protected void RadButton4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dt; foreach (UploadedFile f in RadAsyncUpload2.UploadedFiles) { string path = Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/"); //f.File.SaveAs(path + f.File.GetName()); var filename = f.FileName; dt = ReadExcelFile("Sheet1", path + filename); RadGrid2.DataSource = dt; RadGrid2.DataBind(); //string path = f.ContentLength //f.File.SaveAs(path + e.File.GetName()); //var getvar = f.GetName(); //var filesize = Convert.ToInt32(f.ContentLength); //var physicalSavePath = MapPath(relativePath) + filename; //f.SaveAs("c:\\uploaded files\\" + f.GetName(), true); } }
public void CargarDatos() { Controller_EstadoOT eo = new Controller_EstadoOT(); lblOT.Text = Request.QueryString["OT"]; Intranet.ModuloDespacho.Model.Estado_OT et = eo.BuscarOTLiquidar(Request.QueryString["OT"], 1); lblNombreOT.Text = et.NombreOT; lblCliente.Text = et.Cliente; if (et.FechaMaxima != "") { lblFechaLiqui.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(et.FechaMaxima).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); } Controller_Liquidacion controlliqui = new Controller_Liquidacion(); RadGrid1.DataSource = controlliqui.ListarHistorialLiquidacion(Request.QueryString["OT"]); RadGrid1.DataBind(); RadGrid3.DataSource = controlliqui.ListarHistorialNotas(Request.QueryString["OT"]); RadGrid3.DataBind(); RadGridfacturacion.DataSource = controlliqui.ListarDetalleFacturacion(Request.QueryString["OT"]); RadGridfacturacion.DataBind(); ddlProblema.DataSource = controlliqui.ListarDetalle(); ddlProblema.DataTextField = "OT"; ddlProblema.DataValueField = "TotalDesp"; ddlProblema.DataBind(); ddlProblema.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Seleccionar", "Seleccionar")); ddlProblema.Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled"); RadGrid2.DataSource = controlliqui.ListarDespachos(Request.QueryString["OT"], 0); RadGrid2.DataBind(); lblTabla.Text = controlliqui.ListaDetalleDespachos(Request.QueryString["OT"], 1); //string CSR = de.NombreOT; }
protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Guid bcoId = new Guid(); Guid revenueUnitTypeId = new Guid(); Guid rUnitId = new Guid(); bcoId = Guid.Parse(rcbBranchCorpOffice.SelectedValue.ToString()); revenueUnitTypeId = Guid.Parse(rcbRevenueUnitType.SelectedValue.ToString()); rUnitId = Guid.Parse(rcbRevenueUnitName.SelectedValue.ToString()); if (bcoId != null && revenueUnitTypeId != null && rUnitId != null) { RadGrid2.DataSource = GetEmployeebySearch(bcoId, revenueUnitTypeId, rUnitId); RadGrid2.DataBind(); } //radSearchEmployee.Text = ""; //string host = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority; //Guid ID = new Guid("11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"); //string batchCode = GlobalCode.globalCode; //BLL.Batch.InsertBatchName(txtBatchName.Text, batchCode, ID, getConstr.ConStrCMS); //string script = "<script>CloseOnReload()</" + "script>"; //ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CloseOnReload", script); }
protected void radSearchEmployee_Search(object sender, SearchBoxEventArgs e) { RadSearchBox searchBox = (RadSearchBox)sender; string employeeId = string.Empty; string likeCondition; Guid empId = new Guid(); if (e.DataItem != null) { employeeId = ((Dictionary <string, object>)e.DataItem)["EmployeeId"].ToString(); empId = Guid.Parse(employeeId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(employeeId)) { likeCondition = string.Format("'{0}{1}%'", searchBox.Filter == SearchBoxFilter.Contains ? "%" : "", ((Dictionary <string, object>)e.DataItem)["EmployeeId"].ToString()); //gridEmployeeDataSource.SelectCommand = "SELECT [EmployeeId], [FirstName] , [MiddleName], [LastName], [BirthDate], [ContactNo], [Email], [CreatedDate]" + " FROM[Employee] WHERE RecordStatus = 1 AND [" + searchBox.DataValueField + "] LIKE " + likeCondition; //RadGrid2.DataBind(); RadGrid2.DataSource = GetEmployeebyEmployeeId(empId); //RadGrid2.DataSource = "SELECT [EmployeeId], [FirstName] , [MiddleName], [LastName], [BirthDate], [ContactNo], [Email], [CreatedDate]" + " FROM [Employee] WHERE RecordStatus = 1 and FirstName = [" + searchBox.Text + "] OR LastName = [" + searchBox.Text + "] or BirthDate = [" + searchBox.Text + "] "; RadGrid2.DataBind(); // string search = radSearchEmployee.Text; } } else { RadGrid2.DataSource = GetEmployee(); RadGrid2.DataBind(); } }
protected void btnFiltro_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtNumeroOT.Text.Length > 4) { RadGrid2.Visible = false; RadGrid1.Visible = true; RadGrid1.DataSource = controldes.ListarDespacho_informePorOT(txtNumeroOT.Text, null, null, null, null, 1); RadGrid1.DataBind(); ibPDF.Visible = false; } else { if (txtFechaInicio.Text != "" && txtFechaTermino.Text != "") { string fechaI = txtFechaInicio.Text; string[] str = fechaI.Split('/'); string dia = str[0]; string mes = str[1]; string año = str[2]; año = año.Substring(0, 4); string fechaInicio = año + "-" + mes + "-" + dia; //fechas string fechaT = txtFechaTermino.Text; string[] str2 = fechaT.Split('/'); string dia2 = str2[0]; string mes2 = str2[1]; string año2 = str2[2]; año2 = año2.Substring(0, 4); string fechaTermino = año2 + "-" + mes2 + "-" + dia2; RadGrid1.Visible = false; RadGrid2.Visible = true; //carga con fechas if (fechaInicio == fechaTermino) { fechaInicio = fechaInicio + " 00:00:00"; fechaTermino = fechaTermino + " 23:59:59"; } RadGrid2.DataSource = controldes.ListarDespacho_informePorOTAgrupada(txtNombreOT.Text, txtNumeroOT.Text, fechaInicio, fechaTermino, 2); RadGrid2.DataBind(); ibPDF.Visible = false; } else { string fi = "2012-01-01 00:00:00"; string ft = "2100-01-01 23:59:59"; RadGrid1.Visible = false; RadGrid2.Visible = true; //carga con fechas RadGrid2.DataSource = controldes.ListarDespacho_informePorOTAgrupada(txtNombreOT.Text, txtNumeroOT.Text, fi, ft, 3); RadGrid2.DataBind(); ibPDF.Visible = false; } } }
protected void ddlCausa_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string res = BuscarPallet(); if (res.Length > 0) { if (RadGrid2.Items.Count == 0) { PanelCantidad.Visible = true; RadGrid2.DataSource = ""; RadGrid2.DataBind(); List <string> pallet = new List <string>(); int cantidad = 0; for (int i = 0; i < RadGridOT.Items.Count; i++) { GridDataItem row = RadGridOT.Items[i]; bool isChecked = ((CheckBox)row.FindControl("chkSelect")).Checked; if (isChecked) { pallet.Add(row["ID_Control"].Text); cantidad = cantidad + Convert.ToInt32(row["Pliegos_Impresos"].Text); } } ddlPliego.DataSource = pallet; ddlPliego.DataBind(); ddlPliego.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Seleccione...")); lblRestantes.Text = cantidad.ToString("N0").Replace(",", "."); pnlOT.Visible = false; } } }
protected void radSearchawbIssuance_Search(object sender, SearchBoxEventArgs e) { RadSearchBox searchBox = (RadSearchBox)sender; string id = string.Empty; string likeCondition; Guid awbId = new Guid(); Guid bcoId = new Guid(); if (e.DataItem != null) { // id = ((Dictionary<string, object>)e.DataItem)["AwbIssuanceId"].ToString(); var dataItem = ((Dictionary <string, object>)e.DataItem); var awbIssuanceId = dataItem["AwbIssuanceId"].ToString(); var bco = dataItem["BCOid"].ToString(); awbId = Guid.Parse(awbIssuanceId); bcoId = Guid.Parse(bco); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { likeCondition = string.Format("'{0}{1}%'", searchBox.Filter == SearchBoxFilter.Contains ? "%" : "", ((Dictionary <string, object>)e.DataItem)["AwbIssuanceId"].ToString()); RadGrid2.DataSource = GetAwbIssuanceById(bcoId, awbId); RadGrid2.DataBind(); } } else { RadGrid2.DataSource = GetAWBIssuance(); RadGrid2.DataBind(); } }
