        internal virtual GPNode CreateTreeOfType(IEvolutionState state, int thread, GPInitializer initializer,
                                                 int functionset, int type, int size, IMersenneTwister mt)
            //System.out.PrintLn("" + functionset + " " + type + " " + size);
            var choice = RandomChoice.PickFromDistribution(ROOT_D[functionset][type][size], ROOT_D[functionset][type][size][0], mt.NextDouble());
            var node   = ROOT_D[functionset][type][size][choice].Node.LightClone();

            node.ResetNode(state, thread); // give ERCs a chance to randomize
            //System.out.PrintLn("Size: " + size + "Rooted: " + node);
            if (node.Children.Length == 0 && size != 1)
            // uh oh
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Size: " + size + " Node: " + node);
                for (var x = 0; x < ROOT_D[functionset][type][size].Length; x++)
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("" + x + (ROOT_D[functionset][type][size][x].Node) + " " + ROOT_D[functionset][type][size][x].Prob);
            if (size > 1)
                // nonterminal
                FillNodeWithChildren(state, thread, initializer, functionset, node, ROOT_D[functionset][type][size][choice].Node, 0, size - 1, mt);
        private static int[] Select(IList <int[]> permutations, int size)
            var  total       = 0;
            long denominator = 1;

            int[] current;
            var   quantity = new int[permutations.Count];

            for (var counter1 = 0; counter1 < permutations.Count; counter1++)
                current = permutations[counter1];
                long residue = size;
                // Quick internal calculations
                for (var counter2 = 0; counter2 < current.Length; counter2++)
                    residue     -= current[counter2];
                    denominator *= Fact(current[counter2]);
                quantity[counter1] = (int)(Fact(size - 1) / (denominator * Fact(residue)));
                total += quantity[counter1];

            var prob = new double[quantity.Length];

            // quantities found... now build array for probabilities
            for (var counter1 = 0; counter1 < quantity.Length; counter1++)
                prob[counter1] = quantity[counter1] / (double)total;
                // I don't think we need to check for negative values here -- Sean
            var selection = RandomChoice.PickFromDistribution(prob, 0.0, 7);

        public virtual int PickSize(IEvolutionState state, int thread, int functionset, int type)
            if (UseTrueDistribution)
                return(RandomChoice.PickFromDistribution(TrueSizes[functionset][type], state.Random[thread].NextDouble()));

            return(base.PickSize(state, thread));
        /// <summary>
        /// Assuming that either ResetMinSize and ResetMaxSize, or SizeDistribution, is defined,
        /// picks a random size from ResetMinSize...ResetMaxSize inclusive, or randomly
        /// from SizeDistribution.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual int PickSize(IEvolutionState state, int thread)
            if (SizeDistribution != null)
                // pick from distribution
                return(RandomChoice.PickFromDistribution(SizeDistribution, state.Random[thread].NextDouble()));

            // pick from ResetMinSize...ResetMaxSize
            return(state.Random[thread].NextInt(ResetMaxSize - ResetMinSize + 1) + ResetMinSize);
        public override int Produce(int subpop, IEvolutionState state, int thread)
            // pick a coin toss
            if (state.Random[thread].NextBoolean(Gets_N_Percent))
                // over -- SortedFitUnder.length to SortedPop.length
                                 + RandomChoice.PickFromDistribution(SortedFitOver, state.Random[thread].NextDouble())]);

            // under -- 0 to SortedFitUnder.length
            return(SortedPop[RandomChoice.PickFromDistribution(SortedFitUnder, state.Random[thread].NextDouble())]);
 /// <summary>
 /// Assuming that either minSize and maxSize, or sizeDistribution, is defined,
 /// picks a random size from minSize...maxSize inclusive, or randomly
 /// from sizeDistribution.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual int PickSize(IEvolutionState state, int thread)
     if (MinSize > 0)
         // pick from minSize...maxSize
         return(state.Random[thread].NextInt(MaxSize - MinSize + 1) + MinSize);
     if (SizeDistribution != null)
         // pick from distribution
         return(RandomChoice.PickFromDistribution(SizeDistribution, state.Random[thread].NextFloat(), CHECK_BOUNDARY) + 1);
     throw new ApplicationException("Neither minSize nor sizeDistribution is defined in GPNodeBuilder");
        internal virtual void FillNodeWithChildren(IEvolutionState state, int thread, GPInitializer initializer, int functionset,
                                                   GPNode parent, GPNode parentc, int pickchild, int outof, IMersenneTwister mt)
            if (pickchild == parent.Children.Length - 1)
                parent.Children[pickchild] = CreateTreeOfType(state, thread, initializer, functionset,
                                                              parent.Constraints(initializer).ChildTypes[pickchild].Type, outof, mt);
                var size = RandomChoice.PickFromDistribution(CHILD_D[functionset][IntForNode(parentc)][outof][pickchild], mt.NextDouble());

                parent.Children[pickchild] = CreateTreeOfType(state, thread, initializer, functionset,
                                                              parent.Constraints(initializer).ChildTypes[pickchild].Type, size, mt);

