public FieldInfo GetField(string name)
            var field = _fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == name);

            Raise <TypeCheckException> .IfIsNull(field);

        public void Visit(Dot dot)
            var st = dot.Left.Type as StructType;

            Raise <TypeCheckException> .IfIsNull(st, "Cannot call dot on struct types!");

            Debug.Assert(st != null); // To keep ReSharper quiet :)
            dot.Type = _result = st.GetField(dot.Right).Type;
        public void Visit(Assignment asg)
            if (asg.LoadExp != null)
            var varName = asg.VarName;

            StaticEnvBase.VarInfo varInfo;
            if (asg.LoadExp != null)
                var structType = asg.LoadExp.Type as StructType;
                Raise <TypeCheckException> .IfIsNull(structType, "Can apply dot only on structs");

                var field = structType.Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == varName);
                Raise <TypeCheckException> .IfIsNull(field, "Given struct type has not given field");

                Raise <TypeCheckException> .IfAreNotSame(field.Type, asg.Exp.Type, "Wrong type in assignment");

                varInfo = new StaticEnvBase.VarInfo(varName, asg.Exp.Type, StaticEnvBase.Kind.Field, field);
            else if (_staticEnv.TryGetVariable(varName, out varInfo))
                if (!varInfo.Type.Equals(_result))
                    throw new TypeCheckException(string.Format(
                                                     "Cannot re-assign {0} with a value of different type", varName));
                var info = _currFunc.AddVariable(varName, asg.Exp.Type);
                varInfo = new StaticEnvBase.VarInfo(varName, asg.Exp.Type, StaticEnvBase.Kind.Var, info);
                _staticEnv.SetVariable(varName, varInfo);
            asg.Var = varInfo;