    private void CreateSprayRotation(float sprayMultiplier)
        Vector2 dirDiflection         = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitCircle;
        Vector3 dirDisplacementVector = new Vector3(dirDiflection.x, dirDiflection.y, 0);

        var randomMultiplier = RandomFromDistribution.RandomFromStandardNormalDistribution(); //we use standardDistribution to simulate real-shooting

        var absInputMultyplier = (Mathf.Abs(playerInput.Hinput) + 1) * (Mathf.Abs(playerInput.Vinput) + 1);

        absInputMultyplier = Mathf.Clamp(absInputMultyplier, absInputMultyplier, 2); //clamp input to make spray independent from moving direction

        dirDisplacementVector *= randomMultiplier * absInputMultyplier * sprayMultiplier;

        shootingPoint.transform.Rotate(dirDisplacementVector.x, dirDisplacementVector.y, 0); //take current rotation and change it based on offset vec
/* Immigration */
    void ResetCitizenSpawnCooldown()
        TravelerCooldown  = 4f;                                                                                      // Cooldown Minimum
        TravelerCooldown += Mathf.Abs(RandomFromDistribution.RandomFromStandardNormalDistribution()) * 2.0f;         // Random contributon, typically close to 1.0f
        TravelerCooldown += Threat * 5.0f;                                                                           // Spawn less often when threat is high