private void webClient_DownloadTrainRoutesCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e) { try { string json = e.Result; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { RootStationObject rootStationObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RootStationObject>(json); stationList = rootStationObj.RESULTS.stationList; formatStationName(); if (stationList != null) { populateStations(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { RadMessageBox.ShowAsync("AW SNAP :-(", MessageBoxButtons.OK, "We are having trouble downloading data due to temporary server unavailability at the moment."); } this.busyIndicator.IsRunning = false; }
private void MenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MenuItem selectedCtx = (MenuItem)sender; FavoriteScheduleViewModel favSchedView = (sender as MenuItem).DataContext as FavoriteScheduleViewModel; if (selectedCtx.Name.Equals("menuRename")) { ControlTemplate imageTemplate = (ControlTemplate)this.Resources["InputPrompt"]; //RadInputPrompt.Show(imageTemplate, "Title", new string[] { "yes", "no" }); RadInputPrompt.Show(imageTemplate, APPCONTEXT.scheduleListPromptTitle, new string[] { "save", "cancel" }, APPCONTEXT.scheduleListPromptMessage, closedHandler: (args) => { string value = args.Text; int buttonIndex = args.ButtonIndex; if (buttonIndex == 0) { updateFavoriteShceduleName(favSchedView, value); createFavoriteScheduleList(); populateFavoriteSchedule(); RadMessageBox.ShowAsync("There you go :)", MessageBoxButtons.OK, "Your favorite shedule is updated successfully."); } }); } else { removeFavoriteSchedule(favSchedView); createFavoriteScheduleList(); populateFavoriteSchedule(); RadMessageBox.ShowAsync("There you go :)", MessageBoxButtons.OK, "Shedule is removed from your favorites."); } }
private async Task CheckForUpgrade() { if (await IsUpgradeAvailable()) { await Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(async() => { var args = await RadMessageBox.ShowAsync(buttonsContent: new List <object> { Resources.Yes, Resources.No }, title: Resources.UpgradeTitle, message: Resources.UpgradeText); if (args.Result == DialogResult.OK) { var marketplaceTask = new MarketplaceDetailTask(); try { marketplaceTask.Show(); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } } }); } }
private async void PhoneApplicationPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var settingsService = KernelService.Kernel.Get <ISettingsService>(); var settingsKey = String.Format("{0}initialMessageShown", (App.Current as App).currentVersion); if (ApplicationUsageHelper.ApplicationRunsCountForCurrentVersion == 1 && !settingsService.LoadSetting <bool>(settingsKey)) { //Show intro dialog await RadMessageBox.ShowAsync(Shane.Church.StirlingBirthday.Strings.Resources.WelcomeCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, Shane.Church.StirlingBirthday.Strings.Resources.WelcomeText); settingsService.SaveSetting <bool>(true, settingsKey); } }
private async Task CheckForUpgrade() { if (await IsUpgradeAvailable()) { #if !WP8 Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { RadMessageBox.Show(buttonsContent: new List <object> { Resources.AppResources.Yes, Resources.AppResources.No }, title: Resources.AppResources.UpgradeTitle, message: Resources.AppResources.UpgradeText, closedHandler: (args) => { if (args.Result == DialogResult.OK) { var marketplaceTask = new MarketplaceDetailTask(); try { marketplaceTask.Show(); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } } }); }); #else await Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(async() => { var args = await RadMessageBox.ShowAsync(buttonsContent: new List <object> { Shane.Church.StirlingBirthday.Strings.Resources.Yes, Shane.Church.StirlingBirthday.Strings.Resources.No }, title: Shane.Church.StirlingBirthday.Strings.Resources.UpgradeTitle, message: Shane.Church.StirlingBirthday.Strings.Resources.UpgradeText); if (args.Result == DialogResult.OK) { var marketplaceTask = new MarketplaceDetailTask(); try { marketplaceTask.Show(); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } } }); #endif } }
