CreateSubRange(out TextPatternRange subRange, RangeLocation rangeLocation, CheckType checkType)
            int startOffset = 0;
            int endOffset = 0;

            CreateSubRange(out subRange, rangeLocation, out startOffset, out endOffset, checkType);
        internal void CreateEmptyRandomRange(out TextPatternRange range, RangeLocation rangeLoc, TargetRangeType targetRangeType, CheckType checkType)
            int actualCount = 0;
            TextPatternRange documentRange = Pattern_DocumentRange(CheckType.Verification);

            // Requires non-empty range
            if (IsEmptyRange(documentRange, checkType))
                ThrowMe(checkType, ParseType(targetRangeType) + " requires non-empty range");

            // Get range and text in the range            
            range = null;
            range = Pattern_DocumentRange(checkType);

            // calculate position of random range
            int length = Range_GetText(range).Length;
            int offset = 1 + Helpers.RandomValue(1, length / 4);

            // Create empty range by collapsing endpoint to start
            CreateEmptyRange(out range, RangeLocation.Start, checkType);

            // Now, create the degenerate range            
            switch (rangeLoc)
                case RangeLocation.Start:
                    // Move start (and end) endPoint to location in document
                    // This works because Start EndPoint can never roll past end endPoint (it just rolls with start)
                    Range_MoveEndpointByUnit(range, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character,
                            offset, ref actualCount, null, checkType);
                case RangeLocation.End:
                    offset = 0 - offset; // was length - offset. This seems to be correct
                    // Move start (and end) endPoint to location in document
                    // This works because Start EndPoint can never roll past end endPoint (it just rolls with start)
                    Range_MoveEndpointByUnit(range, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character,
                            offset, ref actualCount, null, checkType);
                    throw new ArgumentException("TS_CreateEmptyRandomRange() has no support for " + ParseType(rangeLoc));

            // Final check
            if (IsEmptyRange(range, checkType))
                Comment("Created degenerate (empty) range near " + rangeLoc + " of the document");
                ThrowMe(checkType, "TS_CreateEmptyRange() failed to create empty range, text = '" +
                         TrimText(Range_GetText(range), 512) + "'");
        internal void CreateEmptyRange(out TextPatternRange range, RangeLocation rangeLoc, CheckType checkType)
            string text = "";
            int expectedCount = 0;
            int actualCount = 0;

            // Get range and text in the range            
            range = null;
            range = Pattern_DocumentRange(checkType);

            if (IsEmptyRange(range, checkType))
                Comment("Document already has an empty range, proceeding with next test step");
                Range_GetText(range, ref text, -1, null, checkType);

            // Now, create the degenerate range            
            switch (rangeLoc)
                case RangeLocation.Start:
                    // Move end point to start of document
                    expectedCount = -1;
                    actualCount = expectedCount;
                    ExpandRange(range, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Document, expectedCount, out actualCount, true, checkType);
                case RangeLocation.Middle:
                    // Move start point to middle of doc
                    expectedCount = text.Length / 2;
                    actualCount = expectedCount;
                    ExpandRange(range, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Character, expectedCount, out actualCount, true, checkType);

                    // Move End point to middle of doc
                    expectedCount = -1 * (text.Length - expectedCount);
                    actualCount = expectedCount;
                    ExpandRange(range, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.End, TextUnit.Character, expectedCount, out actualCount, true, checkType);
                case RangeLocation.End:
                    // Move end point to start of document
                    expectedCount = 1;
                    actualCount = expectedCount;
                    ExpandRange(range, TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start, TextUnit.Document, expectedCount, out actualCount, true, checkType);

                    //Bug1134056: Resolve RichEdit control inconsistencies / unexpected behavior
                    TextLibrary.TrimRangeCRLF(m_le, range);
                    throw new ArgumentException("TS_CreateEmptyRange() has no support for " + ParseType(rangeLoc));

            // Final check
            if (IsEmptyRange(range, checkType))
                Comment("Created degenerate (empty) range at " + rangeLoc + " of the document");
                ThrowMe(checkType, "TS_CreateEmptyRange() failed to create empty range, text = '" + TrimText(Range_GetText(range), 512) + "'");

 // Create a degenerate range within pattern, requires non-zero length pattern
 internal void TS_CreateEmptyRange(out TextPatternRange range, RangeLocation rangeLoc, CheckType checkType)
     CreateEmptyRange(out range, rangeLoc, checkType);
        // Helper for RangeFromPoint() test cases
        internal void RangeFromPointHelper(SampleText sampleText, int expandBy, TextPatternRangeEndpoint endPoint, RangeLocation rangeLocation, BoundingRectangleLocation pointLocation, RangeCompare rangeCompare, Type expectedException)
            Point screenLocation;
            Rect[] boundRects = new Rect[0];
            string actualText = "";
            TextPatternRange callingRange = null;
            TextPatternRange rangeFromPt = null;

            // Pre-Condition Verify text is expected value <<sampleText>>
            TS_SetText(sampleText, out actualText, CheckType.IncorrectElementConfiguration);

            // Pre-Condition Create empty calling range @ <<RangeLocation>> of TextPattern.DocumentRange
            TS_CreateEmptyRange(out callingRange, rangeLocation, CheckType.Verification);

            // Pre-Condition Expand <<endPoint>> endPoint by <<expandby>> character(s)
            TS_ExpandRange(ref callingRange, endPoint, TextUnit.Character, expandBy, true, CheckType.Verification);

            // Pre-Condition Scroll range into view
            // Bug 1134054: TextPatternRange.ScrollIntoView fails to scroll horizontally on edit control
            // We need to make sure we scroll off the view so we can scroll back on it.
            // Otherwise the second scrollIntoView call may be a no-op...
            Range_ScrollIntoView(callingRange, false, null, CheckType.Verification);
            TS_ScrollIntoView(callingRange, true, null, CheckType.Verification);

            // Pre-Condition Call GetBoundingRectangles() on that range
            TS_GetBoundingRectangles(callingRange, ref boundRects, false, null, CheckType.Verification);

            // Pre-Condition Create a point <<pointLocation>> of bounding rect
            TS_CreatePoint(ref callingRange, boundRects, out screenLocation, pointLocation, CheckType.Verification);

            // Call RangeFromPoint on point 
            TS_RangeFromPoint(ref rangeFromPt, screenLocation, expectedException, CheckType.Verification);

            // Verify that range returned is  <<rangeCompare>>
            TS_CompareRanges(callingRange, rangeFromPt, rangeCompare, expectedException, CheckType.Verification);
 /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>Parses values for enum</summary>
 /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 static public string ParseType(RangeLocation value)
     return ParseType(value.GetType().ToString(), value.ToString());
 static public string Parse(RangeLocation value)
     switch (value)
         case RangeLocation.Start: return "Start";
         case RangeLocation.Middle: return "Middle";
         case RangeLocation.End: return "End";
             throw new ArgumentException("Parse() has no support for " + ParseType(value));
 public void TestParse()
   RangeLocation expect = new RangeLocation(30, 600);
   Assert.AreEqual(expect, RangeLocation.Parse("30-600"));
   Assert.AreEqual(expect, RangeLocation.Parse("30.5, 600.1"));