protected void radSearchUser_Search(object sender, SearchBoxEventArgs e) { RadSearchBox searchBox = (RadSearchBox)sender; string userId = string.Empty; string likeCondition; Guid userid = new Guid(); if (e.DataItem != null) { userId = ((Dictionary <string, object>)e.DataItem)["UserId"].ToString(); userid = Guid.Parse(userId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId)) { likeCondition = string.Format("'{0}{1}%'", searchBox.Filter == SearchBoxFilter.Contains ? "%" : "", ((Dictionary <string, object>)e.DataItem)["UserId"].ToString()); RadGrid2.DataSource = GetUserbyUserId(userid); RadGrid2.DataBind(); } } else { RadGrid2.DataSource = GetUsers(); RadGrid2.DataBind(); } }
public void CargarGrillaFecha() { List <Intranet.ModuloProduccion.Model.Produccion> lista = control.List_CSR(Session["Usuario"].ToString(), "", "", null, null, 1); RadGrid2.DataSource = lista; RadGrid2.DataBind(); }
public void document_attachment_GetAll2(int idRespuesta) { OrdenController oc = new OrdenController(); RadGrid2.DataSource = oc.Seguimiento_MostrarArchivos(0, idRespuesta, 2); RadGrid2.DataBind(); }
protected void btnAgregar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ddlTipoEmbalaje.SelectedValue.ToString() != "Seleccione..." && txtCantidad.Text != "") { if ((Convert.ToInt32(lblRestante.Text) - Convert.ToInt32(txtCantidad.Text)) >= 0) { respuesta = des.insertTipoDev(Convert.ToInt32(idDev.Text), txtOT.Text, ddlTipoEmbalaje.SelectedValue.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(txtCantidad.Text), 2); if (respuesta == true) { //actualizar grilla RadGrid2.DataSource = des.ListaTipos(Convert.ToInt32(idDev.Text)); RadGrid2.DataBind(); //totalDevuelto = totalDevuelto + Convert.ToInt32(txtCantidad.Text); lblMensaje.Text = ""; lblRestante.Text = des.MaxRecepciones(txtOT.Text, 1); btnAgregar.Enabled = false; } else { //error o algo } } else { lblMensaje.ForeColor = Color.Red; lblMensaje.Text = "La cantidad recepcionada no puede ser mayor a 'Maximo a recepcionar'."; } } }
protected void btnFiltro_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtFechaInicio.Text != "" || txtFechaTermino.Text != "") { DateTime a = Convert.ToDateTime(txtFechaInicio.Text); string b = a.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); DateTime c = Convert.ToDateTime(txtFechaTermino.Text); string d = c.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); DateTime FI = Convert.ToDateTime(b + " 00:00:00"); DateTime FT = Convert.ToDateTime(d + " 23:59:59"); RadGrid1.DataSource = cID.controlRecepcionPendientes(txtOP.Text, txtNombreOP.Text, FI, FT, 0); RadGrid2.DataSource = cID.controlRecepcionPendientes(txtOP.Text, txtNombreOP.Text, FI, FT, 2); } else { DateTime FI = Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01 00:00:00"); DateTime FT = Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01 23:59:59"); RadGrid1.DataSource = cID.controlRecepcionPendientes(txtOP.Text, txtNombreOP.Text, FI, FT, 1); RadGrid2.DataSource = cID.controlRecepcionPendientes(txtOP.Text, txtNombreOP.Text, FI, FT, 3); } RadGrid1.DataBind(); RadGrid2.DataBind(); }