void getTicketPrices(string startStationId, string endStationId) { string serviceUri = getServiceUri(WebService.TicketPrices, startStationId, endStationId); if (isInterntConAvailable()) { WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.DownloadStringCompleted += webClient_DownloadTicketPricesCompleted; webClient.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(serviceUri)); } else { RadMessageBox.ShowAsync("AW SNAP :-(", MessageBoxButtons.OK, "We are having trouble downloading data due to network connectivity or temporary server unavailability at the moment. Please make sure you are connected to internet and try again."); } }
private void ApplicationBarIconButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StationList startStation = (StationList)acbFromStation.SelectedItem; StationList endStation = (StationList)acbToStation.SelectedItem; if (startStation == null || endStation == null || txtFirstClass.Text == "") { RadMessageBox.ShowAsync("AW SNAP!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, "Ticket prices are unavailabe for sharing"); } else { string[] args = { startStation.stationName, endStation.stationName, txtFirstClass.Text, txtSecondClass.Text, txtThirdClass.Text }; string shareMessage = string.Format(APPCONTEXT.ticketPriceShareMessage, args); AppUtility.shareStatusTask(shareMessage); } }
void createCombinedTrainList() { trianQuery = (TRAINQUERY)NavigationService.GetNavigationData(); populateHeader(trianQuery); if (isInterntConAvailable()) { WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.DownloadStringCompleted += webClient_DownloadCombinedTrainsCompleted; webClient.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(getServiceUri(trianQuery))); this.busyIndicator.IsRunning = true; } else { RadMessageBox.ShowAsync("AW SNAP :-(", MessageBoxButtons.OK, "We are having trouble downloading data due to temporary server unavailability at the moment."); } }
private void ApplicationBarIconButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ControlTemplate imageTemplate = (ControlTemplate)this.Resources["ImageTemplate"]; //RadInputPrompt.Show(imageTemplate, "Title", new string[] { "yes", "no" }); RadInputPrompt.Show(imageTemplate, APPCONTEXT.scheduleListPromptTitle, new string[] { "save", "cancel" }, APPCONTEXT.scheduleListPromptMessage, closedHandler: (args) => { string value = args.Text; int buttonIndex = args.ButtonIndex; if (buttonIndex == 0) { logFavoriteSchedule(value); RadMessageBox.ShowAsync("Yeey!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, "Schedule is added to the favorites."); } }); }
private async Task CallAfterTap(string dua, string trans) { StackPanel sp = new StackPanel(); TextBlock duabox = new TextBlock(); duabox.LineHeight = 75; duabox.FontFamily = new System.Windows.Media.FontFamily("/Assets/Fonts/trado.ttf#Traditional Arabic"); duabox.FontSize = 50; duabox.Text = dua; TextBlock transbox = new TextBlock(); transbox.Text = Environment.NewLine + "Translation : " + trans; transbox.FontSize = 20; sp.Children.Add(duabox); sp.Children.Add(transbox); await RadMessageBox.ShowAsync(sp, vibrate : false); }
private void lsRecentSearch_Tap(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e) { RecentSearchViewModel recentSearch = (RecentSearchViewModel)lsRecentSearch.SelectedItem; if (recentSearch != null) { if (isInterntConAvailable()) { lsRecentSearch.SelectedItem = null; TRAINQUERY queryObj = getQueryObject(recentSearch); NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/ScheduleListPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative), queryObj); } else { lsRecentSearch.SelectedItem = null; RadMessageBox.ShowAsync("AW SNAP :-(", MessageBoxButtons.OK, "We are having trouble downloading data due to network connectivity or temporary server unavailability at the moment. Please make sure you are connected to internet and try again."); } } }