                FillNodeWithChildren(state, thread, initializer, functionset, parent, parentc, pickchild + 1, outof - size, mt);
            parent.Children[pickchild].Parent      = parent;
            parent.Children[pickchild].ArgPosition = (sbyte)pickchild;
文件: PTC1.cs 项目: lulzzz/BraneCloud
        /// <summary>
        /// A private function which recursively returns a GROW tree to NewRootedTree(...)
        /// </summary>
        private GPNode Ptc1(IEvolutionState state, int current, GPType type, int thread, IGPNodeParent parent,
                            int argPosition, GPFunctionSet funcs, IPTCFunctionSet pfuncs, double[] nonterminalSelectProbs)
            // ptc1 can mess up if there are no available terminals for a given type.  If this occurs,
            // and we find ourselves unable to pick a terminal when we want to do so, we will issue a warning,
            // and pick a nonterminal, violating the PTC1 size and depth contracts.  This can lead to pathological situations
            // where the system will continue to go on and on unable to stop because it can't pick a terminal,
            // resulting in running out of memory or some such.  But there are cases where we'd want to let
            // this work itself out.
            var triedTerminals = false;

            var t            = type.Type;
            var terminals    = funcs.Terminals[t];
            var nonterminals = funcs.Nonterminals[t];
            var nodes        = funcs.Nodes[t];

            if (nodes.Length == 0)
                ErrorAboutNoNodeWithType(type, state); // total failure
            // Now pick if we're at max depth
            // OR if we're below p_y
            // OR if there are NO nonterminals!
            // [first set triedTerminals]
            // AND if there are available terminals
            if (((current + 1 >= MaxDepth) ||
                 !(state.Random[thread].NextBoolean(nonterminalSelectProbs[t])) ||
                 WarnAboutNonterminal(nonterminals.Length == 0, type, false, state)) &&
                (triedTerminals = true) && terminals.Length != 0)
                var n = terminals[RandomChoice.PickFromDistribution(pfuncs.TerminalProbabilities(t),

                n.ResetNode(state, thread); // give ERCs a chance to randomize
                n.ArgPosition = (sbyte)argPosition;
                n.Parent      = parent;
            // above p_y, pick a nonterminal by q_ny probabilities
                if (triedTerminals)
                    WarnAboutNoTerminalWithType(type, false, state); // we tried terminals and we're here because there were none!
                var n = nonterminals[RandomChoice.PickFromDistribution(pfuncs.NonterminalProbabilities(t),

                n.ResetNode(state, thread); // give ERCs a chance to randomize
                n.ArgPosition = (sbyte)argPosition;
                n.Parent      = parent;

                // Populate the node...
                var childtypes = n.Constraints((GPInitializer)state.Initializer).ChildTypes;
                for (var x = 0; x < childtypes.Length; x++)
                    n.Children[x] = Ptc1(state, current + 1, childtypes[x], thread, n, x, funcs, pfuncs, nonterminalSelectProbs);

 /// <summary>
 /// Picks a random source from an array of sources, with their
 /// probabilities normalized and summed as follows:  For example,
 /// if four
 /// breeding source probabilities are {0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4}, then
 /// they should get normalized and summed by the outside owners
 /// as: {0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 1.0}.
 /// </summary>
 public static int PickRandom(IBreedingSource[] sources, double prob)
     return(RandomChoice.PickFromDistribution(sources, sources[0], prob));
文件: PTC2.cs 项目: lulzzz/BraneCloud
        public override GPNode NewRootedTree(IEvolutionState state, GPType type, int thread,
                                             IGPNodeParent parent, GPFunctionSet funcs, int argPosition, int requestedSize)
            // ptc2 can mess up if there are no available terminals for a given type.  If this occurs,
            // and we find ourselves unable to pick a terminal when we want to do so, we will issue a warning,
            // and pick a nonterminal, violating the ptc2 size and depth contracts.  This can lead to pathological situations
            // where the system will continue to go on and on unable to stop because it can't pick a terminal,
            // resulting in running out of memory or some such.  But there are cases where we'd want to let
            // this work itself out.
            var triedTerminals = false;

            if (!(funcs is IPTCFunctionSet))
                state.Output.Fatal("Set " + funcs.Name
                                   + " is not of the class ec.gp.build.IPTCFunctionSet, and so cannot be used with PTC Nodebuilders.");

            var pfuncs = (IPTCFunctionSet)funcs;

