public CaseModel Func_GetValue_SetValue() { return(new CaseModel() { NameSign = @"获取/设置值", ExeEvent = () => { GS answer = new GS() { Age = RandomData.GetInt(), DateOfBirth = RandomData.GetDateTime(), Name = RandomData.GetChineseString(), Price = RandomData.GetDouble(), Sex = RandomData.Item(EnumInfo.GetALLItem <GS.SexEnum>()), }; GS result = new GS(); ShineUponParser parser = new ShineUponParser(typeof(GS)); foreach (ShineUponInfo info in parser.GetDictionary().Values) { KeyString ks = parser.GetValue_KeyString(info, answer); parser.SetValue_Object(info, result, ks.Value); } return true; }, }); }
private CaseModel ExeEvent_Random_DateTime_CreateLibray() { return(new CaseModel() { NameSign = @"随机时间范围", ExeEvent = () => { const string timeFormat = @"MM-dd HH:mm"; const int addDayNum = 2; const int year = 2017; DateTime min_time = new DateTime(year, 01, 01, 08, 08, 08); DateTime max_time = min_time.AddHours(addDayNum); List <string> list = new List <string>(); Print.WriteLine("Init: {0}-{1}", min_time.ToString(timeFormat), max_time.ToString(timeFormat)); for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++) { DateTime time = RandomData.GetDateTime(min_time, max_time); if (time.Year > year) { break; } list.Add(time.ToString(timeFormat)); min_time = time; max_time = time.AddHours(addDayNum); } SystemLog.Write("NULL", ConvertTool.IListToString(list, "#")); Print.WriteLine(list.Count); }, }); }
public void TestMethod() { DateTime min_time = new DateTime(2018, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0); DateTime max_time = new DateTime(2018, 3, 31, 23, 59, 59); int[] telsigns = new int[] { 58, 68, 8, 49, 66, 51, 55, 56, 57, 6, 60, 19, 63, 52, 14, 53, 40, 21, 64, 22, 67, 59, 16, 45, 61, 62, 35, 38, 54, 44, 15, 41, 36, 39, 17, 65, 26, 10, 33, 27, 50, 1, 25, 11, 13, 3, 28, 2, 29, 34, 30, 7, 5, 12, 4, 23, 32, 18, 47, 24, 42, 43, 46, 31, 20, 37, 69, 70, 73, 72, 71, 77, 79, 80, 78, 85, 86, 87, 88, 81, 82, 83, 84, 89, 90, 91, 92, 74, 75, 76, 48, 0 }; int[] managerIDs = new int[] { 1, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 26, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 }; char[] chars = Get_wechatno_chararray(); BLLspread_wxUserInfo BLLwxuser = new BLLspread_wxUserInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { string user_wechatno = RandomData.GetString(chars, RandomData.R.Next(1, 21)); bool isSuccess = BLLwxuser.Insert(new Modelspread_wxUserInfo() { ManagerID = RandomData.Item(managerIDs), Remark = string.Empty, TelSign = RandomData.Item(telsigns), TimeAdd = RandomData.GetDateTime(min_time, max_time), WeChatNo = user_wechatno, VoucherPictures = user_wechatno, }); Console.WriteLine("forNo:{0} recordIDno: {1}", i, isSuccess); } }