async void rateReminder_ReminderClosed(object sender, ReminderClosedEventArgs e) { if (e.MessageBoxEventArgs.Result == DialogResult.Cancel) { var eArgs = await RadMessageBox.ShowAsync(buttonsContent : new List <object>() { Shane.Church.StirlingBirthday.Strings.Resources.GiveFeedbackButton, Shane.Church.StirlingBirthday.Strings.Resources.NoThanksButton }, title : Shane.Church.StirlingBirthday.Strings.Resources.FeedbackTitle, message : Shane.Church.StirlingBirthday.Strings.Resources.FeedbackContent); if (eArgs.ButtonIndex == 0) { EmailComposeTask emailTask = new EmailComposeTask(); emailTask.To = "*****@*****.**"; emailTask.Subject = emailTask.Subject = Shane.Church.StirlingBirthday.Strings.Resources.TechnicalSupportEmailSubject; emailTask.Show(); } } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (isInterntConAvailable()) { if (validateInputs()) { TRAINQUERY queryObj = getQueryObject(); logRecentSearch(); //logFavoriteSchedule(); NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/ScheduleListPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative), queryObj); } else { RadMessageBox.ShowAsync("AW SNAP!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, "Looks like you have not selected start station and end station"); } } else { RadMessageBox.ShowAsync("AW SNAP :-(", MessageBoxButtons.OK, "We are having trouble downloading data due to network connectivity or temporary server unavailability at the moment. Please make sure you are connected to internet and try again."); } }
private void webClient_DownloadTrainRoutesCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e) { try { string json = e.Result; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { RootStationObject rootStationObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RootStationObject>(json); stationList = rootStationObj.RESULTS.stationList; formatStationName(); if (stationList != null) { populateStations(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { RadMessageBox.ShowAsync("Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, "Error retrieving information from server. Please check your internet connection and try again."); } }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (isInterntConAvailable()) { if (validateInputs()) { StationList startStation = (StationList)acbFromStation.SelectedItem; StationList endStation = (StationList)acbToStation.SelectedItem; getTicketPrices(startStation.stationID.ToString(), endStation.stationID.ToString()); } else { RadMessageBox.ShowAsync("AW SNAP!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, "Looks like you have not selected start station and end station"); } } else { RadMessageBox.ShowAsync("AW SNAP :-(", MessageBoxButtons.OK, "We are having trouble downloading data due to network connectivity or temporary server unavailability at the moment. Please make sure you are connected to internet and try again."); } }
private void webClient_DownloadTicketPricesCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e) { try { string json = e.Result; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { RootPriceObject rootPriceObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RootPriceObject>(json); priceList = rootPriceObj.RESULTS.priceList; if (priceList != null) { setTicketPrices(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { RadMessageBox.ShowAsync("AW SNAP :-(", MessageBoxButtons.OK, "We are having trouble downloading data due to temporary server unavailability at the moment."); } }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { _log.LogPageView("ExcelExport"); _model = KernelService.Kernel.Get <ExcelExportViewModel>(); _model.ExportBeginning += () => { Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { this.busyIndicator.IsRunning = true; }); }; _model.ExportCompleted += (isSuccess) => { Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(async() => { this.busyIndicator.IsRunning = false; if (isSuccess) { await RadMessageBox.ShowAsync(new object[] { Shane.Church.WhatIEat.Strings.Resources.Ok }, Shane.Church.WhatIEat.Strings.Resources.UploadSuccessTitle, Shane.Church.WhatIEat.Strings.Resources.UploadSuccessMessage); } else { await RadMessageBox.ShowAsync(new object[] { Shane.Church.WhatIEat.Strings.Resources.Ok }, Shane.Church.WhatIEat.Strings.Resources.UploadFailedTitle, Shane.Church.WhatIEat.Strings.Resources.UploadFailedMessage); } }); }; this.DataContext = _model; if (!_model.AreAdsVisible && AdMediator_3BB1FC != null) { AdPanel.Children.Remove(AdMediator_3BB1FC); AdMediator_3BB1FC = null; } base.OnNavigatedTo(e); }