protected void btnBuscar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string usu = Session["Usuario"].ToString(); if (txtNombreProyecto.Text != "") { res = cp.BuscarDisponibilidadyCrear(usu, txtNombreProyecto.Text, "", 1); if (res == false) { RadGrid1.DataSource = cp.CargarGrillaProyecto(usu, txtNombreProyecto.Text, "", "", "", 0, 0); RadGrid1.DataBind(); RadGrid2.DataSource = cp.CargarGrillaProyecto(usu, txtNombreProyecto.Text, "", "", "", 0, 3); RadGrid2.DataBind(); DivOculto.Visible = true; btnFiltro.Enabled = false; } else { DivOculto.Visible = false; divMensaje.Visible = true; btnFiltro.Enabled = true; lblMensaje.Text = "El proyecto que ha buscado NO existe."; imgMensaje.ImageUrl = "../../Images/cross.png"; lblMensaje.ForeColor = Color.White; divMensaje.Attributes.Add("style", "background-color:Red"); } } }
public void CargarGrillas() { string FechaInicio = ""; string FechaTermino = ""; if (txtFechaInicio.Text != "" && txtFechaTermino.Text != "") { string FecI = txtFechaInicio.Text; string[] str = FecI.Split('/'); string dia = str[0]; string mes = str[1]; string año = str[2]; año = año.Substring(0, 4); FechaInicio = mes + "/" + dia + "/" + año; string FecT = txtFechaTermino.Text; string[] str2 = FecT.Split('/'); string dia2 = str2[0]; string mes2 = str2[1]; string año2 = str2[2]; año2 = año2.Substring(0, 4); FechaTermino = mes2 + "/" + dia2 + "/" + año2; } List <Intranet.ModuloProduccion.Model.Produccion> lista = control.ListarProduccion(txtNumeroOT.Text.ToString().Trim(), txtNombreOT.Text.ToString().Trim(), txtCliente.Text.ToString().Trim(), 1, FechaInicio.Trim(), FechaTermino.Trim()); RadGrid1.DataSource = lista; RadGrid1.DataBind(); List <Intranet.ModuloProduccion.Model.Produccion> lista2 = control.ListarProduccion(txtNumeroOT.Text.ToString().Trim(), txtNombreOT.Text.ToString().Trim(), txtCliente.Text.ToString().Trim(), 2, FechaInicio.Trim(), FechaTermino.Trim()); RadGrid2.DataSource = lista2; RadGrid2.DataBind(); }
protected void RadGrid1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblidCliente.Text = RadGrid1.SelectedValues["id_cliente"].ToString(); PanelDetalle.Visible = true; FormView1.DataBind(); RadGrid2.DataBind(); }
protected void radCompany_Search(object sender, SearchBoxEventArgs e) { RadSearchBox searchBox = (RadSearchBox)sender; string companyId = string.Empty; string likeCondition; Guid compId = new Guid(); if (e.DataItem != null) { companyId = ((Dictionary <string, object>)e.DataItem)["CompanyId"].ToString(); compId = Guid.Parse(companyId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(companyId)) { likeCondition = string.Format("'{0}{1}%'", searchBox.Filter == SearchBoxFilter.Contains ? "%" : "", ((Dictionary <string, object>)e.DataItem)["CompanyId"].ToString()); RadGrid2.DataSource = GetCompanyById(compId); RadGrid2.DataBind(); } } else { RadGrid2.DataSource = GetCompany(); RadGrid2.DataBind(); } }
protected void post_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (RadTextBox1.Text == "") { } else { Db dbClass = new Db(); string l = RadGrid2.Columns.FindByUniqueName("loadit").FooterText; string s = Session["UserID"].ToString(); int f = int.Parse(s); int itemid = int.Parse(l); string me = "INSERT INTO Comments (ItemID, UID, Comment)VALUES ('" + l + "', " + f + ", '" + RadTextBox1.Text.ToString() + "')"; dbClass.DataBase(me); bindit(); RadGrid1.DataBind(); lblstatus.Visible = false; RadGrid2.Columns.FindByUniqueName("loadit").FooterText = l; RadGrid2.DataSource = dt; RadGrid2.DataBind(); vaibhav.Visible = true; RadTextBox1.Text = ""; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string codigo = Request.QueryString["Cod"]; Devoluciones d = des.ListaDevoluciones(codigo); lblOT.Text = d.OT.ToUpper(); lblCliente.Text = d.Cliente; lblProducto.Text = d.Producto; lblCausa.Text = d.CausaDevolucion; lblObservacion.Text = d.Observacion; int can = Convert.ToInt32(d.Total_Dev); lblCantidad.Text = can.ToString("N0").Replace(",", "."); int tir = Convert.ToInt32(d.TirajeOT); lblTirajeOT.Text = tir.ToString("N0").Replace(",", "."); RadGrid1.DataSource = des.ListaGuias(Convert.ToInt32(d.id_Guias)); RadGrid1.DataBind(); RadGrid2.DataSource = des.ListasTipos(Convert.ToInt32(d.id_TipoDev)); RadGrid2.DataBind(); }