private CaseModel ExeEvent_Random_DateTime_Region(bool isAsc) { const string timeFormat = LFKeys.TABLE_DATETIME_FORMAT_MILLISECOND; DateTime min_time = new DateTime(2018, 04, 19, 06, 40, 0); DateTime max_time = new DateTime(2020, 01, 5, 18, 10, 0); return(new CaseModel() { NameSign = @"随机时间范围", ExeEvent = () => { Print.WriteLine("Init: {0}-{1}", min_time.ToString(timeFormat), max_time.ToString(timeFormat)); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { DateTime time = RandomData.GetDateTime(min_time, max_time); string symbol = string.Empty; if (isAsc) { min_time = time; symbol = @"↑"; } else { max_time = time; symbol = @"↓"; } Print.WriteLine(time.ToString(timeFormat) + symbol); //break; } }, }); }
public static LogEvent Generate(string id = null, string companyId = null, string message = null, DateTime?createdUtc = null) { return(new LogEvent { Id = id, Message = message ?? RandomData.GetAlphaString(), CompanyId = companyId ?? ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), CreatedUtc = createdUtc ?? RandomData.GetDateTime(SystemClock.UtcNow.StartOfMonth(), SystemClock.UtcNow) }); }
private CaseModel ExeEvent_Random_DateTime() { return(new CaseModel() { NameSign = @"随机时间", ExeEvent = () => { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Print.WriteLine(RandomData.GetDateTime().ToString(LFKeys.TABLE_DATETIME_FORMAT_MILLISECOND)); } }, }); }
public void InsertData() { bool result = bllUser.Insert(new ModelUser() { Email = RandomData.GetString(RandomData.GetInt(5, 10)), TelePhone = RandomData.GetString(CommonData.ASCII_Number(), 12), MobilePhone = RandomData.GetString(CommonData.ASCII_Number(), 11), NickName = RandomData.GetString(CommonData.ASCII_UpperEnglish(), RandomData.GetInt(5, 16)), Password = RandomData.GetString(30), RealName = RandomData.GetChineseString(RandomData.GetInt(2, 4)), Remark = RandomData.GetString(RandomData.GetInt(10, 81)), Sex = RandomData.Item(ConvertTool.EnumForeachArray <ModelUser.SexEnum>()), TimeAdd = RandomData.GetDateTime(), }); Print.WriteLine(result); }
public static Employee GenerateRandom(string id = null, string name = null, int?age = null, int?yearsEmployed = null, string companyName = null, string companyId = null, string location = null, DateTime?lastReview = null, DateTimeOffset?nextReview = null, DateTime?createdUtc = null, DateTime?updatedUtc = null) { var employee = new Employee { Id = id, Name = name ?? RandomData.GetAlphaString(), Age = age ?? RandomData.GetInt(18, 100), YearsEmployed = yearsEmployed ?? RandomData.GetInt(0, 40), CompanyName = companyName ?? RandomData.GetAlphaString(), CompanyId = companyId ?? ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(), LastReview = lastReview ?? RandomData.GetDateTime(DateTime.Now.SubtractDays(365), DateTime.Now), CreatedUtc = createdUtc ?? RandomData.GetDateTime(DateTime.Now.SubtractDays(365), DateTime.Now), Location = location ?? RandomData.GetCoordinate() }; employee.NextReview = nextReview ?? RandomData.GetDateTimeOffset(employee.NextReview, DateTime.Now); employee.UpdatedUtc = updatedUtc ?? RandomData.GetDateTime(employee.CreatedUtc, DateTime.Now); return(employee); }
