public void FillPaper()
            RandomExamItemBLL randomItemBLL = new RandomExamItemBLL();
            OracleAccess      db            = new OracleAccess();

            IList <RandomExamItem> PaperItems = new List <RandomExamItem>();

            PaperItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsCurrentCheck();

            string    strSql = "select * from System_Exam where System_Exam_ID=1";
            DataTable dt     = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0];

            int examNumber;

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                examNumber = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["Exam_Number"]);
                examNumber = 10;

            int totalCount  = examNumber;
            int otherCount  = totalCount / 4;
            int singleCount = totalCount - otherCount * 3;

            int m = 4;

            if (otherCount == 0)
                m = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                int    itemCount = 0;
                int    b = 0, e = 0;
                string typeName = string.Empty;

                if (i == 0)
                    itemCount = singleCount;
                    typeName  = "第一大题:单选";
                    b         = 0;
                    e         = singleCount;
                else if (i == 1)
                    itemCount = otherCount;
                    typeName  = "第二大题:多选";
                    b         = singleCount;
                    e         = singleCount + otherCount;
                else if (i == 2)
                    itemCount = otherCount;
                    typeName  = "第三大题:判断";
                    b         = singleCount + otherCount;
                    e         = singleCount + otherCount * 2;
                else if (i == 3)
                    itemCount = otherCount;
                    typeName  = "第四大题:综合选择题";
                    b         = singleCount + otherCount * 2;
                    e         = singleCount + otherCount * 3;

                Response.Write("<span class='StudentLeftInfo'><b> " + typeName + "</b></span>");

                if (PaperItems != null)
                    Response.Write("<table width='100%'  border='1' style='background-color:#ffffff'>");
                    int z     = 1;
                    int tempK = 0;
                    int count = 1;
                    for (int j = b; j < e; j++)
                        if (j >= PaperItems.Count)

                        RandomExamItem paperItem = PaperItems[j];
                        int            k         = j + 1 - b;

                        if (paperItem.TypeId != PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANKDETAIL &&
                            paperItem.TypeId != PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK)
                            z = 1;

                            if (k % 5 == 1)
                                Response.Write("</tr >");
                                Response.Write("<tr><td class='StudentTableInfo' id='Item" + i + j + "' >"
                                               + "<a href='CheckAttendExamNew.aspx?employeeID=" +
                                               + "#Test" + i + j + "' target='ifExamInfo' style='cursor: hand;'><b>" + k +
                                Response.Write("<td class='StudentTableInfo' id='Item" + i + j + "' >"
                                               + "<a href='CheckAttendExamNew.aspx?employeeID=" +
                                               + "#Test" + i + j + "' target='ifExamInfo' style='cursor: hand;'><b>" + k +
                            if (paperItem.TypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK)
                                z = 1;

                                string str = "select * from Random_Exam_Item_" +
                                             DateTime.Today.Year + " where Random_Exam_ID=" + paperItem.RandomExamId
                                             + " and  Parent_Item_ID=" + paperItem.ItemId + " order by Item_Index";
                                DataSet ds = db.RunSqlDataSet(str);

                                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                                    if (count % 3 == 1)
                                        Response.Write("</tr >");
                                        Response.Write("<tr><td class='StudentTableInfo' id='Item" + i + j + z + "' >"
                                                       + "<a href='CheckAttendExamNew.aspx?employeeID=" +
                                                       + "#Test" + i + j + z +
                                                       "' target='ifExamInfo' style='cursor: hand;'><b>" +
                                                       tempK + "-(" + z + ")</b></a></td>");
                                        Response.Write("<td class='StudentTableInfo' id='Item" + i + j + z + "' >"
                                                       + "<a href='CheckAttendExamNew.aspx?employeeID=" +
                                                       + "#Test" + i + j + z +
                                                       "' target='ifExamInfo' style='cursor: hand;'><b>" +
                                                       tempK + "-(" + z + ")</b></a></td>");


                    Response.Write("</tr >");
                    SessionSet.PageMessage = "未找到记录!";
        protected void FillPaper()
            OracleAccess           db            = new OracleAccess();
            RandomExamItemBLL      randomItemBLL = new RandomExamItemBLL();
            IList <RandomExamItem> PaperItems    = randomItemBLL.GetItemsCurrentCheck();

            int totalCount  = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["ExamNumber"]);
            int otherCount  = totalCount / 4;
            int singleCount = totalCount - otherCount * 3;

            int m = 4;

            if (otherCount == 0)
                m = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                int    itemCount = 0;
                int    b = 0, e = 0;
                string typeName = string.Empty;

                if (i == 0)
                    itemCount = singleCount;
                    typeName  = "单选";
                    b         = 0;
                    e         = singleCount;
                else if (i == 1)
                    itemCount = otherCount;
                    typeName  = "多选";
                    b         = singleCount;
                    e         = singleCount + otherCount;
                else if (i == 2)
                    itemCount = otherCount;
                    typeName  = "判断";
                    b         = singleCount + otherCount;
                    e         = singleCount + otherCount * 2;
                else if (i == 3)
                    itemCount = otherCount;
                    typeName  = "综合选择题";
                    b         = singleCount + otherCount * 2;
                    e         = singleCount + otherCount * 3;