            // pick a size from the distribution
            if (requestedSize == NOSIZEGIVEN)
                requestedSize = PickSize(state, thread);

            GPNode root;

            var t            = type.Type;
            var terminals    = funcs.Terminals[t];
            var nonterminals = funcs.Nonterminals[t];
            var nodes        = funcs.Nodes[t];

            if (nodes.Length == 0)
                ErrorAboutNoNodeWithType(type, state); // total failure
            // return a terminal
            // Now pick a terminal if our size is 1
            // OR if there are NO nonterminals!
            // [first set triedTerminals]
            // AND if there are available terminals
            if ((requestedSize == 1 || WarnAboutNonterminal(nonterminals.Length == 0, type, false, state)) &&
                (triedTerminals = true) && terminals.Length != 0)
                root = terminals[RandomChoice.PickFromDistribution(pfuncs.TerminalProbabilities(t),

                root.ResetNode(state, thread); // give ERCs a chance to randomize
                root.ArgPosition = (sbyte)argPosition;
                root.Parent      = parent;
            // return a nonterminal-rooted tree
                if (triedTerminals)
                    WarnAboutNoTerminalWithType(type, false, state); // we tried terminals and we're here because there were none!
                // pick a nonterminal
                root = nonterminals[RandomChoice.PickFromDistribution(pfuncs.NonterminalProbabilities(t),

                root.ResetNode(state, thread); // give ERCs a chance to randomize
                root.ArgPosition = (sbyte)argPosition;
                root.Parent      = parent;

                // set the depth, size, and enqueuing, and reset the random dequeue

                s_size = 0; // pretty critical!
                var s           = 1;
                var initializer = ((GPInitializer)state.Initializer);
                var childtypes  = root.Constraints(initializer).ChildTypes;

                for (var x = 0; x < childtypes.Length; x++)
                    Enqueue(root, x, 1); /* depth 1 */
                while (s_size > 0)
                    triedTerminals = false;
                    RandomDequeue(state, thread);
                    type = DequeueNode.Constraints(initializer).ChildTypes[DequeueArgpos];

                    var y = type.Type;
                    terminals    = funcs.Terminals[y];
                    nonterminals = funcs.Nonterminals[y];
                    nodes        = funcs.Nodes[y];

                    if (nodes.Length == 0)
                        ErrorAboutNoNodeWithType(type, state); // total failure
                    // pick a terminal
                    // if we need no nonterminal nodes
                    // OR if we're at max depth and must pick a terminal
                    // OR if there are NO nonterminals!
                    // [first set triedTerminals]
                    // AND if there are available terminals
                    if ((s_size + s >= requestedSize || DequeueDepth == MaxDepth ||
                         WarnAboutNonterminal(nonterminals.Length == 0, type, false, state)) &&
                        (triedTerminals = true) && terminals.Length != 0)
                        var n = terminals[RandomChoice.PickFromDistribution(pfuncs.TerminalProbabilities(y),

                        DequeueNode.Children[DequeueArgpos] = n;
                        n.ResetNode(state, thread); // give ERCs a chance to randomize
                        n.ArgPosition = (sbyte)DequeueArgpos;
                        n.Parent      = DequeueNode;
                    // pick a nonterminal and enqueue its children
                        if (triedTerminals)
                            WarnAboutNoTerminalWithType(type, false, state); // we tried terminals and we're here because there were none!
                        var n = nonterminals[RandomChoice.PickFromDistribution(pfuncs.NonterminalProbabilities(y),

                        DequeueNode.Children[DequeueArgpos] = n;
                        n.ResetNode(state, thread); // give ERCs a chance to randomize
                        n.ArgPosition = (sbyte)DequeueArgpos;
                        n.Parent      = DequeueNode;

                        childtypes = n.Constraints(initializer).ChildTypes;
                        for (var x = 0; x < childtypes.Length; x++)
                            Enqueue(n, x, DequeueDepth + 1);

 public override int Produce(int subpop, IEvolutionState state, int thread)
     // Pick and return an individual from the population
     return(RandomChoice.PickFromDistribution(Fitnesses, state.Random[thread].NextDouble()));