public void InsertData() { int id = 0; bool result = bllUser.Insert(new ModelUser() { Email = RandomData.GetString(10), TelePhone = RandomData.GetString(CommonData.ASCII_Number(), 12), MobilePhone = RandomData.GetString(CommonData.ASCII_Number(), 11), NickName = RandomData.GetString(CommonData.ASCII_UpperEnglish(), 30), Password = RandomData.GetString(100), RealName = RandomData.GetString(CommonData.ASCII_UpperEnglish(), 10), Remark = RandomData.GetString(200), Sex = RandomData.Item(ConvertTool.EnumForeachArray <ModelUser.SexEnum>()), TimeAdd = RandomData.GetDateTime(), }, out id); Print.WriteLine(result); Print.WriteLine(id); }
public TestModel[] GetRandomDatas(int rewrite_sum = 0) { if (rewrite_sum <= 0) { rewrite_sum = RandomData.GetInt(30, 81); } TestModel[] array = new TestModel[rewrite_sum]; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { string name = string.Format("第{0}条 - ", i); array[i] = new TestModel() { RecordIndex = i, Age = RandomData.GetInt(7828, 546822), DateOfBirth = RandomData.GetDateTime(SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value, SqlDateTime.MaxValue.Value), Name = name + RandomData.GetChineseString(RandomData.GetInt(3, 5)), Sex = RandomData.Item(EnumInfo.GetALLItem <TestModel.SexEnum>()), }; } return(array); }
public CaseModel Func_Insert() { return(new CaseModel() { NameSign = @"插入数据", ExeEvent = () => { List <TestModel> model_list = new List <TestModel>(); int record_count = RandomData.GetInt(10, 51); record_count = 15; for (int i = 0; i < record_count; i++) { model_list.Add(new TestModel() { IID = i, Name = RandomData.GetChineseString(RandomData.GetInt(3, 5)), Sex = RandomData.Item(EnumInfo.GetALLItem <TestModel.SexEnum>()), TimeRelease = RandomData.GetDateTime(SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value, SqlDateTime.MaxValue.Value), }); } Func <TestModel, string> get_formatprint = (model) => { return JSON.Serializer(model); }; List <string> lines = new List <string>(); foreach (TestModel model in model_list) { string text = get_formatprint(model); lines.Add(text); } string abs_file_path = Get_AbsFilePath(); File.Delete(abs_file_path); File.Create(abs_file_path).Close(); WriterLine(abs_file_path, lines.ToArray()); Func_Select().ExeEvent(); return true; }, }); }
public void PrepareSut() { _utcTime = RandomData.GetDateTime(); SystemTime.UtcNow = () => _utcTime; _sut = new WeightEntry(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private MarCard CreateMarCard() { MarCard entity = new MarCard() { CustId = RandomData.GetInt(), //商户Id CardId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), //卡券ID代表一类卡券 LogoUrl = RandomData.GetString(maxLength: 200), //卡券的商户logo,建议像素为300*300。 CardType = RandomData.GetString(maxLength: 20), //卡券类型(CASH:代金券,DISCOUNT:折扣券,GIFT:兑换券,GROUPON:团购券) CodeType = RandomData.GetString(maxLength: 20), //核销码类型(CODE_TYPE_TEXT文 本 ; "CODE_TYPE_BARCODE"一维码 "CODE_TYPE_QRCODE"二维码 "CODE_TYPE_ONLY_QRCODE",二维码无code显示; "CODE_TYPE_ONLY_BARCODE",一维码无code显示;CODE_TYPE_NONE, 不显示code和条形码类型) Title = RandomData.GetString(maxLength: 30), //卡券名,字数上限为9个汉字。(建议涵盖卡券属性、服务及金额)。 SubTitle = RandomData.GetString(maxLength: 30), //显示在入口下方的提示语 ,仅在卡券状态正常(可以核销)时显示。 Color = RandomData.GetString(maxLength: 16), //券颜色。按色彩规范标注填写Color010-Color100。 