private void Update() { if (drawParticleSystem != null) { if (queue.Count == 0 && current.Done) { drawParticleSystem.Stop(); } else { drawParticleSystem.Play(); // Set animation of particle system var col = drawParticleSystem.colorOverLifetime; Gradient gradient = new Gradient(); gradient.SetKeys(new GradientColorKey[] { new GradientColorKey(lineRenderer.startColor, 0.8f), new GradientColorKey(Color.white, 1f) }, new GradientAlphaKey[] { new GradientAlphaKey(1f, .5f), new GradientAlphaKey(0.1f, 1f) }); col.color = gradient; } } // Play audio if we need to after each other if (drawSounds != null) { if (queue.Count > 0) { if (!audioSource.isPlaying) { drawSounds.PlayRandomAudioNonRepeat(audioSource); } } else if (queue.Count == 0 && current.Done) { audioSource.Stop(); } } ProcessCurrent(); }
public void PlayORandomPlaceSound(AudioSource source) { oPlaceSounds.PlayRandomAudioNonRepeat(source); }