public void CreateAndInsertIntoPantryTable() { var db = new DatabaseStuff(); var PantryColumns = new List <string>() { "Pantry_Id int not null identity(1,1) primary key", "Name nvarchar(60) not null", "Ounces_Consumed decimal(6,2) not null", "Ounces_Remaining decimal(6,2) not null", "Expired int not null", "Expiring_Soon int not null", "Restock_Required int not null" }; using (var context = new RachelsRosesMobileDevelopmentEntities()) { db.RecreateDatabase(context, "Pantry", PantryColumns); var pan = new Pantry(); pan.Pantry_Id = 1; pan.Name = "Bread Flour"; pan.Ounces_Consumed = 32.4m; pan.Ounces_Remaining = 47.6m; pan.Expired = 0; pan.Expiring_Soon = 0; pan.Restock_Required = 0; context.Pantry.Add(pan); context.SaveChanges(); var pantryCount = (from p in context.Pantry select p).Count(); Assert.AreEqual(1, pantryCount); } }
public void CreateAndINsertIntoRecipeInformationTable() { var db = new DatabaseStuff(); var RecipesColumns = new List <string>() { "Id int not null identity(1,1) primary key", "Name nvarchar(80) not null", "Yield int not null", "TotalPrice decimal(7,2) not null", "PricePerYield decimal(5,2) not null", "HaveEnoughToMakeCurrently int not null" }; using (var context = new RachelsRosesMobileDevelopmentEntities()) { db.RecreateDatabase(context, "Recipes", RecipesColumns); var R = new Recipes(); R.Id = 1; R.Name = "Honeywheat Bread"; R.Yield = 24; R.TotalPrice = 0m; R.PricePerYield = 0m; R.HaveEnoughToMakeCurrently = 1; context.Recipes.Add(R); context.SaveChanges(); var recipesCount = (from r in context.Recipes select r).Count(); Assert.AreEqual(1, recipesCount); } }
public void CreateAndInsertIntoIngredientsTable() { var db = new DatabaseStuff(); var IngredientsColumns = new List <string>() { "Id int not null identity(1,1) primary key", "Name nvarchar(70)", "Recipe_Id int", "Measurement nvarchar(70)", "Type nvarchar(50)", "Classification nvarchar(50)", "Selling_Weight nvarchar(50)" }; using (var context = new RachelsRosesMobileDevelopmentEntities()) { db.RecreateDatabase(context, "Ingredients", IngredientsColumns); var Ing = new Ingredients(); Ing.Id = 1; Ing.Name = "Bread Flour"; Ing.Measurement = "6 cups"; Ing.Selling_Weight = "5 lb"; Ing.Recipe_Id = 1; Ing.Type = "Bread Flour"; context.Ingredients.Add(Ing); context.SaveChanges(); var ingredientsCount = (from i in context.Ingredients select i).Count(); Assert.AreEqual(1, ingredientsCount); } }
public void CreateAndInsertIntoCostsTable() { var db = new DatabaseStuff(); var CostsColumns = new List <string>() { "Id int not null identity(1,1) primary key", "Name nvarchar(70) not null", "Selling_Price decimal(6,2) not null", "Selling_Weight nvarchar(50) not null", "Selling_Weight_Ounces decimal(6,2) not null", "Count_Ingredient_Recorded_In_Costs int not null", "Average_Price decimal(6,2) not null" }; using (var context = new RachelsRosesMobileDevelopmentEntities()) { db.RecreateDatabase(context, "Costs", CostsColumns); var costs = new Costs(); costs.Id = 1; costs.Name = "Bread Flour"; costs.Selling_Price = 4.69m; costs.Selling_Weight = "5 lb"; costs.Selling_Weight_Ounces = 80m; costs.Count_Ingredient_Recorded_In_Costs = 1; costs.Average_Price = 4.69m; context.Costs.Add(costs); context.SaveChanges(); var costsCount = (from c in context.Costs select c).Count(); Assert.AreEqual(1, costsCount); } }
public void CreateAndInsertIntoSellingInformationTable() { var db = new DatabaseStuff(); var SellingInformationColumns = new List <string>() { "Id int not null identity(1,1) primary key", "Name nvarchar(80) not null", "Selling_Weight nvarchar(50) not null", "Selling_Weight_Ounces decimal(6,2)" }; using (var context = new RachelsRosesMobileDevelopmentEntities()) { db.RecreateDatabase(context, "SellingInformation", SellingInformationColumns); var SI = new SellingInformation(); SI.Id = 1; SI.Name = "Bread Flour"; SI.Selling_Weight = "5 lb"; SI.Selling_Weight_Ounces = 80m; context.SellingInformation.Add(SI); context.SaveChanges(); var sellingInformationCount = (from s in context.SellingInformation select s).Count(); Assert.AreEqual(1, sellingInformationCount); } }