Notice = RandomData.GetString(maxLength: 50), //卡券使用提醒,字数上限为16个汉字。 Description = RandomData.GetString(maxLength: 1024), //卡券使用说明,字数上限为1024个汉字。 Quantity = RandomData.GetInt(), //卡券库存的数量,上限为100000000。 DateType = RandomData.GetString(maxLength: 20), //有效期类型(DATE_TYPE_FIX _TIME_RANGE 表示固定日期区间,DATE_TYPE_FIX_TERM表示 X天后生效,X天内有效) DateBeginTime = RandomData.GetDateTime(), //DateType为DATE_TYPE_FIX_TIME_RANGE时专用,表示起用时间 DateEndTime = RandomData.GetDateTime(), //DateType为DATE_TYPE_FIX_TIME_RANGE时专用,表示结束时间 , 建议设置为截止日期的23:59:59过期 DateFixedTerm = RandomData.GetInt(), //DateType为DATE_TYPE_FIX_TERM时专用,表示自领取后多少天内有效,不支持填写0。 DateFixedBeginTerm = RandomData.GetInt(), //DateType为DATE_TYPE_FIX_TERM时专用,表示自领取后多少天开始生效,领取后当天生效填写0。(单位为天) BindOpenid = RandomData.GetBool(), //是否指定用户领取,填写true或false 。默认为false。通常指定特殊用户群体 投放卡券或防止刷券时选择指定用户领取。 ServicePhone = RandomData.GetString(maxLength: 20), //客服电话。 GetLimit = RandomData.GetInt(), //每人可领券的数量限制,不填写默认为50。 UseLimit = RandomData.GetInt(), //每人可核销的数量限制,不填写默认为50。 CanShare = RandomData.GetBool(), //卡券领取页面是否可分享。 CanGiveFriend = RandomData.GetBool(), //卡券是否可转赠 AcceptCategory = RandomData.GetString(), //指定可用的商品类目 RejectCategory = RandomData.GetString(), //指定不可用的商品类目,仅用于代金券类型 ,填入后将在券面拼写不适用于xxxx AcceptProduct = RandomData.GetString(), //指定可用的商品 RejecProduct = RandomData.GetString(), //指定不可用的商品 ReduceCost = RandomData.GetDecimal(0, (int)Math.Pow(2, 6)), //代金券专用,表示减免金额 LeastCost = RandomData.GetDecimal(0, (int)Math.Pow(2, 6)), //满减门槛字段,可用于兑换券和代金券 ,填入后将在全面拼写消费满xx元可用。 Discount = RandomData.GetDecimal(0, (int)Math.Pow(2, 6)), //折扣券专用,表示打折额度(百分比) CanUseWithOtheDiscount = RandomData.GetBool(), //不可以与其他类型共享门槛 ,填写false时系统将在使用须知里 拼写“不可与其他优惠共享”, 填写true时系统将在使用须知里 拼写“可与其他优惠共享”, 默认为true BusinessService = RandomData.GetString(maxLength: 200), //Arry类型 商家服务类型: BIZ_SERVICE_DELIVER 外卖服务; BIZ_SERVICE_FREE_PARK 停车位; BIZ_SERVICE_WITH_PET 可带宠物; BIZ_SERVICE_FREE_WIFI 免费wifi, 可多选 /* * { * type 否 string(24 ) 限制类型枚举值:支持填入 MONDAY 周一 TUESDAY 周二 WEDNESDAY 周三 THURSDAY 周四 FRIDAY 周五 SATURDAY 周六 SUNDAY 周日 此处只控制显示, 不控制实际使用逻辑,不填默认不显示 * begin_hour 否 int 当前type类型下的起始时间(小时) ,如当前结构体内填写了MONDAY, 此处填写了10,则此处表示周一 10:00可用 * begin_minute 否 int 当前type类型下的起始时间(分钟) ,如当前结构体内填写了MONDAY, begin_hour填写10,此处填写了59, 则此处表示周一 10:59可用 * end_hour 否 int 当前type类型下的结束时间(小时) ,如当前结构体内填写了MONDAY, 此处填写了20, 则此处表示周一 10:00 - 20:00可用 * end_minute 否 int 当前type类型下的结束时间(分钟) ,如当前结构体内填写了MONDAY, begin_hour填写10,此处填写了59, 则此处表示周一 10:59 - 00:59可用 * } */ TimeLimit = @"[{""type"": ""MONDAY"", ""begin_hour"": 0,""end_hour"": 10,""begin_minute"": 10,""end_minute"": 59 }]", //JSON结构 使用时段限制,包含以下字段 AbstractIntro = RandomData.GetString(maxLength: 24), //封面摘要简介 AbstractIconUrlList = RandomData.GetString(maxLength: 200), //封面图片列表,仅支持填入一 个封面图片链接, 上传图片接口 上传获取图片获得链接,填写 非CDN链接会报错,并在此填入。 