                Response.Write("<table width='95%' class='ExamContent'>");
                Response.Write(" <tr> <td class='ExamBigTitle'");
                if (i == 3)
                    Response.Write(" colspan='3' ");
                Response.Write(">" + GetNo(i) + "");
                Response.Write("、" + typeName + "");
                Response.Write("  (共" + itemCount + "题)</td></tr >");

                if (PaperItems != null)
                    int z = 1;
                    int x = 1;
                    for (int j = b; j < e; j++)
                        if (j >= PaperItems.Count)
                        RandomExamItem paperItem = PaperItems[j];
                        int            k         = j + 1 - b;

                        if (paperItem.TypeId != PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANKDETAIL)
                            z = 1;

                            if (paperItem.TypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK)
                                k = x;

                                Response.Write("<tr><td id='Item" + i + j + "' class='ExamItem' colspan='3'><a name='Test" + i + j + "' id='Test" + i + j + "'></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + k +
                                               ".&nbsp; " + paperItem.Content +
                                               "&nbsp;&nbsp; </td></tr >");
                                Response.Write("<tr><td id='Item" + i + j + "' class='ExamItem' colspan='3'><a name='Test" + i + j + "' id='Test" + i + j + "'></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + k +
                                               ".&nbsp; " + paperItem.Content +
                                               + "<a href='#Test" + i + j + "' id='Empty" + i + j + "' onclick='clickEmpty(this)'style='cursor: hand;' title='清空选择'>"
                                               + "<img src='../images/clear.png'  style='border:0'/></a>"
                                               + "</td></tr >");

                        // 组织用户答案

                        if (paperItem.TypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_MULTICHOOSE)   //多选
                            string[] strAnswer = paperItem.SelectAnswer.Split(new char[] { '|' });
                            for (int n = 0; n < strAnswer.Length; n++)
                                string strN  = intToString(n + 1);
                                string strij = "-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-" + i.ToString() + "-" + j.ToString() +
                                               "-" + n.ToString();
                                string strName = i.ToString() + j.ToString();

                                    "<tr><td class='ExamItemAnswer' colspan='3'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input onclick='CheckStyle(this)' type='checkbox' id='Answer" +
                                    strij + "' name='Answer" + strName + "'><label for='Answer" + strij + "'> " + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] +
                        else if (paperItem.TypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_SINGLECHOOSE || paperItem.TypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_JUDGE)    //单选
                            string[] strAnswer = paperItem.SelectAnswer.Split(new char[] { '|' });
                            for (int n = 0; n < strAnswer.Length; n++)
                                string strN  = intToString(n + 1);
                                string strij = "-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-" + i.ToString() + "-" + j.ToString() +
                                               "-" + n.ToString();
                                string strName = i.ToString() + j.ToString();

                                    "<tr><td class='ExamItemAnswer' colspan='3'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input onclick='CheckStyle(this)' type='Radio' id='RAnswer" +
                                    strij + "' name='RAnswer" + strName + "'> <label for='RAnswer" + strij + "' >" + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] +
                        else if (paperItem.TypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK)
                            string str = "select * from Random_Exam_Item_" +
                                         DateTime.Today.Year + " where Random_Exam_ID=" + paperItem.RandomExamId
                                         + " and  Parent_Item_ID=" + paperItem.ItemId + " order by Item_Index";
                            DataSet ds = db.RunSqlDataSet(str);

                            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                                string[] strAnswer = dr["Select_Answer"].ToString().Split(new char[] { '|' });
                                for (int n = 0; n < strAnswer.Length; n++)
                                    string strN  = intToString(n + 1);
                                    string strij = "-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-" + i.ToString() + "-" + j.ToString() +
                                                   "-" + n.ToString() + "-" + z.ToString();
                                    string strName = i.ToString() + j.ToString() + z.ToString();

                                    if (n == 0)
                                        int row = strAnswer.Length % 2 == 0 ? strAnswer.Length / 2 : strAnswer.Length / 2 + 1;
                                        Response.Write("<tr><td id='Item" + i + j + z + "' class='ExamItem' style='width:10%' RowSpan='" + row + "'><a name='Test" + i + j + z + "' id='Test" + i + j + z + "'></a>"
                                                       + "&nbsp;(" + z + ").&nbsp;"
                                                       + "<a href='#Test" + i + j + z + "' id='Empty" + i + j + z + "' onclick='clickEmpty(this)'style='cursor: hand;' title='清空选择'>"
                                                       + "<img src='../images/clear.png'  style='border:0'/></a>"
                                                       + "</td>");

                                    if (n % 2 == 0 && n != 0)

                                        "<td class='ExamItemAnswer'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input onclick='CheckStyle(this)' type='Radio' id='RAnswer" +
                                        strij + "' name='RAnswer" + strName + "'><label for='RAnswer" + strij + "'> " + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] +

                                    if (n % 2 == 1)
            Response.Write(" <div class='ExamButton'><input id='btnClose' class='button' name='btnSave' type='button' value='提交答卷'  onclick='SaveRecord()'/> </div><br><br><br><br><br><br>");
            ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "StartStyle", "<script>StartStyle()</script>");