protected void ddlRegion2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SYS_WidgetPageLayoutBSO _widgetBSO = new SYS_WidgetPageLayoutBSO(); DataTable table = _widgetBSO.GetSYS_WidgetPageLayoutByAllRegionId(ddlRegion2.SelectedValue, Convert.ToInt32(ddlPageLayout2.SelectedValue), Language.language); RadGrid2.DataSource = table; RadGrid2.DataBind(); }
private void ViewWidgetAll2(int _pagelayout, string regionId) { SYS_WidgetPageLayoutBSO _widgetBSO = new SYS_WidgetPageLayoutBSO(); DataTable table = _widgetBSO.GetSYS_WidgetPageLayoutByAllRegionId(regionId, _pagelayout, Language.language); RadGrid2.DataSource = table; RadGrid2.DataBind(); }
protected void ddlArea_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { TabPanel2.Enabled = true; //Label1.Text= ddlArea.SelectedValue.ToString(); RadGrid2.DataSource = cc.ListarCCAsignados(8, Convert.ToInt32(ddlArea.SelectedValue.ToString())); RadGrid2.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { RadGrid1.DataSource = ""; RadGrid1.DataBind(); RadGrid2.DataSource = ""; RadGrid2.DataBind(); }
protected void PresentTeachrBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { substituteDA mysub2; { try { DataTable dt2 = new DataTable(); string dayofweek = System.DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek.ToString(); if (dayofweek == "Monday") { mysub2 = new substituteDA(); dt2 = mysub2.presentTeachersMon(); RadGrid2.DataSource = dt2; RadGrid2.DataBind(); } if (dayofweek == "Tuesday") { mysub2 = new substituteDA(); dt2 = mysub2.presentTeachersTues(); RadGrid2.DataSource = dt2; RadGrid2.DataBind(); } if (dayofweek == "Wednesday") { mysub2 = new substituteDA(); dt2 = mysub2.presentTeachersWed(); RadGrid2.DataSource = dt2; RadGrid2.DataBind(); } if (dayofweek == "Thursday") { mysub2 = new substituteDA(); dt2 = mysub2.presentTeachersThus(); RadGrid2.DataSource = dt2; RadGrid2.DataBind(); } if (dayofweek == "Friday")//select present teachers from db and they are set to display in the radgrid { mysub2 = new substituteDA(); dt2 = mysub2.presentTeachersFri(); substituteCLZ obj1 = new substituteCLZ(); RadGrid2.DataSource = dt2; RadGrid2.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string codigo = Request.QueryString["Cod"]; Devoluciones d = des.ListaDevoluciones(codigo); lblOT.Text = d.OT.ToUpper(); lblCliente.Text = d.Cliente; lblProducto.Text = d.Producto; lblCausa.Text = d.CausaDevolucion; lblObservacion.Text = d.Observacion; lblCreadaPor.Text = d.CreadaPor.ToUpper(); lblFechaCreacion.Text = d.FechaCreacion; int can = Convert.ToInt32(d.Total_Dev); lblCantidad.Text = can.ToString("N0").Replace(",", "."); int tir = Convert.ToInt32(d.TirajeOT); lblTirajeOT.Text = tir.ToString("N0").Replace(",", "."); RadGrid1.DataSource = des.ListaGuias(Convert.ToInt32(d.id_Guias)); RadGrid1.DataBind(); RadGrid2.DataSource = des.ListasTipos(Convert.ToInt32(d.id_TipoDev)); RadGrid2.DataBind(); //lblPallet.Text = codigo; //// lblUsuario.Text = Session["Usuario"].ToString(); //lblUsuario.Text = cPT.ValidadoPor(codigo); //lblFechaCreacion.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"); //RadGrid1.DataSource = cPT.BuscaPalletDespachoImpresion(codigo); //RadGrid1.DataBind(); LabelKit.BarcodeGenerator code = new LabelKit.BarcodeGenerator(); System.Drawing.Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(new Bitmap(1, 1)); System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); lblFolio.Text = d.Folio; code.DrawCode128(g, codigo, 0, 0).Save(Server.MapPath("./barcodes/bc.png"), ImageFormat.Png); imgCodigo.ImageUrl = "./barcodes/bc.png"; }