建议图片尺寸像素850*350 ConsumeType = default(byte?), //核销方式(1:自助买单,2:自助核销,3:用扫码核销--二维码_条形码_仅卡券号) ConsumeNeedVerifyCode = RandomData.GetBool(), //自助核销是否启用验证码(消费者持券到店,须输入验证码才能核销卡券) ConsumeVerifyCode = RandomData.GetString(maxLength: 3), //自助核销验证码(消费者持券到店,须输入验证码才能核销卡券) ConsumeNeedRemarkAmount = RandomData.GetBool(), //自助核销是否启用备注交易金额(商户选择备注交易金额后,用户持券到店,须备注本次交易的金额才能成功销券,用于对账。) BranchNo = RandomData.GetString(), //适应的门店编号如:1234,5678 Status = default(byte), //卡券状态(0:待审核,1:审核中,2:审核通过(待投放),3:审核未通过,4:已投放,5:下架) SendNum = RandomData.GetInt(), //投放数量 UseNum = RandomData.GetInt(), //核销数量 QuantityThreshold = RandomData.GetInt(), //库存阈值(当库存少于X提醒) QuantityThresholdNotificCount = RandomData.GetInt(), //库存阈值提醒次数 QuantityThresholdNotificStatus = default(byte), //库存阈值提醒状态(0:禁用,1:启用) CreateTime = DateTime.Now, //创建时间 CreateUser = RandomData.GetInt(), //创建用户 UpdateTime = RandomData.GetDateTime(), //修改时间 UpdateUser = RandomData.GetInt(), //修改用户 DeleteFlag = false, //删除标志 1删除 DeleteUser = RandomData.GetInt(), //删除用户 DeleteTime = RandomData.GetDateTime(), //删除时间 }; return(entity); }
public void PopulateEvent(Event ev, bool setUserIdentity = true) { if (MinDate.HasValue || MaxDate.HasValue) { ev.Date = RandomData.GetDateTime(MinDate ?? DateTime.MinValue, MaxDate ?? DateTime.MaxValue); } ev.Type = new[] { Event.KnownTypes.Error, Event.KnownTypes.FeatureUsage, Event.KnownTypes.Log, Event.KnownTypes.NotFound }.Random(); if (ev.Type == Event.KnownTypes.FeatureUsage) { ev.Source = FeatureNames.Random(); } else if (ev.Type == Event.KnownTypes.NotFound) { ev.Source = PageNames.Random(); } else if (ev.Type == Event.KnownTypes.Log) { ev.Source = LogSources.Random(); ev.Message = RandomData.GetString(); string level = LogLevels.Random(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(level)) { ev.Data[Event.KnownDataKeys.Level] = level; } } if (RandomData.GetBool(80)) { ev.Geo = RandomData.GetCoordinate(); } if (RandomData.GetBool(20)) { ev.Value = RandomData.GetInt(0, 10000); } if (setUserIdentity) { ev.SetUserIdentity(Identities.Random()); } ev.SetVersion(RandomData.GetVersion("2.0", "4.0")); ev.AddRequestInfo(new RequestInfo { //ClientIpAddress = ClientIpAddresses.Random(), Path = PageNames.Random() }); ev.Data.Add(Event.KnownDataKeys.EnvironmentInfo, new EnvironmentInfo { IpAddress = MachineIpAddresses.Random() + ", " + MachineIpAddresses.Random(), MachineName = MachineNames.Random() }); for (int i = 0; i < RandomData.GetInt(1, 3); i++) { string key = RandomData.GetWord(); while (ev.Data.ContainsKey(key) || key == Event.KnownDataKeys.Error) { key = RandomData.GetWord(); } ev.Data.Add(key, RandomData.GetString()); } int tagCount = RandomData.GetInt(1, 3); for (int i = 0; i < tagCount; i++) { string tag = EventTags.Random(); if (!ev.Tags.Contains(tag)) { ev.Tags.Add(tag); } } if (ev.Type == Event.KnownTypes.Error) { if (RandomData.GetBool()) { // limit error variation so that stacking will occur if (_randomErrors == null) { _randomErrors = new List <Error>(Enumerable.Range(1, 25).Select(i => GenerateError())); } ev.Data[Event.KnownDataKeys.Error] = _randomErrors.Random(); } else { // limit error variation so that stacking will occur if (_randomSimpleErrors == null) { _randomSimpleErrors = new List <SimpleError>(Enumerable.Range(1, 25).Select(i => GenerateSimpleError())); } ev.Data[Event.KnownDataKeys.SimpleError] = _randomSimpleErrors.Random(); } } }