public void CreateAndINsretIntoIngredientConsumptionTable() { var db = new DatabaseStuff(); var IngredientConsumptionColumns = new List <string>() { "Id int not null identity(1,1) primary key", "Name nvarchar(70) not null", "Measurement nvarchar(70) not null", "Ounces_Consumed decimal(6,2)" }; using (var context = new RachelsRosesMobileDevelopmentEntities()) { db.RecreateDatabase(context, "IngredientConsumption", IngredientConsumptionColumns); var con = new IngredientConsumption(); con.Name = "Bread Flour"; con.Id = 1; con.Ounces_Consumed = 32.4m; //con.Measurement = "6 cups"; con.Measurement = "6 cups"; context.IngredientConsumption.Add(con); context.SaveChanges(); var ingredientConsumptionCount = (from c in context.IngredientConsumption select c).Count(); Assert.AreEqual(1, ingredientConsumptionCount); } }
public ActionResult Recipes() { var context = new RachelsRosesMobileDevelopmentEntities(); var myRecipes = (from r in context.Recipes select r); ViewBag.Recipes = myRecipes; return(View()); }
public ActionResult Ingredients() { var context = new RachelsRosesMobileDevelopmentEntities(); var myIngredients = (from i in context.Ingredients select i); ViewBag.Ingredients = myIngredients; return(View()); }
public ActionResult AddARecipe(string name, string yield, List <string> ingredients) { var intYield = int.Parse(yield); using (var context = new RachelsRosesMobileDevelopmentEntities()) { var recipeTable = new Recipes(); recipeTable.Name = name; recipeTable.Yield = intYield; context.Recipes.Add(recipeTable); context.SaveChanges(); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult EditRecipe(string name, string id, string newName, string newYield) { var context = new RachelsRosesMobileDevelopmentEntities(); var recipeTable = new Recipes(); var currentRecipe = (from r in context.Recipes where r.Name == name && r.Id == int.Parse(id) select r).First(); currentRecipe.Name = newName; currentRecipe.Yield = int.Parse(newYield); context.SaveChanges(); return(View()); }
public ActionResult DeleteRecipe(string name, string id) { var intId = int.Parse(id); var context = new RachelsRosesMobileDevelopmentEntities(); var recipeTable = new Recipes(); var recipeToRemove = (from r in context.Recipes where r.Name == name && r.Id == intId select r).First(); context.Recipes.Remove(recipeToRemove); context.SaveChanges(); return(View()); }
public ActionResult AddARecipe(string name, string yield) { var intYield = int.Parse(yield); var context = new RachelsRosesMobileDevelopmentEntities(); var recipeTable = new Recipes(); recipeTable.Name = name; recipeTable.Yield = intYield; context.Recipes.Add(recipeTable); context.SaveChanges(); //this is not adding values to the database. :( var count = context.Recipes.Count(); return(View()); }
public ActionResult IDTest() { using (var context = new RachelsRosesMobileDevelopmentEntities()) { var db = new DatabaseStuff(); db.RecreateDatabase(context); var IngDen = new IngredientDensities(); try { IngDen.Name = "all purpose flour"; IngDen.Density = 5m; //context.IngredientDensities.Add(IngDen); context.IngredientDensities.Add(IngDen); context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.InnerExceptionMessage = e.ToString(); } return(View()); } }
public ActionResult AddNewIngredient(string name, string weight, string price, string classification, string type) { var context = new RachelsRosesMobileDevelopmentEntities(); var ingredientToAdd = new Ingredients(); ingredientToAdd.Name = name; ingredientToAdd.Selling_Weight = weight; ingredientToAdd.Classification = classification; ingredientToAdd.Type = type; context.Ingredients.Add(ingredientToAdd); var ingredientPriceToAdd = new Costs(); ingredientPriceToAdd.Name = name; ingredientPriceToAdd.Selling_Price = decimal.Parse(price); ingredientPriceToAdd.Selling_Weight = weight; context.Costs.Add(ingredientPriceToAdd); context.SaveChanges(); return(View()); }
public void CreateAndInsertIntoIngredientDensities2() { var db = new DatabaseStuff(); var IngredientDensityColumns = new List <string>() { "Id int not null identity(1,1) primary key", "Name nvarchar(60)", "Density decimal(5,2)" }; using (var context = new RachelsRosesMobileDevelopmentEntities()) { db.RecreateDatabase(context, "IngredientDensities", IngredientDensityColumns); var IngDen = new IngredientDensities(); IngDen.Id = 1; IngDen.Name = "bread flour"; IngDen.Density = 5.4m; context.IngredientDensities.Add(IngDen); context.SaveChanges(); var densitiesCount = (from d in context.IngredientDensities select d).Count(); Assert.AreEqual(1, densitiesCount); } }