protected void btnFiltro_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { Controller_Dimensionadora dd = new Controller_Dimensionadora(); RadGrid2.DataSource = dd.CargaPendientesDimensionadoraConsumo(1, txtOT.Text.ToString().Trim(), txtFolio.Text.ToString().Trim()); RadGrid2.DataBind(); divPliego.Visible = false; divDimensionadora.Visible = true; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string codigo = Request.QueryString["cod"]; lblOT.Text = Request.QueryString["ot"]; lblNombreOT.Text = Request.QueryString["nomot"].ToUpper(); lblCantidadAsignada.Text = Request.QueryString["solFL"]; lblCantidadSolicitada.Text = Request.QueryString["solKG"]; lblFormatoCorte.Text = Request.QueryString["formato"]; lblFechaCreacion.Text = Request.QueryString["fecha"]; lblCliente.Text = Request.QueryString["cliente"]; lblComponente.Text = Request.QueryString["comp"]; #region cargaCodigoBarra LabelKit.BarcodeGenerator code = new LabelKit.BarcodeGenerator(); System.Drawing.Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(new Bitmap(1, 1)); System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); code.DrawCode128(g, codigo.Trim(), 0, 0).Save(Server.MapPath("./barcodes/bc.png"), ImageFormat.Png); imgCodigo.ImageUrl = "./barcodes/bc.png"; lblCodigo.Text = codigo; #endregion BodegaPliegos bd = bp.CargaPapelSolicitado(codigo, 4); lblCodigoItem.Text = bd.CodigoProducto; lblPapel.Text = bd.Papel.ToUpper(); lblMarca.Text = bd.Marca.ToUpper(); lblCertificacion.Text = bd.Certificacion; lblGramaje.Text = bd.Gramaje; lblAncho.Text = bd.Ancho; lblLargo.Text = bd.Largo; lblAntiguedad.Text = bd.Antiguedad; //RadGrid1.DataSource = bp.CargaPapelSolicitud(codigo, 0); //RadGrid1.DataBind(); RadGrid2.DataSource = bp.CargaPapelSolicitudDetalle(codigo, 1); RadGrid2.DataBind(); int totalAsignado = bp.totalAsignado(lblOT.Text, lblComponente.Text, 0); lblAsignadoFL.Text = totalAsignado.ToString("N0").Replace(",", "."); lblSolicitadoFL.Text = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["solFL"]).ToString("N0").Replace(",", "."); lblSaldoFL.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["solFL"]) - totalAsignado).ToString("N0").Replace(",", "."); int FCA = Convert.ToInt32(bp.CargaFormatoCorte(codigo, "", 1)); //formato corte ancho int FCL = Convert.ToInt32(bp.CargaFormatoCorte(codigo, "", 2)); //formato corte Largo int Factor = Convert.ToInt32(bp.CargaFormatoCorte(codigo, "", 3)); //formato Factor lblFCAncho.Text = FCA.ToString(); lblFCLargo.Text = FCL.ToString(); lblFactor.Text = Factor.ToString(); }
public void CargarDatos() { RadGrid2.DataSource = lista; RadGrid2.DataBind(); if (Convert.ToInt32(ddlPliego.Items.Count) == 1) { btnGuardarDev.Visible = true; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { RadGrid1.DataSource = cc.CargaPendientesPesa(); RadGrid1.DataBind(); RadGrid2.DataSource = dd.CargaPendientesDimensionadora(0); RadGrid2.DataBind(); } }
protected void RadButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string ID = Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString(); if (ID != "") { RadGrid2.DataSource = DAL.RateMatrix.GetWB(new Guid(ID), getConstr.ConStrCMS); RadGrid2.DataBind(); } }
/// <summary> /// Read the data displayed in the RadGrid1 and convert it into DataTable. /// Then, bind the DataTable to the RadGrid2. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void ExtractToDatatable_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dt; MsgLabel.InnerText = ""; dt = GridToDataTable(); RadGrid2.DataSource = dt; RadGrid2.DataBind(); }